North Canterbury News: October 12, 2023
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Thursday,<strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>,<strong>2023</strong> | Issue1067 |<br />
Life returns to Glenmark’sStPaul’sChurch<br />
Warmth radiates inside Glenmark’s<br />
historic St Paul’s AnglicanChurch.<br />
Rays of sunshine filter through three<br />
restored stained glass lancets highonthe<br />
east facing wall,bringing life back to the<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> churchwhich has lain<br />
idle for more than 10 years.<br />
Outdoors the scaffolding has gone,but<br />
the church still bears the scars of being<br />
closed for 13 yearsfollowing the 2010<br />
earthquake, which leftitbattered, cracked<br />
and red stickered.<br />
The grass is lank and patchy, pigeons<br />
have left their mark,but St Paul’s is now<br />
robust, and sturdy.<br />
Restoration was supposedtotake ayear,<br />
but around everycorner some other detail<br />
wouldemerge,and with it additional costs.<br />
FriendsofGlenmark Church,asmall<br />
groupofeight passionate supporters, has<br />
been unitedinrestoring the church to its<br />
former glory, and thecommunity has<br />
swunginbehindits efforts.<br />
The Friends has worked hard<br />
fundraising to meet the bill which has<br />
blownout from $1.8million to around $2.6<br />
million thanks to Covid, inflationand a<br />
shortage of materials, combining to add to<br />
the cost, already rising due to ‘‘extras’’<br />
unearthed along the restorationjourney.<br />
Two of those ardent supporters and<br />
members of the Friendsofthe Glenmark<br />
Church, chairAndy Munro, and Isobel<br />
Whyte, who is also the Bishops warden on<br />
the Vestry, have remained stoic in their<br />
endeavours to ensurethe church will<br />
reopen as authentic as it was when built<br />
and consecrated in 1907.<br />
They are confident they will find the<br />
$300,000neededtocompletethe<br />
restoration, and plans areafoot to find<br />
thosedollars through the ‘‘Buy aBrick’’<br />
campaign which Mr Munrohopes will<br />
form awall, or be used as pavingstones,<br />
acknowledging thosewho contributed to<br />
the campaign.<br />
It is also actively seeking funding on its<br />
Give aLittle page,and is hopeful more<br />
benefactors may come forwardtohelp<br />
with the finishing touches.<br />
Both proudlypoint out each detailand<br />
thosewho have helped finance them—<br />
from the windows to the organ and<br />
beyond.<br />
Passion for restoration ... Friends of the Glenmark Church president, Andy Munro, and<br />
member Isobel Whyte, view restoration work in the St Paul’s Anglican Church at Glenmark.<br />
Theinside still needs plastered, the<br />
floor needs some attention, but it is sound,<br />
itswindowsare aliveagainthanks to<br />
Stewart Stained Glass Artists of Loburn,<br />
andits veryrare organ, restored by the<br />
South Island Organ Co, is home again.<br />
The organwas for manyyears<br />
considered the best in the southern<br />
hemisphere, and is one of thelargestina<br />
country church.Itrose skywardonthe<br />
southwall, and was badlydamaged in the<br />
quakes necessitating it being packed up<br />
and sent southtoTimarufor restoration.<br />
Abenefactor paid for the Privacy screen<br />
around the organ.<br />
George and Suzannah Goulddonated all<br />
the funds for the restoration of the <strong>12</strong><br />
windows.<br />
The intricacy of bringing the windows<br />
backtolife took GrahamStewart and his<br />
team<strong>12</strong>months, which included restoring<br />
seven stained glass windows, and halfa<br />
dozen leadlight panes.<br />
‘‘Therehave beenmany repairs to many<br />
others,’’ he says. ‘‘They are really, really<br />
beautiful windows.’’<br />
Mr Stewart says the work is by Clayton &<br />
Bell, or an artistfrom that studio, and<br />
influenced by Raphael’sStPaul’s in<br />
Athens.<br />
‘‘The styleisunmistakable,asinthe<br />
angels in the arch. If you GoogleClayton<br />
Clayton &Bell there are angelspainted in<br />
similarstyle.<br />
‘‘It is ashamethere is no signature, as<br />
thework is of exceptionallyhigh quality,<br />
as is the glassitself.’’<br />
Thewindows, organ and the large red<br />
brick church, are areflection of Annie<br />
Townend’s passion for building St Paul’s.<br />
Thebuilding, organ, church furniture and<br />
bells costabout 8000 pound.<br />
Thewere agift to the parishbyMrs<br />
Townend in memoryofher father, Mr<br />
George Henry Moore, who established<br />
Glenmark Estate.<br />
Annie Townend was abletoreachacross<br />
theworld to ensure the highest quality<br />
products for the church,with the estate<br />
chartering itsown ships to carry goods to<br />
the other side of the world,which then<br />
brought back what she wanted.<br />
The windows, the careful cleaning of the<br />
beams and roof structure,the blackening<br />
of the lightsand chains,combined with the<br />
restorationofthe organ, provide plenty of<br />
ambience, andwillprovide agreatvenue<br />
forrecitals, and gatherings to helprefill<br />
thebarekitty.<br />
Andy and Isobelsay the Friendsare<br />
aiming to havethe annualChristmas<br />
carols and cakesinthe church, which has<br />
in recent times had to move to the<br />
Glenmark Domain.<br />
The projecttodate has been backed by<br />
the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board,<br />
funds from the KateValley Trust, the Rata<br />
Foundation, and privatedonations and<br />
bequests.<br />
It has allhelpedensuredone of the few<br />
remaining red brick churches has<br />
survived the <strong>Canterbury</strong> earthquakes,<br />
with history encompassedinevery brick,<br />
nail, windowand wall.<br />
Totalspan <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>12</strong>7 Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Woodend<br />
Phone: 03 310 0247 Email:<br />
HC TLS3448<br />
*Terms &Conditions apply.See websitefor details.
NEWS<br />
2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Encounter Kaikōura is Supreme<br />
Thededicated,<br />
local team are<br />
here to help<br />
Managing Editor<br />
Robyn Bristow<br />
027 3<strong>12</strong> 1581<br /><br />
Sales Manager<br />
DaynaBurton<br />
027 3<strong>12</strong> 0089<br /><br />
Reporters<br />
ShelleyTopp<br />
027 404 6137<br />
JohnCosgrove<br />
021 195 0284<br />
Advertising<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
027 536 6224<br /><br />
Jillian Dickie<br />
022 024 3092<br /><br />
Graphic Design<br />
Heather Hood<br /><br />
Get in touch<br />
Phone: 03313 2840 or 03 314 8335<br />
14 AshleyStreet, Rangiora<br /><br />
Editorial:<br />
Advertising:<br />
Distribution:<br />
2577925<br />
EncounterKaikōuratookhomethe top<br />
award at the <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Business<br />
AwardslastFridayevening.<br />
It was awardedthe MainPower<br />
SupremeAward, having earlier taken out<br />
the HanmerSprings Thermal Pools and<br />
Spa TourismAward.<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> People’s<br />
Choice Award wenttoZeberdee Equine.<br />
Atotal of 9704 peoplevoted in the<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>People’sChoice Award<br />
–the equivalent of 13 percent of the<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> population<br />
Kaikōura wasincludedinthe awards<br />
for the first time,and celebrated its<br />
inauguralentrance intothe event witha<br />
large contingent of winners,finalists and<br />
supportersatthe Gala dinner at<br />
MainPowerStadium, attended by 371<br />
people.<br />
Kaikōura tookawaynot only the<br />
SupremeAward buttwo category awards<br />
and threerunner up awards.<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> hosted<br />
the awards,and MilesDalton, business<br />
supportmanagersays the amount of joy<br />
and mutual support seenonFriday<br />
evening ‘‘showsusexactlywhy we do it’’.<br />
‘‘Eventhose that did not win have given<br />
lovelyfeedback about howthe process<br />
has helped them improvehow they<br />
operate,’’ he says.<br />
He alsoobserved achangeindrinking<br />
patterns.<br />
‘‘Weordereddouble the usual amount<br />
of nonalcoholicbeverages this time,and<br />
theywere gonehalfway through the<br />
night.’’<br />
MasterofCeremonies,Jackie Clarke,<br />
ensured everyoneenjoyed not only the<br />
evening,but also her comedicwit,and<br />
beautiful voice,particularly as shesung<br />
Bohemian Rhapsody. Her<br />
professionalismensured the event ran<br />
smoothly,with laughter, opportunities to<br />
chatbetween courses,and dancing.<br />
Resultswere:<br />
Hanmer Springs Tourism Award:<br />
EncounterKaikōura; first runner up,<br />
HapukuKitchen (Kaikōura); second<br />
runner up, South Pacific Motorcycle<br />
Tours.<br />
PAK‘nSAVE, Rangiora,Community<br />
EnterprisesAward:Satisfy FoodRescue;<br />
first runner up, KaikōuraCommunity Op<br />
Shop; secondrunnerup, Tāima Kōrero<br />
CharitableTrust.<br />
Totalspan<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Tradesand<br />
Services Award:DesignerGates; first<br />
runner up, ChattertonBuilders Ltd;<br />
secondrunner up,The Joiner Shop,<br />
Kaikōura.<br />
Misco Joinery, Technology Award:Angus<br />
Robertson Mechanical; firstrunner up,<br />
Go Wireless; secondrunnerup,<br />
DairySmart.<br />
Hellers, EmergingBusiness Award:<br />
VisualOptics;first runner up,Aqualand<br />
New Zealand;second runner up, Lucy<br />
JanePhotography.<br />
MADE<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, Food and<br />
Celebration time ... Kaikōura finalists and supporters for aGuard of Honour for Lynette<br />
Buurman, Business manager and owner of Encounter Kaikōura, which took out the<br />
Supreme Award at the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Awards last Friday evening.<br />
Beverage Award:MtFyffe Distillery; first<br />
runner up,HurunuiFarms; second<br />
runner up,Mylk Made.<br />
CoolSpaces,Sustainability Award:<br />
Magnifynz; first runner up, Karikaas<br />
NaturalDairy Products;second runner<br />
up,Moddex.<br />
PercivalStreet Bakery, Customer Service<br />
Award:Rangiora RSAClub; first runner<br />
up,MandevilleSupervalue/Fresh Choice<br />
Oxford; secondrunnerup, Waipara<br />
Sleepers.<br />
BDO,Professional ServicesAward:<br />
Modbod FacialRejuvenation Clinic; first<br />
runner up, NZ Geotechnical Consultants;<br />
second runner up, Han RomanoFitness.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> People’s Choice<br />
Award:Zeberdee Equine;firstrunner up,<br />
SatisfyFoodRescue; second runner up, D<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
3<br />
Octopus fun ... One of the many attractions at the MainPower Light Festival.<br />
Thousands enjoy light festival<br />
Alarge crowd of over 2000 turned out on<br />
the cold and damp Saturday evening to<br />
the MainPower Light Festival in<br />
Rangiora, surprising organiser Karl<br />
Howarth.<br />
‘‘It was cold and miserable after the<br />
rain we had all day, in complete contrast<br />
to the beautiful night on Friday.<br />
‘‘But Iwas pleasantly surprised when<br />
we had agood crowd come along for<br />
Saturday night's show,’’ he said.<br />
Karl estimates they had 6000 to 7000<br />
people attend on Friday night, the first<br />
of the twodaylong light festival.<br />
‘‘My guess is close to 10,000 people<br />
experienced the wonderful light and<br />
musical show we put on for the<br />
Waimakariri district over the weekend<br />
at Victoria Park.’’<br />
The festival offered alight and sound<br />
wonderland, afairyland of laser lights,<br />
neon, disco lights, interactive lighting<br />
displays, glow toys, food, aUVdance<br />
floor, alicensed bar, stalls, kid’s<br />
activities, roving entertainers and live<br />
music.<br />
It had been postponed two weeks<br />
earlier because of unkind weather<br />
conditions but Friday night was warm<br />
and balmy while the rain thankfully<br />
eased close to darkness on Saturday<br />
night.<br />
‘‘I was so happy with all the musical<br />
acts attending, their vibe, energy and<br />
performances kept the crowds very well<br />
Super trooper fun ... Keith Huxley and his son Jim, aged 3.<br />
entertained, then there was the<br />
wonderful support of all our sponsors<br />
and the stall holders,’’ Karl said.<br />
Karl thanks MainPower, New World,<br />
Ravensdown Properties, Fools of<br />
Desire, Rayonier Matariki Forests and<br />
Ray White Morris &CoProperty<br />
Management who were all major<br />
sponsors of the festival and the many<br />
others.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
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Competition heats up<br />
Muscles will strain, arms will ache and<br />
pride will be on the line at this<br />
weekend’s Sefton School TugOWar<br />
competition.<br />
On Sunday <strong>October</strong> 15, teams of eight<br />
will be competing in the ancient sport of<br />
Tug of War in the school grounds.<br />
Organised by the Sefton School<br />
parents, this annual school fundraiser is<br />
on again after abreak of acouple of<br />
years due to Covid.<br />
Organising committee member Liz<br />
McGimpsey says it will be afun day out<br />
for competitors of all ages.<br />
‘‘There are five categories people can<br />
enter in covering mixed teams, men's<br />
and women's teams, and primary school<br />
teams.’’<br />
The Tug of War will be held on grass<br />
(not boards), and ordinary footwear must<br />
be worn.<br />
Mrs McGimpsey says this means no<br />
studs, spikes, or similar boots.<br />
‘‘We’d recommend normal work boots,<br />
trainers, or gumboots. Crampons or<br />
other additions to footwear are not<br />
allowed. The rope is braided and smooth<br />
to avoid injury so competitors can wear<br />
gloves if they wish.’’<br />
She says the weather forecast is<br />
expected to be OK and they will have a<br />
lot of entertainment and market stalls on<br />
Having fun ... Children take part in one of<br />
the heats at the Sefton TugOWar contest<br />
last year.<br />
hand.<br />
‘‘We have had wonderful support from<br />
local businesses and people so it should<br />
be afun day for all.’’<br />
Entry is free with gates opening at<br />
9am.<br />
The action will start with the first pull<br />
beginning at 10am.<br />
Pool rounds will be held from 10am to<br />
<strong>12</strong>pm and then the knockout phase starts<br />
at 1pm.<br />
Finals for the five categories start at<br />
2pm. Straight after the final trophy Pull<br />
ATruck pull will be held.<br />
Manager called for rare bird<br />
One of New Zealand’s rarest birds,<br />
which is still found in Hurunui, needs a<br />
campaign manager to raise its profile in<br />
Forest and Bird’s, Bird of the Century<br />
competition.<br />
The small forestdwelling Kākāriki<br />
karaka (Orangefronted parakeet) is<br />
heading towards extinction with a<br />
threatenednationally critical<br />
conservation status and only 300450<br />
remaining in the wild.<br />
According to New Zealand Birds<br />
Online, the Hurunui River South Branch<br />
area has the South Island’s largest<br />
population of Kākāriki karaka.<br />
The parakeet is one of 75 birds in the<br />
competition, including the Tarapirohe<br />
(Blackfronted tern), aresident along<br />
Waimakariri’s Ashley/Rakahuri River.<br />
Although some birds selected by<br />
Forest and Bird for the competition,<br />
including the Tarapirohe, already have<br />
campaign managers, Kākāriki karaka is<br />
still waiting for someone to take on that<br />
role.<br />
The Tarapirohe, which has a<br />
threatenednationally endangered<br />
conservation status, is being supported<br />
by the Ashley/Rakahuri Rivercare<br />
Group of volunteers who have been<br />
working for more than 20 years to<br />
improve the habitat for endangered<br />
braided river birds.<br />
The Bird of the Year competition is<br />
held annually to raise awareness of the<br />
dire situation many of New Zealand’s<br />
native birds are facing.<br />
This year’s competition has become<br />
Bird of the Century to help Forest and<br />
Bird celebrate its 100th anniversary, the<br />
organisation’s chief executive, Nicola<br />
Toki, of Waipara, says.<br />
‘‘Voters are not just electing their bird<br />
of the year. To celebrate our 100th<br />
birthday, we are searching for the bird<br />
that has captured New Zealanders’<br />
hearts over the last century.’’<br />
This year’s candidates include five<br />
extinct species, the Mātuhituhi (Bush<br />
wren), the Tutukiwi (South Island snipe),<br />
the Huia, the Piopio, and the Whēkau<br />
(laughing owl), which have been added<br />
to the running for the first time.<br />
‘‘New Zealand’s extinction record is<br />
devastating.’’ Ms Toki says.<br />
‘‘The five extinct birds in this year’s<br />
competition are aheartbreaking<br />
reminder of the incredible biodiversity<br />
we have lost. Eightytwo per cent of our<br />
living native bird species are threatened<br />
or at risk of extinction. We cannot let any<br />
more end up with the tragic fate of the<br />
Laughing owl or the Huia.’’<br />
All 75 Bird of the Century contenders<br />
can be viewed on the Bird of the Year<br />
website<br />
LET’S TAKE<br />
BACK OUR<br />
Milestone for Kowai building<br />
On <strong>October</strong> 5, 1923, Balcairn’s Kowai<br />
County Council Peace Memorial<br />
building was officially opened with<br />
pomp and ceremony as the new council<br />
chambers and to also preserve the<br />
memory of the men and women who<br />
served in World War 1, and also in later<br />
wars.<br />
One hundred years later the Kowai<br />
Archives Society held an open day to<br />
commemorate the occasion.<br />
Owned by the Hurunui District<br />
Council, the building it is now used by<br />
the Kowai Archives Society to collect,<br />
preserve, research and exhibit records<br />
to illustrate and record the cultural<br />
history of the area.<br />
Society researcher Anne Lemon says<br />
it contains aunique record of life in the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> area which is<br />
available for anyone to come and look<br />
through.<br />
The collections include Rolls of<br />
Honour, school rolls, church records,<br />
land titles and maps, historical<br />
photographs, family trees, military<br />
service records scrapbooks and<br />
cemetery records.<br />
‘‘It all started back in the early 1990s<br />
when SeftonKowai Country Woman’s<br />
Institute (CWI) members started<br />
documenting their family histories.<br />
They wanted to collect and preserve<br />
records of the cultural history of the<br />
local area.<br />
‘‘The Amberley Historical Society<br />
soon joined us in 1997 and after storing<br />
the records in different places we<br />
started to look for somewhere<br />
permanent to store and display them all.<br />
‘‘The old Kowai County Council<br />
Chambers were uninhabited and were<br />
available but needed extensive repairs<br />
post earthquake.<br />
‘‘Today it is great to see this amazing<br />
Discovering history ... Kowai Archives Secretary/treasurer Rosalie Hayes chats with<br />
David Dalzell as they search for aphoto of his rugby team which he played for during the<br />
mid 1950s.<br />
collection of historical writings and<br />
records on display in adedicated place<br />
which would have otherwise been lost.’’<br />
Mrs Lemon says their collections are a<br />
unique record of life in the district<br />
stretching from the Ashley River to the<br />
Waipara River, from the mountains to<br />
the sea.<br />
Society volunteers open the centre for<br />
acouple of hours in the afternoon on<br />
Wednesdays and every second Sunday<br />
or by appointment.<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
5<br />
Vibrant cabinet art<br />
Talented local artist Mitch Reid is bringing<br />
his vibrant artwork to Hurunui Streets via<br />
cabinet art.<br />
Designs chosen for this year’s cabinet art<br />
include adesignbased off aremembrance<br />
patch, with astainedglasswindow look,<br />
and afrog sitting on an iconicrock located<br />
near thedrive to HanmerSprings.<br />
Chorus Community RelationsManager<br />
Jo Seddon saysit's exciting to see many<br />
creative designs come through.<br />
‘‘Every year, we are amazedbythe<br />
quality of submissions and the level of<br />
creativity artists bring to theirdesignsand<br />
this year has been no different.This<br />
initiativecontinues to be well supported by<br />
localcommunity, and we look forward to<br />
working in Hurunui for many more years to<br />
come.’’<br />
Artists startwork in the coming months.<br />
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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Areply to Forest and Bird<br />
CEO conservation view<br />
Environmental spokesperson,<br />
Groundswell NZ<br />
The criticism of <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> people for their<br />
‘‘poor conservation record’’ by<br />
Forest and Bird CEO Nicola<br />
Toki is disappointing. (NC<br />
<strong>News</strong>, page 2, <strong>October</strong> 5).<br />
We know that humans have<br />
had adevastating impact on our<br />
natural environment, but to<br />
continually paint us as<br />
environmental villains is<br />
unhelpful.<br />
Rather than always looking<br />
backwards and complaining<br />
about what has been lost, I<br />
challenge Nicola and her<br />
colleagues at Forest and Bird to<br />
look forward, consider how<br />
much has been saved, and seek<br />
opportunities to empower<br />
people and communities in the<br />
environmental effort.<br />
It is no fluke that astaggering<br />
2.8 million hectares of native<br />
vegetation (24 percent of New<br />
Zealand’s total) remains on<br />
sheep and beef farms.<br />
This has come about from<br />
generations of farming families<br />
choosing to leave it there.<br />
Sure, the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Plains<br />
has lost most, but given this<br />
land is the easiest to develop<br />
for farming, cropping, urban<br />
areas, roading and industry this<br />
is not surprising.<br />
The question is: We know<br />
where we are at, but what are<br />
we going to do about it other<br />
than complaining?<br />
Around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
(including on the plains), there<br />
are thousands of examples of<br />
landowners and community<br />
environmental projects.<br />
In my 25 years undertaking<br />
conservation projects we have<br />
helped restore and enhance<br />
hundreds of wetlands,<br />
waterways, and native forest.<br />
Many of the farmers on the<br />
plains in Hurunui and<br />
Waimakariri Districts have<br />
helped rebuild populations of<br />
rare species such as the<br />
shrubby tororaro<br />
(Muehlenbeckia astonii).<br />
Waterways are being fenced<br />
off from stock providing<br />
enhanced habitat for species<br />
such as kakahi (freshwater<br />
mussels), inanga and kokopu<br />
(native whitebait).<br />
It is also great to see so many<br />
community environmental<br />
initiatives in recent years –<br />
landowner driven biodiversity<br />
trusts in both Waimakariri and<br />
Hurunui, Landcare and<br />
Catchment Groups, Irrigation<br />
groups, schools all<br />
complementing landowners’<br />
efforts.<br />
Nicola suggests we need to<br />
fall in love with our indigenous<br />
biodiversity and Iagree.<br />
But aproblem is that<br />
environmental lobby groups,<br />
particularly Forest and Bird,<br />
have turned indigenous<br />
biodiversity into aliability by<br />
demanding excessive<br />
regulation on those who protect<br />
natural areas on their land.<br />
Who will want to restore<br />
nature and wetlands on their<br />
land if it results in more<br />
compliance, bureaucratic<br />
interference, and loss of<br />
property value because of being<br />
captured under council<br />
classification and regulatory<br />
control?<br />
Fortunately, many<br />
landowners are undeterred, but<br />
there are still alot of lost<br />
opportunities.<br />
Forest and Bird have long<br />
argued that we need to put alot<br />
more effort into valuing and<br />
protecting our natural<br />
environment.<br />
Again, Iagree.<br />
But it has failed to recognise<br />
that to increase that effort,<br />
nature on farms must be an<br />
asset, environmental work<br />
valued, rather than penalised,<br />
and people and communities<br />
empowered in action.<br />
Road funding criticised<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
The <strong>Canterbury</strong>region is not<br />
gettingits fair share of roading<br />
funding, says Waimakariri<br />
Mayor DanGordon.<br />
In asubmissiontothe draft<br />
Government Policy Statement<br />
(GPS) on land transport2024,<br />
the WaimakaririDistrict<br />
Council has endorsed its<br />
‘‘general direction’’, butwould<br />
liketosee more<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
projects in the mix.<br />
The inclusion of the<br />
proposed Woodend Bypass in<br />
the GPS sawitmoveintothe<br />
top three projects in the draft<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Regional Land<br />
TransportPlan 2024/34.<br />
But the only other<br />
significant<strong>Canterbury</strong>project<br />
broughtforwardisthe<br />
Ashburton State Highway1<br />
bridge.<br />
‘‘The Ashburtonbridge and<br />
the Woodend Bypass are<br />
important forthe entirety of<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> and forthe<br />
country,’’ Mr Gordon said.<br />
‘‘Weneed to advocate<br />
strongly for <strong>Canterbury</strong>. What<br />
we receive in <strong>Canterbury</strong>isa<br />
paltry amountcomparedtothe<br />
overallfundingfor roading.’’<br />
He saidmaintenance<br />
fundingand subsidies needed<br />
to be at alevel which allowed<br />
councils to ‘‘keep our roading<br />
networks up to speed’’.<br />
‘‘Whenweget behind it is<br />
veryhard to catch up, so it is<br />
something we prioritise here.’’<br />
In thesubmission, the<br />
council calledfor an<br />
underpasstobeconstructed<br />
nearthe Pegasus /<br />
Ravenswoodroundabout to<br />
improvecycle and walking<br />
accessacross SH1.<br />
But Mr Gordon welcomed<br />
plans to widen the Ashley<br />
River Bridgeaspart of the<br />
Woodend Bypassproject.<br />
‘‘Wehopethis will allowfor<br />
cycling and walking.’’<br />
Mr Gordon alsocalled for<br />
the immediate purchase of<br />
landrequired forthe Woodend<br />
Bypasstogivepropertyowners<br />
somecertainty, and calledfor<br />
other Waimakariri projects,<br />
including the proposed Skew<br />
bridgeupgrade(west Kaiapoi),<br />
Lineside Roadsafety<br />
improvements, the Rangiora<br />
westernlink, theproposed<br />
Rangiora eastern linkroad<br />
and transportation<br />
infrastructure to support the<br />
development of Māori Reserve<br />
873 to be given greaterpriority.<br />
The submission advocated<br />
for the GreaterChristchurch<br />
Partnership’s call for more<br />
fundingfor public transport<br />
and infrastructure<br />
enhancements. For nowthe<br />
Rangiora western link, eastern<br />
linkroad andSkew bridge<br />
projects sitatnumbers 20, 24<br />
and 25 in the draft <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
RegionalLand TransportPlan<br />
2024/34.The Greater<br />
Christchurch Partnership’s<br />
publictransportinitiatives is<br />
in the topfour,alongwiththe<br />
ConwayRiver bridge<br />
replacementinHurunui.<br />
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0508 AQUA PRO | 0508 2782 776 |<br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Oct <strong>12</strong> Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct 18<br />
Rise 6:44am<br />
Rise 6:42am<br />
Rise 6:41am<br />
Rise 6:39am<br />
Rise 6:37am<br />
Rise 6:36am<br />
Rise 6:34am<br />
Set 7:48pm<br />
Set 7:49pm<br />
Set 7:50pm<br />
Set 7:51pm<br />
Set 7:53pm<br />
Set 7:54pm<br />
Set 7:55pm<br />
Best 11:25am<br />
Ok<br />
Times 11:45pm<br />
Rise 5:52am<br />
Set 5:08pm<br />
Moderate Wbecoming<br />
fresh SW<br />
Ok<br />
Best <strong>12</strong>:05pm<br />
Times<br />
Rise 6:10am<br />
Set 6:11pm<br />
Fresh Seasing<br />
to moderate SE<br />
Fair<br />
Best <strong>12</strong>:25am<br />
Times <strong>12</strong>:45pm<br />
Rise 6:28am<br />
Set 7:15pm<br />
Moderate S<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Rise 6:46am<br />
Set 8:20pm<br />
Moderate Sbecoming<br />
fresh SW<br />
Rise 7:06am<br />
Set 9:29pm<br />
Moderate SWturning<br />
S<br />
Rise 7:30am<br />
Set 10:39pm<br />
Moderate Sturning<br />
SE<br />
Rise 7:59am<br />
Set 11:49pm<br />
Moderate Sturning<br />
SE<br />
SE 1.0 mturning SE 0.8 mturning<br />
S0.7 mturning<br />
E0.9 mturning<br />
SE 0.9 m<br />
SE 1.0 m<br />
S<br />
S<br />
E<br />
SE<br />
E0.8 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
1:05am<br />
1:26pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
1:47am<br />
2:10pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
2:33am<br />
2:57pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
3:22am<br />
3:48pm<br />
1<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 3:45am 2.1 9:53am 0.7 4:27am 2.1 10:36am 0.7 5:08am 2.2 11:19am 0.7 5:48am 2.2<br />
6:30am 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:18am 0.6 7:13am 2.2 1:00am 0.6 7:59am 2.3 1:43am 0.6<br />
Mouth<br />
4:03pm 2.2 10:16pm 0.7 4:42pm 2.2 10:57pm 0.6 5:21pm 2.2 11:37pm 0.6 6:01pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:02pm 0.7 6:43pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:44pm 0.6 7:28pm 2.2 1:27pm 0.6 8:17pm 2.1 2:13pm 0.6<br />
Amberley 3:45am 2.1 9:53am 0.7 4:27am 2.1 10:36am 0.7 5:08am 2.2 11:19am 0.7 5:48am 2.2<br />
6:30am 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:18am 0.6 7:13am 2.2 1:00am 0.6 7:59am 2.3 1:43am 0.6<br />
Beach<br />
4:03pm 2.2 10:16pm 0.7 4:42pm 2.2 10:57pm 0.6 5:21pm 2.2 11:37pm 0.6 6:01pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:02pm 0.7 6:43pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:44pm 0.6 7:28pm 2.2 1:27pm 0.6 8:17pm 2.1 2:13pm 0.6<br />
3:54am 2.1 10:02am 0.7 4:36am 2.1 10:45am 0.7 5:17am 2.2 11:28am 0.7 5:57am 2.2<br />
6:39am 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:27am 0.6 7:22am 2.2 1:09am 0.6 8:08am 2.3 1:52am 0.6<br />
Motunau 4:<strong>12</strong>pm 2.2 10:25pm 0.7 4:51pm 2.2 11:06pm 0.6 5:30pm 2.2 11:46pm 0.6 6:10pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:11pm 0.7 6:52pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:53pm 0.6 7:37pm 2.2 1:36pm 0.6 8:26pm 2.1 2:22pm 0.6<br />
3:56am 2.1 10:04am 0.7 4:38am 2.1 10:47am 0.7 5:19am 2.2 11:30am 0.7 5:59am 2.2<br />
6:41am 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:29am 0.6 7:24am 2.2 1:11am 0.6 8:10am 2.3 1:54am 0.6<br />
Gore Bay 4:14pm 2.2 10:27pm 0.7 4:53pm 2.2 11:08pm 0.6 5:32pm 2.2 11:48pm 0.6 6:<strong>12</strong>pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:13pm 0.7 6:54pm 2.2 <strong>12</strong>:55pm 0.6 7:39pm 2.2 1:38pm 0.6 8:28pm 2.1 2:24pm 0.6<br />
3:46am 1.4 9:54am 0.4 4:29am 1.4 10:38am 0.4 5:<strong>12</strong>am 1.5 11:21am 0.4 5:54am 1.5<br />
6:36am 1.5 <strong>12</strong>:21am 0.4 7:20am 1.5 1:04am 0.4 8:05am 1.6 1:48am 0.4<br />
Kaikoura 4:07pm 1.5 10:19pm 0.4 4:48pm 1.5 10:59pm 0.4 5:29pm 1.5 11:40pm 0.4 6:11pm 1.5 <strong>12</strong>:04pm 0.4 6:54pm 1.5 <strong>12</strong>:47pm 0.3 7:39pm 1.5 1:33pm 0.3 8:27pm 1.5 2:20pm 0.3<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
SORTED.<br />
up to<br />
Fuller<br />
Tool Bag H:260mm,<br />
W:460mm,<br />
D:240mm<br />
328975<br />
Fuller<br />
Screwdriver Set<br />
49 Piece<br />
346970<br />
40 % off<br />
Was$35.98<br />
98<br />
SelectedFuller Hand Tools $24 98<br />
$19<br />
Was$34.98<br />
98<br />
Resene<br />
DIY AllPurpose<br />
Paintbrush 3pk<br />
2008321<br />
$21<br />
Was$24.99<br />
22<br />
Resene<br />
Serious DIY 3pcKit<br />
230mm<br />
304749<br />
$26<br />
Was$31.58<br />
81<br />
15 off<br />
%<br />
SelectedResene<br />
PaintAccessories<br />
Robinhood<br />
TopMount<br />
Fridge/freezer<br />
Stainless Steel<br />
2002352<br />
15%<br />
off<br />
Robinhood &Omega<br />
$806<br />
Was$949<br />
Fridges&Freezers 65<br />
Omega<br />
<strong>12</strong>4 Litre Bar<br />
Fridge Stainless<br />
Steel<br />
353015<br />
$424<br />
Was$499<br />
15<br />
Offers availableuntil 31 st <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Not in conjunction with anyother offers.While stocks last.<br />
100% LOCALLY<br />
LAWN AND<br />
GARDEN<br />
SORTED.<br />
Growfresh Pot<br />
Tomato Campari<br />
100mm<br />
173838<br />
Tui<br />
Tomato GrowTower<br />
343342<br />
Gardening<br />
Solutionz<br />
Lavender<br />
Purpleberry<br />
Ruffles 1.9 litre<br />
Purple<br />
340670<br />
SAVE<br />
$1 98<br />
$7<br />
Was$8.98 $39<br />
Was$49<br />
SAVE<br />
$10<br />
$<strong>12</strong><br />
Was$15.98<br />
58<br />
SAVE<br />
$3 40<br />
Number 8<br />
Hardwearing<br />
Lawn Seed 1kg<br />
247094<br />
Tui<br />
Rapid Green Slow<br />
Release Lawn<br />
Fertiliser 2.5kg<br />
2014385<br />
Number 8<br />
Plastic Leaf Rake<br />
AssortedColours<br />
243568<br />
$10 98<br />
$32<br />
Was$41.98<br />
98<br />
SAVE<br />
$9<br />
$5 99<br />
Chapin<br />
ProSeries<br />
Backpack<br />
Sprayer15litre<br />
397403<br />
Kiwicare<br />
TurfcleanUltra<br />
Concentrate<br />
200ml Brown<br />
368964<br />
20 % off<br />
Elho Ocean Plastic PotRange<br />
$99<br />
Was$179<br />
SAVE<br />
$80<br />
$26 98<br />
Offers available until 23 rd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Not in conjunction with anyother offers.While stocks last.<br />
100% LOCALLY<br />
SORTED.<br />
Number 8<br />
Paint Brush<br />
Fence100mm<br />
304550<br />
Aquamax<br />
Timber Stain 10L<br />
AssortedSkus<br />
$7 99 $79<br />
Accent<br />
Trellis,Deck<br />
andFence<br />
Roller Kit<br />
100mm 100mm<br />
176141<br />
Was$111<br />
SAVE<br />
$32<br />
$11 76<br />
Testpots available<br />
for $7.18<br />
Number 8<br />
Aquamax<br />
$77 95 $58 98<br />
$44 78<br />
Testpots available<br />
for $7.18<br />
each<br />
Hand Held<br />
SprayGun 400<br />
Watt<br />
322789<br />
Timber Stain 4L<br />
AssortedSKUs<br />
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ECO4litre<br />
278702<br />
Offers available until 23 rd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Not in conjunction with anyother offers.While stocks last.<br />
100% LOCALLY<br />
Join us at oneofthe three exclusive<br />
TheMadeleinesTrioperformancesfor<br />
vintage-inspired music andtoe-tapping fun.<br />
They’ll be performingawonderful variety of<br />
classic tunes, transportingyou to agolden<br />
eraofjazz, swingand glamour.<br />
Nothingbeatsthe energy of alive<br />
concertand this is one nottobemissed.<br />
Each performancewill be followedby<br />
refreshments.<br />
RSVP is essential, to secureyourseat<br />
select from oneofthe locationslisted.<br />
RiccartonPark -The TeaHouse,<br />
165Racecourse Road,Broomfield<br />
CallWendy on 03 3424755<br />
Essie SummersVillage,<br />
222 ColomboSt, Beckenham<br />
Call Lynne 03 3376500<br />
WaitikiriGolfClub,<br />
111 Waitikiri Drive, Parklands<br />
Call 0800 000 290<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
11<br />
Supplying Growers Since 1981<br />
Wild ride ... The new slides at the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools &Spa.<br />
STUART<br />
SMITH<br /><br />
02040326045<br />
Hydro slides opened<br />
ANew Zealandfirst has been unveiled,<br />
with the opening of two stateofthe art<br />
hydroslidesatHanmer Springs Thermal<br />
Pools&Spa (HSTPS).<br />
The VioletVortexand Waiau Winder,<br />
namedfollowing thousands of publicvotes,<br />
offerone of thebest aquaticexperiences in<br />
New Zealand.<br />
The VioletVortexisanadrenalinefuelled<br />
ride, full of twists and turns,and<br />
featuresLED lighting technology.<br />
The slower WaiauWinder features<br />
visual projection technology, neverseen<br />
before in New Zealand. It hasthe ability to<br />
display unique imagery inside the slides so<br />
for example, at the moment, it gives sliders<br />
the feeling of an underwater experience<br />
but in future, it could make sliders feel as<br />
if they’re sledging through mountains.<br />
The slides are replacing the oldgreen<br />
and beige slides builtin1998,whichhad<br />
an estimated 17 million rides taken on<br />
them.<br />
They complement the Superbowl and<br />
Conical Thrill slide experiences, which<br />
opened in 2010 and 2019.<br />
The new slideswill be single body slides,<br />
eliminating the need for rafts, and they<br />
both feature extendedrun outs, providing<br />
asmoothexit without the needfor a<br />
splashdown pool.<br />
Yesterday’sopening ceremony was<br />
attended by Hurunui Mayor Marie Black,<br />
who said the $3.2 millioninvestment was<br />
goingtoelevate Hanmer Springs as a<br />
destination..<br />
‘‘As the sole ownersofHanmer Springs<br />
Thermal Pools&Spa, the Hurunui<br />
community sees the benefits of these<br />
investments.This year, the complex is set<br />
to pay $2.4 millionindividends, which is<br />
ring fencedfor community parks and<br />
reserves,’’she said.<br />
The ceremony alsowelcomed more than<br />
60, year three and fourstudents from<br />
Lincoln Primary School, who won HSTPS<br />
Ultimate BallRun school competition,<br />
earning the privilege of the first public<br />
rides.<br />
Teacherswere encouraged to foster the<br />
development of science and maths skills as<br />
students designed and built theirbest ball<br />
run, with bonus points awarded for team<br />
work and involvingwater.<br />
Leithfield School was runner up.<br />
Teacher Andy Scottsaid they loved the<br />
experience of entering the competition.<br />
‘‘It wassuch ablast. In our Kōpara class,<br />
we had 27 builders from year 4, year 5and<br />
year 6. All of the tamariki had theirsection,<br />
drawing blueprints and planning for over a<br />
week, and then turned up on building day<br />
and gave it 100 percent. It was acracker<br />
experience,full of teamwork, which was<br />
fantastic fromaneducatorstandpoint.’’<br />
GraemeAbbot, General Manager at<br />
HSTPS says the opening of the slides is a<br />
major milestone.<br />
‘‘Thisisasignificantcelebration,<br />
following months of relentless effortand<br />
commitment from the entire project team.<br />
The slidesare open to the general public.<br />
Local residents and ratepayershave free<br />
entry to the poolstoday, <strong>October</strong><strong>12</strong>, witha<br />
valid Residents &Ratepayers Discount<br />
Card.<br />
Sizes –3.4m Wide Range –<br />
4m long / 6m long / 8m long /<br />
10m long /<strong>12</strong>m long<br />
• Galvanised Steel Frame<br />
• Treated Timber Base<br />
• Single Skin Covers<br />
• Head Height 2.4m<br />
Options –Kitset ONLY or<br />
Constructed by Harford Greenhouses<br />
Options -Pickup /Delivered to Site<br />
Sizes –2.6m Wide Range –<br />
4m long /6mlong /8mlong<br />
CALL US ON 03 385 5150 OR<br />
0508 HARFORDS (0508 427 367)<br />
Sprin Tre Plantin<br />
wit gorgeou tree fro<br />
20-50% OFF<br />
Spring Specials include<br />
• Gorgeous Fruit Trees<br />
• Gorgeous Natives<br />
• Gorgeous trees for your<br />
garden/lifestyle block<br />
Most trees grown on site and very wind hardy<br />
Open Monday to Friday 8.30am-4pm<br />
Open Sunday 15 t h <strong>October</strong> 10am-4pm<br />
Sorry no eftpos. Please wear sturdy shoes<br />
2566341a<br />
2610842<br />
479 AshleyGorge Road, Oxford<br />
Phone 0272837279
NEWS<br />
<strong>12</strong> The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
2603978<br />
Science causing rethink<br />
Advancesinscienceiscausing<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> to rethinkhow it<br />
operates.<br />
The regional council has made<br />
significant changes to its consenting<br />
processes to manage land use such as<br />
intensivefarming and conversions to<br />
dairying.<br />
‘‘While these and other decisions made<br />
under the ResourceManagement Act were<br />
well intentioned, they lacked the science<br />
and modelling technology that wehave<br />
now, which we can’t ignore,’’ chairperson<br />
Peter Scott said.<br />
‘‘We have some of the strictest<br />
environmental rules here in <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
compared to the rest of New Zealand and,<br />
although we have made changes over the<br />
past decade to limit the impactofour<br />
activity on the environment, we’re stillnot<br />
where we need to be.’’<br />
Cr Scott says Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> is<br />
Walk-behind mowers<br />
from $329<br />
responsible for enforcingthe rules which<br />
dictate how Cantabrians interact with the<br />
environment.<br />
Over the next 18 months the councilwill<br />
rewrite several longterm and strategic<br />
planstoreflect Government legislation, to<br />
meetthe expectations of mana whenua<br />
and the wider community, and to respond<br />
and adapttoclimate change.<br />
This includes updating the Regional<br />
Policy Statement (RPS).<br />
‘‘This is a powerful tool that sets the<br />
direction for all other district and regional<br />
plans,’’ Cr Scott.<br />
‘‘We are also developinganew climate<br />
actionplan and updating regional<br />
transport plans.<br />
The council completed asurvey earlier<br />
this year to seek feedback before<br />
beginning work on anew RPS. Cr Scott<br />
said the councilwill check in with<br />
residents again as the new RPS develops.<br />
Ride-on Mowers<br />
from $4499<br />
Line Trimmers<br />
from $199<br />
See us for all of your ride-on mower,walk behind mower and 2-stroke service work<br />
360 FlaxtonRoad, Rangiora<br />
Ph 03 313 5563<br /><br />
Celebration time ... The team from <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> at the celebrations —Peter Williams<br />
(Kaiapoi, left), Lois Farrow (Rangiora), Sally de Beer (Rangiora),Albert Kruize Fernside), Julie<br />
Kruize (Fernside), Brian Dixon (Cust), Elizabeth Dixon (Cust) Terry Green (Rangiora).<br />
A100-year settler celebration<br />
Membersofthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> Pilgrims and<br />
EarlySettlers’ Association, which<br />
includes several <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> folk,<br />
met on Sunday, to celebrate 100 years<br />
sincethe association was formed.<br />
Association members metatEliza’s<br />
ManoronBealey Avenue, which was<br />
builtin1861,and example of Victorian<br />
architecture.<br />
The association was formed on <strong>October</strong><br />
8, 1923when 17 descendants of<br />
immigrants, whohad landed in<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> in 18501851 on one of the<br />
firstsix ships thatbrought the early<br />
settlers to <strong>Canterbury</strong>, met in the<br />
Christchurch CityCouncil Chambers.<br />
The aim of the association is to foster an<br />
interest in early <strong>Canterbury</strong>history, and<br />
to acknowledgethe efforts made by<br />
forebears to establish the province.<br />
Thirtyeight membersattendedthe 100<br />
year celebration, many of themdressed<br />
in period costume.<br />
President, Beverley Bolland, and<br />
Patron, Arthur <strong>North</strong>cote, who is in his<br />
90’s,and who had travelled down from<br />
Stoke, Nelson,especially for the<br />
occasion, explainedsome of the work<br />
done by the association over the years.<br />
One of the notable is the plaque on<br />
Pilgrim’sRock in Lyttelton, near the spot<br />
wherethe firstsettlers disembarked from<br />
the CharlotteJane and the Randolph on<br />
December 16, 1850. On thisdate every<br />
year,membersofthe association gather<br />
at TheRock Precinct to pay tribute to<br />
thesepioneers.While initially<br />
membership of the association was<br />
limited to descendants of pioneers who<br />
came out in thesefirst six ships, this has<br />
sincebeen opened up to anyone with a<br />
genuine interest in early <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
history. The groupmeetsonthe third<br />
Sunday of each month. One monththere<br />
is avisittoaplace of historical interest,<br />
the nextmonthameeting withaguest<br />
speaker. New members arewelcome. Go<br />
to the association’s website or Facebook.<br />
IN<br />
SPRING<br />
Silver Ferns vEngland Roses –24Sept<br />
Akaroa French Festival –6-8 Oct<br />
Crater Rim Ultra –15Oct<br />
Christchurch Big Band Festival –19-23 Oct<br />
The Chicks –30-31 Oct<br />
NZ Agricultural Show –15-17 Nov<br />
FAST5 Netball World Series –11-<strong>12</strong> Nov<br />
The Corrs Down Under<br />
with Natalie Imbruglia –11Nov<br />
NZ Cup Week Riccarton Park –11, 15, 18Nov<br />
IRT NZTrotting Cup Day –14 Nov<br />
Freestyle Kings –2Dec<br />
Akaroa Dolphins<br />
Ballooning <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Christchurch Art Gallery<br />
Christchurch Attractions<br />
Orana Wildlife Park<br />
Tussock Hill<br />
Christchurch Adventure Park<br />
International Antarctic Centre<br />
The Crossing<br />
Riverside Market<br />
The Terrace<br />
great offers on<br />
weeKly faves<br />
$<br />
13 99<br />
kg<br />
$<br />
2 49<br />
ea<br />
Fresh Lamb Shoulder Chops<br />
(Product of NZ)<br />
Loose Red, Green or Yellow Capsicums<br />
(Product of NZ)<br />
$<br />
4 99<br />
ea<br />
$<br />
39 99<br />
PK<br />
$<br />
4 99<br />
ea<br />
Whittaker’s Chocolate<br />
Block 250g<br />
Speight’s Summit Ultra Low<br />
Carb Lager 24 x 330ml Bottles<br />
Fresh’n Fruity Yoghurt 1kg<br />
(Excludes Greek)<br />
$<br />
3 20<br />
PK<br />
2for<br />
$<br />
2 00<br />
WW Choc Oaty Slice Bars 6 Pack<br />
Anchor CalciYum Milk 250ml<br />
$<br />
7 50<br />
pk<br />
$<br />
4 99<br />
ea<br />
$<br />
1 60<br />
ea<br />
Bluebird Snack Packs 18 Pack WW Salted Butter 500g Essentials Sliced Bread 600g<br />
Certain products may not be available in all stores. Savings are based on non-promotional prices. As each participating<br />
store’s usual price may differ from the recommended non-promotional price, the savings from astores usual price may<br />
differ. The in-store price may belower than advertised. Limits may apply, trade not supplied. Prices apply from Monday<br />
9th to Sunday 15th <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong>, or while stocks last. Promotions exclude FreshChoice City Market.<br />
OWNED &<br />
NEWS<br />
14 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Fashion on parade<br />
Band hits high note<br />
Afashion parade with adifference is<br />
beingplanned in Rangiora in December.<br />
Opshop offeringswillbeparaded on<br />
thecatwalk in Good Street, by volunteer<br />
models.<br />
SamFisher, Rangiora’s Town Cryer,<br />
says the ideatohostafashion parade,<br />
featuring locally donated clothes, came<br />
from oneoftheopshops he visited.<br />
Itsaimistoshinealighton recycling<br />
andhelping reduce thevolumeofwaste<br />
going to landfills, as well showoff the<br />
qualityofgoodsavailable forthose<br />
struggling financially.<br />
GoodStreetbusinesseshave swung in<br />
behindthe show,allowing theuse ofthe<br />
Plaza in theMall,toshowoff locally<br />
donatedclothes that are beinggivena<br />
secondcrack at life.<br />
Samsays categories willbeGoing Out,<br />
Men’scasualwear, Women’scasual wear,<br />
andclothing for childrenandyoung<br />
people.<br />
Thebestoutfitoverall willwin a<br />
donatedprize.<br />
All theproceeds from theevent on<br />
Saturday, December1,will go back to the<br />
op shops. It willrun from1pmto3pm.<br />
Sam says Rangiora is rich in op shops.<br />
‘‘I hadfriends visiting andcoming to<br />
stay sothey couldvisit thenineRangiora<br />
fulltimeop shops andtwoparttime<br />
stores.<br />
‘‘Myvisitors toRangiorahad heardof,<br />
andwanted to visit the op shopshere<br />
which arewell maintained andbrilliantly<br />
run by somefantastic volunteers.<br />
‘‘And theclothes selectionisofthe<br />
highest quality,’’ he says.<br />
Sam’s Town Cryerskillscan be<br />
acquired by appointment—<br /><br />
FROM 1.30PM<br />
BLUE<br />
GROOVE<br />
GRETAVALLEY TAVERN|9Tavern Drive |p.03975 3924<br />
The Rangiora RSA Club Band has been<br />
hitting all the right notes this year,<br />
achieving considerable success.<br />
It won the National DGrade champion<br />
band at the New Zealand band contest in<br />
Dunedin earlier this year.<br />
It backed this up at the recent<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Provincial contest, winning<br />
every event in its grade with aclean<br />
sweep in the hymn, major work, stage<br />
march and best entertaining band.<br />
Principal Euphonium player Steve<br />
Griffin also won the overall Veterans<br />
section in the solo events, for the second<br />
year in arow.<br />
It’s outstanding competition fetes<br />
followed asold out Rangiora Town Hall<br />
concert, Asalute to Edinburgh ''<br />
performing alongside the McAlpines<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Pipe Band.<br />
On Armistice Day, November 11, the<br />
band will present Armistice at Flanders<br />
Fields tribute concert.<br />
The band’s Musical Director Dwayne<br />
Bloomfield, aworld renowned<br />
composer, has composed anew musical<br />
tribute which will be played along with<br />
favourites throughout the concert.<br />
The concert is in remembrance of<br />
Armistice Day, 105 years ago, and a<br />
world premiere concert, will be<br />
performed by bands afew hours later in<br />
Brisbane, South Africa, the United<br />
Kingdom, Belgium, France, Canada and<br />
the United States. All proceeds from the<br />
Rangiora concert will go to the Rangiora<br />
RSA Welfare and the Salvation Army<br />
Emergency Services.<br />
The performance will be held in the<br />
Baptist Church Centre, 111 East Belt<br />
Rangiora, at 2pm.<br />
Tickets are $20 and available at the<br />
Rangiora RSA. Ph 03 3137<strong>12</strong>3.<br />
Veteran’s section solo winner ... Principal<br />
Euphonium player, Steve Griffin.<br />
Musical director ... Dwayne Bloomfield<br />
with the bands trophies it won in the<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Provincial contest. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED<br />
Clarkville<br />
27 Heywards Road<br />
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1,640m²<br />
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21st OCTOBER <strong>2023</strong><br /> /<br /><br />
RANGIORASHOW<strong>2023</strong> PROGRAMME<br />
ALLDAY<br />
8.30am<br />
Working HunterHorses (Main Oval)<br />
10.00am<br />
<strong>12</strong>.30pm<br />
1.00pm onwards<br />
Working HunterPonies followedbyPonyHunterJumping (West<br />
Oval)<br />
Stock&Station (All Weather Arena)<br />
Hack HunterJumping (Main Oval)<br />
Arabian, Standardbred,Warmbloods, Welsh, Golden Horse,Pinto,<br />
LedHorses &Led Ponies (East Oval)<br />
FREESTYLE MOTORCROSS NZ – first showat10am<br />
MOUNTED GAMES DISPLAYS9am – <strong>12</strong>pm Main Oval<br />
SHOWS &AMUSEMENTS–great selection of family entertainment<br />
BARAND BAND FROM 11am onwards<br />
7.30am<br />
8.30am<br />
9.00am<br />
DogTrials Commence<br />
Hacks,Saddle Hunters,ParkHacks,Riding Horse,(West Oval) Show<br />
Ponies 138cm-148cm, followedbyShowPonies <strong>12</strong>8cm-138cm, Show<br />
Ponies under <strong>12</strong>8cm, followedbySaddle HunterPonies,LeadRein<br />
followedbyFirst Ridden, Shetland Ponies,MiniatureHorses (East<br />
Oval)<br />
PleasureHorse &Pony(AllWeather Arena)<br />
Alpacas (Number 2Oval)<br />
Gypsy Cobs (Main Oval)<br />
Clydesdales,(Main Oval)<br />
Sheep,AngoraGoats &Mohair,Grain &Seeds, Cattle and Beef<br />
Herdsperson<br />
9.30am<br />
10.00am<br />
10.30am<br />
11.00am<br />
<strong>12</strong>.00pm<br />
<strong>12</strong>.30pm<br />
2.00pm<br />
2.30pm<br />
3.30pm<br />
DairyGoats,Shearing,Poultry, Home &Craft,Produce,<br />
Flower,Photography, School Arts &Crafts,<br />
National Dancing.<br />
Donkeys(West Oval Ring 14)<br />
Implements &Machinery<br />
Non-Hackney&HackneyHarness (West Oval Ring 13)<br />
PetLambs<br />
Terrier Race<br />
Pony HunterChampionship (Main Oval)<br />
Supreme Presentations in the Main Oval<br />
Grand Parade<br />
Lolly Scramble<br />
Hack HunterChampionship and Qualified Hunter(Main Oval)<br />
100% LOCALLY<br />
16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Seamless Spouting<br />
Supply and Install<br />
of Seamless Gutters<br />
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Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />
Call Marvin 027 371 4179<br /><br />
2513472<br />
President takes on dual role<br />
Mel Morris may be the firstRangiora Show<br />
president to compete in equestrian events.<br />
This year’s<strong>North</strong>ern A&P Association<br />
president has been riding at the show<br />
since age 10, and says her extra duties will<br />
not stop her competing withher horse<br />
Kosciuszko.<br />
Joining her in the equestrian arena will<br />
be her sister Sarah, while her father<br />
LyndonMorris will onceagain be running<br />
the jumping events behind thescenes.<br />
‘‘Mostofmyclassesare on the Friday, on<br />
Saturday Ionly have one event in the<br />
afternoon,sohopefully Ican get my jobs<br />
done beforehand.’’<br />
Her 14yearoldhorseKosciuszko was<br />
named after the KosciuszkoNational Park<br />
in NewSouth Wales, Australia.<br />
Kosciuszko has beencompeting since he<br />
was 4or5yearsand Mel hopes to get afew<br />
more years outofhim yet.<br />
Her otherhorse, 24yearold Malluka,<br />
had asuccessful run on the showcircuit<br />
before Mel hung up his reinsfour years<br />
ago.<br />
‘‘At this stage Ihaven’t got any other<br />
horses up and coming, so Kosciuszko could<br />
be my lasthorse,but Imay change my<br />
mind by the time he’sreadytoretire.’’<br />
Mel says she is excited about the big day.<br />
‘‘I look forward to seeing the public<br />
enjoying the showand hopefullywewill<br />
have agood day, weather wise.<br />
‘‘It is justgreathaving the crowds out<br />
enjoying what we’ve got to offer.’’<br />
Being the 150th show,Mel says the<br />
committee is hopingtopresentadisplay of<br />
agriculture through the years.<br />
There is alarge number of Clydesdales<br />
entered, so there willbeashowcase of the<br />
popularworkhorses.<br />
Alargevintage machinery display is<br />
being planned,with avintage parade to<br />
follow the grand parade.<br />
‘‘It is achance for peopletosee how it<br />
was done in the past.<br />
At the helm ... Mel Morris is looking forward to competing with her horse Kosciuszko at<br />
the Rangiora Show.<br />
Mel joined the committeesix yearsago.<br />
‘‘Ithas been awee bit of awhirlwind,but<br />
being involved in the equestrian sideofit<br />
Idohave abit of an understanding of how<br />
the show is run.<br />
‘‘But it is awee bit out of my comfort<br />
zone.’’<br />
The Morrisfamilyhave along<br />
association with the Rangiora Show,<br />
dating back to whenLyndon wasa<br />
competitor.<br />
Lyndon hasbeen the equestrian<br />
convener since the 1980s and was<br />
president in 2004.<br />
‘‘Dad saideverything comes together on<br />
the day, but there is certainlyalot of work<br />
fromthe committeebehind the scenes<br />
which makes it all happen.’’<br />
A&P shows areinthe blood, as Mel’s<br />
greatgrandfather JamesLowreywas show<br />
president at Ashburton in 1956, followed<br />
by her greatuncle Jim Lowrey in 1972.<br />
Mel works in the customer services team<br />
for PGG Wrightson’s cereal seeds division.<br />
Her partnerJasonPreen is afencing<br />
contractor.<br />
The couple haveafour hectare lifestyle<br />
blockatLoburn.<br />
Theirdaughter Mackenzie, aged 7, has<br />
yet to pick up the show bug, but is looking<br />
forward to havingsome candyfloss.<br />
Mel has abusy few months ahead, as she<br />
is competing at the upcoming Ellesmere<br />
and Amberley A&P Shows and the New<br />
Zealand Agricultural Show.<br />
She has as anumber of hunterjumping<br />
eventstocompete in as well.<br />
‘‘I am verygrateful to the hardworking<br />
committeefor all the work they put in, not<br />
just for showday but throughout the year.’’<br />
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
17<br />
Unlock your<br />
land’spotential.<br />
Showtime ... There will be plenty of attractions for the whole family at this year’s annual<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern A&P Show.<br />
A150th celebration<br />
The <strong>North</strong>ernA&P Association is<br />
gearinguptocelebrate it’s 150th<br />
annualshow at LabourWeekend.<br />
All theold favourites are backatthe<br />
RangioraShowgroundsonFridayand<br />
Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 20 and21.<br />
‘‘Everything is back.All the displays<br />
and eventspeople are familiar with<br />
are returning,plus we have somenew<br />
displayshappeningtoo,’’secretary<br />
Sammy Schwind says.<br />
‘‘A&P showsare just as popular as<br />
ever, but we wanttoattractmore<br />
young familiestoenter intothe<br />
competitions, andencouragethem to<br />
keepcoming back.’’<br />
There are lots of different sections<br />
across the homeand produce section<br />
for all ages, includingart,<br />
photography,baking,knitting,<br />
needlework, woodwork and<br />
metalwork.<br />
‘‘Ifyou haven’t entered this year,<br />
comeand havealookand enternext<br />
year.’’<br />
The show willhaveall the usual<br />
range of livestock, includinggoats,<br />
sheep,horses,ponies,donkeys, dogs,<br />
alpacasand poultry.<br />
The popular junior stock judging<br />
competition, featuringthe Rangiora<br />
HighSchoolcattle showteam, will<br />
alsobeback.<br />
The show getsunder way with<br />
equestrian eventsfrom 8amonFriday<br />
and free entryfor anyonewho wants to<br />
comedown and watch the action.<br />
Sheep dog trialsare firstup on<br />
Saturday from 7.30am,followed by<br />
more equestrian eventsstarting at<br />
8.30am witheverything from hacks<br />
andshow poniestoClydesdales,<br />
miniaturehorses,nonhackney and<br />
harness.<br />
The sheepsection is back, with<br />
classes in thetraditionalbreeds,flock<br />
sheep,black and coloured sheep,<br />
prime lambs, gift lambs,pet lambs and<br />
fleece classes.<br />
There willbeasheeptogarment<br />
display starting at 11am. Shearing,<br />
woodchopping,grainand seed, home<br />
and produce,tradeand craft sections,<br />
and dancing competitionsare also on<br />
the programme.<br />
Visitorscan watch competitors do<br />
an Irishjig,ahighland fling or tackle<br />
sword dancing andthe sailor’s<br />
hornpipe. Thereisplentyoffoodfrom<br />
sausage sizzles, hotchips,hot dogs<br />
and candyfloss to somemoregourmet<br />
offerings.<br />
To keep smallerchildren<br />
entertained, there is akidszone with<br />
abouncy castle, sandpit and toys.<br />
The farmyardnursery is back in its<br />
usual spottogiveyoungstersataste of<br />
country life. Marketstalls will be<br />
selling all kindsofitems, and there<br />
willbesideshowsand rides.<br />
The showwillbeheldatthe Ashley<br />
Street ShowgroundsonFridayand<br />
Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 20 and 21.<br />
Admission on Saturday is $15 for<br />
adults, $5 for achild and afamily pass<br />
for $35.Children under 5are free.<br />
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Ben Turner<br />
027 530 1400 |<br />
18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Show has humble beginnings<br />
The <strong>North</strong>ern A&P Association maybe 157<br />
yearsold this year, butthis Labour<br />
Weekend it will be celebratingits 150th<br />
show.<br />
From humble beginnings, the <strong>North</strong>ern<br />
(Rangiora) Agricultural and Pastoral Show<br />
has growntobecome one of the largest<br />
annual shows in the South Island.<br />
Established in 1866,the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P<br />
Association took its name because it was<br />
the first A&P Association in the South<br />
Island to be established north of<br />
Christchurch.<br />
It was establishedfollowing ameeting at<br />
ahotelinSaltwater Creek in 1866, where<br />
the Mandeville FarmersClub put up a<br />
proposal to set up an annual show similar<br />
to the <strong>Canterbury</strong> A&P Show, founded<br />
threeyears earlier.<br />
Historian Philip Worthington, and<br />
associationmember, says the firstever<br />
show held by the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P<br />
Association, on Friday, December28,1866,<br />
was in apaddock lent to the association for<br />
the occasionbyWilliam Buss of Rangiora.<br />
Mr Buss was alocalauctioneer and a<br />
member of the showcommittee.<br />
It was heldonhis farm, Harrange, on the<br />
south side of what is now Kippenberger<br />
Avenue,roughly opposite whereLamb<br />
and Hayward’s Waimana funeral chapel<br />
stands today.<br />
An estimated <strong>12</strong>00people attendedthe<br />
show with gate takings of £46 pounds, 13<br />
shillings and sixpence.<br />
The second show was held in Kaiapoi on<br />
Wednesday, November 6, 1867, in a15acre<br />
paddockowned by John Skinner opposite<br />
the KaikanuiHotel.<br />
Two further shows, alternating again<br />
betweenRangiora and Kaiapoi, were held<br />
in 1868and 1869, and then the association<br />
went into recess.Itwas revived in 1874 and<br />
the fifthever show was held on Guy<br />
Fawkes Day,November 5, 1874, in a<br />
paddockonAshleyStreet,owned by<br />
Frederick Rickman, on the opposite side<br />
of the road to thepresentshowgrounds.<br />
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Rangiora 7471<br /><br />
2614388<br />
2560400<br />
The shows have continued<br />
uninterrupted eversince, except for one<br />
year at the heightofthe World War 2, and<br />
two becauseofthe recent Covid pandemic.<br />
Whileitisnow known as the Rangiora<br />
Show,the association has keptthe<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern name because of its history.<br />
Other<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> shows have<br />
sincebeen established in Oxford,<br />
Amberley,Hawarden, Amuri, Cheviotand<br />
Kaikoura.<br />
It was the fourth South Island A&P<br />
Association to mark its 150th anniversary,<br />
following OtagoTaieri (founded in 1860),<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> (1863) and <strong>North</strong> Otago (also<br />
1863)associations.<br />
Mr Worthington says the showof2016,<br />
marking theassociation’s 150th year of<br />
existence,was the biggest, helpedbybeing<br />
granted Royal Event status for both the<br />
equestrian and sheepsections. ‘‘In all,<br />
therewere 4335entriesacross all sections,<br />
more than18times that of the first ever<br />
show.’’<br />
Mounted Games demonstration at show<br />
MountedGames is abranch of equestrian<br />
sport in which fast gamesare played on<br />
ponies up to aheight of about 152cm(15<br />
hands).<br />
At this years<strong>North</strong>ernA&P Show there<br />
will be ademonstration by the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
MountedGames Association on Saturday<br />
morning with three half hour shows<br />
starting from shortly after 9am.<br />
Participants in mounted games require<br />
athletic ability, riding skills, handtoeye<br />
coordination, determination,<br />
perseverance, and acompetitive spirit,<br />
which nevertheless requires an ability to<br />
work togetherwith other riders and a<br />
willingness to help one another.<br />
Mounted Gameswere the inspiration of<br />
the late PrincePhilip.<br />
When the Director of the annualHorse<br />
of the YearShow, England,was asked by<br />
Prince Philipifhecould devisea<br />
competitionfor children who could not<br />
afford an expensive, wellbred pony, he<br />
came up with aplan .<br />
At the 1957 the Horse of the Year Show,<br />
in <strong>North</strong> London, England, the first<br />
Mounted Games Championship for the<br />
Prince PhilipCup was staged —itwas an<br />
immediate box office success.<br />
The aim of Mounted Games was to<br />
extend the sport, previously agerestricted<br />
by Pony Club, for wider participation.<br />
In 1984, the Mounted Games Association<br />
of Great Britain was established.<br />
In the years which followed, Prince<br />
Philip’scontinued support and patronage<br />
ensured that the sport spread across Great<br />
Britain and beyond.<br />
The sport is beingenjoyedbymany<br />
ridersaround the world, and the<br />
International Mounted Games<br />
Association, which were formedin2003,<br />
now has members in 24 countries on five<br />
continents.<br />
It is ateam sportcombining alove of<br />
ponies and friends, with various races.<br />
Teams of four or five riders and ponies<br />
take part involving amix of turns,<br />
handovers, skill, vaulting andgalloping<br />
against other teams.<br />
The <strong>Canterbury</strong> Mounted Games<br />
Association will demonstrate mounted<br />
games riding in the main arena at 9.30,<br />
11am and 11.30 am.<br />
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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
19<br />
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Andrew Stewart<br />
Alastair Robinson<br />
Families important<br />
to show’ssuccess<br />
Neighbours for generations, the Stewart<br />
and Robinson families of Waikuku, have<br />
also worked closely together to help<br />
make the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P Association’s<br />
annual show asuccess every Labour<br />
Weekend.<br />
Generations of the neighbouring<br />
families have worked the land around<br />
the Waikuku Township since 1921 when<br />
the subdivided lots of the former<br />
Coldstream Estate were sold off.<br />
Today Andrew Stewart is the fourth<br />
generation to run the family’s dairy farm<br />
at Waikuku, the Cresslands Holstein<br />
Friesian stud.<br />
‘‘Mum’s father was on the committee<br />
and his brother was apast president of<br />
the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P Association, my mum<br />
(Nicky), dad (Graham), brother (Nathan)<br />
and sister (Rebecca) are all on the<br />
committee with me, and it is alot of fun<br />
to be involved with.’’<br />
Andrew says it is agreat way to meet<br />
people, and he loves being able to meet<br />
and talk to different farmers from all<br />
over the district.<br />
‘‘Sometimes you can get stuck in your<br />
own little bubble on the farm, and it’s a<br />
great way to get out and get involved with<br />
other people.’’<br />
He says the whole family gets involved<br />
in the show on the day.<br />
‘‘We’re there showing our Cresslands<br />
Holstein Friesian’s, while my brother<br />
Nathan brings his earthmoving gear<br />
along and sets up adisplay.<br />
‘‘It’s agood way to catch up with<br />
friends as we only see some of the people<br />
at working bees and stuff.’’<br />
Andrew says he is proud of the work<br />
his family has done over the many years<br />
they have been involved on the<br />
committees.<br />
‘‘When Nathan and Ihad just started<br />
at High School we went down to help<br />
build Tom’s Shed during the holidays,<br />
and then later helped cart all the dirt to<br />
relevel the polo grounds.’’<br />
Neighbour Alastair Robinson says<br />
organising the construction of Tom’s<br />
Shed was one of his fondest memories of<br />
working on the committee.<br />
‘‘It was quite an achievement to<br />
organise Tom's shed and some of the<br />
other buildings at the showgrounds over<br />
the years.<br />
Alastair is also the fourth generation<br />
of his family on the land and has been a<br />
past president and chairman of the<br />
grounds during his more than 30year<br />
tenure on the committee.<br />
He joined the association in the mid<br />
1990s and continues to be heavily<br />
involved today.<br />
‘‘A couple of very wellrespected<br />
members and local farmers encouraged<br />
me to join them in the '90s.<br />
‘‘I found it was agreat way to meet<br />
people while putting something back<br />
into the community.’’<br />
At 33 he was one of the youngest<br />
presidents of the association in 2007.<br />
‘‘There used to be along waiting list to<br />
become president, but now it’s alot<br />
shorter as like many other associations<br />
we struggle to get people to join the<br />
committee.’’<br />
While he hasn’t shown his Royal Oak<br />
Holstein Friesians from the Robinson<br />
Dairy Farm often, Alastair says this<br />
year's 150th anniversary show will be a<br />
good one with lots to offer visitors.<br />
Available in store at<br />
Crawford Hill Jewellery.<br /><br />
We will be at<br />
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140 High Street<br />
Rangiora<br />
03 3106191<br />
2617<strong>12</strong>3<br />
P.O. Box 171 |279B Flaxton Road | Rangiora<br />
Phone 03313 6026<br /><br /><br /><br />
General Cartage, Containers &Swinglift, Log cartage, Hiab Crane, Bulk, Daily Freight<br />
20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
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Tony SHOP Ph: 0800 641 146 or 03 313 5977<br />
Moodie Hydraulics –24/7 Mobile Service<br />
Josh MOBILE Ph: 027 209 5294<br />
2522413<br />
Tricks galore ... Riders from Freestyle New Zealand are returning to entertain with<br />
their FMX skills at the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P Show in Rangiora.<br />
r<br />
e<br />
.<br />
p<br />
e<br />
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a<br />
Scott Heasley 0275 350 302 |<br /><br />
Love Your Hearing, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Charlotte Watson<br />
Audiologust<br />
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Vera Setz<br />
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MNZAS<br />
Alison Highman<br />
Ear Nurse<br />
RN<br />
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and ear health experts!<br />
Vera Setz:<br />
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Clinics in Rangiora,<br />
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Hanmer Springs<br />
Ear Care:<br />
020 4<strong>12</strong>4 25 25<br />
Clinics in Rangiora,<br />
Amberley, Kaiapoi<br />
2539901<br />
2453205<br />
Bringing town and<br />
countrytogether<br />
One of the returning attractions at<br />
this year’s <strong>North</strong>ern A&PShowwill<br />
be an adrenalinepumping family<br />
fun event —FreestyleMotocross<br />
(FMX).<br />
Two top FMX ridersfrom Gore,<br />
Stuart Ewing and AndrewJackson,<br />
will go sky highwith arange of<br />
backflips and front flips as they<br />
demonstrate theirfreestyle skills.<br />
The duo will be performing four 15<br />
minute shows throughout the day<br />
starting about 10am, justoff the<br />
main arena at the show.<br />
Freestyle New Zealand company<br />
director Neil Dempsey says it will be<br />
afun filled showdisplaying the<br />
talents of the two up and coming<br />
FMX riders.<br />
‘‘It’s greattobeback at Rangiora,<br />
and thesetalentedyoung riderswill<br />
do four presentations duringthe<br />
eventwith freestylemotocross bikes<br />
doingflips, whips, and many other<br />
tricks.<br />
‘‘It’s always great entertainment<br />
as they showcase theirskills and<br />
bravery in the air.’’<br />
Whilethe older children are kept<br />
entertainedbythe high flyingFMX<br />
the younger children can take<br />
advantage of the first kids’ zone<br />
being held at the show.<br />
This year the committeehave<br />
arranged akids’ zone complete with<br />
bouncycastle, toys in asand pit and<br />
afarmyard petting area.<br />
Located near the old secretaries<br />
officeatthe showgrounds, the new<br />
kids’ zone is nearthe bar and band<br />
area.<br />
Other attractions include a<br />
vintage machinerydisplay through<br />
the ages,the terrierrace, dog trials,<br />
woodchopping, shearing and<br />
Pedalmania.<br />
There is aband, abar,<br />
amusements,food stalls and market<br />
stalls.<br />
The popular terrier racingwill be<br />
held at <strong>12</strong>noonSaturday in the main<br />
oval.<br />
The grand paradeisscheduled at<br />
2.30pminthe main oval,following<br />
the Supreme Awardpresentations at<br />
2pm.<br />
And finally, the lolly scramble to<br />
send the children home on ahigh.<br />
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GearTrack Packs ®<br />
Available from Garador <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
6B Alfred Street, Rangiora<br />
Bike GearTrack® Pack $195<br />
Perfect forhanging bikesand helmets. Gettwo bikes off the floor<br />
usingthe GladiatorClaw AdvanceBike Storage Hookand the<br />
Vertical Bike Hook.<br />
Includes: Gladiator ClawAdvanceBike StartHook x1,VerticalBike<br />
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Dimensions: <strong>12</strong>19mm Wx152.4mmH(when assembled as shown)<br />
Lawn Care GearTrack® Pack $189<br />
Withfourdifferent heavy-duty hooks, theLawn Care GearTrack®<br />
Pack helps you keep your outdoor tools organised. Usethe Deep<br />
Hookfor toolslike garden hoses andthe Wide Hookfor itemslike<br />
rakes and shovels.<br />
Includes: Big Hookx1, Deep Hookx1, Wide Hookx1, Tool Hook x1,<br />
<strong>12</strong>19mmGearTrack® Channel x1, EndCaps x2, ColourMatched<br />
Screws x8, Compatible DriverBit x1.<br />
Dimensions: <strong>12</strong>32mm Wx158.7mmH(when assembled as shown)<br />
Gardening GearTrack® Pack $225<br />
The Gardening GearTrack® Pack includesaremovable bag for<br />
gardening, cleaning andother projects. Usethe JHooks for<br />
lightweightgear like sun hats andthe ScoopHooks for heavier<br />
itemslike Brooms.<br />
Includes: Project Bag x1, ScoopHooks x2, JHooks x2,813mm<br />
GearTrack® Channelx1, EndCaps x2, ColourMatchedScrewsx6,<br />
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Dimensions: 813mm Wx15mmH(when assembled as shown)<br />
Sports GearTrack® Pack $245<br />
The Sports GearTrack® Pack includes a Meshbasketand three<br />
different hooks.Use the basket to store sports ballsand the Wide,<br />
Scoop, andTool Hooks to hang baseball bats and tennisrackets.<br />
Includes: 24”Mesh Basket x1,Wide Hook x1, ScoopHook x1,Tool<br />
Hookx1, <strong>12</strong>19mmGearTrack® Channel x1,End Caps x2, Colour<br />
Matched Screws x8, Compatible DriverBit x1<br />
Dimensions: <strong>12</strong>19mm Wx152.3mm H(when assembled as shown)<br />
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Congratulations to all of<br />
the<strong>2023</strong><strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Business Awards Winners<br />
&Runners-Up<br />
EncounterKaikōura<br />
“Anoutstanding business<br />
with aclear vision.”<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
Encounter Kaikōura<br />
Hapuku Kitchen<br />
South Pacific Motorcycle<br />
Tours Ltd.<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
SatisfyFood Rescue<br />
Kaikōura Community<br />
Op Shop<br />
Tāima Kōrero Charitable<br />
Trust<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
Designer Gates<br />
Chatterton Builders Ltd<br />
The Joiner Shop Kaikōura<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
Angus Robertson<br />
Mechanical Ltd<br />
GoWireless<br />
DairySmart<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
VisualOpticsLimited<br />
Aqualand New Zealand<br />
Lucy Jane Photography<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
MtFyffeDistillery<br />
Hurunui Farms<br />
Mylk Made<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
Magnifynz Limited<br />
Karikaas Natural Dairy<br />
Products Ltd.<br />
Moddex<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
Rangiora RSAClub<br />
Mandeville Supervalue/<br />
Fresh Choice Oxford<br />
Waipara Sleepers<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
Modbod Facial<br />
Rejuvenation Clinic<br />
NZGeotechnical<br />
Consultants<br />
Han Romano Fitness<br />
Winner:<br />
1st Runner Up:<br />
2nd Runner Up:<br />
ZeberdeeEquineLtd<br />
Satisfy Food Rescue<br />
D APanel Beating<br />
Up in abang ... FENZ Community Risk Reduction advisor Kerri Pring shows how acooking<br />
oil fire, on astove, expands to 1700 times it’s size when you add water to put it out.<br />
Afirey demonstration<br />
Understanding howtopresentFireWise<br />
demonstrationstoYearOne andTwo<br />
school pupils,learning howthe Fireand<br />
EmergencyNew Zealand(FENZ) display<br />
trailers work and what promotional signs<br />
are availablefor brigades to hangoutside<br />
their stations, were justsomeofthe<br />
activities<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Volunteer<br />
FireBrigades wereshownatadistrictwidetrainingseminar<br />
held in Amberley<br />
recently.<br />
FENZcommunity risk manager for<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>,DeanHarker, saidthe 70<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> firefightersattending<br />
werealsoshownthe manydifferentfire<br />
prevention training tools available to<br />
them from FENZ .<br />
‘‘It wasall about upskilling themonhow<br />
to increase fireprevention awareness in<br />
their communities.’’<br />
‘‘We evenhad inflatable displayswhich<br />
showedhow bigthe 4m x4mspacewas to<br />
give people an idea on how to clear their<br />
farm drivewayssoour fireenginescan get<br />
on to their properties.’’<br />
Oneofthe more unusualdisplays was<br />
thegrowing campaign by FENZ to get<br />
peopletoplantlow flammableplants in<br />
gardens andaround houses on farms.<br />
Risk adviserand wildfire investigator<br />
Grant Campbell saidlow flammable<br />
plants species saved manyhouses in the<br />
recentPort Hills, Ohauand Nelsonwild<br />
fires.<br />
‘‘It doesn't take muchtosee how these<br />
houses didn’t burn butothers didonce we<br />
startedlooking at the typesofflowers and<br />
plants owners hadaround their houses.<br />
‘‘NativessuchasGriselinia,FiveFinger<br />
andRed Beech didn’tcatchfire and<br />
helped savethe homes,‘‘ he said.<br />
Mr Campbellsaid thework done by All<br />
BlackSam Whitelock and ProfessorTim<br />
Curran at Lincolnserves to help home<br />
owners think again about what's in their<br />
gardens.<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Find Your Dream Scooter<br />
UnmissableSecond-hand Sale HappeningNow<br />
27<br />
Afamily of lifeguards<br />
If you live in the Hurunui, you will likely<br />
find aBeckdahl at apool near you.<br />
As swimming centres around the<br />
country struggle with anationwide<br />
shortage of lifeguards, one Hurunui<br />
family has produced not one, but three<br />
lifeguards.<br />
Ruby, aged 16, is the last sibling of the<br />
Beckdahl family to take up the<br />
challenge, last week smashing her<br />
lifeguarding swim test at MainPower<br />
Amberley Pool.<br />
The former competitive swimmer<br />
brought the qualifier home with atime<br />
of three minutes, 10 seconds over 200<br />
metres, well in front of the required six<br />
minutes.<br />
Ruby is following afamily path, with<br />
brothers Elijah (20) and Noah (18) both<br />
starting lifeguarding at Amberley Pool<br />
before joining Hanmer Springs Pool,<br />
where Elijah is still working.<br />
With afair amount of friendly sibling<br />
rivalry in the family, Elijah is the<br />
acknowledged overall speed winner, but<br />
Ruby and Noah split the difference in<br />
second, with Ruby faster than Noah over<br />
long distance, while Noah claims victory<br />
in the sprints.<br />
Aside from alove for water, the<br />
Rangiora High School student says<br />
lifeguarding drew her interest because<br />
of the opportunities to meet people<br />
while working.<br />
Ruby has successfully completed her<br />
Level 2StJohn course as part of her<br />
training, and will complete the Pool<br />
Lifeguard Skills Award training over the<br />
coming months.<br />
She says being able to keep acalm<br />
head while reacting quickly to an<br />
emergency is key to being alifeguard,<br />
with her brothers both having assisted in<br />
situations that, without the presence of a<br />
skilled lifeguard, could have been really<br />
bad.<br />
Hurunui District Council’s customer<br />
Lifesaver ... Ruby Beckdahl.<br />
services manager Naomi Woodham says<br />
she is thrilled to have astrong team of<br />
three returning lifeguards, and six new<br />
recruits in training ahead of the public<br />
opening of the pools new season on<br />
Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 21.<br />
‘‘Lifeguarding is agreat career path,<br />
especially for students or retirees, as<br />
there is aflexible roster and all the<br />
training is provided, plus we help our<br />
lifeguards achieve their Pool Lifeguard<br />
Practising Certificate (PLPC).’’<br />
Ruby is looking forward to the opening<br />
of the pool this month so she can bring<br />
all her new skills into use including<br />
administrative skills helping with the<br />
pools timetables.<br />
With arange of activities at the pool,<br />
including Learn to Swim, Aquafit and<br />
Toddlers Sing and Splash, Ruby will be<br />
helping to keep things running smoothly.<br />
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NEWS<br />
28 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Astrophotography popular in Kaikoura<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Kaikōura schoolchildren are capturing<br />
images of thecosmos, as the community<br />
plans for darksky sanctuarystatus.<br />
Anew group, KaikōuraAstronomers,<br />
has beenintroducing the local<br />
community to astrophotography thanks to<br />
community support.<br />
Established as an offshootofthe<br />
Kaikōura DarkSkiesTrust,which is<br />
lobbying fordark sky sanctuary status, the<br />
group hasbeen giftedanew telescope.<br />
Volunteer Brian Horsfall saidthe<br />
telescopewas popularwithlocal school<br />
children.<br />
‘‘Weplantomakethistelescope<br />
availabletothe community in Kaikoura<br />
by having stargazing sessions andschool<br />
visits.’’<br />
ThetelescopeaUnistellareVscope 2<br />
used forastrophotographyworks by<br />
capturing thelight of distant objects in<br />
space andconverting the datatoanimage<br />
on atabletorcomputer.<br />
Atablet or cellphone operates the<br />
telescope using wifi, by sending thecoordinates<br />
of the objectphotographed.<br />
Kaikōura Astronomerswas established<br />
to promote astronomy in thecommunity,<br />
whilethe KaikōuraDarkSkiesTrusts<br />
worked on itsapplication to the<br />
International DarkSky Association (IDA)<br />
fordark sky sanctuary status.<br />
DestinationKaikōura, acollaboration<br />
betweenthe Kaikōura District Council<br />
andlocaltourismoperators, giftedthe<br />
telescope,while theKaikōuraLions<br />
donated sometablets.<br />
Nebula ... An image of the Lagoon Nebula taken at Te Kura o Hāpuku, near Kaikōura.<br />
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Te Kura o Hāpuku,north of Kaikōura,<br />
alsosupported the initiative by allowing<br />
the grouptoholdopen nights on its school<br />
grounds.<br />
Mr Horsfallsaid the students were no<br />
strangerstousing technologyintheir<br />
learning.<br />
Hāpuku students used the internet to<br />
capturetheirown image of Matariki viaa<br />
telescopeinNew Mexico,United States.<br />
‘‘Theyselected thetelescope,<br />
programmed the schedular, and<br />
downloadedthe resulting image,’’ he<br />
said.<br />
‘‘Being in asmallschool does not limit<br />
their interestsorabilities and access to<br />
the new telescopewillencourage their<br />
learning.’’<br />
Kaikōura District Council chief<br />
executiveWillDoughty said thetrust<br />
hopedtoget itsdark skysanctuary<br />
applicationintothe IDAbythe endofthe<br />
year.<br />
Thecouncilwas alsohelping thetrust<br />
to prepare aplanchangetothe Kaikōura<br />
District Plantomeetthe IDA’s<br />
requirements.<br />
‘‘They arekeen to run the draft by us to<br />
make sure theyhaveeverythingcovered.’’<br />
Theplan change willlooktoadapt the<br />
town’s lighting rulesand introduce other<br />
protections neededtoimprove<br />
Kaikoura’s view of theheavens.<br />
Thetrusthas engaged Kahu<br />
Environmental to assist withthe private<br />
plan change,while funding has come<br />
from thecouncil's discretionary grant and<br />
theGovernment’sBetter Off fund.<br />
Public interest journalismfunded<br />
through NewZealandonAir.
Elite Services<br />
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Glass team from left Ray Barrow, Kathy Harris, Wayne Forsyth, and<br />
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Because of how we’re<br />
trained, your callers<br />
will think we’re sitting<br />
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2584703a<br />
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<strong>12</strong>7Main<strong>North</strong> Road, Woodend<br />
Phone: 03 3100247<br />
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*T&Cs apply.<br />
HC TLS3448<br />
Excellence...<br />
every time<br />
Goingthatextra mile comesnaturallyfor the<br />
staff at <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>Glass.<br />
CustomerServicesAdministratorShantilli<br />
Grantsaysthe team at <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Glassfacedachallenge recently, andovercame<br />
it.<br />
“Wehad aclientwho wanted to completely<br />
retro-fit hisentirehouse with double glazing.<br />
“Itwas huge,one of thebiggest jobs that we<br />
have done since Istarted here in March.”<br />
It involved fitting86windows, some of<br />
whichhad to be made up in factory andthen<br />
transportedtothe houseand installed.<br />
“Thesheer size of it wasunusual as anormal<br />
houseretro-fitisaround 30 to 40 glassunits.<br />
“But this wasmuchbigger, andfor oursmall<br />
locally ownedbusiness, it wasamassive<br />
undertaking forour staff of six.”<br />
The team’s solutionwas to continue the<br />
companypolicyofapproachingchallenges<br />
methodically.<br />
“Wemeasuredeverythingtwice before<br />
cuttingasinglepane.<br />
“Wewantedtomakesureeverythingwas<br />
correct before anythingwas ordered or built.<br />
‘‘We made severaltrips to thesitetocheck all<br />
themeasurementswereright.”<br />
Shantillisaysitwas thebestway to reduce the<br />
risk forthemand their client.<br />
“Themainthingwas maintainingeffective<br />
communicationwiththe customer, making<br />
sure we were all awareofwhatwas goingon.”<br />
The project tooksix weekstoplanand build<br />
theunits, then it came down to threeintensive<br />
days of installationworkonsite.<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>Glass OwnerRay Barrow<br />
says attentiontodetailiswhattheir customers<br />
expect.<br />
“Whenwesit down andtalk about thejob we<br />
just did,whether it be an after-hours rush job<br />
or amajor undertaking,italwayscomes back<br />
to making sure ourclientsare happywiththe<br />
outcome.<br />
“Theirfeedback is always encouraging and<br />
very supportive.Weare here to helpthe<br />
community in stressful timeswithservice and<br />
qualitywork.”<br />
Raysays<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Glasshas been<br />
experiencingagrowingnumberofafterhourscall<br />
outs andherelishes thechallenges<br />
imposedbythis work.<br />
He wouldliketothank BNIRangiora,<br />
agroup of Businessownersin<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>who have welcomedhim with<br />
knowledgeand support, whichhas made an<br />
immense impressiononhim of howgreat the<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>businesscommunity is.<br />
“Weloveworking with ourcommunity in<br />
providing thebestservice possible.”<br />
Forafree measureand quote from <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>Glass,call (03) 313 5335, or call<br />
at 10 Albert Street, Rangiora. Enquiries can<br />
be made to enquiries@northcanterburyglass.<br /> After hoursphone 027 442 0004.<br />
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will help make your business<br />
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Phone 313 7824<br />
6Blake Street, Rangiora<br />
NEWS<br />
30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Fun zorbing ... Enjoying their fun on the water were (from left) Lilly Shannon, aged 10,<br />
Mikayla Shannon (11) and Eve Davies (9) at the Party in the Park.<br />
Partying in the Park popular<br />
All Together Kaiapoi held<br />
their annual Kaiapoi<br />
Spring Festival ‘Party in<br />
the Park’’ on Sunday<br />
afternoon and thousands<br />
showed up to join in the<br />
party.<br />
Trousselot Park was<br />
packed as families<br />
queued to take part in a<br />
wide variety of activities<br />
which included pony<br />
rides, pedalmania crazy<br />
bikes, bands, water<br />
zorbing, paddle boats and<br />
lots of food stalls.<br />
Project coordinator<br />
Linda Dunbar said she<br />
was thrilled by the<br />
turnout.<br />
‘‘We estimate we had<br />
more than 3000 people<br />
come to our party and all<br />
the feedback we have had<br />
is positive and<br />
encouraging.’’<br />
She says the ‘Party in<br />
the Park’ has been going<br />
for over five years and<br />
every year it gets bigger<br />
and bigger.<br />
‘‘This year we were at<br />
capacity for vendors and<br />
stalls.<br />
‘‘Next year we will have<br />
to look at the location but<br />
we want to stay at<br />
Trousselot Park because<br />
it is such awonderful<br />
location in Kaiapoi.’’<br />
She says the party was<br />
great for Kaiapoi and they<br />
are now working their<br />
way through the feedback<br />
received.<br />
Looking at how to make<br />
the party even better next<br />
year.<br />
‘‘It’s alovely under<br />
utilised space Trousselot<br />
Park so now we have to<br />
find the happy medium<br />
between size, stalls and<br />
entertainment for next<br />
year.<br />
The All Together<br />
Kaiapoi annual Kaiapoi<br />
Spring Festival ‘Party in<br />
the Park’ was sponsored<br />
by Kiwi Gaming<br />
Foundation, TDE Total<br />
Drainage and Excavation<br />
and Blackwells<br />
Department Store.<br />
Lovely portrait ... Woodend artist Ashleigh Ritchie with her winning portrait of her<br />
daughter Lily, which was judged Best in the Show.<br />
Art Society’swork on show<br />
Inspiredbyher sixyear old daughter,<br />
Woodend artistAshleigh Ritchie put brush<br />
to paletteand created an eye catching<br />
portraittitled Floral Elegance which<br />
scooped the topawards at theRangiora<br />
Art Society’s(RAS) Spring Exhibition.<br />
‘‘I am inspired by people who are close<br />
to me and on the day she was playing with<br />
flowers in herhair and Ijust knewitwould<br />
make agood image,’’ said Ashleigh.<br />
This was Mrs Ritchie’s first exhibition<br />
with RAS as she only joinedthem in April<br />
of this year.<br />
‘‘I didpainting at school but specialised<br />
in sculpture and etching when Iundertook<br />
my Bachelor of Visual Arts at ARA.<br />
‘‘Butthen Itook abreaktoget married<br />
and have acouple of beautiful kids, so I<br />
taught myselfhow to paint and this was the<br />
restart of my artistic career, ’’ she said.<br />
The 900mm by 600mm oil on panel<br />
painting won the BestinShow award and<br />
the Russell Andrew Memorial Cup. The<br />
annual Spring Exhibition by members of<br />
RAS was held in anew venuethis year.<br />
More than300 works of variousmedia by<br />
65 artists from allover <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
were on show at the Rangiora Borough<br />
School, King Street, Rangiora. Society<br />
treasurerJulieHassall said it was<br />
wonderful placetohold an art exhibition.<br />
‘‘We weregrateful for the financial<br />
supportwereceived from Creative<br />
CommunityWaimakariri whichallowed us<br />
to putspot lights over each of the stands to<br />
highlight the colours and texturesofall the<br />
works,’’Mrs Hassall said.<br />
‘‘Butit’s such awonderful and well lit<br />
placehere at the Rangiora Borough<br />
School hall.She said the threeday<br />
exhibition attracted alarge crowd at the<br />
opening held on Thursday evening and<br />
attendances were steady over the<br />
weekend.<br />
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NEWS<br />
32 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Council backs restoration<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Kaikōura projects progress<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Efforts to restore an historic building at<br />
Ohoka,near Rangiora, have received a<br />
boost.<br />
The Waimakariri District Council has<br />
agreedtoexpand the terms of its grant to<br />
the OhokaDomain Advisory Grouptoallow<br />
to use funds for the restoration of the<br />
historic Ohoka GatekeepersLodge.<br />
Mayor Dan Gordon saidthe decision was<br />
‘‘recognition of the hard workofthe<br />
advisory group’’.<br />
‘‘It is about making sure asignificant<br />
piece of historyfor Ohoka is preserved.<br />
‘‘It willbeagreat resource for the district<br />
when it is completed.’’<br />
Mr Gordon said the advisory group was<br />
made up of volunteerswho are passionate<br />
about the history of the lodge andthe<br />
Ohoka bush.<br />
The grant was approved forthe advisory<br />
group as part of the 2021/31Long Term Plan<br />
for the upkeep of the Ohoka Bush.<br />
An amount of $10,530was approved for<br />
the <strong>2023</strong>/24financial year.<br />
The council accepted ownershipofthe<br />
lodge in 2018and at the time, stipulatedthe<br />
advisory group would seek external<br />
funding for its upkeep.<br />
‘‘The advisory grouphas sought external<br />
funding for the repairs to the lodge,but<br />
they havefound it is very difficultatthe<br />
moment,’’ Mr Gordonsaid.<br />
‘‘Theycame to the council with avery<br />
reasonablerequest and the councilhad no<br />
hesitation in supporting it.’’<br />
Heritage New Zealandrecommended in<br />
2019 for the lodge to be listed as acategory<br />
2historic place(local significance).<br />
The original Ohoka lodge was builtinthe<br />
1870s or 1880s, but was destroyed by fire in<br />
1891.<br />
It was restored soonafter as asmall,<br />
Gothicstyled timber building.<br />
The lodge served as the control point to<br />
accessJSWhite's OhokaEstate and was the<br />
Restoration project ... The historic Ohoka<br />
Gatekeepers Lodge is waiting to be restored.<br />
residenceofthe gatekeeper/gardener and<br />
his family.<br />
The gatekeeper’s role was tomanage<br />
horse and gig and horse and coach traffic<br />
by openingand closing the gate.<br />
The CustBowling Club has also<br />
approached the council for agrant of $2930<br />
for the installation of abackflow<br />
prevention device.<br />
Council staff noted the clubisinaunique<br />
position of owning its own property,<br />
whereas most bowling clubs occupied<br />
council owned land.<br />
As the property owner the club is<br />
responsiblefor the installation of a<br />
backflow prevention device.<br />
Mr Gordon said councillors have asked<br />
for more information from staff and will<br />
consider the request at the November<br />
council meeting.<br />
‘‘We need to consider, if we do this, is<br />
there anything we would need to do for<br />
other clubs?<br />
‘‘Also, could it be doneasaninterestfree<br />
loan rather than agrant?’’<br />
Public interest journalism funded<br />
through New Zealand on Air.<br />
Localscan finally seeprogress on some<br />
of Kaikōura’smuch anticipated<br />
projects.<br />
Work is under wayonKaikōura’s<br />
western developments project,which<br />
includes the new Vicarage Views subdivision,and<br />
on the Kaikōura Link<br />
Pathway alongthe Esplanade.<br />
Kaikōura District Council chief<br />
executive Will Doughty saidthere is<br />
plentyofexcitement in the town, as<br />
localscan finallysee work happening<br />
on site after monthsofplanning.<br />
‘‘We’ve got theresource consent and<br />
now the earthworks are under way for<br />
the infrastructuretosupportthe<br />
development.<br />
‘‘We are still workingreally wellwith<br />
the developer and we are getting those<br />
important linkages in place between<br />
the town centreand VicarageViews.’’<br />
Stage one of the link pathway is also<br />
under way, linking the towncentre,<br />
along the Esplanade to Torquay Street.<br />
The project will eventually link the<br />
town centrewith the Point Keanseal<br />
colonyand will be built in two stages.<br />
The council has received $1.9 million<br />
from the Tourism InfrastructureFund<br />
to assist with the link pathway project.<br />
Work to upgrade the footpaths into a<br />
sharedpathwayalong Ludstone Road<br />
to the Mt Fyffe Road intersection in the<br />
western developmentwas completed<br />
before the winter.<br />
Mr Doughtysaid work resumed last<br />
month to continue building the cycle<br />
way to theRed Swamp Road<br />
intersection andtostartthe drainage<br />
works.<br />
The work is being fundedfrom a$7.8<br />
milliongrant from Kainga Ora’s<br />
Infrastructure Acceleration Fund,<br />
which was announced in July lastyear.<br />
The funding is supportingnew<br />
Cycle way ... Ashare use pathway is being<br />
developed as part of Kaikōura’s western<br />
development project, which includes the<br />
Vicarage Views subdivision. PHOTO: DAVID HILL<br />
roading, footpaths and cycle ways to<br />
connect the Vicarage Views and Ocean<br />
Ridge subdivisions withthe town<br />
centre.<br />
The councilhas beenworking with<br />
developerGarryRobertson on the<br />
proposed83home Vicarage Views<br />
subdivision on the former <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Transport Infrastructure<br />
Recovery Alliance (NCTIR)village<br />
site, near Ludstone Road.<br />
The resource consent was granted<br />
earlierthis year, while aplan change<br />
will also be needed to subdivide large<br />
sections at Ocean Ridge.<br />
TheVicarage Views development<br />
will provide up to 20 elderlyhousing<br />
units,and include affordable homes<br />
which willqualifyfor the government’s<br />
first home grant.<br />
Public interest journalism funded<br />
throughNew Zealand on Air.
Hunting for community assets<br />
Two important assetsinthe<br />
Waiau township —the<br />
MainPower Waiau pool and<br />
the Playcentre —will benefit<br />
when huntershead for the hills<br />
later thismonth.<br />
They willbesearching for<br />
targetstoenter in the annual<br />
Waiau Pig HuntFundraiser,<br />
which provides valuablefunds<br />
each year, to fill the coffers of<br />
local organisations.<br />
This year the Waiau<br />
CommunityPool committee<br />
are organising the event at the<br />
Waiau Rugby Club’s homebase<br />
at the Domain.<br />
It runsfrom Friday, <strong>October</strong><br />
20, to Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 21 with<br />
the finalweighin between<br />
1pm and 4pm on Sunday,<br />
<strong>October</strong> 22, at the Domain.<br />
Hunters need to have their<br />
entries in by <strong>October</strong> 18 to be<br />
eligible to enter, and be in the<br />
running for ahuge prize pool.<br />
While pigs and deer will be<br />
the focusofthe day, the event<br />
is aimed at being afun,family<br />
day out.<br />
There is acompetition for<br />
juniorhunters up to 15 years,<br />
and hare and pig carrying<br />
competitions for the young<br />
hunters where prizes are up<br />
for grabs.<br />
There will be awater slide<br />
provided by the Waiau Fire<br />
Brigade, and burgers, and<br />
sausagesare on the menu to fill<br />
empty tummies.<br />
Alicensed bar willalso be<br />
running.<br />
Raffletickets are on saleand<br />
will be available on the day.<br />
The spotprize pool totals<br />
WAIAU<br />
(& B. J. Forbes Builders Ltd.)<br />
Lyndon St, Waiau<br />
Phone 03 315 6006<br />
Neil 027 284 1916<br />
2619<strong>12</strong>8<br />
Hare carry ... Ayoung competitor tackles the course in the hare<br />
carrying competition last year.<br />
$13,028,and there is akids<br />
luckydraw to hunt with ex<br />
Crusader and <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
rugbyplayerBen Funnell.<br />
RodinCars has come on<br />
boardasamajorsponsor,<br />
alongwith another 10 major<br />
2619949<br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
Hurunui and surrounds<br />
•Pump Sales, Service and Installations<br />
•General Farm Water Services<br />
•New and Existing Dairy Shed Water Reticulation<br />
•Sales, Design &Installation of<br />
Secondary Irrigation (Solid Set Irrigation)<br />
•General Irrigation Needs<br />
•Lifestyle and Domestic Water Pumping Systems<br />
sponsors Lott Contracting,<br />
APB Services/Amuri Painting<br />
&Building Services; <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>Hunting and<br />
Fishing;KaikouraHunting<br />
and Fishing;Amuri<br />
Helicopters; CWS; Hanmer<br />
CWS are proud to sponsor our local<br />
community and the Waiau Pig Hunt<br />
M: 021 730 865 P: 03 4233162<br />
E:<br />
We operate the followingmachinery...<br />
And offer the following services<br />
Proud to sponsor this community event<br />
2619950<br />
AlpineElectrical&Air<br />
Conditioning; Ridgeline;<br />
TregerGrills; and Power<br />
Farming.<br />
The main prize is aFalcon<br />
FQ50 Thermal Mono valued at<br />
$4999.99, plus there is a<br />
Swarovski rifle scope valued at<br />
$1699.99, aGarminTrack &<br />
Train Collar valued at $729.99<br />
and Leupold binoculars,<br />
$499.99.<br />
Other prizesinclude: An<br />
Amuri Helicopters flight<br />
voucher worth $1000; Traeger<br />
Pro22 Grill and supplies;<br />
GrisportUruwera boots;aUte<br />
Toolbox from Farmlands,<br />
HanmerAlpine heatpump<br />
installationvoucher valued at<br />
$1000 and an AlliedFuel<br />
voucher worth $500.<br />
Prizesinthe hunt are:<br />
Average weight pig,$1000;<br />
Average weight deer, $500;<br />
$3000 in other category cash<br />
prizes, and $7500 on weighin<br />
day on spot prizes.<br />
Special thanksgoes to Courts<br />
McSkimmingwho has jumped<br />
on boardtohelp behindthe<br />
scenes, and ensure thatthe day<br />
runs smoothly.<br />
Entry fees are: Open section:<br />
$45 per person (16+ years).<br />
Juniorsection: $25 per child up<br />
to and including15years of<br />
age. There is free entry for<br />
children 14yrs and under in the<br />
Heaviest Possum,Hare, Rabbit<br />
and Most Small Pests<br />
competitions which can be<br />
entered on the day.Entry<br />
forms can be downloaded from<br />
the Waiau Pig Hunting<br />
Fundraiser Facebookpage.<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
2380882<br />
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Monday -Thursday 8am –4pm<br />
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Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura
NEWS<br />
34 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
The<br />
YUMMI<br />
study.<br />
Theroleofcow,goatorsheep milk in<br />
thenutritionand health of olderwomen.<br />
Milk providesimportant nutrients that helpolder people to maintain<br />
muscle and bone health, and low milk intake is often associatedwith<br />
poor nutrition in older adults.<br />
We arelookingfor female volunteers aged 60 to 80 years to participate<br />
in theYUMMIstudy,a<strong>12</strong>-week research studyinvestigating thehealth<br />
effects of consumingdifferent types milk –cow,goat, or sheep.<br />
We will provideyou with cow,goat or sheep milk powdertodrink<br />
twiceaday for<strong>12</strong>-weeks, or youwillbeasked to eatyournormaldiet<br />
(controlgroup). Thetime commitment forthe studywillbeabout 11<br />
hours andyou will attend fiveclinic visits.You will receiveupto$220 in<br />
supermarket vouchers in recognition of theactualorreasonable costs<br />
involvedwith participating in this study(e.g. parking and/or travel costs).<br />
If youare awoman aged 60 to 80 years andcan drinkmilk,wewould<br />
love to hear from you.<br />
Department of HumanNutrition<br />
Ping Ong<br />|021 2798214<br />
This project hasbeen reviewed andapprovedbythe University of Otago<br />
Human Ethics Committee(Health). Reference: H22/067<br />
Learn a<br />
language<br />
Grow your fluency in te reo Māori, orlearn to read,<br />
write and speak better in English with acourse at<br />
Ara |TePūkenga, starting in February.<br />
All levels available.<br />
Learn more and apply at<br /><br />
Supporting youth<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Aysia McMillan has always wanted to work<br />
with young people.<br />
When the opportunity to lead the<br />
Kaikōura Mayors’ Taskforce for Jobs<br />
(MTFJ)programme came up, Ms McMillan<br />
jumpedatthe chance.<br />
‘‘I had always wantedtowork withyouth.<br />
Iwas ayoung mum myself and so Iknow<br />
that having someone takethe timefor you<br />
makes abig difference.’’<br />
Ms McMillan workedinthe wine industry<br />
in Blenheim before moving to Kaikōura<br />
earlier this year with her partner for the<br />
lifestyle and to be closertoher father.<br />
While she has not workedwith young<br />
peoplebefore, she has her own experience<br />
of becomingamum at 17years and the<br />
challenges of findingwork.<br />
‘‘I’m 37yearsold and Ihave finally found<br />
my fit.<br />
‘‘We are all on apath and we need to help<br />
young people to find their path.<br />
‘‘It is about helpingthem get someskills<br />
and find the confidence, and when they get<br />
some confidence you can stepback and<br />
lead from behind.’’<br />
The Kaikōura MTFJ programme placed<br />
60 peopleinemployment in the year to<br />
June 30, but thefunding has been reduced<br />
with anew target of 38 for thenext <strong>12</strong><br />
months.<br />
‘‘We just want themtobehappy and<br />
enjoying theirrole.’’<br />
She said she hoped to organised a<br />
careers expo next year to showcasewhat<br />
employment opportunities Kaikōura has to<br />
offer.<br />
Local businesseswere supportive of the<br />
programme, but many were finding it tough<br />
in the present economic environment.<br />
She said mental health and anxiety was a<br />
barrier for many local youth.<br />
But she said she was lucky to have agood<br />
‘‘right hand man’’ in Mark Paterson,who<br />
has recently been appointed youth<br />
employability coordinator.<br />
Mr Patersonmoved to Kaikōura 18<br />
monthsago with the intention of retiring.<br />
But the opportunity to workwith local<br />
youth was too good to refuse.<br />
He has apassionfor fishing and has been<br />
able to sharehis passionasaway of<br />
hail, leaves, snow &vermin from<br />
blocking &damaging your spouting<br />
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Call Rohan anytime Mon-Sat for<br />
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Aysia McMillan.<br />
breaking downbarriers.<br />
‘‘We really want to try and tie in the<br />
outdoors stuffbecausethey spendall their<br />
time indoors.<br />
‘‘It is about that connectiontowhenua<br />
and what is goingonaroundthem.’’<br />
Mr Paterson said the young peopleoften<br />
foundthe couragetoopen up while in the<br />
outdoors.<br />
Ms McMillan said having the MTFJ<br />
programme as part of Te Hā o Mātauranga<br />
(Kaikōura Education Trust), based in<br />
Ludstone Road, meant it provided aonestop<br />
shopfor supportinglocalyouth.<br />
Driving lessons,counselling, youth<br />
groups and education programmeswereall<br />
offered fromthe one building.<br />
Kaikōura MayorCraig Macklesaid he<br />
wouldlike Parliament to comeupwith a<br />
crossparty agreement to ensure the MTFJ<br />
programme’s longevity.<br />
‘‘At the moment we can only offer <strong>12</strong><br />
monthcontracts, but this is aprogramme<br />
whichhas proven it works.’’<br />
He would alsolike the funding model to<br />
offermore flexibility to allow neighbouring<br />
councils likeHurunui,Kaikōura and<br />
Waimakariri to worktogether.<br />
‘‘There is an allocationoffundingfor<br />
each district, but if say we could only place<br />
40 people and Hurunui needs more funding<br />
because it canplace 60 people,weshould<br />
be able to pass it on.’’<br />
Public interest journalismfunded<br />
through New Zealand on Air.<br />
Localto<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
CALL ARTHUR 027 2451601<br /><br /><br />
2021055<br />
0800 1318<strong>12</strong><br /><br /><br />
T’s&C’s apply<br />
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on road costs, which includes WoF, Registration and afulltank of fuel.Red and White Diamond coloursare<br />
available for anadditional $500.Visit for full Diamond Advantage Warranty conditions.<br />
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RANGIORA NISSAN, 29 Southbrook Road,Rangiora<br />
Ph:03941 3175<br /><br />
36 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Scott Heasley 0275 350 302 |<br /><br />
2539901<br />
Targetedwillow<br />
removalonthe<br />
WaiparaRiver<br />
From 23 <strong>October</strong>weare carryingout follow-up aerial<br />
spraying as part of ourwillowremoval programme on<br />
a15kmsectionofthe WaiparaRiver betweenBarnetts<br />
Road and theWaipara River mouth. Access may be<br />
restrictedattimes for health and safetyand signage<br />
willbeerectedonsite.<br />
Weed control clearsthe activepart of the river channel that carries<br />
fast flowing water during floods. Clearing the activechannel also<br />
allows for better habitat and canimprove biodiversity.<br />
This follow-up targeted spraying is required following mechanical<br />
removalbecausetheseinvasivetrees cangrow from just a<br />
remaining stump or branch.<br />
Visit<br />
for more information.<br />
ERP9027<br />
New role ... The Waimakariri District Council’s new pestfree ranger Richard Chambers, of<br />
Ashley, at the <strong>North</strong>brook Wetlands in Rangiora last week.<br />
Anative birdlife focus<br />
Increasing Waimakariri's native birdlife<br />
is the key focus for Waimakariri District<br />
Council’s newest Green Space member,<br />
pestfree ranger Richard Chambers.<br />
‘‘We are working towards (the<br />
Government’s vision of) apestfree New<br />
Zealand by 2050,’’ Richard, who lives in<br />
Ashley, says.<br />
‘‘My role is to support anyone who has<br />
an interest in reducing introduced pest<br />
numbers.’’<br />
He has seen firsthand how pestfree<br />
trapping programmes can revive native<br />
birdlife in parks, reserves and domestic<br />
gardens, after recently helping urban<br />
groups establish pest control in<br />
backyards and bush reserves.<br />
‘‘It is awinwin for these communities<br />
–more birds in the trees and less rats<br />
and possums in our gardens,’’ he says<br />
Richard’s work in Waimakariri began<br />
helping the Silverstream Reserve and<br />
Ashley Gorge trappers to be better<br />
equipped with traps, and organisational<br />
tools to record what they are trapping.<br />
‘‘They are doing an amazing job<br />
already so they don’t need much help.<br />
‘‘Then we will work on <strong>North</strong>brook<br />
Wetlands and Matawai Reserve (in<br />
Rangiora), Kaiapoi Lakes Reserve and<br />
Whites Road Reserve (in Ohoka) to<br />
initiate some trapping.<br />
‘‘These are wonderful natural<br />
reserves and trapping will improve both<br />
them and the neighbourhoods around<br />
them.”<br />
The council role appealed to Richard<br />
because of the opportunity it gives him<br />
Instore & Online<br />
9-15 Oct<br />
to help native birds thrive by removing<br />
the predator pests, many of which can’t<br />
survive alongside them.<br />
‘‘I also love helping people come<br />
together to enjoy and support the<br />
environment around us,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘I grew up thinking many of our native<br />
birds only lived in the bush miles away<br />
from people.<br />
‘Now Iknow that if we can remove the<br />
obstacles many of these birds will<br />
happily live alongside us.<br />
‘‘Getting tui and New Zealand pigeon<br />
(Kererū)into Waimakariri gardens is<br />
what this job is all about.’’<br />
However he knows community support<br />
from volunteers to help with trapping<br />
work will be vital.<br />
‘‘We can’t do this alone.<br />
‘‘People in Waimakariri love the<br />
outdoors and this kind of work in the<br />
local reserves would appeal to many who<br />
want an excuse to spend time improving<br />
their local patch,’’ he says. ‘‘We are keen<br />
to talk with anyone who can get afew<br />
people together to work on apest control<br />
project. It is very rewarding work.’’<br />
The council’s Green Space team is also<br />
running abird monitoring programme<br />
this month and again next April.<br />
‘‘By counting the birds we have now we<br />
will be able to look back in 10 years and<br />
see how much of adifference we made to<br />
the bird life,’’ Richard says.<br />
If people want to help Richard with<br />
his trapping work or need support from<br />
him, they should contact the<br />
Waimakariri District Council's Green<br />
Space community projects officer, Mike<br />
Kwant at<br />
MON-FRI 8:45AM-6:00PM<br />
SAT 8:45AM-5:30PM<br />
OverseerFM backed<br />
An independent evaluation of<br />
OverseerFM shows farmers,growers<br />
and regional councils can have<br />
confidence in the nitrogenleaching<br />
estimatesfrom New Zealand’s most<br />
comprehensive farm management<br />
tool.<br />
Over the past two years, scientists<br />
from AgResearch,Plant &Food<br />
Research, NIWA and Manaaki<br />
WhenuaLandcareResearch have<br />
evaluated OverseerFM's performance<br />
for New Zealand farmingsystems as<br />
part of ascience programme, carried<br />
out in conjunction with the Ministry<br />
for PrimaryIndustries (MPI) and<br />
Overseer Ltd.<br />
The evaluation shows Overseer is<br />
performingwell against measured<br />
lossesofnitrate, withthe tool rated as<br />
very goodfor grazed pastures, and<br />
satisfactoryand goodfor crop<br />
systems.<br />
Jill Gower, chief executive of<br />
Overseer, saysthe science<br />
programme has reaffirmed<br />
OverseerFM’s role as auseful<br />
decision supporttool that allows<br />
farmers and growers to make more<br />
informed decisionsabouttheir farm<br />
management practices, boost<br />
productivityand profitability, and<br />
improve the environmental impact.<br />
‘‘Importantly, the Technical<br />
Advisory Group(TAG) set up to<br />
establish and review OverseerFM has<br />
also noted the validationwork has<br />
improved confidence in the use of the<br />
Overseer model.<br />
‘‘As aresult of the science<br />
programme, Overseer has also<br />
undertakenaseries of improvements<br />
to the farm management tool to<br />
further enhance its valuefor farmers<br />
and growers, including the release of<br />
new software versions in December<br />
2022,and April <strong>2023</strong>,’’she says.<br />
Ms Gower says farmersand growers<br />
are increasingly relying on<br />
OverseerFMasanindicator of farm<br />
sustainability.<br />
‘‘Gaps in any research tends to be<br />
filled by wellinformedassumptions.<br />
This scientific programme<br />
demonstrated thatkey assumptions<br />
that were afocus of the technical<br />
review of OverseerFM are valid after<br />
all.<br />
‘‘As government and industry<br />
groups invest moreinimportant<br />
research and share insights,<br />
confidence in critical toolslike<br />
OverseerFMwill only improve.’’<br />
Ms Gower says Overseer Limited is<br />
alsoworkinghard to improve the<br />
understandingofOverseerFMand<br />
the way the tool should be used.<br />
‘‘Especially as we see more and<br />
moreusers and organisations<br />
engagingwith the software to<br />
understandand manage their<br />
greenhousegas emissions, as well as<br />
their nitrateleaching.<br />
‘‘Wewill continue to develop<br />
OverseerFM to improveits utility,<br />
reliability, and usability.<br />
‘‘This will include providing<br />
insights and information that enables<br />
farmerstofollow and communicate<br />
their progress so their hard work and<br />
investment can be recognised and<br />
rewarded by theirprocessors, local<br />
governmentand ultimately<br />
customers.<br />
Moreinformation about the science<br />
programme and about OverseerFM<br />
can be found on the OverseerFM<br />
website.<br />
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Proudly supporting sport<br />
in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Cricket umpires association in good heart<br />
The <strong>Canterbury</strong> Country Cricket<br />
Umpires Association are in good heart.<br />
It has 10 to <strong>12</strong> regular members, with<br />
its two lady umpires, Alyson Shipley and<br />
Vibhuti Patel, in only her secondyear of<br />
umpiring, being recognised at New<br />
Zealand level.<br />
They havebeen named on the New<br />
Zealand Aspiring Female Umpirespanel<br />
for the coming season, and attended a<br />
training camp at Lincoln last weekend.<br />
ReganDalleyhas beenappointed to<br />
umpire at the New Zealand Under 19<br />
Men’stournament at Lincoln in<br />
December, as well as at two matches<br />
between the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Magicians and<br />
the Auckland Heartsinthe Hallyburton<br />
Johnston National Women’s<br />
competition.<br />
Dalley along with Darryn Boyle, Dean<br />
Arps and Jake Haskett have all gained a<br />
number of regional appointments this<br />
season, while PeterWilliamswill be<br />
travelling to Perth to umpire at the<br />
Rangiora Bridge Club<br />
Two Day Match: <strong>North</strong>/South: Veronica Hall/Sue McIlroy 1,<br />
Heather Waldron/Sue Bruerton 2, DeniseFrater/Lynda<br />
Cameron 3. E/W:Gaynor Hurford/Barry Smart 1, NitaSheasby/<br />
Lesley Shipley 2, JoyceGray/TomRose 3.<br />
Rimu Pairs: N/S: Noeline Goodgame/Janice Pickering1,Robin<br />
Hassall/DawnSimpson 2, Nancy Harris/Judith Calder 3. E/W:<br />
Tom Rose/Peter Whitehead, Lorraine Proffit/Denise Frater 2,<br />
Judith Driver/Jan Roose 3.<br />
Junior Evening: N/S:Janine Laws/Margaret Cornwall 1, Ben<br />
Prain/Julie Smith 2, Diane Graham/Trish Warnes and Helen<br />
Russ/Lynette Tillman equal 3. E/W: Kate Whitehead/Anne<br />
Bagrie 1, Murray Messervy/Tim Marshall 2, Denis Milne/<br />
Gerard McCrea 3.<br />
Plate Pairs: N/S: Jannene Cumming/Jan Roose 1, Barry Smart/<br />
Lynda Cameron 2, Kate MacRae/Diane Findlay 3. E/W: Julie<br />
Elliott/Shula Guse 1, Liz Partridge/Kevin Kuch 2, Marion<br />
Lomax/Phillipa Watkins 3.<br />
Amberley Bridge Club<br />
Monday Evening: Irene Carson &Julie Elliott 1, Paddy<br />
MacFarlane &Jill Coberger 2, Margaret Bean & KenFox 3.<br />
Thursday Afternoon: Judith Driver &Jan Roose 1, Irene<br />
Carson &MaryWarren 2, May Milne &Denise Lang 3.<br />
Amberley Golf Club<br />
<strong>October</strong> 7: GDunlop 71, LWiddowson 71, AFalloon 72, J<br />
Cumming 72, GYoungman 72, BPettigrew72, W Glen 73, R<br />
Hack73, J Dunlop 73.<br />
Excel Design Build Longest Put:JDunlop<br />
Mid Week Men: MBeckwith38, LBrown 38,JBurrows38, B<br />
Gill 37,JStringleman 37.<br />
Keith Dunn Memorial Trophy: Bill Balderstone,Brian<br />
Fitzgerald (joint winners).<br />
Mid Week Women: SCrawford andRLester 65,DYates andK<br />
Burberry 72.<br />
Longest Putt SWiddowson.<br />
Rangiora Golf Club<br />
Nine hole, stroke/nett:<br />
Men: John Walker 33, 1; Colin Bowman 34 c/b,2;John Gardner<br />
34 c/b, 3; EricPollock 36, 4.<br />
Women: Pat Roberts 34, 1; Catherine Boddy 37, 2.<br />
AustralianOver 60’s tournament.<br />
These commitments will takea<br />
number of members away from club<br />
cricketattimes this season,somore new<br />
membersare being sought.<br />
Depending on background experience,<br />
new members would be unlikely to be<br />
appointed to Premiermatches in the first<br />
instance, but be given games in the<br />
senior gradeand in various school age<br />
tournaments<br />
The association meets on the third<br />
Monday of every month at McAlpines<br />
Pavilion in Mainpower Oval.<br />
Anyone interested in joining please<br />
phone Peter Williams on 0274428542<br />
Aspiring umpires ... International umpire,<br />
Kim Cotton, left, and last season’s new<br />
recruit, Vibhuti Patel before umpiring at a<br />
local primary schools tournament last<br />
season.<br />
Adventure of alifetime<br />
Swannanoa studentHollySpark<br />
will soondepart on the<br />
adventure of alifetime, but it<br />
will be no walk in the park.<br />
Shewill jointhe latest<br />
generation of NewZealandborn<br />
adventure racers<br />
competing in theirfirst world<br />
adventure race seriesevent<br />
beingheld in South Africa.<br />
Themixedteamoffour young<br />
athletesfrom theFearYouth<br />
team, facethe prospect of<br />
racingfor up to tendaysand<br />
nightsthroughthe tough<br />
African savannahand<br />
mountains whilecoping with<br />
high temperatures, harsh<br />
conditions andthe possibility of<br />
meeting face to face any of the<br />
bigfive of African wild animals.<br />
Holly,aged20, says whilethe<br />
prospect of seeingalion is<br />
daunting,the team has<br />
prepared well forthe race.<br />
Shewas invitedtojointhe<br />
Godzone Adventurerace youth<br />
developmentteam two years<br />
ago, when it was formed,tohelp<br />
1618yearolds compete in the<br />
multiday adventure races in<br />
NewZealand.<br />
Shewas thenthe youngest<br />
womancompetitoratage 18.<br />
This ledtoher joining the<br />
FearYouth team of Fiordland<br />
created by thefounderofthe<br />
Fiordland Endurance &<br />
Raring to go ... Swannanoa<br />
tertiary student Holly Spark<br />
prepares for her big adventure race<br />
being held later this month in South<br />
Africa.<br />
AdventureRacing Society(The<br />
Fearsociety), international<br />
adventure racerAndy Magness.<br />
TheExpeditionAfrica –<br />
Kouga adventure race is being<br />
held in theEastern Caperegion<br />
of South Africa, from <strong>October</strong> 16<br />
to 29.<br />
It is partofthe <strong>2023</strong><br />
AdventureRacing World<br />
Championships.<br />
The700km long race will be<br />
theculmination of theworld<br />
series, whichunites in<br />
competition theworld’s best<br />
endurance athletes to premier<br />
expedition adventure races<br />
aroundthe world.<br />
Holly saysthe race will be<br />
held in abarren hinterland of<br />
theprovince nearCapeSt.<br />
Francis,about 750kmseast of<br />
Cape Town.<br />
‘‘Therewill be alot of<br />
mountainbiking,kayaking and<br />
hikingupand downsome<br />
serious mountains,’’ she says.<br />
Thetop teamsare expected to<br />
finish withinfivedays, but all<br />
teams haveamaximum of 10<br />
days to complete the race. Holly<br />
followedher father PaulSparks<br />
into adventureracing after<br />
travelling with hissupportcrew<br />
at an early age.<br />
‘‘Dadhas donefive Godzones,<br />
andheaps of other races and I<br />
gotthe bug from him.’’<br />
Shestarted aracing team at St<br />
Andrews College,and has<br />
completedtwo Godzones.She<br />
hascompleted several Coast to<br />
Coast races,even partnering<br />
with aBondiRescue TV star on<br />
thetwodayevent. ‘‘Racing is a<br />
lotoffun and yousee some<br />
amazing country.When the<br />
Godzonewas cancelled, the<br />
team decidedtocompete in<br />
South Africa. Iknew Ihad to be<br />
part of it,’’she says.<br />
Swannanoa 1520 Tram Road<br />
New Listing<br />
Tram Road Fruit Farm<br />
Our vendors have decided to retire from this wonderful lifestyle, so the opportunity to benefit from all theirhardwork and<br />
energy is now available withthisbrilliant propertygoing to the market for sale. The "Fruit Farm" is apickyourown operation,<br />
along with the markets andgate sales. Nothing is sold to retailers, wholesalers or distributers (end user only). It hasagreat<br />
clientele,withboth localand internationalguests. The website will be includedinthe sale. Further information,google, "Tram<br />
Road Fruit Farm". The farm is 4.8280 ha (11.929 acres approx) with approximately 1.2ha that could be further planted out<br />
(giving astrong upsidetothe operation, room to expand). Approximately 1 ha of raspberries and cherries are under cover,<br />
with the balance (mostly stone fruit) being outside. Fruit was firstplantedin20<strong>12</strong>, with strawberriesand raspberriesbeing the<br />
first crops. Now the farm produces:strawberries, raspberries, boysenberries, cherries, plums, peach's, nectarines and<br />
peacharines. Includes avery warm 240m2 renovated homestead with three bedrooms and two living areas. Property to be<br />
sold as agoing concern.<br />
3 1 3<br />
Tender closes 4.00pm, Wed 15th Nov, <strong>2023</strong><br />
View By appointment<br />
Web<strong>12</strong>011<br />
Hamish Anderson<br />
M 027 678 8888<br />
E<br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |<br />
Four Seasons Realty<br />
Four Seasons Realty<br />
Four Four Seasons Realty<br />
FOR SALE<br />
1100sqmOfOpportunity<br />
Versatile OfficeSpace<br />
Rangiora 22 SouthernCross Road<br />
Aprime industrial opportunity for owner/<br />
occupierorinvestor offeringlong-term benefits.<br />
Plans are in placefor aclear span building of<br />
predominantly warehouse space with<br />
associatedoffice facilities/amenitiespositioned<br />
in thenew Rangiora Business hub. Ideal for<br />
logistics, distribution, and managed warehouse<br />
typeoperations. There is some flexibility for<br />
input from the new owneratthis earlystage of<br />
design and development. Alease opportunity<br />
would alsobeconsidered.<br />
ForSale<br />
Price by Negotiation<br />
View by appointment<br /><br />
Brian Davey<br />
M 0292 323 583<br /><br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
Rangiora 80 Ivory Street<br />
An adaptable office space in alocation offering<br />
ahigh traffic count andprofile opportunities.<br />
The existing fit-out offers versatility to design<br />
and createanoffice suite thatsuits your needs<br />
and currently includes avarietyoflarge and<br />
medium sizedofficeswithgood natural light,<br />
twokitchen/cafeteria'sand washroomfacilities.<br />
There is the possibility of sub-leasing space if<br />
surplustorequirements.<br />
Asecure site with on-site parkingfacilities close<br />
to arange of amenities.<br />
ForLease<br />
View by appointment<br /><br />
Brian Davey<br />
M 0292 323 583<br /><br />
Linda Warren-Davey<br />
M 0273000145<br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
Specialising<br />
Brian and Linda’smainfocus is on<br />
the commercial and industrial real<br />
estatemarket. Theyare happy<br />
to discuss any related property<br />
requirements youmay have.<br />
Call Brian or Linda to discuss<br />
howthey canhelp you!<br />
Brian<br />
DAVEY<br />
0292 323 583 |03 323 6045<br /><br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd<br />
Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
Linda<br />
DAVEY<br />
027 3000 145 |03 313 6158<br />
What’s happening in your<br />
community…<br />
Oxford Rural No.1 Water Supply –<br />
Boil Water Notice Lied<br />
On Thursday 4<strong>October</strong> the Boil Water Notice was lied.<br />
Water from the Oxford Rural No.1supply is nowsafe to<br />
drink,and no longer needs to be boiled before consuming.<br />
On 11 August <strong>2023</strong> residentsonthe Oxford No. 1drinkingwater<br />
supply were advised of aBoilWaterNotice.<br />
This was issued asaprecautionary measure due tohigh<br />
turbidity (cloudiness) levels being detected in the source<br />
water through system monitoring at the treatmentplant.<br />
Despite staff efforts to flush the main supply well,<br />
turbidity levels in the source water had remained<br />
elevated and was affecting the performance of the well<br />
pump and treatment monitoring equipment.<br />
The decision was made to take the supply well offline<br />
for repair and conduct further investigations into the<br />
cause of the elevated turbidity.<br />
The investigations identified issues with the well pump<br />
and asection ofthe well pipe, which were replaced.<br />
While the repair works were being carried out, the<br />
drinking-water was supplied from the emergency<br />
backup source at the Rockford Road River Intake. As<br />
the water quality from the river intake isvery poor in<br />
comparison, the Boil Water Notice remained in place<br />
over the period of works.<br />
The repair works on the McPhedrons Well are completed<br />
and it is now back inservice as the main source for<br />
the water scheme. The Rockford Road River Intake has<br />
been taken offline and the reticulation pipes flushed<br />
to remove the high turbidity water from the system.<br />
Following pipe flushing, samples have been taken from<br />
the supply well and the reticulation pipes toensure that<br />
the turbidity levels have returned to normal, and the<br />
water is safe for consumption. The Boil Water Notice is<br />
now removed, effective immediately.<br />
Thank you for your patience throughout this event.<br />
Waimakariri Gorge Bridge Update<br />
Anew surface will be installedonthe Waimakariri Gorge<br />
Bridgeasalong-termupgrade to thebridge.<br />
Over recent months temporaryrepairs havebeencontinuing<br />
on the Waimakariri Gorge Bridge, to ensurethe bridge could<br />
stayopenwhile alonger-termoptionhas been explored<br />
jointlybyWaimakariri andSelwynDistrict Councils.<br />
The WaimakaririGorgeBridge is jointlyowned by the<br />
Waimakaririand SelwynDistrict Councils. SelwynDistrict<br />
Council is responsiblefor theday-to-dayinspectionsand<br />
maintenanceofthe bridge. Waka Kotahi also contributes<br />
funding to maintainand repair thebridge.<br />
Recently we’ve carried out some short-term<br />
maintenance including repairing potholes on the bridge<br />
deck surface, installing metal plates where the timber<br />
deck is wearing and tightening the hold down bolts.<br />
These were short term repairs to make sure we keptthe<br />
bridge open to all vehicles.<br />
While this has been going on, we have been<br />
undertaking an assessment ofthe bridge to get abetter<br />
understanding of the level of work requiredtorepair the<br />
structure. The good news is that the main structure of<br />
the bridge issound. However, anew replacement deck<br />
is required. The intention istoreplace the bridge deck<br />
in the first half of 2024.<br />
The volume of traffic and thenumber of heavyvehicles<br />
thatuse thebridge hasincreased overthe years andthis<br />
makesmaintaining and repairoptions challenging. We<br />
areworking together to confirm the designrequirements<br />
forthe newdeck and to secure funding required from<br />
Waka Kotahi. Both Councilshaveplanned fortheserepair<br />
costs in this financial year’s budgets.<br />
The nextsteps aretodesign and costthe replacement<br />
deck which shouldbecompletedinNovember, the<br />
work will then go out to tenderfor construction. It’s<br />
anticipated that acontractor will be appointed in early<br />
2024 andthe deck replacement work will be carriedout<br />
aroundmid-FebruarytoApril next year.<br />
Once thedesignhas been confirmed we will considerthe<br />
best way to manage traffic movement acrossthe bridge,<br />
while keeping contractors safeand completing the work<br />
in atimelymanner. We will sharethe programme forthe<br />
work anddetails aroundtraffic management withthe<br />
public before work begins.<br />
In the interim, we will keep theadditional signs, road<br />
markings and speed humps in placetohelpreduce<br />
speeds over the bridge. We will alsocontinue to complete<br />
temporaryrepairsasand whenrequired.<br />
Both Councils are aware of the frustrations the issues with<br />
the bridgehavecaused forthe wider community and that<br />
the current condition of the bridge isn’t up to standard.<br />
We appreciateyour patience, and we are committed to<br />
progressing the replacement of the bridge deck quickly.<br />
We will continue to keep you updated on progress.<br />
Please check our websites and Facebook pages for<br />
more information.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
YOUTH<br />
Development Grant<br />
Available to young people living<br />
in the Waimakariri District aged<br />
between <strong>12</strong> and 24.<br />
Applications will open on<br />
Monday 18 September <strong>2023</strong> and close on<br />
Friday 20 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
For more information:<br /><br />
027 254 3940<br /><br />
Free Digital<br />
SkillsClasses<br />
Introduction to Smart Phones<br />
Kaiapoi Library<br />
Wednesday 18<strong>October</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />
Rangiora Library<br />
Thursday 19<strong>October</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />
Introduction to Apps<br />
KaiapoiLibrary<br />
Wednesday 25<strong>October</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />
RangioraLibrary<br />
Thursday 26<strong>October</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />
Bookings Essential<br /><br />
03 311 8901
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
43<br />
Give usyour<br />
feedback<br />
Woodcraft open night<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Woodcraft<br />
Club will be holding open nights<br />
at its clubroom on the third<br />
Wednesday of each month, except<br />
December. The open nights start<br />
from <strong>October</strong> 18, <strong>2023</strong>. The<br />
clubrooms are at <strong>North</strong>brook<br />
Studios, 191 <strong>North</strong>brook Road<br />
Rangiora and are open from 7pm.<br />
There will be demonstrations of<br />
woodturning and members<br />
showcasing examples of their<br />
work. The club welcomes new<br />
members both men and women.<br />
For further information contact<br />
Noel 027 240 81<strong>12</strong> or Merv 021 237<br />
7105.<br />
Rangiora Museum<br />
John Thompson will give an<br />
interesting presentation on the<br />
History of the Tuhoe, of Kaiapoi<br />
fame, on Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 25, at<br />
7.30pm, at the Rangiora Museum,<br />
29 Good Street. All are welcome<br />
and no need to book. Admission is<br />
free, although donations from<br />
nonmembers of the Early<br />
Records Society are appreciated.<br />
Supper will be provided. The<br />
Rangiora Museum is open<br />
Wednesdays and Saturdays from<br />
1.30pm to 4pm.<br />
Rangiora Garden Club<br />
The club is holding its annual<br />
plant stall on Friday, <strong>October</strong> 20,<br />
just in time for keen gardeners to<br />
refresh their gardens for spring. It<br />
will run from 8.30am to 1.30pm, on<br />
the corner of High and Victoria<br />
Streets, Rangiora. Lots of great<br />
plants are available. Please come<br />
along and grab abargain.<br />
Hometown debut concert<br />
Emma Rutherford returns to<br />
Oxford for her Hometown Debut<br />
show on November 10, <strong>2023</strong>,<br />
accompanied by pianist James<br />
Caughley, with support from local<br />
duo The Wax Birds. As door sales<br />
are limited, tickets available<br />
through at<br />
e/emmarutherfordhometowndebuttickets71519659<strong>12</strong>57.<br />
Come along to our classes toimprove your<br />
speaking, listening and grammar skills<br />
through arange of interesting topics!<br />
Every Saturday, 10am-1pm<br />
30 September-25 November <strong>2023</strong><br />
Rangiora Town Hall Function Room<br />
303 High Street, Rangiora<br />
Enrol Now<br />
Julie Cloughley |Tutor<br />
Email:<br />
Phone: 027 403 8245<br />
Here for aGood Time, by Chris Parker<br />
ChrisParkerhas built alarge audience with his charismatic<br />
storytelling and online video sketches. Here for aGood Time allows<br />
you to take Chris home for amuchneeded pick me up whenever<br />
you need.<br />
Fridge Love,byKristenHong<br />
Aoneofakind guidetoorganizing yourfridgeincluding practical<br />
tips for mealprepand storage, plus more than 100 recipes that<br />
makes it easier to eat better, save money,and get the most out of<br />
your food.<br />
Wawata :Moon Dreaming, by HinemoaElder<br />
Dr Hinemoa Elder, author of Aroha,New Zealand'stopselling<br />
nonfictiontitle of 2021, shows us how to reclaim intimacy with<br />
others, with ourselves, and withour planet usingthe energies of<br />
Hina,the Maorimoon.<br />
These titles are available in both Waimakariri and Hurunui<br />
libraries. Find out moreabout recent additionstothe library<br />
collection by going to the library catalogue at waimakariri.kotui.<br /> or or contact your locallibrary.<br />
Local crimereport<br />
<strong>October</strong> 3: Five youthhad aBBgun at aKaiapoipark–YouthAid<br />
are dealing withyouthand parents.AKaiapoi femalereported<br />
two large transfersmade fraudulently fromher accounts when<br />
she was contacted by acaller posingasher bank asking for<br />
personaldetails.<br />
<strong>October</strong> 4: Amale on abike seenstealing acable fromacoffeecart<br />
on EastBelt.AnOxfordresident made apurchase on TradeMe, he<br />
was notified by themitwas ascam but had already made payment.<br />
<strong>October</strong> 5: AWoodendresident listedanitem forsale on<br />
Marketplaceand provided bankdetails to the purchaser,<br />
fraudulent transactions were then made from the account.<br />
<strong>October</strong> 6: ARangiora resident reported receiving an email from<br />
Police which appearedtobeaphishing scam. It saidthey had<br />
been accessing pornography. The email was deleted, sender<br />
blockedand Police confirmed it was in factascam. An intoxicated<br />
male wasapproaching children and membersofthe public in<br />
Hanmer, he was movedonfrom the area by Police. ARangiora<br />
male was arrestedfor assaultafterresisting Police. On several<br />
occasionsFacebook Marketplace paymentswere made to secure<br />
an item–profile of the seller was then deleted and no contact<br />
available. Purchaser scammed of funds. Vehicle parked in<br />
Waikuku had both number plates stolen. Two suspicious males<br />
seen on CCTV at an Elm Driveaddress, nothing taken, theywere<br />
disturbedbythe owner.<br />
<strong>October</strong> 7: AChristchurch female was processedfor excess breath<br />
alcohol on Lineside Road. An unknownmale chased off aproperty<br />
by dogs in Sefton during the early hours. Three Kaiapoi males<br />
were processed for driving with excessbreath alcohol on Smith<br />
Street. AChristchurch malewas suspendedfrom driving for<br />
failing to remainstopped at acheckpoint, vehicle also<br />
impounded.<br />
<strong>October</strong> 8: Vehicle stolenfrom Hanmer, later locatednearby with<br />
cash taken.<br />
<strong>October</strong> 9: ARangiora was malearrested for disorder when<br />
multiplecalls received for him walkingamong traffic at busy<br />
Woodend intersection.ARangiora femalewas stopped and<br />
forbiddentodrivefor excessbreath alcohol. Police have executed<br />
several search warrants around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and arrests<br />
have been made holding offenders to account.<br />
There have been 16 fatalities year to date for Rural<strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
this includes Selwyn. Lastyear therewere fiveatthis same time.<br />
That’s over 300 percentincreaseyear to date. Seat belts<br />
(restraints) –30% of fatalaccidents the victims are eithernot<br />
wearingseatbelts or wearing them incorrectly. Impairment –<br />
driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs also affects<br />
reactiontime. Mobile phonescausedrivers to be distracted.<br />
Stopping at atrafficlightisnot agood time to answer acall or<br />
reply to atext.Itcan wait, they can wait.Police willcontinue to<br />
target restraints, impairment, distraction and speedinaneffort to<br />
get our road toll down. Speed is also alarge contributor to our<br />
roadtoll, slow down.Pay attention to the current speed limit, be<br />
mindfulmany have recently changed on our ruralroads.<br />
Raffle Results<br />
Flower Show raffle results.<br />
1st #743. 2nd #879. 3rd<br />
#768. 4th #264. 5th #156.<br />
Prizes have been collected.<br />
Thank you for supporting<br />
our show.<br />
Personal<br />
Aslim petite lady with<br />
blonde hair and green eyes.<br />
Tired of being alone,<br />
she would like to find a<br />
genuine gentleman with<br />
similar interests.<br />
She enjoys the country<br />
lifestyle, tramping, cooking<br />
and swimming, keeping fit,<br />
travelling and gardening.<br />
To meet, please phone<br />
and quote code 51.<br />
0800-446-332.<br />
60 year old<br />
widower working<br />
as afarm hand<br />
seeking aloving<br />
relationship with<br />
adown to earth<br />
woman. Someone<br />
to share life with.<br />
Ph/Txt<br />
0210 891 8780<br />
For Sale<br />
DOWNSIZING from<br />
farm, all must go! 200L<br />
drums, feeder drums,<br />
irrigators, poly pipe, large<br />
assortment of pot plants,<br />
water blaster, electric fencing,<br />
compressor &nail gun,<br />
custom wood, chip board, 2<br />
calf milk feeders, 1 calf<br />
pellet feeder. 3 wheelbarrows,<br />
2 sack barrows,<br />
chicken feed and grit. 200L<br />
commerical spray tank on<br />
trailer (complete), 50L<br />
spray unit for quad (complete),<br />
100L spray unit for<br />
quad (complete), assorted<br />
drums &buckets. Ph Les<br />
03 313 7096.<br />
LARGE ORNATE table<br />
with 6 high back chairs.<br />
Oval ornate table. Corner<br />
table. 4drawer compactum.<br />
Large dehumidifier. All<br />
must go, downsizing. Ph<br />
Les 03 313 7096.<br />
TRULUX Glasshouse.<br />
New, 1800 x<strong>12</strong>00, partly<br />
assembled. Ph 03 310 7638.<br />
WESTINGHOUSE fridge<br />
/freezer in excellent condition,<br />
$275. Double<br />
drawer metal filing cabinet<br />
includes file holders, $100.<br />
Ph Rangiora 021 179 7761.<br />
2620811<br />
Entertainment<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
CARAVAN, with shower<br />
& toilet. Any condition.<br />
Reasonable price. Phone<br />
Steve 027 622 0011.<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 7216<br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 258<br />
8366.<br />
FALCONS &<br />
WANTED<br />
Suitable for<br />
dismantling or repairs<br />
Ph 313 7216<br />
To Let<br />
area. Villa type farmhouse,<br />
sunny verandah, wood<br />
panel hallway, 3 spacious<br />
bdrms, high ceilings<br />
throughout. Living room<br />
with log fire, retro kitchen<br />
with log fire, bathroom<br />
with shower & vanity,<br />
original laundry with toilet.<br />
Situated quiet sheltered<br />
area with spacious lawns,<br />
one garage, one carport.<br />
Contact 03 313 5187.<br />
Pets<br />
Call Perera Kennels,<br />
Greyhound Rehoming. All<br />
tested for suitability for<br />
differenthomes. Phone 027<br />
427 1536.<br />
For Hire<br />
yards &loading ramp for<br />
hire. Phone 027 540 0027.<br />
Gardening<br />
House &Garden<br />
Property Services Ltd<br />
Tree &hedge trimming<br />
Gardening<br />
Landscaping<br />
Lawn mowing<br />
Waterblasting<br />
All aspects of<br />
property maintenance<br />
CALL US 03 260 4499<br />
OR 021 405 277<br />
PARADE at Balcairn Hall,<br />
Wednesday 18 th <strong>October</strong> 7.30 pm<br />
Get inspired for spring/summer!<br />
Light Supper / beverages / raffles<br />
(Earlybird Raffle tickets now at Sally Mac’s)<br />
Event tickets (cash) $35.00 from Sally Mac’s,<br />
Amberley, Sefton Garage, Stan’s 7 Day pharmacy,<br />
Rangiora or Online via<br />
24<strong>12</strong>522<br />
44 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Public Notices<br />
“The Key of Knowledge ..”<br />
(Luke 11:52)<br />
Deutermony 11:<strong>12</strong> tells us that GOD cares for<br />
thelandofIsrael which HE gave to the Jews,“the<br />
eyes of the LORD are always upon it, from the<br />
beginning of the year, even on to the end of the<br />
year”. Although GOD scattered the Jews all over<br />
theworld HE promised in Ezekiel37:21-22 that HE<br />
would return themtotheir homeland. “I will take the<br />
children ofIsraelfrom among the nations, whither<br />
they be gone, and will gather them on every side,<br />
and bring them into their ownland: and Iwillmake<br />
them one nation in the land upon the mountains<br />
of Israel”.<br />
2617697<br />
(Branch of the New Zealand<br />
Society of Genealogists)<br />
OPEN DAY<br />
Sunday 15 t h <strong>October</strong><br />
10.30am - 3pm<br />
War Memorial Hall,<br />
2 Albert Street, Rangiora.<br />
2620502<br />
Members on hand to show you<br />
how to research and document your<br />
family history and help with your<br />
genealogy questions.<br />
On the day we have collections of<br />
Microfiches, Genealogy Websites,<br />
Family Trees & Videos.<br />
Our microfiche collections range<br />
from 1840 - 1990 and includes<br />
births / deaths / marriages, inwards<br />
and outwards passenger lists, and<br />
NZ electoral rolls, plus many, many<br />
more resources to lookup.<br />
Refreshments available.<br />
Plus,Raffles!<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Website:<br />
YourPlanfor Your Reserves<br />
Most of the reserves and recreational spaces within<br />
the Hurunui District form part of the District Reserve<br />
Management Plan which identifiesspecific policiesfor<br />
eachreserve and futuredevelopment potential. Times<br />
change and some of the plans need tobeupdated to<br />
reflect what’s actually happening on the reserve and<br />
the developmentpotential of those reserves.<br />
“The Reserves Management Plan” is adocument that<br />
covers all council owned and administered recreation<br />
reserves.This was adopted 10 years ago. The Council<br />
is now reviewing thisdocument and is keentoreceive<br />
your feedback on the GeneralPolicies in theReserves<br />
Management Plan.<br />
A list of General Policies in the Reserves<br />
Management Plan is available from the Amberley<br />
Office or on our website at<br />
reservesmanagementplan. Once all the feedback<br />
has been received, an updated draft Reserves<br />
Management Planwill be prepared. Youwillthen have<br />
another opportunity to formally submitonthe content<br />
of the draft before the Council finalises the Plan. This<br />
willbepublicly notified nextyear.<br />
Forfurtherinformationplease contactMariaEdgar on<br />
(03)314 8816.<br />
Youcan providefeedback on<br />
• Online on Council’s website at<br /><br />
• Atour service centres and libraries; or<br />
• Email to<br />
Written feedback opens on Wednesday 18<strong>October</strong><br />
and closes at 5pm, Thursday November 16, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
2621188<br />
Public Notices<br />
- Annual Show -<br />
Applications are now invited for<br />
Food Tendered, Trade and Art/Craft<br />
Sites at our 119 th AnnualShow on<br />
Easter Saturday 30 March 2024.<br />
Food Site Tenders close<br />
1 st November <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Application forms are available from<br />
E:<br />
W:<br />
2620692<br />
Hurunui District Rural<br />
Road Vegetation Control<br />
The Hurunui District Council advise of rural<br />
roadside spraying programme:<br />
Spraying is programmed between<br />
<strong>October</strong> and December <strong>2023</strong><br />
The includes spraying around signposts,<br />
guardrails, culverts, marker pegs, and some<br />
gravel roadsides.<br />
2620699<br />
For further information regarding this activity<br />
please contact:<br />
Grounds &Services Ltd (GSL),<br />
Registered Chemical Applicators<br />
(03) 349 0634<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 20<strong>12</strong><br />
APocket Full of Spices Ltd,<br />
92 Victoria Street, Rangiora<br />
7400 has made application<br />
to the District Licensing<br />
Committee at Rangiora for<br />
the renewal of an On Licence<br />
in respect of the premises<br />
situated at 92 Victoria Street,<br />
Rangiora 7400 known as A<br />
Pocket Full of Spices Indian<br />
Restaurant &Takeaway.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to<br />
be conducted) under the<br />
licence is Restaurant &<br />
Takeaway.<br />
The days on which and the<br />
hours during which alcohol<br />
is (or is intended to be)<br />
sold under the licence are<br />
Monday to Sunday 9am to<br />
11pm.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at 215<br />
High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of the<br />
licence may, not later than<br />
15 working days after the<br />
date of the publication of this<br />
notice, file anotice in writing<br />
of the objection with the<br />
Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />
District Licensing Committee<br />
at Private Bag 1005,<br />
Rangiora 7440 or email to<br /><br />
No objection to the renewal<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than a matter specified in<br />
section 131 of the Sale and<br />
Supply of Alcohol Act 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />
This is the first publication of<br />
this notice.<br />
2620509v1<br />
Need to<br />
advertise your<br />
LIQUOR<br />
LICENCE?<br />
WE CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Holding a<br />
WE CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Have items to<br />
SELL?<br />
WE CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Looking to BUY?<br />
WE CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Looking for a<br />
NEW TEAM<br />
MEMBER?<br />
WE CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Looking for your<br />
NEXT JOB?<br />
WE CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Want to<br />
promote your<br />
TRADE?<br />
WE<br />
CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda today<br />
313 2840<br />
027 536 6224<br />
2570627v2<br />
Public Notices<br />
Annual General Meeting<br />
to be held at the Hall<br />
Wednesday 18 th <strong>October</strong><br />
<strong>2023</strong> at 8.00pm.<br />
All welcome 2618826<br />
A FRESH approach to<br />
your health and wellbeing.<br />
Waimakariri Wellness Hub<br />
meets on Fridays 10am -<br />
2pm in Rangiora. Offering<br />
Holistic Healing for all,<br />
including Therapeutic<br />
Massage, Zenna, Reflexology<br />
and other techniques<br />
with qualified practitioners,<br />
$20 suggest Koha. Contact<br />
Lilian 027 294 6852.<br />
THE RANGIORA Photographic<br />
Society will hold<br />
its AGM on 31 <strong>October</strong>,<br />
7pm, McAlpines Pavilion<br />
corner East Belt and<br />
Coldstream Road Rangiora.<br />
Educational<br />
TUITION available. Primary<br />
and secondary (Math,<br />
English,Science) up to<br />
NCEA level 3. Each<br />
student on an individually<br />
tailored programme. Kip<br />
McGrath Rangiora has<br />
been serving the local community<br />
for 30 +years. Give<br />
us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />
book your free assessment<br />
online https://www.<br /><br />
Trade Personal<br />
NORTH<br />
Registered builder and<br />
qualified joiner of 14<br />
years, available for a<br />
range of work —<br />
renovations, new builds,<br />
maintenance jobs, decks,<br />
kitchens.<br />
• Licensed Building<br />
Practitioner<br />
• Qualified Joiner<br />
• Registered with Certified<br />
Builders N.Z.<br />
Available throughout<br />
Waimakariri areas.<br />
Phone Jamie Macdonald<br />
027-755-9223.<br />
Email<br /><br />
Trusted Trades<br />
& Professional<br />
Services<br />
Accountant<br />
New Client Discount 10%<br />
Tax & Accounting Consultants<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
HAND-KNITTERS make<br />
some money at home while<br />
you do something you<br />
enjoy; earn $60-$170 per<br />
garment, we pay postage<br />
each way, must be very<br />
experienced, please send us<br />
asample with 30 sts x 20<br />
rows with acolour change<br />
patch in the middle and/or<br />
photos of garments you<br />
have knitted. —Please post<br />
to: BONZ Group Ltd, P.O.<br />
Box 955, Queenstown 9300.<br />
Home Services<br />
ROOF<br />
20yrs local<br />
experience.<br /><br />
027 416 0530<br />
Trade&Services<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 <strong>12</strong>4 4894.<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
Accumulation of soot seriously<br />
affects performance.<br />
Latest rotary brush technology.<br />
Free moisture check<br />
on wood. Safety inspection.<br />
All work insured and guaranteed.<br />
From $80 single<br />
story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br /><br />
Sew Good Services. For all<br />
your alterations, repairs,<br />
dressmaking, curtains.<br />
Phone 327 5535.<br />
FENCING. All Residential,<br />
Subdivisions &Rural.<br />
FCANZ Certified Contractor.<br />
20 years experience.<br />
Call 021 640 748.<br />
Taxreturns, GST returns, rental returns and pay day filing<br />
☎ 03 314 9480<br />
2533270<br />
Trade&Services<br />
HAP’S FARM and<br />
gardening service, sheep<br />
shearing, crutching,<br />
drenching etc, fencing<br />
repairs, gardening, pruning,<br />
small tree trimming etc.<br />
Phone 021 267 4025.<br />
Quality, local professionals.<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Phone: 027 846 5035.<br />
KITCHEN, bathroom,<br />
renovations, decking,<br />
pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />
reliable licenced builders.<br />
Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />
mowing, spraying,<br />
fertilizing, scarifying. Ph<br />
Hamish 027 349 7986.<br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
25 + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please ph Steve 03<br />
314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
roof repairs. Waterblasting,<br />
Moss Treatments, Re<br />
Pointing, Gutter Cleans,<br />
qualified. Repairs, Snow Straps,<br />
Exterior Painting &More.<br />
Free quotes, call Vinnie<br />
027 505 7779.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
Air Conditioning<br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>and Kaikoura<br />
03 313 0531 /03319 7559<br />
(<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>) (Kaikoura)<br /><br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Trade&Services<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
027 216 0000<br />
Plastering &Painting<br />
Services<br />
Locals with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 023<br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 <strong>12</strong>8 9867<br />
CRAIGS Trees<br />
(03) 327-4190<br />
Free Quotes<br />
027 2299 454<br /><br />
Call us<br />
for a<br />
Phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 to book your space.<br />
2362002<br />
2502479<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
FREE<br />
quote<br />
2225862<br />
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
Guide<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email<br />
Appliance Repairs<br />
Builder<br />
Butchery<br />
Chiropractic Services<br />
F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />
Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />
Samsung andmore....<br />
“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />
Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />
2332343v2<br />
•New Builds •Renovations, Extensions<br />
• Repairs and Maintenance<br />
Ring Mark 027 229 7310<br />
for afree quote<br />
Email<br />
2608662<br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 3<strong>12</strong> 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 021 269 1817<br />
2227889v3<br />
Dr Carissa McGregor<br />
ACCRegistered Dr Chiropractic<br />
Monday &Thursday<br />
Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />
Judy McArthur<br />
Mctimoney Chiropractic, AppliedKinesiology<br />
and Craniosacral|Fridays<br />
Phone 03 313 0350<br />
Select Health<br />
51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
2564272v2<br />
Cleaning and Gardening<br />
Computer Repairs<br />
Visit now to view the paper online &more!<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
Garry WMechen<br />
Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />
Phone (03) 313-9192<br />
38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
2617650<br />
• Commercial &domestic<br />
cleaning<br />
• Move in/out cleans<br />
• Deepcleans<br />
• Weeding<br />
• Pruning<br />
• Garden revival<br />
PHONE TO BOOK NOW 027 257 8274<br /> | Locally owned &operated<br />
Glass Services<br />
Bruce Evans<br />
131 Ohoka Road<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Electrician<br />
03 327 3111<br />
021 293 6331<br /><br /><br />
Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />
Prompt professional services<br />
2276525v2<br />
Virus &malware removal<br />
New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />
Engineering<br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br /><br />
2269236<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
Irrigation &Filtration<br />
Plumbing &Drainage<br />
Over 15 years experience in the industry,offering a<br />
fast, friendly and professional service.<br />
•PlumbingMaintenance and Renovations<br />
•Gas Fitting and Servicing<br />
•Drainage Repairs and New Installs<br />
•Drain Unblocking and Inspections<br />
•Complete Bathroom Renovation &ShowerInstallations<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
CONTACT HUGO021 255 2977<br />
2273277<br />
2490187<br />
26<strong>12</strong>551<br />
HOURS<br />
8.30am -<strong>12</strong>noon- Monday to Friday<br />
A V C<br />
For a/h repairs<br />
phone (03) 310-3044<br />
2611645<br />
Landscaping<br />
For all your landscaping needs<br />
All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />
Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />
and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />
Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br /><br /><br />
2372616v2<br />
Funeral Director<br />
HAL L & Co.<br />
Funeral Directors<br />
Death Is But AHorizon ... AHorizon Is But The Limit Of Our Sight<br />
Give our friendly team acall and let us look<br />
after all of your funeral needs<br />
•Pricing plans tosuit everyone<br />
•Direct Cremation options<br />
•Memorial Services<br />
•FullfuneralServices<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
Convenient Locations<br />
Rangiora 313 6948<br />
Christchurch 379 0178<br /><br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
1902273<br />
1High Street, Rangiora | 03 313 1733<br /><br />
CAP 65<br />
CAP 40<br />
CAP 20<br />
Shingle<br />
Quarry Prices<br />
from $40 per cube<br />
Retrofit Double Glazing<br />
ReplacementWindows<br />
Frameless Showers<br />
Splashbacks<br />
Balustrades<br />
Mirrors<br />
SecurityDoors<br />
WindowMaintenance<br />
from $23 per cube<br />
from $25 per cube<br />
from $30 per cube<br />
all + gst<br />
Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />
house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />
Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />
Email:<br />
2533705<br />
2009594<br />
p 03 313 7144 | e<br />
Mention this advert &receive $50 off your next job<br /><br />
Plasterer<br />
Interior<br />
Renovations<br />
Ltd<br />
Plasterboard,<br />
fixing &stopping<br />
Cornice<br />
Cove and<br />
stippled ceilings<br />
Registered<br />
Tradesman<br />
Call Mark<br />
027 438 0665<br />
Windows & Doors<br />
• New & Used<br />
• Timber & Aluminium<br />
• Windows & Doors<br />
8am-5pm Weekdays<br />
8am-2pm Saturday<br />
2608643<br />
215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />
Ph (03) 379 6159<br />
Fax (03) 962 10<strong>12</strong><br />
ncn<strong>12</strong>42200aa<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email
<strong>2023</strong><br />
Mazda<br />
BT-50<br />
Takami<br />
• 3.0L Diesel<br />
• Turbo<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 4WD<br />
• Towbar<br />
• Balance of Mazda<br />
Care Servicing & Warranty<br />
$71,995<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
Mazda<br />
CX-30<br />
SP20<br />
• 2.0L Petrol<br />
• M Hybrid<br />
• Auto<br />
• 2,800km<br />
• Blackout Alloys<br />
• Balance of Mazda<br />
Care Servicing & Warranty<br />
$42,995<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
Mazda<br />
BT-50<br />
Ltd<br />
• 3.0L Diesel<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 4WD<br />
• 4,500km<br />
• Towbar<br />
• Balance of Mazda<br />
Care Servicing & Warranty<br />
$69,995<br />
SOLD<br />
2019<br />
Mazdaa<br />
3 GLX<br />
• 2.0L Petrol<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 49,000k km<br />
• NZ NEW<br />
• Reversin g Camera<br />
• Alloys<br />
$22,995<br />
$23,995<br />
WAS<br />
2022<br />
Mazda<br />
CX-30<br />
SP-20<br />
• 2.0L Petrol<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 19,000km<br />
• NZ NEW<br />
• Navigation<br />
• Balance of Mazda<br />
Care Servicing & Warranty<br />
SOLD<br />
$37,995<br />
2020<br />
Suzuki<br />
Swift<br />
Sport<br />
• 1.4L Petrol<br />
Turbo<br />
• 6 Speed Manual<br />
• NZ NEW<br />
• 28,000km<br />
• Alloys<br />
$21,995<br />
$23,995<br />
WAS<br />
2020<br />
Mazda<br />
CX-3<br />
GLX<br />
• 2.0L<br />
• Petrol<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 24,500k km<br />
• NZ NEW<br />
• Reversin ng Camera<br />
• Alloys<br />
$25,995<br />
$26,995<br />
WAS<br />
2014<br />
Mazda<br />
3 SP25<br />
• 2.5L Petrol<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 80,700km<br />
• NZ NEW<br />
• BlackAlloys<br />
• TintedWindows<br />
• Navigation<br />
$20,995<br />
$21,995<br />
WAS<br />
2018<br />
Mazda<br />
2 GSX<br />
• 1.5L Petrol<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 25,500km<br />
• NZ NEW<br />
• Reversing Camera<br />
• Parking Sensors<br />
• Navigation<br />
$19,995<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
Mazda<br />
CX-3<br />
GSX<br />
• 2.0L Petrol<br />
• 6 Speed Auto<br />
• 2,500km<br />
• Ex DEMO<br />
• Radar Cruise<br />
Control<br />
• Navigation<br />
• Reversing Camera<br />
$37,995<br />
2014<br />
Toyota<br />
Hilux<br />
SR5<br />
• 3.0L Diesel<br />
• Auto<br />
• 4WD<br />
• 177,000km<br />
• Nudge Bar<br />
• Tow bar<br />
• Sports Roll Bar & Hard Lid<br />
$36,995<br />
2015 Volkswagen<br />
Golf TSI<br />
Highline<br />
• 1.4L Petrol<br />
• Automatic<br />
• 70,000km<br />
• Reversing Camera<br />
• Adaptive Cruise<br />
• Alloys<br />
• Bluetooth<br />
$16,995<br />
2016<br />
Suzuki<br />
Vitara<br />
JLXF<br />
• 1.6L Petrol<br />
• 5 Speed Manual<br />
• 111,000km<br />
• Towbar<br />
• Reversing Camera<br />
• Navigation<br />
$15,995<br />
2015 Toyota<br />
Landcruiser<br />
Prado<br />
TX<br />
• 2.8L Turbo Diesel<br />
• 4WD<br />
• Automatic<br />
• 24,620km<br />
• Towbar<br />
• 7 Seats<br />
• Leather<br />
$54,995<br />
2007<br />
Nissan<br />
Tiida<br />
• 1.5L Petrol<br />
• CVT<br />
• 143,000km<br />
$7,250<br />
Sales:Tim 03 314 0135 |Service: Michael 03 3140131<br />
MAZDA<br />
2-4Markham St<br />
Amberley, <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
03 3140<strong>12</strong><br />
Thursday,<strong>October</strong> <strong>12</strong>,<strong>2023</strong> | Issue1067 |<br />
up<br />
to<br />
MONTHS<br />
50interestfree<br />
available now*<br />
50 monthsinterestfree on<br />
beds &furniture $999 &over*<br />
30 months interestfree on<br />
purchases $499 &over*<br />
BE IN TO WIN<br />
$2000<br />
Smiths City<br />
GiftCards<br />
when you make apurchase<br />
on interest free ~ Prizedrawterms,conditions,exclusions<br />
and eligibility criteriaapply.Valid 11th -24th <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.Ask in-storeorsee<br /> details.<br />
Don’t have acard?<br />
Applyfor a<br />
QMastercardtoday.<br />
Lending criteria, $50 annual<br />
Account Fee, fees,Ts&Cs apply*<br />
Smiths City<br />
Colombo Street<br />
550 ColomboStreet,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Smiths City<br />
<strong>North</strong>wood<br />
1Radcliffe Rd,<br />
Christchurch<br />
SmithsCity<br />
Hornby<br />
6TowerStreet,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Appliances,Beds,<br />
Furniture,TVs,<br />
Audio &more.<br />
Thinking of renovating<br />
your kitchen thissummer?<br />
We nowdesign, build andinstall kitchens.<br />
Book your FREE consultation in <strong>October</strong><br />
and receiveaFREE appliance package<br />
on installation^.<br />
FREE<br />
Appliance<br />
Package<br />
UP<br />
TO<br />
$4,747^<br />
Months<br />
No Payments<br />
18&NoInterest*<br />
0800 020030<br />
*Ts&Csapply,see<br />
websitefor full terms.<br />
Offervaliddates vary,see productpagesonline fordetails. Availablewhile stocks last.Limitedquantity deals arelimit one per customer. #Discountisoff our fullretailprice.*Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees,and Ts&Cs,and minimumspend applies. Excludes giftcards and some promotional items.<br />
$55 Establishment Feeappliestoyour firstLTF transaction, $35 Advance Feeapplies to subsequent LTFtransactions. Min payments of 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10 (whicheverisgreater)are required throughoutinterest free period. Paying only the minimummonthlypayments will not fully repay the<br />
loan before the end of the interest free period. QMastercardExpiredPromotional Rate or QCardStandardInterest Rate (both27.99% p.a.) applies at the end of LTFInterest Free Period. (See Ts&Csfor QMastercardStandard Interest Rate applicable to outstanding balance of aStandardPurchase.) Mastercardand<br />
the circlesdesign areregistered trademarksofMastercardInternational Incorporated. ~Prize drawterms,conditions, exclusions and eligibility criteria apply. Valid 11th -24th<strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong>. Ask in-store or see online at details. ^FREE appliance package is valid forkitchens installed by 31st<br />
March 2024. Value of the appliance package is tiered basedonspend and will be outlined during the consultation process.Spotsare limitedbydemand and thereforeSmithsKitchens may not be able to book your consultationand therefore qualify youfor this promotion if it falls outside of the promotionalperiod.<br />
Promotional offer is valid 2nd of <strong>October</strong>until the 21st of December <strong>2023</strong>.
Spring. Atimefor greatoptimism. And greatprices.<br />
Ari Fabric Sofa -Charcoal<br />
2Seater<br />
3Seater<br />
NewYork 6Piece Dining Suite<br />
9064132 9064133<br />
9040252 Valid until24th<strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
$699 $ 749 $1499<br />
was<br />
$1399<br />
was<br />
$1499<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
was<br />
$2999<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
Hisense 65”UHD 4K LED<br />
SmartTV-65A7K<br />
9077350/65A7KNZ<br />
$1399<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
Validuntil24th<strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
50%<br />
OFF #<br />
50%<br />
OFF #<br />
BONUS<br />
$100<br />
Prezzy card<br />
* 2<br />
Hobson5Seater Fabric Recliner<br />
LoungeSuite-AfricanGrey<br />
Sleepyhead Sanctuary<br />
Paradise Medium Queen Bed<br />
9076339 Validuntil31st<strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
9074439<br />
OFF<br />
was<br />
$1999 $4399<br />
$6199<br />
#<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
54%<br />
was<br />
$<strong>12</strong>399<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
50%<br />
OFF #<br />
OPPOA78 4G<br />
-AquaGreen<br />
$499<br />
60001103 /CPH2565<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
Russell Hobbs<br />
Brooklyn Air Fryer5.7L<br />
907<strong>12</strong>37 /RHAF15<br />
$159<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
Miele CompleteC3<br />
Cat &Dog Bagged<br />
Vacuum Cleaner<br />
9058592 /11071460<br />
$689<br />
Fisher &Paykel 380L<br />
ActiveSmartBottom<br />
Mount Fridge Freeze<br />
$1649<br />
9035421/RF402BRPX6<br />
BONUS<br />
OPPO<br />
Speaker<br />
via redemption* 3<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
SmithsCity<br />
Colombo Street<br />
550 ColomboStreet,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Smiths City<br />
<strong>North</strong>wood<br />
1Radcliffe Rd,<br />
Christchurch<br />
SmithsCity<br />
Hornby<br />
6TowerStreet,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Appliances,Beds,<br />
Furniture, TVs,<br />
Audio&more.<br />
Offervalid datesvary,see productpagesonlinefor details. Availablewhile stocks last. Limited quantity deals arelimitone per customer.#Discount is offour fullretail price.*Lendingcriteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees,and Ts&Cs, and minimumspend applies.Excludes<br />
giftcards andsomepromotionalitems. $55 EstablishmentFee applies to your first LTFtransaction,$35 Advance Feeappliestosubsequent LTFtransactions.Min payments of 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10 (whicheverisgreater)are required throughout interest<br />
free period.Paying only the minimum monthly paymentswillnot fully repay the loan beforethe end of theinterest free period. QMastercardExpired Promotional Rate or QCardStandard Interest Rate (both 27.99% p.a.) applies at the end of LTFInterestFreePeriod. (See<br />
Ts&Cs forQMastercardStandardInterest Rate applicable to outstanding balance of aStandardPurchase.) Mastercard and thecircles design areregistered trademarksofMastercardInternational Incorporated. Finance,Price Promise,Airpointsand promotion,terms,<br />
conditions,exclusions,creditcriteria and limitsapply. Personal shoppers only,trade and commercial not supplied.See fordetails. #Discount is offour fullretailprice.*2 Purchase the Hisense65” UHD4KLED SmartTV-65A7Kduringthe promotion period<br />
and receiveabonus$100Visa Prezzy Card. Offervaliduntil 17 <strong>October</strong><strong>2023</strong>. Onebonus item per qualifying transaction.Bonusitemisautomaticallyadded to order aftercheckout.Bonusitemisnot redeemablefor cash andcannot be used in the transaction in whichitis<br />
issued. In the eventofanorder cancellation or refund, the bonusitemmustalsobereturned. Available in-storeand online. Limits and otherexclusions may apply. Seein-storeoronline fordetails includingeligible models.Not available in conjunction with anyotheroffer.<br />
Personal shoppersonly, trade and commercial not supplied.*3 Please visit to redeem and forT&C’s.Thisoffer can be redeemed between 1st <strong>October</strong> to 14th November <strong>2023</strong>.