a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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is mi encore. as indecl aj additional, add-on. na ~ one more time.<br />

biskup mp bishop<br />

biskupi aj of biskup<br />

biskupstwo n bishopric<br />

bisowaç -suj´ -sujesz impf play an encore<br />

bistro n (occ indecl) bistro<br />

biszkopt mi sponge-cake<br />

bit mi bit (of digital information)<br />

bitewny aj of bitwa<br />

bitka -tek f us pl 1 beaten cutlet. 2 fight<br />

bitwa f battle, combat<br />

bity aj beaten. ~ta Êmietana whipped cream<br />

biuletyn mi bulletin, newsletter<br />

biurko -rek n desk<br />

biuro n office, bureau, agency. ~ matrymonialne marriage office. ~ podró˝y travel office. ~ zarzàdu office<br />

of the board<br />

biurowy aj of biuro. office, clerical<br />

biurokracja f bureaucracy<br />

biurokrata mp bureaucrat<br />

biurokratyczny aj bureaucratic<br />

biurowy aj of biuro<br />

biust mi bust (of woman)<br />

biustonosz mi -a bra(ssiere)<br />

biwak mi camp(ing)<br />

biwakowaç -kuj´ -kujesz impf camp<br />

bizantyjski aj Byzantine<br />

biznes mi (commercial) business<br />

biznesmen mp business-man<br />

bizon ma (North American) bison, buffalo<br />

bi˝uteria f jewelry<br />

blacha f sheet metal, baking sheet<br />

blacharski aj of blacharstwo, blacharz<br />

blacharstwo n tin-smithing<br />

blacharz mp sheet-metal worker, tinsmith<br />

bladoÊç f palor, paleness<br />

blady aj pale, wan. comp aj bledszy or bladszy, av blado. comp av bledziej or bladziej<br />

blaknàç -n´ -niesz impf, pf zblaknàç fade, lose color<br />

blamowaç si´ -muj´ -mujesz impf disgrace o.s.<br />

blanco. czek in ~ blank check<br />

blankiet mi printed form (to fill in)<br />

blask mi flash, brightness, lustre, blaze, glitter, glare, glow<br />

blaszanka -nek f tin box, cannister<br />

blaszany aj made of sheet tin. instrumenty ~ne brass (musical) instruments<br />

blaszka -szek f tin plate<br />

blat mi top (of table, etc.)<br />

blednàç or bladnàç -n´ -niesz blad∏ blad∏a bledli or bladli impf, pf zblednàç or zbladnàç fade, turn pale, go<br />

white, lose color, wane<br />

blef mi bluff (in cards)<br />

blefowaç -fuj´ -fujesz impf bluff<br />

blejtram mi frame (for canvas picture)<br />

blin mi -a Russian pancake<br />

bliski aj 1 near, close, intimate, short-term. 2 as mp pl those near and dear. comp aj bli˝szy. comp av bli˝ej<br />

blisko 1 av of bliski close, nearby, nearly. z ~ska from up close, not far off. 2 as prep +G near<br />

bliskoÊç nearness, proximity, affinity, vicinity<br />

bliskoznaczny aj synonymous<br />

blizna f scar. ~ po ospie pockmark<br />

bliêni mp decl like aj neighbor, fellow creature<br />

bliêniaczka -czek fem of bliêniak

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