a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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taneczny aj of taniec. muzyka ~ dance music<br />

tanieç -ieje us 3p get cheaper<br />

tanina f tannin<br />

tankowaç -kuj´ -kujesz impf fill tank. slang get drunk<br />

tankowiec -wca mi tanker (ship)<br />

tantiema f royalty<br />

taƒcowaç -cuj´ -cujesz impf = taƒczyç<br />

taƒczyç -cz´ -czysz impf, pf potaƒczyç or zataƒczyç dance<br />

tapczan mi -a daybed, convertible sofa<br />

tapeta f us pl wall-paper<br />

tapetowy aj of tapeta<br />

tapetowaç -tuj´-tujesz impf, pf wytapetowaç wall-paper<br />

tapicer mp uphosterer, wall-paper hanger<br />

tapicerka f upholstering<br />

tapicerski aj of tapicerka<br />

tapair ma tapir<br />

tara f tare (weight)<br />

taraban mi -a large drum<br />

tarakan ma cockroach<br />

taran mi battering ram<br />

taranowaç -nuj´ -nujesz batter<br />

tarantu∏a f tarantula<br />

tarapaty pl form G -ów trouble<br />

taras mi terrace, covered porch<br />

tarasowaç -suj´ -sujesz impf, pf zatarasowaç block(ade)<br />

tarcica f lumber<br />

tarcie n friction<br />

tarcza f shield<br />

tarczowy aj of tarcza<br />

tarczyca f thyroid gland<br />

targ mi market. na ~gu at market<br />

targaç -am -asz impf, pf targnàç -n´-niesz pull, tug, drag. ~ za w∏osy tug by the hair<br />

targowy aj of targ<br />

targnàç see targaç<br />

targowaç -guj´ -gujesz impf z +I trade with. ~ si´ haggle over. pf see wytargowaç<br />

targowisko n marketplace, cattle market<br />

tarka -rek f grater<br />

tarlisko n spawning ground<br />

tar∏, tar∏a, etc. see trzeç<br />

tar∏o -re∏ n grater<br />

tarmosiç -sz´ -sisz impf pull this way and that<br />

tarnina f blackthorn<br />

tarowaç -ruj´ -rujesz impf tare (compensate for weight)<br />

tarpan ma tarpan (extinct wild horse)<br />

tartak mi sawmill<br />

tartaczny aj of tartak<br />

taryfa f rate, scale (of charges), tariff<br />

tarzaç si´ -am -asz impf wallow<br />

tasak mi -a cleaver, chopping knife<br />

tasiemiec -mca ma tapeworm, serial feature<br />

tasiemcowy aj of tasiemiec. powieÊç ~wa serialized novel<br />

tasiekma -mek f dim of taÊma<br />

tasowaç -suj´ -sujesz impf, pf stasowaç shuffle (cards)<br />

taszczyç -cz´ -czysz impf drag. lug. ~ si´ drag self along<br />

taÊma f tape, ribbon<br />

taÊmowy aj of taÊma<br />

tata mp colloq dad<br />

tatuÊ mp affec daddy

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