Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle

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power, every moment so that they may keep on existing, lest they

will be annihilated. [Men’s combining substances with one another,

formation of new substances] by the variation of events and

conditions, veils and conceals Allah’s deed, His making, from us. In

order that His might, His power will appear, He has applied some

means for His making and creating. A person who has wisdom,

who is vigilant and who has salved, polished his heart’s eye by

obeying Prophets ‘’alaihimussalawâtu wassalâm’, will perceive that

these causes and means, too, have been created by Allâhu ta’âlâ,

that they need His might every moment, that they were created by

Him and are kept in existence by Him, that they are lifeless,

ineffectual, inactive and inert, that they cannot affect others, which

are like themselves, and that they cannot create others, which are,

again, like themselves. He will realize that behind these causes and

means there is an almighty power who creates them and who gives

them effectuality, strength and energy. When a wise person sees

something lifeless moving he infers the existence of some power

that makes it move. He knows that an object at rest cannot move

by itself, and that only some exterior force can make it move. This

means that the motion of a lifeless object does not conceal from

wise people the existence of some agent, some power that sets it

into motion. That the moving object is inert informs the clever

about the existence of an agent, of a power owner. Thus, all causes

and means proclaim the existence of Allâhu ta’âlâ and His power

to wise people. But idiots, seeing the object move, and unable to

see or infer the existence of the agent, of the power owner, suppose

that it moves by itself. Being unwise, they think that the moving

lifeless object has power. Denying the agent and the power that

makes it move, they become unbelievers. Allah’s making and

creating everything through causes and means causes idiots, the

unwise to deny, to disbelieve. It shows to the owners of wisdom and

common sense the way to salvation. To understand the existence

and the oneness and the power of Allâhu ta’âlâ by seeing the causes

and means is possible only with Prophets’ ‘’alaihimussalawâtu

wassalâm’ guiding and awakening. The human mind cannot

understand these by itself. Some people suppose that it would be

more compatible with greatness if the media did not exist and

everything was created without means. They say that there is no

effectuality in the media, and that without the means interfering

everything comes to being directly by Allâhu ta’âlâ’s creating. They

do not realize that to annul the media would mean to defile the

hikmat, [that is, what Allâhu ta’âlâ decides to be good,] and His

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