a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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nastàpiç -pi´ -pisz pf, impf nast´powaç -puj´ -pujesz follow upon, succeed, ensue. co nast´puje the following.<br />

jak nast´puje as follows<br />

nast´pca mp successor<br />

nast´pny aj next. av nast´pnie next, then, afterwards<br />

nast´pstwo n w ~wie as a result, in the aftermath of<br />

nast´pujàcy aj next, following, succeeding. av nast´pujàco as follows<br />

nastolatek mp Npl -ki teenager<br />

nastolatka -tek fem of nastolatek<br />

nastoletni aj teen-age<br />

nastrajaç see nastroiç<br />

nastr´czyç -cz´ -czysz pf. impf nastr´czaç +D, +G present s.o. (difficulties, etc.)<br />

nastroiç -oj´ -oisz pf, impf nastrajaç tune (instrument)<br />

nastrój -stroju mi mood, atmosphere<br />

nastrojowy aj mood, romantic (music, etc.)<br />

nasturcja f nasturtium<br />

nasunàç -n´ -niesz pf, impf nasuwaç push forward, suggest, raise (a question). ~ si´ come to mind<br />

nasyciç -c´ -cisz pf, impf nasycaç saturate. ~ si´ become saturated<br />

nasycenie n saturation<br />

nasycony aj saturated<br />

nasyp mi embankment<br />

nasz (nasza nasze nasi) poss pron our, ours<br />

naszed∏, nasz∏a, etc. see najÊç<br />

naszkicowaç see szkicowaç<br />

naszyjnik mi -a necklace<br />

naszywka -wek f sew-on badge<br />

naÊladowaç -duj´ -dujesz imitate, emulate<br />

naÊladowanie imitation. godny ~nia worth imitating<br />

naÊladowca mp imitator<br />

naÊladownictwo n imitation<br />

naÊladowczy aj imitative<br />

naÊmiaç si´ ^Êmiaç si´ pf, impf naÊmiewaç z+G have a good laugh at, mock<br />

naÊwietlanie n irradiation<br />

naÊwietliç -l´ -lisz pf, impf naÊwietlaç illuminate, expose (film), cast light on<br />

natarcie n attack<br />

natarczywoÊç f persistence<br />

natarczywy aj persistent, insistent, obtrusive, importunate<br />

natchnàç -n´ -niesz pf inspire<br />

natchnienie n inspiration<br />

natchniony aj inspired<br />

nat´˝enie n strain, intensity<br />

nat´˝yç -˝´ -˝ysz pf, impf nat´˝aç intensify, strain (sight,e tc.). ~ si´ strain self<br />

natka -tek f (carrot, etc.) tops, parsley<br />

natknàç si´ -n´ -niesz pf, impf natykaç si´ na+A encounter<br />

nat∏ok mi crowd, crush. w ~ku +G in the rush of (events, thoughts, etc.)<br />

natomiast av on the other hand, but<br />

natrafiç -fi´ -fisz pf, impf natrafiaç na+A encounter, strike (gold, etc.)<br />

natr´t mp pej intruder, crashing bore<br />

natr´tny aj importunate, bothersome, intrusive<br />

natrysk mi shower, spray<br />

natrzeç ^trzeç pf, impf nacieraç 1 rub, give s.o. a rubdown. 2 attack, charge, make an incursion na+A on 3.<br />

impf insist<br />

natura f nature. z ~ry by nature<br />

naturalizm mi naturalism<br />

naturalnoÊç f naturalness<br />

naturalny aj natural. av naturalnie naturally, of course<br />

natychmiast av immediately<br />

natychmiastowy aj immediate, instantaneous<br />

natykaç si´ see natknàç si´

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