Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle

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He protect us against such things!

This comes to mean that all the rules of Islam, which Prophets

‘’alaihimussalawâtu wa-t-teslîmât’ taught, are compassion and

goodness. Contrary to what mulhids, zindiqs, [renegades and

freemasons] think and say about them, these commandments and

injunctions are not burdens, torments or tortures, and they are not

unreasonable at all. Such words as, “Is it mercy to command His

slaves difficult things and then say, you will enter Paradise if you

do these? He shouldn’t have commanded anything. He should

have left all people to themselves, and they should have been

eating and drinking, going about and having fun, and living as they

wished. This would be mercy,” which they say often, are quite

heinous and utterly idiotic. Do they never think that it is a mental

requirement to thank those who do favours, to acknowledge that

you are pleased? The rules of Islam teach us how to thank Allâhu

ta’âlâ, Who creates all blessings and favours and sends them. Then,

the rules of Islam, the divine commandments are mental

requirements. Furthermore, the order of one’s world, of one’s life

is possible by obeying these commandments. If Allâhu ta’âlâ had

left everybody to themselves, nothing but evil and chaos would

happen. Were it not for the prohibitions of Allâhu ta’âlâ, those

who run after their nafs and their pleasures would assault others’

property, lives and chastity, which would lead to chaos. Both the

assaulter and his victims would suffer harm and would end up in

annihilation. [Development in countries and comfort for human

beings, that is, civilization would not take place and humanity

would turn to savagery. Even today, we see that most of Allâhu

ta’âlâ’s commandments occupy places in the laws of those societies

who deny Allâhu ta’âlâ; yet they never appreciate Islam; but they

boast about themselves, which is the result of their ignorance. It is

seen that the more people ignore the principles of Islam the more

they writhe under incompatibility, misery, trouble and torture.

Although scientific media and modern apparatuses have been

improved amazingly, the uneasiness in the world and the distresses

in humanity have not decreased; on the contrary, there has been a

substantial increase in such things’ changing for the worse. Allâhu

ta’âlâ has commanded such things as will cause human beings to

attain happiness. He has prohibited things which will drift them to

ruination. The more a person observes these commandments and

prohibitions, the more will he, either a believer or a disbeliever,

with or without a conscience, live happily and comfortably in this

world. This is similar to the fact that whoever uses the medicine

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