Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle

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more precise than the knowledge which is received from the grade

of Wilâyat. I explained this statement of mine more profoundly

and more detailedly in letter 260 —which I wrote to Muhammad

Sâdiq, my dear son, who has a superior intellect and knowledge,

and who has realized the facts and attained blessings and fayd from

Allâhu ta’âlâ. [Murshîd-i kâmils, being exalted savants in the grade

of ijtihâd have both knowledge and ma’rifat. Namely they are Zul-


ÎMÂN: Means the heart’s confirming, admitting and believing

the facts which the books of the Ahl as-sunnat savants

‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în’ stated to be of Islam, that is,

which have to be believed. They said that what the heart believes

also has to be expressed with the tongue. [Yet this expressing is not

the îmân itself, but it is the statement of the îmân existing in the

heart. He who does not express îmân while there is not a hindrance

becomes a disbeliver. Scholars said: “In case a person is threatened

with death or with mutilation or forced with bitter persecution, he

may excusably hide his îmân; he who does not express his îmân or

who expresses the opposite in such a case does not become a

disbeliver.” We have derived this supplement from the book Milal-


The symptom of îmân’s existence in the heart is to abstain from

disbelief and from wearing the zunnâr around the waist, and from

other signs of disbelief. To abstain from disbelief means to dislike

the enemies of Allâhu ta’âlâ and to deem them as enemies. When

disbelievers are powerful and attain ascendancy, so that they may

inflict punishment, they must be disliked with the heart, and when

there is no such fear it is necessary to be against them both by heart

and by all kinds of means. In the Qur’ân, Allâhu ta’âlâ commands

His beloved Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ to fight against

disbelievers and munâfiqs and to gain ascendancy over them by

working to this end. For, unless one bears hostility against the

enemies of Allâhu ta’âlâ and His Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa

sallam’, one will not have loved Him and His Messenger, nor will

one have the right to say that one loves them. If a person says that

he has îmân but does not avoid disbelief, he has believed both

Islam and disbelief, thus having two religions; such people are

called murtadd (renegade); they must be looked upon as munâfiqs.

Îmân’s existence in the heart certainly necessitates avoiding

disbelief. The lowest grade of this avoidance is with the heart. And

its highest grade is that which is done both with the heart and with

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