a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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p∏aczliwy aj tearful<br />

p∏akaç -cz´ -czesz impf, pf zap∏akaç cry<br />

p∏aksa smp cry-baby<br />

p∏aski aj flat, even, level<br />

p∏askoÊç f flatness, evenness<br />

p∏askorzeêba f bas-relief<br />

p∏askowy˝ mi tableland, plateau<br />

p∏aszcz mi -a overcoat, mantle<br />

p∏aszczyk mi -a dim of p∏aszcz<br />

p∏aszczyç -cz´ -czysz impf trans flatten. intr ~ si´ flatten o.s., lie flat, fig fawn, cringe<br />

p∏aszczyzna f plane, level, flat surface<br />

p∏at mi patch (of snow), piece (of cloth)<br />

p∏atek -tka mi flake. jak z ~tka like falling off a log. ~tki owsiane oatmeal. ~tki kukurydziane corn flakes<br />

p∏atnerz mp armorer<br />

p∏atniczy aj. Êrodek ~ legal tender<br />

p∏atnoÊç f payment, remittance<br />

p∏atny aj payable, for pay<br />

p∏awiç -wi´ -wisz impf trans duck, drown, soak. intr ~ si´ w+L wallow in (luxury, etc.)<br />

p∏az 1 ma amphibian, reptile. 2 flat side of sword blade. nie ujdzie komuÊ ~zem not escape unscathed.<br />

puÊciç ~zem let go unscathed<br />

p∏ciowy aj of p∏eç sexual<br />

p∏eç p∏ci f 1 sex. ~ pi´kna the fair sex. 2 compexion<br />

p∏etwa f fin<br />

p∏etwanurek -rka mp skin-diver<br />

p∏ochliwy skitterish, flighty<br />

p∏ochy aj shy, timid, frivolous, of no consequence<br />

p∏oç f roach<br />

plodnoÊç f fertility<br />

p∏odny aj fertile<br />

p∏odowy see p∏ód<br />

p∏odziç -dz´ -dzisz impf beget, procreate, get pregnant<br />

p∏omiennisty flaming, blazing, fiery<br />

p∏omienny aj fiery, blazing<br />

p∏omieƒ mi -a flame<br />

p∏omyk -mi -a dim of p∏omieƒ<br />

p∏onàç -n´ -niesz impf, pf sp∏onàç intr burn, pf burn down<br />

p∏onica f scarlet fever<br />

p∏onnoÊç f futility<br />

p∏onny aj vain, useless, futile, sterile<br />

p∏oszyç -s´ -szysz impf, pf sp∏oszyç frighten, flush (game). ~ si´ take fright, scamper away<br />

p∏ot mi fence<br />

p∏otek -tka mi hurdle (in track and field)<br />

p∏otka -tek f dim of p∏oç<br />

p∏owieç -ieje us-3p fade, turn yellow<br />

p∏owy aj fair, flaxen, light yellow<br />

p∏ócienny aj of p∏ótno<br />

plód plodu mi fetus, embryo. pl produce<br />

p∏ótno p∏ócien n canvas<br />

p∏uco n us pl lung<br />

p∏ucny aj pulmonary<br />

p∏uczka -czek f flusher, rinser, clarifier<br />

p∏ug mi plow<br />

p∏ukaç plucz´p∏uczesz impf, pf sp∏ukaç flush, gargle, rinse (throat, clothes)<br />

p∏ycina f shallow(s)<br />

p∏yn mi fluid<br />

p∏ynnoÊç f fluidity, liquidity<br />

p∏ynny aj fluid, liquid

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