a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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podkomendant pi deputy commander<br />

podkomorzy aj as mp arch chamberlain<br />

podkop mi excavation, underground passage<br />

podkopaç -pi´ -piesz pf, impf podkopywaç -puj´ -pujesz excavate, undermine<br />

podkoszulek -lka mi undershirt<br />

podkowa -ków f horseshoe<br />

podkówka --wek f dim of podkowa<br />

podkpiwaç -am -asz impf gently mock<br />

podkraÊç ^kraÊç pf, impf podkradaç pilfer. ~ si´ do+G steal up to, sneak up on<br />

podkreÊliç -l´ -lisz pf, impf podkreÊlaç underscore, emphasize<br />

podkreÊlenie n emphasis<br />

podkrà˝ony. ~ne oczy cirles under one's eyes<br />

podkuç ^kuç pf, impf podkuwaç -am -asz shoe (a horse)<br />

podlaç ^laç pf, impf podlewaç water (flowers)<br />

podle av of pod∏y<br />

podlec 1 -legn´-legniesz pf, impf podlegaç +D be subordinate to, come under the authority of<br />

podlec 2 mp scoundrel<br />

podleg∏oÊç f submission, submissiveness<br />

podlegaç see podlec<br />

podlizaç si´ ~lizaç pf +D coll suck up to<br />

podlotek -tka ma teen-age girl<br />

pod∏àczyç -cz´ -czysz pf, impf pod∏àczaç connect, plug in<br />

pod∏àczony aj do+G connected to, hooked up to<br />

pod∏oga -∏óg f floor<br />

pod∏oÊç f baseness, shabbiness, sordidness<br />

pod∏o˝e n Gpl -y basis, foundation, undercoat<br />

pod∏o˝yç -˝´-˝ysz pf, impf podk∏adaç put under<br />

pod∏ug prep +G according to<br />

pod∏u˝ny aj longitudinal, lengthwise<br />

pod∏y aj base, mean, shabby, sordid<br />

podmiana f false substitute<br />

podmiejski aj suburban<br />

podmiot mi subject (of sentence), person acting<br />

podmiotowy aj of podmiot<br />

podmorskiI aj submarine, suboceanic<br />

podmuch mi blast (of air)<br />

podniebienie n palate, roof of mouth<br />

podniebienny aj of podniebienie<br />

podniebny aj high above the earth<br />

podniecenie n excitement, arousal<br />

podnieciç -c´ -cisz pf, impf podniecaç arouse, stimulate. ~ si´ become aroused<br />

podniecony aj excited, aroused<br />

podnieÊç ^nieÊç pf, impf podnosiç -sz´ -sisz raise, lift. ~ si´ stand up, rise, be raised<br />

podnieta f stimilus, incentive<br />

podnios∏y aj elevated, sublime<br />

podnó˝e n Gpl -y foot (of mountain)<br />

podnó˝ek -˝ka mi ottoman, footstool<br />

podo∏aç -am -asz pf +D be equal to<br />

podobaç si´ -am -asz impf, pf spodobaç si´ be pleasing to, appeal to. to mi si´ podoba I like that<br />

podobieƒstwo n similarity<br />

podobizna f likeness<br />

podobno av supposedly, apparently<br />

podobny aj do+G similar to. av podobnie similarly<br />

podo∏aç -am -asz pf be able to do, manage<br />

podomka -mek f housecoat<br />

podopieczny aj as mp charge (person under s.o.'s care)<br />

podówczas av during the time under consideration<br />

podpalacz mp incendiary

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