NJR Digital is an online magazine created to Uplift, Motivate, and Encourage you on your journey. Enjoy this month's recipes from the Cajun Crooner and Reflections from Mayberry. The contributing writers have some real heart felt messages to encourage you along the way. Enjoy!
NJR Digital is an online magazine created to Uplift, Motivate, and Encourage you on your journey. Enjoy this month's recipes from the Cajun Crooner and Reflections from Mayberry. The contributing writers have some real heart felt messages to encourage you along the way. Enjoy!
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ISSUE 11, March <strong>2023</strong><br />
E S T . 2 0 2 2<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong><br />
www.newjourneyradio.com/<strong>NJR</strong>-digital-magazine<br />
129 Henry Road<br />
Columbus, MS 39702<br />
Phone: 662-223-3234<br />
Email: office@richardsonllc.org<br />
Facebook: @richardsonmmg<br />
Business Operations & Advertising:<br />
Amy Richardson - amy@richardsonllc.org<br />
Bobby Richardson - richardsonmmg@gmail.com<br />
Angela Parker - office@richardsonllc.org<br />
Staff Writers:<br />
Charlie Sexton, Greg & Donna Journey, Vickie Burleson, Elise Ingle, Greg Sullivan<br />
Graphics: Pictures in stories used by permission.<br />
© 2 0 2 3 N J R D i g i t a l a d i v i s i o n o f R i c h a r d s o n M a n a g e m e n t S e r v i c e s , L L C . A l l r i g h t s<br />
r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s m a g a z i n e m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y f o r m o r b y<br />
a n y m e a n s e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o c o p y , r e c o r d i n g o r a n y o t h e r w i t h o u t w r i t t e n<br />
p e r m i s s i o n f r o m t h e p u b l i s h e r o f N J R D i g i t a l . P a r t s o f t h i s m a g a z i n e r e a d ‘ l i v e ’ o n t h e<br />
a i r i s a l l o w e d w i t h o u t p r i o r w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n b y n o t i n g t h e s o u r c e o f i n f o r m a t i o n .
EDITOR'S<br />
LETTER<br />
love is not a passing sentiment; it is who<br />
"ACCOMMODATING- willing to fit in with<br />
God is. Love is not something that comes<br />
someone's wishes or needs<br />
and goes; it is who God is. God is love. It is<br />
His essential nature. God cannot be<br />
People have lots of questions about God<br />
unloving, because He is love.<br />
—what is He like? And the best way to<br />
answer those is to look at Jesus. Jesus<br />
Then John applies it to us. Because God is<br />
said, “If you have seen me, you have seen<br />
love, we’re to love one another. “Whoever<br />
the Father.” The God I wish you knew is<br />
does not love does not know God,<br />
the God that Jesus revealed. This God is<br />
because God is love.<br />
Father, He is good and generous, He is<br />
trustworthy and just. And the God I wish<br />
you knew is love. (I’m going to take some<br />
extra time on the introduction.)<br />
“God is love.” Who said that? The apostle<br />
John. In the very back of your New<br />
Testament are three short letters from<br />
John: 1, 2, 3 John. In 1 John, he writes:<br />
1 John 4:7–8 Dear friends, let us love one<br />
another, for love comes from God.<br />
Everyone who loves has been born of<br />
God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not<br />
love does not know God, because God is<br />
love.<br />
God is love. This is a remarkable<br />
statement. John is saying that for God :<br />
03 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
TABLE OF<br />
03<br />
06<br />
09<br />
10<br />
14<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> TOP SONGS OF 2022<br />
15<br />
21<br />
TOP 30<br />
22<br />
UPCOMING <strong>NJR</strong> HOMECOMING<br />
SINGS<br />
27<br />
Listen Live<br />
Thursdays 8:00pm - 10:00 pm<br />
05 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
Reflections from<br />
Mayberry<br />
Only a few more days until the first day<br />
of Spring. Living on a farm all of life, I<br />
always loved it when the warm winds of<br />
Spring would arrive here in the foothills<br />
of the Blue Ridge Mountains. My Mom<br />
and I would begin to sew seeds in small<br />
containers to transplant later into the<br />
garden. I loved tending to them every<br />
day and watching them grow. As I grew<br />
older, I would hear my sweet Daddy<br />
preach many sermons on planting and<br />
sowing seeds. Throughout the Bible,<br />
many scriptures speak of Christians<br />
planting seeds. As a Christian we are<br />
commanded to sow seeds. It is an act of<br />
faith, hope, love, and sacrifice. Please<br />
take time and read the scriptures below<br />
about planting and sowing. The seeds we<br />
palnt today will grow and bless others<br />
tomorrow.<br />
1. 2 Corinthians 9:6<br />
2. Galatians 6:7<br />
3. Ecclesiastes 11:6<br />
4. Luke 6:38<br />
5. Mark 4:26-29<br />
6. Proverbs 11:24-25<br />
7. Genesis 26:12<br />
8. Genesis 8:22<br />
9 John 12:24<br />
06 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / Greg & Donna Journey
08<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
Editors Letter Continued<br />
I recently read a story Pastor Jeff Gannon<br />
shared:<br />
One day, the phone rang in my office. A<br />
young woman said, “I have just one<br />
question: may I come to your church?”<br />
Jeff was stunned. “Of course you can! Why<br />
would you feel like you need to ask?”<br />
“Let me tell you my story before you<br />
answer.”<br />
When she was a junior in high school, she<br />
got pregnant by a young man who had no<br />
interest in her or the baby. She kept the<br />
baby and decided to get her life back on<br />
track, so she started attending the church<br />
she was raised in. After a few months, she<br />
talked with her pastor.<br />
1 John 3:1 "See what great love the<br />
Father has lavished on us, that we should<br />
be called children of God!" And that is<br />
what we are!<br />
The Father lavishes His great love on us!<br />
He calls us His children—and it’s true!<br />
That’s what we are! You are God’s beloved<br />
child. Think about it: God calls you His<br />
child. Do you love your children? Crazy<br />
love! You’d do anything for your kids;<br />
you’d die for your kids. God did that for<br />
you. He loves you like a parent loves his<br />
or her children. He is absolutely<br />
committed to your well being, to doing<br />
what is best for you.<br />
She thought that other girls might learn<br />
from her mistakes, and offered to talk<br />
with middle school girls about the<br />
pressures of dating and sex.<br />
The pastor told her, “I would never allow<br />
that. I am afraid that YOUR TYPE of<br />
person might rub off on them.” She was<br />
hurt, but still kept coming.<br />
After her baby was born, she called the<br />
pastor to schedule a baptism service for<br />
her baby.<br />
The pastor said, “That is not going to<br />
happen in my church. I would never<br />
baptize an illegitimate baby.”<br />
“Now that you know my story,” Pastor Jeff,<br />
“can I still come to your church?”<br />
07<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />
The young lady whose pastor rejected her<br />
offer of help, and refused to baptize her<br />
baby? She ended up in another church<br />
where she learned that God loved her.<br />
Her baby was baptized. She was asked to<br />
work with young people there. She went<br />
on to finish her education and eventually<br />
went into mission work. Today she and<br />
her daughter live and work as<br />
missionaries in Africa where they tell<br />
people that there is a God who loves<br />
everyone always.<br />
God is love. This is the God the world<br />
needs to know!
Greg<br />
Sullivan<br />
Ministries<br />
09 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> On My Way Back
Don’t Let “What If” Keep<br />
You from Walking Free<br />
“And the children of Israel shall go on dry We often forget to read the Bible in color.<br />
ground through the midst of the sea.” These were real people with real issues.<br />
Exodus 14:16b<br />
How hard would it have been to walk<br />
forward and trust God to give them safe<br />
I am the queen of ‘what ifs’. What if this passage through? They had been in<br />
happens? What if that happens? What if bondage for so long they barely knew<br />
both of these things happen and then God at all (Gen 15:13). They were<br />
that happens as a result? Five thousand skeptical of Moses and suspicious of God<br />
different bad scenarios can flood my (Ex 6:7-9). They’d seen miracles, but they<br />
brain before I even take the first step weren’t convinced that God was for them<br />
towards the door.<br />
and not against them…not yet (Ex 14:11).<br />
And now here they were faced with two<br />
I can imagine the Israelites were no terrifying options: return to slavery, or<br />
different than me, as they hovered over walk an impossible route of escape that<br />
the first step of obedience through huge required absolute faith and trust (Ex<br />
walls of water. Directly ahead and 14:9-16).<br />
looming miles above them stood giant<br />
towers of roiling ocean, split wide and The path of healing is like this one. We<br />
hovering behind invisible barriers. reach an end to ourselves, our strength,<br />
our resources, and our understanding.<br />
Freedom lay through those columns, but We wind up beached between two<br />
what a terrifying walk of faith! I have no options that are equally petrifying: We<br />
doubt they were thinking some ‘what ifs’ can go back to bondage, and most likely<br />
of their own. What if God changes His die there (live all our lives a slave); or we<br />
mind and the water comes crashing back can walk the impossible road to freedom<br />
down? What if I get stuck in the mud and (face all those what-ifs with bravery).<br />
I get left behind? What if I fall and I can’t<br />
get back up again? What if the Egyptians Most people choose a lifetime of<br />
catch up to us and we all die anyway? bondage over the road that seems<br />
10 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
impossible and the life God promised<br />
beyond. Freedom and peace and joy<br />
sound wonderful, but they sound too<br />
good to be true. The truth is, it is hard to<br />
trust God when you’ve been a slave for<br />
so long. There are a lot of ‘what ifs’ with a<br />
God you barely know.<br />
But not in Egypt-we know the hard labor,<br />
and our cruel taskmasters there. We<br />
know exactly what to expect. We’ve lived<br />
in bondage long enough to keep slaving<br />
away forever. We’ve adapted to living<br />
broken. It is familiar, and therefore<br />
seems safer than the unknown. But in<br />
fearing the path forward, faith never<br />
grows, and God’s promise of freedom<br />
remains out of reach.<br />
It is far better to take the leap of faith.<br />
Those who choose the impossible path,<br />
find God has made all things possible<br />
(Luke 1:37)! There is freedom and<br />
rejoicing on the other side of faith! God<br />
not only leads His people safely through,<br />
but He destroys the enemies who pursue<br />
them.<br />
Yes, He asks us to walk through the most<br />
frightening halls of impossibility (like<br />
healing from abuse, letting go of<br />
unending grief, finding freedom from<br />
bitterness, anxiety, and discontent) but<br />
He makes the way easier than we think.<br />
The Israelites crossed through the Red<br />
Sea on dry ground. Imagine how thick<br />
and deep the mud beneath the Red Sea<br />
must have been. There wasn’t time to<br />
wait on the right conditions. There<br />
weren’t months of hot sun to dry up the<br />
sea sludge and mud. But God knew His<br />
people needed safe passage and sure<br />
footing, so God miraculously parted the<br />
sea, and He miraculously hardened the<br />
sea floor!<br />
Many of us believe we can’t go through<br />
the motions and memories required for<br />
us to heal. We can’t endure the pain. We<br />
can’t possibly attempt to change. We’re<br />
just barely holding it together on a daily<br />
basis already. What will happen to our<br />
bodies, our minds, and our souls, when<br />
we dare to face those waves that could<br />
drown us?<br />
Having recently walked through a Red<br />
Sea of my own, I can tell you, I wavered<br />
at the sea’s edge for way too many<br />
years. I was afraid. Afraid I’d get stuck.<br />
Afraid I’d drown in there. But God<br />
walked through those memories and<br />
steps of healing with me. He gave me<br />
the power to forgive, permission to<br />
grieve, and took the sting out of the sins<br />
committed against me and those I<br />
committed against God. He gave me safe<br />
and secure passage just like He did for<br />
the Israelites, and He’ll do the same for<br />
you.<br />
Your feet won't sink in the memories of<br />
despair. The wavs of past pain won't<br />
overthrow you while you're there. God<br />
Himself is walking with you; He is before<br />
11<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
you and behind you. Every step you take<br />
in faith you will find something solid, and<br />
you won’t stumble, or break, or drown.<br />
God will lead you as He led His children.<br />
After all, you are His child! You can trust<br />
Him to keep you safe and lead you safely<br />
through! And trust me, every step of the<br />
unknown is worth the dance on the<br />
other side. You’ll watch and cry and<br />
laugh and shout as the enemies that<br />
have owned you for so long are forever<br />
defeated.<br />
I am no longer a slave to anxiety,<br />
depression, self-condemnation, and fear.<br />
I am free. “If the Son therefore shall<br />
make you free, ye shall be free indeed”!<br />
(John 8:36)<br />
Take that step in faith and let God heal<br />
you! Come and dance with me. Throw<br />
your what-ifs to the wind and begin your<br />
walk to freedom.<br />
Elise<br />
Ingle<br />
12<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
https://www.christianvoicemagazine.com/ballot2<br />
https://www.sgnscoops.com/<strong>2023</strong>-diamond-awards-nomination-are-open/<br />
13<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
2022<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
Check out New Journey DJ's Latest Releases<br />
Cheri Taylor - Marking Me<br />
Chris Jones - Moving On<br />
Melissa Evans - Gravity<br />
The Journey's - Grace Said Yes<br />
Pylant Family - He Carried The Cross<br />
14<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
THE STROLL/ By Charlie Sexton<br />
This month’s article is taken from my<br />
personal journal, dated November 7, 2016.<br />
I had just returned from Naomi Sego’s<br />
Home Going Celebration in Macon,<br />
Georgia:<br />
Well, Friends and Neighbors, just sit right<br />
on back, and let me tell you a little story<br />
about Gospel Music legend, Naomi Sego. I<br />
attended her funeral this afternoon. But,<br />
this story is about another funeral that<br />
occurred about this time of the year,<br />
several years ago.<br />
One beautiful Fall Sunday morning, I was<br />
preparing the morning music set list at the<br />
little church where I was Minister of Music.<br />
As I was scurrying around trying to get The<br />
Mind of Christ for what to sing that<br />
morning, an elderly chap came strolling in<br />
to our little sanctuary, whistling. His name<br />
was Harold. He had been the Minister of<br />
Music at the church for about 25 years,<br />
but had retired about 25 years before I<br />
was hired. He was always very pleasant<br />
around me. Never overly kind, but never<br />
rude. I respected him for not trying to<br />
impart his 'wisdom' or usurp any authority<br />
over me, because of his past position. I<br />
tried to always get him to sing a 'feature'<br />
with the choir, but mostly, he'd just brush<br />
me off. This particular morning, though, I<br />
caught him in a singing mood, and asked<br />
him to 'have one ready' for that morning.<br />
During the service, I motioned for Harold<br />
to come down out of the loft, and sing one<br />
of the songs that I knew he loved to sing. "I<br />
Want To Stroll Over Heaven With You" was<br />
always a favorite of the folks at Clarkdale<br />
Church. He sang it with great feeling, and<br />
in an effort to engage the folks a little<br />
more, I asked the congregation to stand,<br />
and have a time of fellowship while Harold<br />
sang the second verse. To try to stir the<br />
moment a little more, I looked him in the<br />
eye, and said these words: " Brother<br />
Wallace, if I never see you here again,<br />
friend, when we get to Heaven, I firmly<br />
promise you that I will look you up and I'll<br />
take a stroll over Heaven with you."<br />
As he began to sing the reprise, I worked<br />
my way through the audience, shaking<br />
hands and hugging necks with those that I<br />
loved.<br />
All of a sudden, I heard a commotion. The<br />
PA system squealed as the mic hit the<br />
floor. Several folks start screaming. Harold<br />
literally dropped - like a felled tree. Dead<br />
before our eyes. Absent from the body.<br />
Present with The Lord.<br />
Pandemonium ensued for a few minutes.<br />
A few First Responders in the church<br />
quickly jumped in to Rescue Mode, but to<br />
no avail. The Paramedics came, but it was<br />
just too late. Harold was already taking a<br />
15<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
Heavenly Stroll. It was traumatic for all of<br />
us to witness, to say the least.<br />
After the body was finally removed, the<br />
folks trickled on out toward their cars, and<br />
I went on home. A few hours later, when it<br />
was appropriate, I shared a brief synopsis<br />
of the day's events on Facebook.<br />
Immediately, I got a call from my buddy,<br />
Scott Spangler. He was singing baritone<br />
with Naomi Sego at the time. The Sego<br />
Brothers & Naomi were one of the first<br />
groups to ever record "Stroll Over Heaven".<br />
Naomi was so touched by my post, that<br />
she had Scott to reach out to me, to say<br />
that she wanted to come pay her respect<br />
to the family. I told him that I would pass<br />
appropriate for them to sing "Hallelujah<br />
Square".... Harold had sung it often, as<br />
well.<br />
The day of the service arrived, and the big,<br />
gold Eagle bus pulled in our small parking<br />
lot. Folks came from miles around to pay<br />
tribute to a life well lived. They were also<br />
encouraged by the music of a precious<br />
little Woman of God named Naomi. I<br />
already had a huge respect for her, but this<br />
gentle act of compassion and kindness<br />
solidified it, to say the least.<br />
So, today, with a healthy blend of sadness<br />
and joy, I traveled to Macon, Georgia to<br />
pay respect to one of the most godly<br />
women I've ever met. As I stood at her<br />
casket, I just wondered. Reckon, how many<br />
strolls around Hallelujah Square that she<br />
and Mr. Harold might have already made?<br />
"But, of that day and hour knoweth no<br />
man… but my Father…"<br />
Matthew 24:36<br />
the message. Scott went on to say that<br />
Naomi would be honored to sing one<br />
during the service, if I could work it out. We<br />
discussed that it would probably be<br />
Charlie Sexton<br />
16<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
WITH US<br />
Mary<br />
Burke<br />
Ministries<br />
Thanks DJs for<br />
playing my<br />
new release<br />
Testimony Without a Test<br />
I Talk to God Album<br />
maryburkeonline.com<br />
17<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
JOHN 11:25-26<br />
<br />
18<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
19<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
Friday, June 2 - Saturday, June 3<br />
Olive Baptist Church, Lumberton, MS<br />
Meet Angela<br />
Angela Parker is the newest member of the<br />
New Journey family. She works in the office<br />
and helps us so much. She has the most<br />
loving, kind heart and you will be able to tell<br />
that the first time you talk to her. She has 2<br />
military sons and a daughter in the 10th<br />
grade. We have known Angela since high<br />
school so she's part of our family already.<br />
Help us welcome her to the <strong>NJR</strong> family.<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
McKay Project<br />
20<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />
www.studio115a.com<br />
662.889.2829<br />
1 Emily Ann Roberts - The Building<br />
2 Ashley Franks - Tear Down the Walls<br />
3 The Bates Family - Shepherd of My Valley<br />
4 Legacy Five - Testify<br />
5 Southbound - Lost and Found<br />
6 The Williamsons - The King Eternal<br />
7 Wilburn and Wilburn - He Could Love What Was Left of Me<br />
8 The Browns - Breakthrough<br />
9 Greater Vision - Older People<br />
10 Old Paths - Music to My Ears<br />
11 Rivers Edge - My Hope is in the Blood<br />
12 The Whisnants - He Won't Stay Gone<br />
13 The Steeles - A Hundred Different Altars<br />
14 The Sound - Never Not God<br />
15 Justified Quartet - Turn Your Back<br />
16 Kim Hopper- Joy Unspeakable<br />
17 The Matthews Family - Amazed by Grace<br />
18 Jeff & Sheri Easter - One Name<br />
19 Hebron Road - Every Other Throne<br />
20 Brian Free And Assurance - Liar, Liar<br />
21 Mylon Hayes Family - Just as Sure<br />
22 Bibletones - We Miss Home<br />
23 Endless Highway - Love Carried the Cross<br />
24 The Wisecarvers - Stay Home<br />
25 Chris Jones - Moving On<br />
26 The Wilbanks - My Name is Victory<br />
27 Down East Boys - Celebration at the Empty Grave<br />
28 Chronicle - I'll Pray My Way Through<br />
29 Zane & Donna King- Every Miracle and Mystery<br />
30 Guardians - Come On In<br />
21<br />
F E B R U A R Y<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
22 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
23 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> 24 / 7
24<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
25 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> 4:00 pm-6:00 pm<br />
https://www.konnectmd.com/newjourneyradio<br />
26<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
<strong>NJR</strong> Top 5<br />
Most<br />
Requested<br />
www.newjourneyradio.com/prayer<br />
Emily Ann Roberts - The Building<br />
Southbound - Lost and Found<br />
Wilburn and Wilburn -<br />
He Could Love What Was Left of Me<br />
Jeff and Sheri Easter - One Name<br />
Wilbanks - My Name Is Victory<br />
27 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
Mayberry Mornings with Donna<br />
6-8am Mon & Fri (CST)<br />
Mondays and Wednesdays<br />
@ 3:00pm CST<br />
<br />
28 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />
Mondays and Wednesdays<br />
@ 6:00pm CST<br />
Mondays and Wednesdays<br />
@ 8:00pm CST<br />
Thursdays 8-10pm (CST)<br />
29<br />
<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>
Exceed Technologies is your full-service information technology<br />
company. We provide unmatched technical expertise alongside<br />
unparalleled technical support. Whether you’re a small retail<br />
business in need of phone systems, a multi-site production<br />
facility needing security systems, or a small business with data<br />
backup needs, Exceed Technologies is here to help.<br />
<br />
Computer/Printer Sales & Service<br />
Remote Data Backup<br />
Phone Systems & Service<br />
Internet<br />
Cloud Hosting<br />
Web Hosting<br />
Web filtering<br />
I.T.<br />
Networking<br />
Email<br />
Alarm Systems<br />
<br />
Locations in<br />
Columbus, MS & Tupelo, MS<br />
<br />
800-845-7748<br />