a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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sttrofowaç -fuj´ -fujesz impf scold, rebuke<br />

stroiciel mp tuner (of pianos, etc.)<br />

stroiç -oj´ -oisz impf trim, adorn, put on (expression), tune (radio, piano). ~ si´ w+L deck oneself out in<br />

strojny aj elegant(ly dressed)<br />

stromoÊç f steepness<br />

stromy aj steep. av stromo<br />

strona f side, direction, page;<br />

na stron´ over to one side<br />

po tej stronie on that side;<br />

w stron´ +G in the direction of.<br />

w tych stronach in these parts;<br />

z jednej (drugiej) strony on the one (other) hand;<br />

ze wszystkich stron from all directions<br />

stronica f page. tytu∏owa ~ title page<br />

stroniç -ni´ -nisz impf od +G avoid, keep away from<br />

stronnictwo n (political) faction<br />

stronniczy aj partial, taking sides<br />

stronnik mp partisan, follower, adherent<br />

stront mi strontium<br />

strop mi ceiling<br />

stropiç si´ -pi´ -pisz pf be disconcerted<br />

stroszyç si´ -sz´ -szysz impf ruffle (feathers)<br />

strój stroju mi dress, costume, attire<br />

stró˝ mp watchman<br />

struchla∏y aj cowardly<br />

struchleç see truchleç<br />

strucla f Christmas loaf (kind of sweet bread)<br />

struç si´ ^truç pf get food poisoning<br />

strudel -dla strudel<br />

strudziç si´ see trudziç si´<br />

strug mi -a plane (tool)<br />

struga f stream, gush<br />

strugaç -am -asz impf whittle, plane. ~ ze wszystkich wariata make everyone look crazy<br />

struktura f structure<br />

strukturalizm mi structuralism<br />

strukturalny aj structural<br />

strumienica f spotlight<br />

strumieƒ mi -nia stream<br />

strumyk mi -a stream, rivulet<br />

struna f string (of instrument)<br />

strunowy aj of struna<br />

strup mi -a scab<br />

strupiesza∏y aj obsolete<br />

strusi aj of struÊ<br />

struÊ ma ostrich<br />

stru˝ka -˝ek f dim of struga<br />

strwoniç see trwoniç<br />

strwo˝yç see trwo˝yç<br />

strych mi attic<br />

strychnina f strychnine<br />

stryczek -czka mi halter<br />

stryj mp Npl -owie uncle (on father's side)<br />

stryjek -jka mp dim of stryj<br />

stryjenka -nek f aunt, uncle's wife<br />

strza∏ mi shot<br />

strza∏a f arrow, shaft<br />

strza∏ka -∏ek f dim of strza∏ka<br />

strzàsaç -am -asz impf, pf strzàsnàç -sn´ -Êniesz shake down (fruit from a tree, ashes from a cigarette)

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