FRESHERS ISSUE 2023 SCAN Lancaster University

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26 C R E A T I V E W R I T I N G

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Fresher’s Writing


Our story isn’t the same as in



No prince charmings, no damsels-in-distress


although I do sing badly in the shower, I guess,

and I ask you to trap my spiders in a glass.

Comments from the Editor

Our story isn’t the same as in fairytales

juxtaposes the dreaminess of fiction

with mundane domesticity to create an

unexpected romantic prospect.

The consistent rhyme in the first two stanzas

is broken by the last, breaking the illusion of a

picturesque relationship.

Thomas’ use of imagery is what particularly

drew me to this poem, as he highlights the

beauty of everyday occurrences with a


It’s a beautiful, quiet piece and a worthy


No magic spellbooks, no hoarded golden plates,

except for your Spotify playlist, the one I hate

that I’m growing to love, like you, or tolerate.

The art for this piece is originial artwork from

one of our Screen Editors, Amy Brook.

To see more of Amy’s artwork, you can follow

her Instagram @pidgequill

Our story isn’t the same as in fairytales.

There’s just you, me, and the shitty single bed

with the loose spring that keeps us up all night,

but I’m grateful, because when it digs our ribs

I can feel your heart beating against mine.

by Thomas Bailey

Writing Poetry During the

Drought of a Writing Block

Maria Hill


During the summer term, I was

suffering from a word-numbing

poetry block, so I reached out to my

friend Liam Bates for advice on how

to overcome it.

Liam Bates is this year’s winner of the

Northern Writers Awards for Poetry.

He’s had collections of poetry published,

and is an extremely gifted poet, and so

what he told me came as a surprise:

It’s okay to have periods

of time where you find it

difficult – or sometimes

even impossible – to

write. He knows award

winning writers who

have poetry blocks for

months then come back

and write more award

winning poetry.

A way I like to look at it is that your

brain is thirsty, and wants to drink in

everything from the most haunting

wines of Shirely Jackson to the bitter

bears of Philip Larkin, before pissing

out a wonderful stream of poetry and/

or prose.

So, in the wise words

of Stephen King, when

you’re not writing, then

read novels, and when

you’re not reading

novels, read about


Of course, Stephen King is very intense

and is currently not at university, so

don’t forget to have amplies of free time

and fun, but especially studying a BA

in Creative Writing it’s important not

to forget this – your time table will be

sparse and have only a handful of hours

of in-person teaching, but do not be


Teachers expect you to

be reading and writing

to make up for the thin

timetable. Not only is

how much you read

reflected in the growth

of your writing skills, but

it is prominent when you

come to your reflective


I still haven’t entirely come out of my

poetry block apart from the occasional,

but I know that, when you love words,

words will always find you again.

If you balance pushing

through a writing block

by writing anything even

if you think it’s awful (we

learn the most from our

failures after all, and how

can we fail or succeed

if we remain stagnant?),

with being kind to

yourself by taking time

out to read and become

inspired again, you can

get over any poetry


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