LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)

LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)

LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)


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108 Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú and Arto Salomaa<br />

the characteristic feature <strong>of</strong> DNA computing, the massive parallelism, is used<br />

very strongly. As an illustration we use the formula from the celebrated recent<br />

paper, [3]. The third result shows how in the very simple case <strong>of</strong> four-letter<br />

DNA alphabets we can obtain weird (not even Z-rational) patterns <strong>of</strong> population<br />

growth.<br />

2 Definitions<br />

By a D0L system we mean a triple H =(Σ,g,w0), where Σ is an alphabet, g is<br />

an endomorphism defined on Σ ∗ and w0 ∈ Σ ∗ is the axiom. The word sequence<br />

S(H) <strong>of</strong>H is defined as the sequence <strong>of</strong> words w0,w1,w2,...where wi+1 = g(wi)<br />

for i ≥ 0.<br />

In the following we recall the basic notions concerning Watson-Crick D0L<br />

systems, introduced in [10,16].<br />

By a DNA-like alphabet Σ we mean an alphabet with 2n letters, n ≥ 1,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the form Σ = {a1,...,an, ā1,...,ān}. Letters ai and āi, 1≤ i ≤ n, are<br />

said to be complementary letters; we also call the non-barred symbols purines<br />

and the barred symbols pyrimidines. The terminology originates from the basic<br />

DNA alphabet {A, G, C, T }, where the letters A and G are for purines and their<br />

complementary letters T and C for pyrimidines.<br />

We denote by hw the letter-to-letter endomorphism <strong>of</strong> a DNA-like alphabet<br />

Σ mapping each letter to its complementary letter. hw is also called the Watson-<br />

Crick morphism.<br />

A Watson-Crick D0L system (a WD0L system, for short) is a pair W =<br />

(H, φ), where H =(Σ,g,w0) is a D0L system with a DNA-like alphabet Σ,<br />

morphism g and axiom w0 ∈ Σ + ,andφ : Σ ∗ →{0, 1} is a recursive function<br />

such that φ(w0) =φ(λ) = 0 and for every word u ∈ Σ ∗ with φ(u) =1itholds<br />

that φ(hw(u)) = 0.<br />

The word sequence S(W ) <strong>of</strong> a Watson-Crick D0L system W consists <strong>of</strong> words<br />

w0,w1,w2,..., where for each i ≥ 0<br />

wi+1 =<br />

� g(wi) if φ(g(wi)) = 0<br />

hw(g(wi)) if φ(g(wi)) = 1.<br />

The condition φ(u) = 1 is said to be the trigger for complementarity transition.<br />

In the following we shall also use this term: a word w ∈ Σ ∗ is called correct<br />

according to φ if φ(w) = 0, and it is called incorrect otherwise. If it is clear from<br />

the context, then we can omit the reference to φ.<br />

An important notion concerning Watson-Crick D0L systems is the Watson-<br />

Crick road. Let W = (H, φ) be a Watson-Crick D0L system, where H =<br />

(Σ,g,w0). The Watson-Crick road <strong>of</strong> W is an infinite binary word α over {0, 1}<br />

such that the ith bit <strong>of</strong> α is equal to 1 if and only if at the ith step <strong>of</strong> the computation<br />

in W a transition to the complementary takes place, that is, φ(g(wi−1)) = 1,<br />

i ≥ 1, where w0,w1,w2,... is the word sequence <strong>of</strong> W.<br />

Obviously, various mappings φ can satisfy the conditions <strong>of</strong> defining a trigger<br />

for complementarity transition. In the following we shall use a particular<br />

variant and we call the corresponding Watson-Crick D0L system standard.

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