Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle

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one’s trust in Allâhu ta’âlâ,) [1] is to adhere to means, to use means.

Hadrat Ya’qûb both adhered to the means and trusted himself to

Allâhu ta’âlâ. [When lungs expand, clean air goes in. When they

contract dirty air goes out. This process continues every minute,

and thereby we can continue living. People of wisdom who observe

the phenomenon wherein a source of power that moves the lungs

also perpetuates constant percentages of nitrogen and oxigen in the

air, seventy-nine and twenty-one, respectively, immediately realize

the existence of Allâhu ta’âlâ. Moreover, the Creator Himself

declares His existence, and states that He will eternally burn the


[One of the six principles of îmân is to believe in qadar, that good

and evil are from Allâhu ta’âlâ.] Allâhu ta’âlâ decrees, wills, and

creates good and evil. He is the Creator of both the good and the evil.

Yet He is pleased with the good and displeased with the evil; in other

words, He dislikes the evil. Will and approval are different from each

other. Only the savants of Ahl-as-sunnat were able to see the

difference between them. The other seventy-two groups, being

unable to understand this distinction, remained in heresy, all losing

their way. For example, the Mu’tazila group presumed that

everybody was the creator of their own actions, stated that so and so

created such and such an action, and stated that men created their

own îmân and kufr. [Because they deduce this belief from âyats and

hadîths, they do not become unbelievers; but since they do not accept

what is right they will be scorched for a while in Hell. But it is

unbelief for those who know nothing of âyats, hadîths, religion or

îmân to say, “You created,” in order to flatter occupiers of rank and

sultans and thus earn their sympathy. It is very dangerous to say, “He

created,” about a person other than Allâhu ta’âlâ. The Râfidîs, who

live outside of our country (Turkey) and who are also called Alawîs

—or Shi’ites— say that men create sins, and Allâhu ta’âlâ creates

goodness only. Shi’ites’ misstatements are quoted and beautifully

confuted in Sahâba ‘the blessed’ and in Documents of the Right

Word, two books published in Istanbul.]

As is understood from the books of Shaikh-i akber Muhyiddîni

’Arabî and his followers, “Hâdî, one of the Names of Allâhu

ta’âlâ, likes îmân and worships; likewise, Mudill, another Name of

His, likes kufr and sins.” These words of theirs also disagree with

[1] Please see the thirty-fifth chapter of the third fascicle of Endless Bliss

for ‘tawakkul’.

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