Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle

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fact, such people are so treated today. We should believe that owing

to their îmân these people will be taken out of Hell. But there is no

pardon or forgiveness for those who do not have îmân, [for those

who do not like the words and habits of Muhammad ‘’alaihissalâm’,

even if it is only a single word or act of behaviour of his that they

dislike;] in return for their disbelief they will remain in Hell’s

torment eternally. [Please read the four hundred and eighty-first

page of the fifth volume of Ibni ’Âbidîn. If enemies of religion try

to deceive Muslims by concealing the fact that disbelievers’ customs

and rites are disbelief and saying that they are Muslims’ customs

and Muslims’ holy days, young and pure Muslims should not

believe them. They should learn the facts by asking real Muslims

they trust, or their relatives who perform their five daily prayers of

namâz, or their fathers’ friends who know Islam. All over the world

today ignorance is not a valid excuse, neither for not knowing îmân

and kufr nor for not performing the acts of worship correctly. Any

person who is deceived because of not knowing Islam will not

escape Hell. Today Allâhu ta’âlâ has made His religion known all

over the world, and it has become very easy to learn îmân, halâls,

harâms [1] and the fards. It is fard to learn these as well as necessary.]

In short, if a person who attends disbelievers’ festivals has a

mote of îmân, [that is, if he has believed the meaning of the

kalima-i-tawhîd concisely, and if he has not done or said anything

that would remove his îmân,] he will not remain in Hell eternally,

though he will enter Hell for torment. As for those Believers who

have grave sins; Allâhu ta’âlâ will forgive those sins if He wills.

Or He will torment them in Hell until they are purified of their

sins, if He wills. According to the understanding of this faqîr

‘qaddasallâhu ta’âlâ sirrahul’azîz’, Hell fire, whether endless or

temporary, is for disbelief and for the symptoms and contagions

of disbelief. The grave sins committed by those Believers who

shun disbelief will be forgiven either through Allâhu ta’âlâ’s

Compassion for the sake of their îmân or by their repenting or

being blessed with shafâ’at. [1] People who are not forgiven by such

means will be purified through worldly problems and cares or

through the throes which they will suffer while dying. If they are

not purified with these either, some of them will attain

forgiveness by suffering torment in their graves. And others will

be forgiven through the torment and suffering in the grave in

[1] Please see the first five chapters of the sixth fascicle of Endless Bliss.

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