a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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habilitacyjny aj of habilitacja<br />

habilitowaç si´ -tuj´ -tujesz receive tenure<br />

habilitowany aj. doktor ~ assistant professor<br />

habit mi monk's habit<br />

hacel -cla mi horseshoe nail<br />

haczyk mi -a hook<br />

hafciarka -rek f embroiderer<br />

hafciarstwo n embroidery (as activity)<br />

haft mi an embroidery<br />

haftowaç -tuj´ -tujesz impf, pf zahaftowaç embroider<br />

hagiografia f hagiography<br />

hajduk mp arch hayduk (Hungarian solder)<br />

hak mi -a hook<br />

haczyk -a mi dim of hak<br />

hala f 1 hall, lounge area, covered market. 2 mountain pasture<br />

halka -lek f slip (clothing)<br />

hall mi lounge, lobby, foyer<br />

halny aj as n warm mountain wind (Tatra mountains)<br />

halo! exclamhello! hey!<br />

halowy aj indoor (record, etc.)<br />

hals mi tack (in sailing)<br />

halsowaç -suj´ -sujesz impf tack (in sailing)<br />

halt exclam halt<br />

halucynacja f hallucination<br />

ha∏as mi noise, commotion<br />

ha∏asowaç -suj´ -sujesz impf, pf zaha∏asowaç make noise<br />

ha∏aÊliwy aj noisy<br />

hamak mi hammock<br />

hamburger fac an hamburger<br />

hamowaç -muj´ -mujesz impf, pf wyhamowaç brake. pf also pohamowaç, przyhamowaç, zahamowaç . ~ si´<br />

restrain o.s.<br />

hamulec -lca mi brake<br />

hamulcowy aj of hamulec<br />

handel -dlu mi trade, business<br />

handlarz mp tradesman<br />

handlowaç -luj´ -lujesz +I trade in<br />

handlowiec -wca mp tradesman<br />

handlowy aj of handel. dzielnica ~wa trade district<br />

hangar mi hangar<br />

haniebny aj disgracefu<br />

hantle pl form G -li dumb-bells<br />

haƒba f disgrace, dishonor<br />

haƒbiç -bi´ -bisz impf, pf zhaƒbiç disgrace<br />

haracz mi forced tribute<br />

harcerz mp scout<br />

harcerski aj of harcerstwo, harcerz<br />

harcerstwo n scouting<br />

hardy aj stubborn, obstinate, arrogant. av hardo<br />

harem mi harem<br />

harfa f harp<br />

harmider -dru hullabaloo<br />

harmonia f harmony<br />

harmonijny aj harmonious<br />

harmoniczny aj harmonic<br />

harmonijka f harmonica<br />

harmonizowaç -zuj´-zujesz impf harmonize<br />

harmonogram mi production schedule<br />

harnaÊ mp robber-band chieftan

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