Newsletter 08.03

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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>08.03</strong>.24<br />


NEWSLETTER<strong>08.03</strong>.24<br />

LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>08.03</strong>.24

A word from the Principal...<br />

Dear Familieis,<br />

It has been a busy few weeks since returning our last newsletter and we have been battling the<br />

constant wind and rain to ensure that our learning is not constrained to the classroom. Even as we<br />

speak, the children are racing their boats down the river, competing for the crown of Ludgvan Boat<br />

Race Champion 2024! A big thank you to our Y5 children who braved the raging torrents to retrieve<br />

boats that completed the course and in return, had some very cold and wet feet!<br />

Thank you to those of you who have signed up to a consultation meeting with your child’s teacher.<br />

These mid-year meetings are a great opportunity to talk about your child’s progress so far and what<br />

will help them achieve their best by the end of the year.<br />

Our Y5 children recently headed to London for their residential trip. They were incredibly busy and<br />

some individuals accumulated 60,000 steps over the 3 days! Well done to all of the children who<br />

represented our school so brilliantly and thank you to the staff and Governors who gave up their<br />

time to make this wonderful trip possible.<br />

Finally, you will have no doubt seen the huge importance that the Government are returning children’s<br />

attendance to pre-pandemic levels. Below is a good graphic to show how attendance relates<br />

to the number of days missed and the impact that lateness can have.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Adam Anderson<br />


What’s Useful information...<br />

been going on...<br />

Term Dates 23/24<br />

28 March - end of Spring Term<br />

EYFS & KS1 collection at 1pm<br />

Y3 & Y4 collection at 1.10pm<br />

Y5 & Y6 collection at 1.20pm<br />

15 April - start of Summer Term<br />

Diary Dates<br />

13 March - Class Photos<br />

15 March - Comic Relief, NSPCC Bake Sale & Games<br />

22 March - FLS Easter Raffle<br />

11-13 June - Moana Performance evenings<br />

17 June 2024 - Inset Day<br />

26 June - Sports Day<br />

29 June - Mazey Day<br />

19 July - end of Summer Term<br />

Parking<br />

Please remember to park safely and considerately at both ends of the school day and<br />

use the Community Centre path whenever possible. Thank you for continued support.<br />

School Lunches<br />

Please ensure your child’s lunch option is booked online every day, including packed<br />

lunches. This can be done in advance for the whole term if preferred, but the<br />

daily deadline for bookings and amendments is midnight the night before.

Sports...<br />

HOCKEY<br />

The primary hockey league concluded at the end of February, with three late<br />

afternoon matches on the astro pitch in Penzance. The first game against<br />

St Buryan was an end-to-end nail-biter, ending as a 0-0 draw. Ludgvan took on<br />

St. Ives for their second encounter, and fought hard against their very strong and<br />

experienced team. Both sides demonstrated fantastic speed and skill throughout the<br />

match with St. Ives clinching a vital goal just before the final whistle to narrowly beat<br />

Ludgvan 1-0.<br />

The Ludgvan players didn’t let this defeat disrupt their concentration or composure<br />

for the final match against Trythall. After being so successful all season, everyone was<br />

committed to finishing with a victory, and defended well whilst playing some excellent<br />

passing-hockey. Ludgvan applied the pressure and took many shots on goal,<br />

finishing the day with an impressive 5-0 win - much to the delight of the watching<br />

Ludgvan supporters! The team demonstrated outstanding teamwork, respect and<br />

sportsmanship towards their opponents, and have made the school sporting<br />

community proud.

Sports...<br />


Last week our cross country team ventured to Cape Cornwall Secondary School for<br />

the last round of the league. The conditions were ‘traditional’ for a cross country<br />

event! They were cold, wet and foggy. However, this did not stop our very determined<br />

team and they all ran amazingly well. We are now awaiting the email that informs us<br />

who has qualified for the county cross country event in a few weeks. This has been<br />

a goal for many of the team and what has driven them to do so well throughout the<br />

season.<br />

A huge well done to Sennen who came 2nd in his last Primary school cross country<br />

event and to Harry C who also came second in his race. Both have had a very<br />

successful season.<br />

Well done to Siena, Walter, Freddie, Milo, Ivy, Harry K, Kai, Maison, Alfie K, Elmer and<br />

Alex S . The whole team have made me really proud this year and have all achieved<br />

some personal goals, as well as developing their fitness and their positive attitudes<br />

towards sport.<br />


On the 25 January the Year 3/4 girls’ football team went to Mounts Bay Academy to<br />

compete in a 5-aside tournament. We won our first two games 2-1 and 2-0! Winnie<br />

and Evie Wh. both scored some fantastic goals between them to win the games.<br />

Unfortunately, we lost the next two matches, both by 2-0. However, the girls were<br />

determined to end on a win and succeeded in winning their last game 1-0!<br />

All girls played fantastically as a team and showed amazing sportsmanship, cheering<br />

and shaking hands with the opposition at the end of each game, as well as supporting<br />

each other whenever a goal was conceded. We are so proud of how they represented<br />

the school and the courage they showed going into their first tournament as a team.<br />

Well done girls!

Outdoor Learning...<br />

Despite the challenges posed by the wet weather, Outdoor Learning has remained<br />

productive and varied this month. Embracing the conditions, we’ve<br />

utilized our sessions to equip ourselves for the upcoming spring and summer<br />

seasons. Our efforts have included tending to our growing spaces, digging over<br />

the vegetable beds, and enthusiastically planting potatoes as well as sowing<br />

seeds within the shelter of our polytunnel.<br />

Some of our classes have utilized the rain to learn how to construct effective<br />

tripod shelters that can be erected in any outdoor setting. We’ve looked at the<br />

importance of log selection and how using the right logs can allow us to build<br />

a shelter that is completely free standing without any man made resources. In<br />

addition to this, we have also explored lashing techniques with ropes to add<br />

that extra level of stability and safety to our shelters.<br />

We’ve also delved into the safe and creative use of our playground construction<br />

wood, mastering techniques for its safe handling and discovering a range of<br />

team-building games and activities.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

EYFS<br />

WOW! What a crazy couple of weeks we have had in Rainbow class, we have moved into our<br />

new classroom, the children have settled in really well and have enjoyed exploring their new<br />

surroundings.<br />

This half term we are looking at ‘Where we live - Cornwall my home, spring and Easter’. We<br />

have been working hard in phonics to learn all our special friends (two letters that make<br />

one sound) and spell some tricky words. This week in drawing club we have been looking at<br />

‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, the children had the opportunity to draw their interpretation of<br />

the bear from the story. In Maths we have been looking at ‘one more, one less’ the children<br />

have been practising their number sequences and writing, they are starting to look at how<br />

we can represent numbers in different ways. We have been starting to think about spring and<br />

the different animals and weather changes we will see as the sun starts to come out more!<br />

The children have been expanding their physical development using the scooter Miss Kennedy<br />

kindly donated to us.<br />

Well done Rainbow class I can’t wait to see what the rest of the half term holds

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 1<br />

What an incredibly busy few weeks we have had in Year 1. The children have been<br />

continuing to learn all about the continents. We made African patterns and beaded necklaces.<br />

They learnt an African ‘call and response’ song called ‘Che Che Kule’. Within Europe we<br />

focused on France and looked at some of the famous landmarks. The children had a go at<br />

making the Eiffel tower, they also learnt to say hello and goodbye in French, and they<br />

particularly enjoyed eating the croissants!!<br />

They found out that football is the most popular sport in Brazil and that there are lots of very<br />

interesting animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest. The children made beautiful carnival<br />

masks and flags. Our last continent this week has been Australia and the class had fun<br />

dressing up as something linked to Australia. They all looked amazing and learnt so much!<br />

This term in RE we are learning about Jewish celebrations and traditions. We learnt about the<br />

Shema prayer and the celebration of Hanukkah. The children made Menorah candlesticks and<br />

Hanukkah cards. Our art focus for this half term is 3 D art and the children learnt about the<br />

artist Henry Moore and his sculptures. They then used clay to make their own 3 D sculpture,<br />

they produced some amazing pieces of work.<br />

Well done Year 1 you should be incredibly proud of yourselves!

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 2<br />

Year 2 has been busy this term with lots of new subject topics!<br />

In Science, Y2 has dived deep into exploring humans and other animals. They have been<br />

exploring the big questions such as ‘Do bananas make us run faster?’, ‘How far can germs<br />

spread?’ and ‘What exercise makes our hearts beat the fastest?’. In particular, we enjoyed<br />

using the glitter to represent germs around the classroom.<br />

In Music, the class has been learning all about call and response. They have been exploring a<br />

traditional song from Ghana called ‘Che Che Kule’ and have all taken on individual roles such<br />

as leader, singer and playing one of the various instruments in the song. We can’t wait to<br />

share this with you in the future!<br />

`<br />

In Computing, we have begun a new topic looking at Scratch. They have taken an instant<br />

love to this form of animation and we have been so impressed with how quickly they have<br />

developed their skills. We will be using this to design, create and animate our own<br />

knock knock jokes!<br />

Our topic has been all about Cornwall. We have enjoyed learning Cornish songs; all about Sir<br />

Humphry Davy; and tin mining. Next week, we are looking forward to visiting Geevor and<br />

seeing a real mine.<br />

Yesterday, we had so much fun celebrating World Book Day. We loved dressing up as a<br />

character from a book and sharing our favourite books with our friends. We then finished the<br />

day with Mousehole Male Voice Choir coming to sing us some songs. We were able to join in<br />

with some of them; we loved that they sang our favourite song (you will have to wait until<br />

our presentation to you to find out what it is!).

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 3<br />

Year 3 have been working very hard in Science this half term.<br />

They have been learning all about plants. They have discovered that plants have a season for<br />

growing. They recently set up an investigation to find out what a plant needs to grow well.<br />

They planted seeds and placed them around the school. Some went in the cupboard with<br />

minimal light, some went in the fridge, some on the windowsill and some outside.<br />

After two weeks of looking after their plants, the children looked carefully at what had<br />

happened. Some didn’t grow at all, some flooded, some grew but were yellow in colour and<br />

some grew really well. We discussed what had happened to each plant and why. The children<br />

quickly noted which conditions were best and why. From this, we discussed the role of the<br />

stem in feeding the whole plant. The children then set up another investigation to prove their<br />

theory. They could all explain why the stem is important and how it works.<br />

You were great scientists Year 3, well done.<br />

We also went on a class trip to Cornwall museum in Truro last Wednesday. This was to<br />

support our Egyptian topic. The children had a great time exploring the museum and its<br />

artifacts, but their best bit was learning how the mummification process worked!<br />

Great learning Year 3. Keep up the good work.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 4<br />

Since half term, Class 4 have been having lots of fun. They have spent time with the EYFS<br />

pupils; they were put in buddy pairs with an EYFS children completing several activities such<br />

as reading to them, collaborative collage, creating their own comic strip, PE and PSHE<br />

activities. It was amazing to see how all the pupils’ confidence, nurturing skills, sharing and<br />

so many other areas improved.<br />

In maths, the children have finished learning about how to find perimeters of shape; they<br />

have now moved on to fractions. They have been looking at mixed number and will be<br />

continuing with more fraction work over the next few weeks.<br />

The pupils have really enjoyed their new non-fiction area in English where they have been<br />

looking into how to write instructions and the skills that are needed to complete their best<br />

outcome. They came up with great ideas for writing instructions.<br />

In geography, they have been learning how to locate Europe on a world map. In addition to<br />

this they have studied the feature of Europe such as capital cities, mountain ranges, rivers,<br />

oceans and seas. In PSHE, the children having been learning the consequences of<br />

tobacco consumption and creating presentations on Google docs and slides to put people off<br />

smoking. They have also been promoting teeth hygiene.<br />

They are all super stars with such a great attitude to their learning.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 5<br />

Year 5 has had a busy return to school after a well-deserved rest following our London trip.<br />

This has been one of the highlights of our time in Year 5 so far. Each and every one of the<br />

children represented Ludgvan School beautifully in London. They all gave everything 100%,<br />

supported one another and did more walking than they thought possible!<br />

The class continued to astound us with their dedication to learning the St Piran’s Day dance<br />

and mastering their singing. We were lucky enough to have EYFS join us for an afternoon to<br />

learn the dance.<br />

In class, we have started exploring recounts in English. Most will be focusing on their London<br />

trip and retelling the experience from their perspective.<br />

In Art, we explored collage and how we can represent ourselves through this medium. We<br />

can’t wait to share these with you at a later date. We’ve also been getting creative in French,<br />

conducting our own Eurovision Song Contest and performing our own songs surrounding<br />

ourselves with all things French and musical.<br />

We have also taken part in an RE and Worldviews workshop with Five Islands school. Over<br />

the four sessions the children have explored their views towards the teaching of RE, how the<br />

learning could be enhanced and how we can express our own worldviews A few children will<br />

be traveling to St Buryan school in a few weeks to meet the other schools that have been<br />

involved.<br />

A big well done Year 5, you are absolutely brilliant!

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 6<br />

Year 6 have had a very busy half term so far. In English, we are currently writing our eerie<br />

stories and learning how to create a contrasting atmosphere to display a sense of<br />

foreshadowing of eerie events. Our stories are looking amazing and we will publish some<br />

examples in the next newsletter.<br />

Maths has seen us navigate our way through some tricky units, including: Fractions, Decimals<br />

and Percentages, BODMAS, and Algebra.<br />

Outdoor learning focus has consisted of creating birdhouses out of wood, and learning how to<br />

use hammers and nails safely, whilst piecing together a structure.<br />

In Art, Year 6 have been learning about POP art, and how Andy Warhol inspired this art<br />

movement with his Soup Cans work. We have begun designing simplistic images, which we<br />

can use in the style of Andy Warhol, for our screen printing unit.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Ludgvan School<br />


Music and Lyrics by<br />

Lin-Manuel Mirands, Opetaia Foa‘i & Mark Mancina<br />

Book Adapted by<br />

Susan Soon He Stanton<br />

Music and Orchestrations Adapted and Arranged by<br />

Ian Weinberger<br />

Based on the 12016 Disney film Moana<br />

Tuesday 11 th June – 6:00 PM<br />

Wednesday 12 th June – 6:00 PM<br />

Thursday 13 th June – 6:00 PM<br />

For Tickets Visit<br />


Sports Day...

Sports Day...

Sports Day...

Sports Day...

Sports Day...<br />



FOR THE children AT ludgvan school<br />

support THE fls!<br />

1.<br />











2.<br />

3.<br />

join the fls<br />







Sports Day...<br />

To start supporting, visit:<br />

YourSchoolLottery.co.uk/play<br />

and search for: Ludgvan<br />

Supporters must be 16 years of age or older.

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