Newsletter 01.12

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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>01.12</strong>.23<br />


NEWSLETTER<strong>01.12</strong>.23<br />

LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>01.12</strong>.23

A word from the Principal...<br />

Dear families,<br />

We are officially entering the festive season! At this time, school becomes especially busy, so I would like to<br />

apologise in advance for the amount of dates and times that you are expected to remember. Firstly, we have<br />

our fantastic Christmas events to look forward to over the next few weeks and we hope that you can join us<br />

when your children are involved:<br />

Reception Nativity - 3.30pm on 12th December at Ludgvan School<br />

KS2 Christingle - 6pm on 12th December at Ludgvan Church<br />

KS1 Christingle - 3.30pm on 14th December at Ludgvan Church<br />

The FLS also have grand plans:<br />

FLS Christmas Shop (for children to buys presents for family) - 6th-8th December<br />

Santas Grotto – 13th December<br />

Christmas Fair at the Community Centre – 15th December<br />

As always, these events are great and the more they can be supported, the better it is for everyone, so<br />

hopefully we will see a lot of you all over the next 3 weeks.<br />

After Christmas, we will be making a slight change to our school dinners. We will be using a firm called<br />

Educatering who will work with us to create fantastic menus and the provide restaurant standard<br />

ingredients. Maria and her team will remain in the kitchen, cooking the fantastic food and the best part is,<br />

they would like to invite you all in to a free food tasting!<br />

Educatering Free Food Tasting: Thursday 7th December at 3pm in the school hall.<br />

Finally, it was lovely to see so many of you at our recent Parent Consultations. The children have made a<br />

fantastic start to the academic year and it’s always great to share this information with you.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Mr Adam Anderson<br />


What’s Useful information...<br />

been going on...<br />

Term Dates 23/24<br />

19 December - end of Autumn Term<br />

EYFS & KS1 collection at 1pm<br />

Y3 & Y4 collection at 1.10pm<br />

Y5 & Y6 collection at 1.20pm<br />

4 January 2024 start of Spring Term<br />

12-16 February 2024 - Spring Half Term<br />

28 March 2024 end of Spring Term<br />

Diary Dates<br />

6-8 December - FLS Christmas Gift Shop<br />

7 December - FREE Educatering food tasting at 3pm in school hall<br />

12 December - EYFS Nativity at 3.30pm in school hall<br />

12 December - KS2 Christingle at 6pm in Ludgvan Church<br />

13 December - Christmas lunch (wear a Christmas jumper)<br />

13 December - Santa’s Grotto at Ludgvan School<br />

14 December - KS1 Christingle at 3.30pm in Ludgvan Church<br />

15 December - FLS Christmas Fair at Ludgvan Community Centre<br />

11-13 June - Moana Performance evenings<br />

17 June 2024 - Inset Day<br />

Parking<br />

Please remember to park safely and considerately at the start and end of the school<br />

day. We appreciate that parking is limited, but the Community Centre spaces provide<br />

a safe walk to and from the school grounds along the<br />

community path without negatively impacting our neighbours and other road users.<br />

Thank you for continued support.<br />

Dinners<br />

Please ensure you book your child’s dinner option online every day, including packed<br />

lunch. This can be done in advance for the whole term, but the<br />

daily deadline is midnight the night before. You will be asked to provide a packed<br />

lunch if your child’s dinner has not been<br />

pre-booked online. Thank you.

Sports and Bikeability...<br />


On Wednesday our girls’ football team went to Mounts Bay Academy to play in<br />

a friendly 7-aside tournament. This was our girls’ team’s first time competing<br />

and we were really proud of their sportsmanship and support of each other.<br />

On Monday the girls will have another chance to show off their skills at a cup<br />

game at Bodriggy school. We’re all really looking forward to it. Well done girls!<br />


Year 5 are continuing to expand their learning with their road safety training<br />

under the Bikeability programme. Even Mr Goodchild joined in for a refresher!

Farm news...<br />

Emotions on the farm have been up and down lately. Sadly, we have now lost all of our<br />

turkeys to a predator. We initially lost two, then several weeks later the remaining two were<br />

taken. We believe the predator to be a stoat or similar. Unfortunately predators are one of the<br />

challenges when keeping animals, particularly poultry.<br />

On a positive note, we have welcomed a new addition to our sheep flock, a ram named<br />

Cracker Jack who is on loan to us from Paula at the Ewephoric Ryelands Flock. He has settled<br />

in well with our ewes and has been straight to work. It’s been a great opportunity for our<br />

children to learn more about the life cycles of animals, with sheep in particular. Cracker Jack<br />

has been able to help us learn more about the biology of sheep, especially how rams can<br />

identify when a ewe is in season and ‘ready’. We’ve been monitoring which ewes could be<br />

pregnant and working out when lambs could be due to arrive by spotting when Cracker Jack’s<br />

chalk marks appear on the backs of the ewes.<br />

Now we’ve reached the colder months our egg numbers have dwindled but we will still be<br />

putting eggs out on the stall on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons when we have them. They<br />

remain at £1.50 per half dozen. Cash can be paid directly into the honesty box on the stall, or<br />

we also have the QR code there too which can enable card payments.<br />

Do look out for our stall at the Christmas Fair on Friday 15th December. We hope to have<br />

some of our farm produce including eggs, potatoes and even some whole duck. We will also<br />

have the Outdoor Learning Christmas crafts for sale made by each class in the school.

Outdoor Learning...<br />

Outdoor Learning at Ludgvan has been in full swing! We have had a wide variation of<br />

activities and sessions taking place across all year groups, including Farm School, Forest<br />

School and sessions outdoors linked to class topics.<br />

On the farm children have been getting stuck in with the animals, learning how to care for<br />

them and handle them. We’ve been learning about the diets different animal species have and<br />

how we can ensure that they get the right amount of nutrients they need. We’ve also been<br />

looking at life cycles with the arrival of our new ram.<br />

Forest School has seen a flurry of crafts and toolwork taking place. We’ve had everything<br />

from stick people based on the ‘Stickman’ story, stone age tools, shelters and even wooden<br />

reindeers and Christmas trees! Christmas has had to start a little earlier to enable us to get<br />

our Christmas crafts finished in time for the Christmas Fair.<br />

As Outdoor Learning has become a big part of our curriculum here at Ludgvan, we would like<br />

to be able to share what we get up to a little more frequently. This will be done using Seesaw.<br />

There will be an Outdoor Learning post added for each class that covers the half term which I<br />

will aim to add to each week with photos and a very short write up of what we’ve been up to.<br />

This can be a prompt for your child to share with you all the things we get up to in each<br />

session. I’m just catching up with the previous weeks on there and will share with everyone<br />

once ready. Next term will be more efficient in sharing!

Broad and Balanced...<br />

EYFS<br />

EYFS have been busy learning about and exploring different celebrations this half<br />

term. The children have learnt about Diwali, creating rangoli patterns, pots and<br />

exploring the different ways it is celebrated. They have also created Bonfire Night art<br />

and were proud of their creations. During Outdoor Learning the children also began to<br />

learn about Remembrance Day, making poppies and talking about the significance of<br />

the day.<br />

During Drawing Club, the children entered lots of magical (and very silly) worlds and<br />

we have seen some fabulous drawings and writing. Our favourite book so far this<br />

term has been ‘Would you rather’ which led to some very funny and creative pieces<br />

of work! The children have been making great progress with their mark making and<br />

letter formation. They are now challenged to write their names as they come in each<br />

day and we have been blown away by how fantastic they have been!<br />

Over the last few weeks, during ‘Think Equal’, we have been reading books about<br />

embracing our unique characteristics and things that make us special. The children<br />

all came up with different things that make them unique and shared them with their<br />

peers. It was lovely to hear the children celebrating their differences.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 1<br />

Year 1 have been working hard with their art this half term. We have been focusing on<br />

painting and the different styles that artists use within their work. The children made their<br />

own pictures in the style of the abstract artist, Jackson Pollock, by pouring and flicking the<br />

paint onto paper. It was great fun!! They then re-created the Starry Night by Vincent Van<br />

Gogh and produced some lovely work.<br />

Within science we have been looking at the season Autumn and the changes that occur. They<br />

created some beautiful Autumnal pictures and experimented mixing Autumn colours. They<br />

discovered that lots of different animals hibernate during this time.<br />

This half term within PE we have been learning all about gymnastics. The children started<br />

with floor work then they moved onto the beams.<br />

The children have been learning and retelling the story of The Little Red Hen. Their writing<br />

has been amazing, and they should be very proud of their work. We have had a busy few<br />

weeks working on number bonds to ten, addition and subtraction. They have completed lots<br />

of challenges to support their learning.<br />

Well done Year 1. You have all been superstars!

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 2<br />

It’s been a very busy few weeks in Year 2. We have been learning all about our new rules:<br />

Be safe. Be respectful. Be your best.<br />

The children have been trying really hard to make sure they show these rules all of the time.<br />

We’ve been lucky to have Nathan, a mental health practitioner, visit us to talk about mental<br />

health. He spoke to the children about what mental health is and how we can look after our<br />

own mental health. The children asked some amazing questions and had such great ideas;<br />

they showed how mature and sensible they are.<br />

On Wednesday afternoon, we visited the fire station as part of our topic about the Great Fire<br />

of London. The children loved learning about the fire station and what happens there. They<br />

were lucky enough to use the hoses to try and hit a target - there are definitely some<br />

budding future firefighters among us!<br />

We have been really proud of the children this half term. They have really settled into Y2 and<br />

are so enthusiastic about their learning. We have been particularly impressed by their<br />

kindness, love of reading and spelling and ‘can-do’ attitude to everything. We are really<br />

looking forward to the next few weeks and enjoying all things Christmassy.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 3<br />

This half term Year 3 have been learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. The children<br />

have really enjoyed this unit of work and have produced some great pieces of writing and clay<br />

models to show what they have learnt. They have learnt how the Stone Age people lived and<br />

have made some replica tools and weapons during outdoor learning to show how the people<br />

of this time hunted for food. They have learnt about cave paintings and created some lovely<br />

charcoal cave paintings of their own to show how the Stone Age people hunted and gathered<br />

their food and told stories. They have also learnt about the Beaker people and made some<br />

great pots of their own. This week they have been making Round houses from natural resources<br />

they could find on the playground. These are looking great too!<br />

In English they have written stories based on a story called the Stone Age Boy and once their<br />

stories were published the children read their stories to Class 2. Finally they have written<br />

non fiction texts to share all of their knowledge about this period in history and these will be<br />

shared with Year 5 very soon.<br />

In Science the children have been learning about Rocks and have enjoyed investigating the<br />

different properties of rocks by investigating permeability and durability. They have all really<br />

enjoyed art this term and have worked very hard with mixing colours with paint and exploring<br />

how to add textures to paint.<br />

You’ve all worked very hard Year 3, well done.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 4<br />

Last week Class 4 completed the first term assessment in arithmetic, problem solving and<br />

reading tests. Their attitude to their tests was exemplary with the children giving their best<br />

effort. They should be really proud of themselves as their outcomes were great with every<br />

child showing amazing progress. It showed how focused they all are on achieving their best.<br />

In art, the children have been extremely creative with creating a multitude of different 3D<br />

artwork which they’ve really enjoyed. They loved constructing origami models; the final<br />

products were brilliant and the children keep getting better and better at making them. Their<br />

creativity didn’t stop there. The children designed their own 3D clay models based on our<br />

topic ‘What lies beneath?’ There was a huge variety of models, which they loved decorating.<br />

The children also made and decorated Diwali candles in RE. The clay lamp called diyas<br />

symbolises the human body. The light represents the soul. Hindus believe that light, or<br />

goodness, chases away bad feelings, during Diwali.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 5<br />

Year 5 have been exploring fractions in Maths; spotting equivalent fractions, learning to<br />

convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and order fractions based on their size - even<br />

when they have different denominators. Very advanced!<br />

In English, the children have been writing diary entries from the point of view of a character<br />

from their guided reading book, Kensuki’s Kingdom, describing the events, feelings and<br />

emotions experienced by the characters. Their writing showed how deeply they’ve been<br />

immersed in the story and how well they can write in the 1st person with expression and<br />

detail. Well done!<br />

After a unit of tennis, the class have swapped balls for shuttlecocks as we begin learning the<br />

skills and rules of badminton. Starting with the basics, everyone has grasped how to serve to<br />

a partner and keep the shuttlecock in the air for some nail-biting rallies. Smashing! Groups<br />

of Year 5’s have also been venturing out for bikeability tuition. Instructors have taken each<br />

group for one playground-based session and two road-based sessions, helping the children to<br />

become proficient and safe at starting, stopping and turning into and out of junctions on the<br />

road. Highly valuable knowledge indeed - well done to all the participants.<br />

Taking responsibility for our actions has been the theme for PSHE. The children explored how<br />

different decisions lead to different outcomes in life, and created ‘Choose Your Destiny’<br />

presentations, highlighting how considerate behaviour leads to better consequences for<br />

everyone.<br />

In History, the class have been reading about Nelson Mandela and researching his life story.<br />

Everyone learned about the racial divisions which used to prevail in South Africa, and how<br />

Nelson Mandela’s bravery and determination to fight for what’s right helped bring an end to<br />

the apartheid and unite his country in peace.<br />

For Music, Class 5 have been having weekly ukulele tuition with Mr. Fletcher. They’ve been<br />

learning how to make 3-note chords that sound in harmony, how to pluck & strum the strings<br />

and how to transition their fingers from one position to another in order to play the chords for<br />

a simple song.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 6<br />

This month has been an extraordinary time for our learning about The Great War. We have<br />

begun to organise our presentation to parents, which involves some rapping, singing,<br />

presentation of factual information, some drama and even some poetry. We have also<br />

immersed ourselves in the real experiences of soldiers during trench warfare - including<br />

making our very own trench stew, cooked on a firepit and digging our own trenches.<br />

Year 6 also had a chance to visit Bodmin Keep museum in order to see real artifacts, wear<br />

authentic clothes, and experience the routine of a soldier within the trenches. The highlight<br />

for many children was seeing the weaponry up close and personal.<br />

In science, we have been creating our own circuits to see the impact of multiple components<br />

on a battery or cell. We have discussed Benjamin Franklin and his experiment with a kite, as<br />

well as talked about the benefits and dangers of electricity around us in our homes.<br />

Fractions have been at the forefront of learning this term within maths, but most of the<br />

children are really getting their heads around this difficult concept.<br />

Within English, we have just begun the finishing touches to our non-chronological reports,<br />

which we will share in the next newsletter.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Ludgvan School<br />


Music and Lyrics by<br />

Lin-Manuel Mirands, Opetaia Foa‘i & Mark Mancina<br />

Book Adapted by<br />

Susan Soon He Stanton<br />

Music and Orchestrations Adapted and Arranged by<br />

Ian Weinberger<br />

Based on the 12016 Disney film Moana<br />

Tuesday 11 th June – 6:00 PM<br />

Wednesday 12 th June – 6:00 PM<br />

Thursday 13 th June – 6:00 PM<br />

For Tickets Visit<br />


Sports Day...

Sports Day...

Sports Day...

Sports Day...<br />



FOR THE children AT ludgvan school<br />

support THE fls!<br />

1.<br />











2.<br />

3.<br />

join the fls<br />







Sports Day...<br />

To start supporting, visit:<br />

YourSchoolLottery.co.uk/play<br />

and search for: Ludgvan<br />

Supporters must be 16 years of age or older.

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