Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle

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stupidity. Disbelievers trust themselves to Allâhu ta’âlâ in

everything they do. They supplicate to Him for the elimination of

disasters. But these base people do not do so. Two evils exist in

these unfortunate people in a greater degree than in any other

group of heresy and idiocy. First, they do not believe the messages

sent by Allâhu ta’âlâ; they show an obstinate and hostile attitude

towards Prophets’ ‘’alaihimussalawâtu wa-t-teslîmât’

communications. Second, they advance profane theories. Putting

forward groundless, untenable proofs and documents, they

attempt to prove their null and heretical ideas. In their attempts to

prove their heretical thoughts, they make so many mistakes that

no other ignoble individuals have done a thing so wrongly and

unsoundly. They say that everything done on earth is done by the

changing motions and states of the heavens and stars, which move

and turn ceaselessly. They cannot see the One Who created the

heavens, Who designed the stars, and Who makes them move and

regulates their motions. They suppose that He does not meddle

with anything; they are so stolid, so base! And those who consider

them to be wise and who believe their words are even baser. They

even go so far as to say that, “geometry is a mentally contrived and

arranged science, which is good neither for worldly prosperity nor

for eternal salvation. What use will humanity get from saying and

proving that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to

two right angles?” [Unless scientific knowledge, modern machines,

electronic apparatuses and other new discoveries are made and

used by believing people whose hearts have been purified and

whose morals have been beautified by obeying Allâhu ta’âlâ’s

Prophet, they will render no great advantage; they will not provide

for human rights, ease and peace; they will not be used for

eliminating wars and destitution. Instead, they will be a means for

cruelty and torment.]

[Imâm-i Ghazâlî ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’ classified the irreligious

people, who think of themselves as intelligent and unerring men of

knowledge, in three groups. The first group are the Dahriyyûn and

the materialists, who existed centuries before Greek philosophers.

Some idiots who pass for scientists today are in this group.

Denying the existence of Allâhu ta’âlâ, they say that beings came

into existence by themselves and events will go on likewise, that

they do not have a creator, that the living multiply from one

another and this will go on everlastingly. [May Allâhu ta’âlâ

protect us against such heresy!] The second group are the

naturalists, who, seeing the stupefying order and delicacies in

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