a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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sieroctwo n orphanhood<br />

sierocy aj of sierota<br />

sierota f or m orphan<br />

sierp mi -a sickle<br />

sierpieƒ -pnia mi August<br />

sierpniowy aj of sierpieƒ<br />

sierÊç f animal hair, coat<br />

sier˝ant mp sergeant<br />

siew mi sowing<br />

siewnik mi -a sowing machine, seeder<br />

siewca mp Npl -y sower<br />

si´ refl part self. samo przez ~ of its own accord. see also siebie<br />

si´gnàç -n´-niesz pf, ~gaç impf do +G reach, stretch, go back as far as (in time); po +A reach for; jak si´ga<br />

wzrok as far as the eye can see<br />

sikaç -am -asz impf, pf siknàç -n´-niesz squirt, spout, gush, urinate<br />

sikawka -wek f sprinkler, fire pump<br />

sikora f titmouse<br />

siliç si´ -l´ -lisz impf exert o.s.<br />

silnik mi -a engine<br />

silny f strong<br />

silos mi (grain) silo<br />

si∏a f strength, force<br />

si∏acz mp athlete<br />

si∏owaç si´ -∏uj´ -∏ujessz impf, pf usi∏owaç si´ exert o.s., struggle<br />

si∏ownia f exercise room<br />

si∏owy aj of si∏a<br />

siniak mi -a orsiniec -ƒca mi bruise, black eye<br />

sinieç -ieje us 3p impf, pf zsinieç grow livid, blue<br />

siny aj livid, grey-blue<br />

sio. ni to czy sio neither one thing or the other, neither fish nor fowl<br />

siode∏ko -∏ek n dim of siod∏o<br />

siod∏aç -am -asz impf saddle<br />

siod∏o -de∏ n saddle<br />

sio∏o sió∏ n village<br />

siorbaç -bi´ -biesz impf, pf siorbnàç -n´ -niesz slurp<br />

siostra sióstr f sister, nurse<br />

siostrzany aj sisterly<br />

siostrzenica f niece<br />

siostrzeniec -ƒca mp -ƒca nephew<br />

siódemka reif num a seven, number seven<br />

siódmy num aj seventh<br />

sito n sieve, strainer<br />

sitko -tek n dim of sito<br />

sitowie n bulrush(es)<br />

sitwa f gang, clique<br />

siwak mi -a type of earthen pot<br />

siwieç -ej´ -ejesz impf, pf zsiwieç grow gray<br />

siwiuteƒki aj dim of siwy good-and-grey<br />

siwizna a f grey-hairedness, hoariness<br />

siwow∏osy aj gray-haired<br />

siwy aj gray-haired<br />

skafander -ndra mi diving suit, space suit<br />

skaj mi imitation leather<br />

skakaç see skoczyç<br />

skakanka -nek f jumprope<br />

skala f scale (musical, etc.). na szerokà ~l´ on a broad scale<br />

skaleczyç -cz´ -czysz pf hurt, wound, injure<br />

skalkulowaç see kalkulowaç

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