Newsletter 29.09

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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>29.09</strong>.23<br />


NEWSLETTER<strong>29.09</strong>.23<br />

LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>29.09</strong>.23

A word from the Principal...<br />

Dear families,<br />

Welcome to the first of our monthly newsletters of the 23-24 academic year.<br />

Firstly, a huge congratulations to our new reception class who have settled into their first few weeks<br />

of ‘big school’ with such enthusiasm and fun! Also, welcome to the parents, carers and wider<br />

families of our new intake and joiners. We look forward to getting to know you further over the<br />

coming weeks, months and years. For everyone else, this year has continued where the last one<br />

left off with lots of happy, smiley children enjoying their learning and having a great time. We have<br />

already had classes going off-site for their first trips of the year as well as Y6 swimming and<br />

fantastic attendance at our wide range of after-school clubs.<br />

Today, our KS2 children took part in the Harvest Festival service at Ludgvan Church. It’s always<br />

lovely to celebrate at the church and we greatly appreciate the regular involvement and input from<br />

Canon Nigel and Penny. Thank you for all of your donations of produce. They will make a real<br />

difference to members of our community.<br />

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the front gate on Monday.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Mr Adam Anderson<br />


What’s Useful information...<br />

been going on...<br />

Term Dates 23/24<br />

6 September - 19 December<br />

(Half Term 23 - 27 October)<br />

Diary Dates<br />

2 October - School Photos (siblings at 8.30am)<br />

17 November - Children in Need<br />

Medicine in School<br />

If your child is returning from illness, please drop any medicine into the school office<br />

and complete a consent form so that we can administer as needed to ensure<br />

your child feels well during the school day.<br />

Parking<br />

Please remember to park safely and considerately at the start and end of the<br />

school day. We appreciate that parking is limited, but the Community Centre<br />

spaces provide a safe walk to and from the school grounds along the<br />

community path without negatively impacting our neighbours and other road<br />

users. Thank you for continued support.<br />

Reading<br />

At Ludgvan, we do not set lots of homework because we believe that the<br />

children work hard at school and should be allowed to make the most of their<br />

family time at home. However, we do ask that children from all year groups<br />

spend 5 or 10 minutes a day reading (or looking through a book), preferably<br />

with an adult and that this is noted in their reading diary. It has been proven<br />

that becoming a successful reader has a positive impact on all other areas of a<br />

child’s learning and wider life experiences. Thank you.<br />

Dinners<br />

Please ensure you book your child’s dinner option online every day, including<br />

packed lunch. This can be done in advance for the whole term, but the<br />

daily deadline is midnight the night before. It only takes a minute each week<br />

and really helps our kitchen staff prepare meals in advance. You will be asked<br />

to provide a packed lunch if your child’s dinner has not been<br />

pre-booked online. Thank you.

Outdoor Learning...<br />

Outdoor Learning has started in full swing! Forest School has been a<br />

particular focus for most classes so far. We have been re-visiting previously<br />

learnt skills and getting hands on with a wide variety of tools. KS2 have been<br />

using the tools to create a wide range of wood crafts, including giant pencils,<br />

butter knives, mallets, secret storage pots and much more. The children have<br />

had the freedom to create what they wish, learning alongside the adults to find<br />

the best way to make their final product.<br />

KS1 have been re-visiting safe exploration within forest school and learning<br />

how to utilise the outdoors to have lots of fun. Tent making is a popular activity<br />

for the large majority of children across all year groups, so our younger<br />

children have been learning some simple knots to use when making tents, not<br />

only to make their tents effectively, but also to be able to untie them at the<br />

end of the session. The children have created a whole range of knots since we<br />

began delivering Outdoor Learning.<br />

Although Forest School has been our main focus, most classes have also had<br />

the chance to have at least one Farm School session so far. This has ranged<br />

from meeting our animals and getting to know our farm spaces for EYFS up to<br />

year 6, who have begun in depth studies on the animals we have on the farm.<br />

There is lots of exciting farm learning to come over the course of the year!

Farm News...<br />

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to all the families who generously<br />

volunteered their time and effort to care for our animals during the summer<br />

holidays. Your support and dedication are truly invaluable to us. It was great to<br />

see so many new families getting involved. During my encounters with<br />

families while they were tending to the animals, I was delighted to see the<br />

confidence and leadership displayed by our children. It is brilliant to see them<br />

take charge and enthusiastically share their knowledge about the animals with<br />

their families. Equally impressive is the sight of many grown-ups stepping out<br />

of their comfort zones to engage in this experience alongside their children.<br />

If you would be interested in supporting our school farm you can sign up to our<br />

Spond app using the link below:<br />

https://group.spond.com/FSPGI<br />

Lots of fun stuff has been going on at the farm since the start of the summer<br />

holidays. We have some new chickens called ‘Cuckoo Marams’ in the pen<br />

outside Year 4. Our turkeys have grown so big that they now live with our<br />

chickens in the farm field. We had to say goodbye to our Guinea pigs, Freddie<br />

and Wally, but they’ve gone to live with Savannah and her Guinea pigs, who<br />

stayed with us over the summer. We’ll be getting new Guinea pigs later this<br />

term.<br />

Our produce stall got an upgrade to handle rainy days better, and now you can<br />

even pay with a card using the QR code. This is currently a trial period to see if<br />

it works well.<br />

Our animals have been quite adventurous! The chickens found ways to explore<br />

the school, just like in ‘Chicken Run.’ Even our bigger animals, like the pigs and<br />

pony learned how to get through their electric fences to reach the tasty grass<br />

on the other side. The sheep needed some extra care, including me having to<br />

stay on the field overnight with them, but it’s all worth it because they are such<br />

a valuable learning opportunity for our pupils.<br />

We have some exciting events coming up on the farm, like sheep and pig<br />

breeding. Plus, we have some new Year 6 Head Farmers: Hannah and Imogen<br />

and Anna and Sofija as Deputy Head Farmers. They’ve been busy making sure<br />

each class has someone to take care of their animals and teaching other<br />

students how to help.<br />

Remember to visit our Ludgvan School Community Farm Facebook page<br />

to see what’s happening on the farm!

Broad and Balanced...<br />

EYFS<br />

EYFS have had a fantastic first few weeks settling into Ludgvan School life<br />

brilliantly. They have spent time exploring the inside and outside areas,<br />

creating lots of wonderful things. We have focused on ‘Me, myself and I’,<br />

exploring what makes us unique, goals and our families. We have been making<br />

the classroom our own, carrying out DIY jobs, adding our family pictures and<br />

building many things in the construction area. We have also kick started our<br />

Literacy and have all enjoyed taking part in Drawing Club. During Drawing Club<br />

our imaginations have run wild and we have had so much fun creating secret<br />


Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 1<br />

What an amazing start to the new academic year. It has been lovely getting to<br />

know all the children in Year 1. They have come back from the summer<br />

holidays with so much enthusiasm! They have enjoyed exploring their new<br />

classroom and the different resources.<br />

They have all settled well into year 1 and have been working hard. In art we<br />

have focused on the different skills required for sketching and the children have<br />

produced some great work. Our PSHE focus has been on families and<br />

friendships. They explored different emotions and enjoyed the Colour Monster<br />

stories. In science this term we are learning about different types of materials<br />

and their properties.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 2<br />

Year 2 have settled into their new class really well. We have been very proud<br />

of how well they have returned to school ready to learn. They are showing that<br />

they can listen to and follow instructions carefully. In their learning, they are<br />

always very enthusiastic and keen to share their own ideas with their friends<br />

and the rest of the class. We spent a lot of time in the first few weeks playing<br />

team games, taking turns and agreeing our class rules, which include being<br />

kind to others and treating everyone with respect.<br />

Our topic is ‘How Great was the Fire of London?’ The children have been very<br />

interested in learning about how and when the fire started as well as what the<br />

living conditions were like in London in 1666. They were shocked to learn that<br />

there were no sewers at the time! We have used this new knowledge to help<br />

write descriptions about London.<br />

In maths, the children have been learning all about the value of numbers. They<br />

have used Numicon to make their own numbers. They have been making their<br />

own numbers using the part-whole model. TT Rockstars has been a big hit<br />

during COOL time, with the children starting to be able to rapidly recall their<br />

2, 5 and 10 times tables.<br />

In art, we have been learning about the local artist, Barbara Hepworth. We<br />

looked at some of her pencil sketches and talked about how she used the<br />

landscape around her as her inspiration. The children then created their own<br />

sketches from their own experiences. We definitely have some budding artists<br />

in the class!<br />

In outdoor learning, the children have been using their scientific knowledge to<br />

help them to search for habitats. They have also been developing their ability<br />

to work as part of a team and solve problems.<br />

Our class reading journal has proved a huge success with everyone being<br />

excited to take it home so that they can create an entry about their favourite<br />

book; our aim is that everyone in the class will have the opportunity to take<br />

the journal home at some point this year. This is then shared with the rest of<br />

the class so that everyone can hear about the books that other children in the<br />

class enjoy reading. The children have also visited the library and chosen a<br />

book that they can take home to read for pleasure; they are welcome to bring<br />

this back and change it as often as they like.<br />

What a brilliant start to Year 2 everyone - keep up all your hard work!

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 2

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 3<br />

Year 3 have settled into life at the junior end of school very well and myself<br />

and Miss Payne have been very impressed with how mature and focused on<br />

their learning they are already. In our topic lessons, we have been learning<br />

about local artist Alfred Wallis and the children have created some amazing<br />

pieces of artwork following his art style. We will be moving onto looking at the<br />

work of Glyn Macey and Kit Johns, who are also local artists. In English we<br />

have really enjoyed reading and looking at books by Julia Donaldson and the<br />

children have been enthusiastic when writing character and setting descriptions<br />

to create a character profile book for the library to inspire other children’s writing.<br />

We have also been lucky enough to go to Penzance Gymnastics club each<br />

week for this half term for some expert coaching. We have enjoyed using the<br />

bouncy floor, beam and bars so far and are very much looking forward to the<br />

foam pit week!<br />

Well done Year 3.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 4<br />

Class 4 have been working really hard since they’ve returned to school. They<br />

have been producing excellent work in all subjects and really trying their best.<br />

In English, the children have completed writing up their non-chronological<br />

reports about sea creatures. They should all be proud of the writing they’ve<br />

completed. These pieces will be copied up neatly and put on the writing wall<br />

in the classroom. In maths, they’ve been learning about place value, which<br />

they’ve been enjoying. The class all produced brilliant pieces of art where they<br />

drew an eye using different grades of pencils and shading. They also learnt<br />

about scale and proportion, then drew their own with more amazing outcomes.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 5<br />

Year 5 has had a great start to the new academic year. They have impressed us<br />

all with everything they have remembered from Year 4. We have been<br />

particularly impressed by their Maths skills and how confidently they can<br />

identify the place value of different digits in numbers. They have also been<br />

writing their own stories about a favourite teddy from home. There have been<br />

some amazing adventure stories and beautifully presented pieces of<br />

writing. Year 5 were also lucky enough to visit Geevor Tin Mine as a part of<br />

their first topic, ‘All about Cornwall’. The class had some fantastic questions for<br />

the ex-miners, and they enjoyed exploring the old buildings and equipment.<br />

We were amazed by how many of them could fit into one of the lifts that they<br />

used to travel down in. We also had some very talented workers, breaking<br />

down the rocks and panning for gold. Most of the class came back to school<br />

with a very full bag of gems and gold. Well done for having such a great start

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 6<br />

Year 6 has had a very fast start to September and their final year in primary<br />

school. We have been writing playscripts based on the Rosa Parks bus boycott<br />

event, and developing the use of writing skills such as parenthesis for stage<br />

directions and colons to separate a character from the dialogue of characters.<br />

We then wrote a neat version on Google Docs using the word processing skills<br />

explored within computing.<br />

In maths, we have been looking at Place Value. As part of this learning, we’ve<br />

discussed how important our knowledge of this area is in order to build a solid<br />

foundation for all other learning that we will encounter this year. We’ve been<br />

understanding the value of digits within numbers from 100 to 1,000,000,<br />

writing numerals into words, comparing numbers using symbols of<br />

inequality and also exploring multiplying and dividing large numbers by 10,<br />

100, and 1,000.<br />

In science, our focus has been on the circulatory system and looking at how<br />

our blood travels through our bodies. We dissected a lamb’s heart in order to<br />

identify features of our hearts, such as the atrium and ventricles.<br />

Our PSHE this term has involved learning about families and relationships;<br />

discussing the meaning of respect, how it is earnt and lost by our words, gestures<br />

and actions towards others. We looked at occupations in adult life and<br />

discussed reasons that each one might have our respect, based on their<br />

important roles within the community. We moved our learning into stereotypes<br />

and how our perception of someone is naturally prejudiced by our prior<br />

understanding based on appearances and behaviours. But those initial thoughts<br />

might not be a true reflection about others as we are all unique and individual.<br />

History has been a very impactful area and one that will relate to black history<br />

month, in October. We are studying the events that led up to the Montgomery<br />

bus boycott and how this event inspired the significant changes made by Martin<br />

Luther King Jr, for racial equality. The children have all been very engaged in<br />

this topic and are beginning to show real empathy for the hardship experienced<br />

by members of the black community in recent decades.

Broad and Balanced...

Sports Day...<br />

Ludgvan School Governor Vacancies<br />

Voluntary – expenses reimbursed<br />

We are looking for people in our local community who can share their skills, experience, viewpoints and fresh ideas in<br />

a school which is part of the Leading Edge Academies Partnership. We are seeking to appoint additional co-opted<br />

members to join our Local Academy Committee (LAC) at Ludgvan School.<br />

This is a voluntary role and the appointment is for a four-year term of office.<br />

What does the LAC do?<br />

Each LAC has responsibility for day-to-day governance within the school. Core functions include:<br />

• Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction<br />

• Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the<br />

performance management of staff<br />

• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent<br />

• Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard<br />

• Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the school<br />

The LAC is accountable to the Leading Edge Board of Trustees.<br />

Why become a school governor?<br />

• You will work with other parents and local people who are committed to making Ludgvan School and other<br />

Leading Edge schools the best they can be<br />

• You will share and apply skills you already have and learn new ones<br />

• You will have the opportunity to give back to the school and the community it serves<br />

More general information on what being a school governor entails can be found on the National Governors’ Association<br />

website www.nga.org.uk.<br />

We are particularly keen to achieve a more diverse committee of governors and welcome applications from all sectors<br />

of the community. Previous experience in an educational setting is not required for this role. Further details about<br />

our academies can be found on the Trust website www.leadingedgeacademies.org.<br />

If you have the motivation and experience to help us make a difference to children’s lives and experience at Ludgvan<br />

School, please contact Helen Peerless (Director of Governance) for more information:<br />

01736 688441 or email: hpeerless@leadingedgeacademies.org<br />

Leading Edge Academies<br />

Partnership is committed<br />

to safeguarding and<br />

promoting the welfare of<br />

students and expects all<br />

staff and volunteers to<br />

share this commitment<br />

Please send your completed application form to Helen Peerless, Leading Edge Academies,<br />

Unit H Pattern Shop, Trevoarn, Hayle, TR27 4EZ.<br />

Successful candidates will be required to provide references and undertake an enhanced DBS<br />

disclosure check.

Sports Day...

Sports Day...

Sports Day...<br />



FOR THE children AT ludgvan school<br />

support THE fls!<br />

1.<br />











2.<br />

3.<br />

join the fls<br />







Sports Day...<br />

To start supporting, visit:<br />

YourSchoolLottery.co.uk/play<br />

and search for: Ludgvan<br />

Supporters must be 16 years of age or older.

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