Nor'West News: February 08, 2024
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Thursday <strong>February</strong> 8 <strong>2024</strong> 3<br />
‘Businesses need to eliminate<br />
begging as soon as possible’<br />
• From page 1<br />
Christchurch City Mission<br />
community outreach officer<br />
Joshua Gardiner was a part<br />
of the guest panel at the<br />
neighbourhood<br />
association<br />
meeting,<br />
alongside<br />
Spreydon Ward<br />
city councillor<br />
Melanie Cocker<br />
and Wigram<br />
MP Megan<br />
Woods’ assistant<br />
Alex Hewison.<br />
Joshua<br />
Gardiner<br />
Said Gardiner: “This is known<br />
as aggressive begging and you<br />
need to call the police on 111 at<br />
the time or on 105, documenting<br />
problems as much as possible or<br />
by email later.<br />
“Some beggars are not<br />
homeless and businesses need<br />
to eliminate begging as soon as<br />
possible.”<br />
Gardiner said he can be<br />
contacted directly by email at<br /> and<br />
would talk to the people causing<br />
problems should the community<br />
need it.<br />
“The problem exists in all<br />
of Christchurch. A physical<br />
address is no longer needed to be<br />
able to receive the benefit. Some<br />
churches and agencies act on<br />
oN sAle Now!<br />
behalf of the homeless, as some<br />
have problems getting their own<br />
bank account,” he said.<br />
“Several one-bedroom,<br />
boarding accommodation was<br />
wiped out by the earthquakes<br />
also.”<br />
Other issues included<br />
homeless people using cafe<br />
toilets and leaving facilities<br />
in a mess, sleeping outside of<br />
private residencies, and using<br />
and discarding point bags and<br />
needles on the streets around<br />
the area. Cocker suggested the<br />
association provide a written<br />
question to the community<br />
board about funding an officer<br />
to patrol Addington.<br />
“There is other work<br />
happening in the background<br />
like the community patrol;<br />
volunteers who observe and get<br />
the police to problem areas,”<br />
said Cocker.<br />
Hewison told the residents to<br />
HAVE YOUR SAY: Does Addington need a<br />
community police officer? Email your views to<br /><br />
European<br />
Car Owners<br />
People have reported an<br />
increase in aggressive<br />
beggars in Addington<br />
recently. PHOTO: GETTY<br />
keep reporting any incidents as<br />
“the more reports there are of<br />
any problems, the more it shows<br />
where the problems are” and it<br />
“will eventually get changed.”<br />
The panel also said people<br />
experiencing homelessness are<br />
sometimes ex-prisoners and<br />
often have no bank account and<br />
frequently live in cars as they<br />
cannot rent a property.<br />
“Short-term homeless are less<br />
of a problem than long-term<br />
homeless. Police need to push<br />
them more towards social<br />
services. One suggestion could<br />
be to offer to call the Ministry<br />
of Social Development on behalf<br />
of the beggars, to get them some<br />
more help – they are likely to<br />
leave.<br />
“Do not give them (beggars/<br />
homeless) money or food as this<br />
rewards their behaviour, causing<br />
the individuals to repeat it.<br />
“Please look after other people<br />
in the community too, children<br />
and immigrant women are<br />
especially vulnerable. Positive<br />
communities work together<br />
better than negative ones.”<br />
Geese<br />
targeted<br />
at lake<br />
• By Sasha Watson<br />
A MAN has been seen using a<br />
slingshot to shoot large stones<br />
towards a flock of canada geese<br />
in the smaller lake at Westlake<br />
Reserve.<br />
Nic was a witness to the action,<br />
which happened in Hei<br />
Hei about 10am on Tuesday last<br />
week. She posted her concerns<br />
on Facebook.<br />
“I noticed a man standing<br />
close to the water near the rocks.<br />
“The man, who looked to be in<br />
his late 60s, seemed to wait until<br />
none of the 20 families were<br />
walking past before shooting his<br />
slingshot. He advised me, when<br />
asked, that he was “keeping the<br />
dirty f**kers away”.<br />
The post created “quite a<br />
heated debate”, Nic said. It has<br />
since been taken down as the<br />
man was “identified and later<br />
threatened” by a member of the<br />
public. The large light-brown<br />
geese with a white chinstrap are<br />
afforded some protections under<br />
the Animal Welfare Act 1999.<br />
Nic sent the SPCA a letter<br />
of concern and on Friday a<br />
spokesperson responded, saying<br />
the information provided was<br />
not sufficient to progress an<br />
investigation.<br />
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