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connected lips. Without thought, I arch into him, desperate to feel more of

him against me.

His lips move over mine with raw hunger. He doesn’t just kiss me. He

fucks my mouth with his tongue. Traps my lips between his teeth and bites.

Explores every inch of my mouth as he devours me.

And I let him. I let him consume me because I’m beginning to forget

what it feels like to be whole without Zade. He’s in every part of me.

I plunge my hands beneath his hoodie, clawing at his stomach and

allowing myself to explore a body I’ve explored far too much.

A body I haven’t explored nearly enough.

My fingers dri over his abs, familiarizing myself with the hard divots

while he takes over my mouth once more. My nipples scrape against his

chest, and I can’t stop the moan that releases from my throat. The sound

swirls in our mouths, and he rewards me with a harsh nip to my bo om lip,

dragging the sensi ve flesh between his teeth before le ng it go with a


He rears back and looks down at me, his eyes slowly taking in my naked

form. The wet strands of my hair, now darkened to a mocha brown, are

snaked all across my chest and the seat beneath me. Tendrils curl across

my breasts and around my nipples, a sight his eyes snag on and can’t seem

to look away from.

“Your turn,” I whisper. His eyes dri back to mine and hold. He doesn’t

look away, even as he li s up and slides the hoodie over his head, exposing

his bare torso.

I suck in a sharp breath, the ta oos covering his corded muscles and the

various scars are a sight to fucking behold.

I want to know the story behind those scars. And wan ng to know

anything past how hard he’s going to make me come is terrifying.

But I’ve always loved that feeling. I’ve always craved more of it.

A er some maneuvering, he kicks off his boots and socks and manages

to wrangle his wet jeans down his legs. It’s a moment that would usually

feel awkward, but with Zade, it only dries my mouth as he exposes his

glorious body to me, inch by inch.

Chests pumping in tandem, we look each other over, our eyes thirsty as

he se les back between my legs—this me, with nothing between us.

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