a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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poÊmiewisko n laughing stock, object of ridicule<br />

poÊpiech mi hurry, rush. w ~chu in haste<br />

poÊpieszyç -sz´ -szysz pf, impf poÊpieszaç trans hasten, hurry. intr ~ si´ hurry up<br />

poÊredni aj indirect<br />

poÊrednictwo n mediation. za ~wem (+G) through the mediation (of)<br />

poÊredniczka -czek fem of poÊrednik<br />

poÊredniczyç -cz´ -czysz impf (w +L) mediate , be a go-between (in some matter)<br />

poÊrednik mp go-between, intermediary<br />

poÊrodku prep +G in the middle of<br />

poÊród prep +G amid(st), among(st)<br />

poÊwiadczenie n certification, verification<br />

poÊwiadczyç cz´ -czysz pf, impf poÊwiadczaç certify, testify<br />

poÊwiata f pale light<br />

poÊwi´cenie n dedication, devotion, consecration<br />

poÊwi´ciç -c´ -cisz pf, impf poÊwi´caç dedicate. ~ si´ +D dedicate o.s. to<br />

poÊwi´cony aj holy, blessed<br />

poÊwist mi whistle (of air)<br />

pot mi sweat, perspiration<br />

potajemny aj secret, clandestine. av potajemnie av secretly, in secret<br />

potaknàç -n´ -niesz pf, impf potakiwaç -kuj´ -kujesz assent<br />

potakujàco av in assent<br />

potanieç see tanieç<br />

potaƒczyç see taƒczyç<br />

potas mi potassium<br />

potasowy aj of potas<br />

potàd av up to here<br />

potem av then, later, afterwards<br />

potencjalny aj potential, virtual<br />

potencja∏ mi potential<br />

potentat mp potentate<br />

pot´ga f power<br />

pot´gowaç -guj´ -gujesz impf, pf spot´gowaç increase, intensify, come to the fore<br />

pot´piç -pi´ -pisz pf, impf pot´piaç condemn, reprove, blame, censure<br />

pot´pienie n reproach, blame, condemnation<br />

pot´˝ny aj mighty, powerful<br />

potknàç si´ -n´ -niesz pf, impf potykaç si´ slip<br />

potkni´cie n slip, stumble, wrong step<br />

pot∏uc see t∏uc<br />

pot∏umiç -mi´ -misz pf curb, suppress<br />

potnieç -iej´ -iejesz impf sweat<br />

potoczny aj current, colloquial. av potocznie colloquially<br />

potoczyç (si´) see toczyç (si´)<br />

potomstwo n offspring<br />

potok mi stream, current, brook, torrent<br />

potomek -mka mp Npl -owie descendant<br />

potomstwo n progeny, offspring<br />

potop mi deluge<br />

potrafiç -fi´ -fisz pf or impf (+infin) manage (to do)<br />

potraktowaç see traktowaç<br />

potrajaç see potroiç<br />

potrawa f dish (food)<br />

potrawka -wek f stew<br />

potràcenie n deduction<br />

potràciç -c´ -cisz pf, impf potràcaç 1 jostle, poke. o+A touch on. 2 deduct<br />

potroç -troj´ -troisz pf, impf potrajaç triple<br />

potrójny aj triple. av potrójnie three-fold<br />

potrwaç see trwaç<br />

potrzask mi animal trap, snare

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