a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary

a learner's polish-english dictionary


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co najmniej at least.<br />

co nieco something or other.<br />

co prawda to be sure.<br />

co s∏ychaç? what's new? co do +G as far as - is concerned.<br />

co takiego? what the heck? co ty na co? what do you say to that?<br />

co wi´cej what is more.<br />

co z tego? what of it?<br />

co zacz emph who or what (in the world).<br />

to co? so what?<br />

codziennoÊç f every-day reality<br />

codzienny aj every-day. av codziennie daily<br />

cofaç -am -asz impf, pf cofnàç -n´ -niesz trans set back, back up, retract, reverse, withdraw. intrans ~ si´ go<br />

away, withdraw, back off<br />

cokolwiek pron decl like co: czegokolwiek, etc. anything (at all), whatever<br />

cokó∏ -ko∏u pedestal, base of lightbulb<br />

cola "kola" f cola, Coke<br />

comber -bra mi haunch, saddle (of meat)<br />

comiesi´czny aj monthly<br />

coraz av with comp aj or av more and more, increasingly. ~ ∏atwiejszy easier and easier. ~ trudniej with<br />

increasing difficulty. ~ to every now and then<br />

coroczny aj annual, yearly<br />

coÊ pron decl like co: czegoÊ, etc. something. coÊ takiego you don't say<br />

coÊkolwiek indef pron us in NA a little something (to drink, etc.)<br />

cotygodniowy aj weekly, every-week<br />

córeczka -czek or córuchna, córunia f dim of córka<br />

córka -rek f daughter<br />

có˝? emph pron what? interj well? what can I say?. ~ dopiero not to mention<br />

ciuchnàcy aj stinking, fetid<br />

cuchnàç -n´ -niesz stink<br />

cuciç -c´ -cisz impf, pf o- revive, resuccitate<br />

cud mi Npl cuda miracle. jakimÊ ~dem by some miracle<br />

cudacki, cudaczny aj of cudak. eccentric<br />

cudactwo n excentricity<br />

cudak mp excentric person<br />

cudny aj marvelous<br />

cudotwórca mp Npl -y GA-pl -ów miracle-worker<br />

cudowaç duj´ -dujesz impf fuss<br />

cudowny aj wonderful, miraculous, precocious<br />

cudzo∏o˝yç -˝´ -˝ysz impf commit adultery<br />

cudzo∏óstwo n adultery<br />

cudzoziemiec -mca mp foreigner<br />

cudzoziemka -mek fem of cudzoziemca<br />

cudzoziemski aj foreign<br />

cudzo˝ywny aj parasitic<br />

cudzy aj foreign, alien, strange, another's<br />

cudzys∏ów -owu mi quotation mark. w ~s∏owie in quotation marks<br />

cug mi team of horses. draft, draw (in a chimney)<br />

cugle pl form G -li reins<br />

cukier -kru mi sugar<br />

cukierek -rka mi candy, sweet<br />

cukierkowy aj semtimental, mawkish, saccharine<br />

cukiernia Gpl -rni or -rƒ sweet-shop, candy-store, confectionary<br />

cukierniczy aj of cukiernictwo, cukiernik<br />

cukiernictwo n confectioner's trade<br />

cukiernica, cukierniczka -czek f sugar-bowl<br />

cukiernik mp confectioner<br />

cukinia f zucchini<br />

cukrowaç -ruj´ -rujesz impf to sugar, sweeten

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