LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)

LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)

LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)


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380 Sergey Verlan<br />

We also note that the second tube may contain some other molecules (obtained<br />

during the previous steps) as it is a garbage collector. We shall omit these<br />

molecules as they do not alter our simulation.<br />

Step 1.<br />

Splicing:<br />

Tube 1:<br />

We have: Xw1Sqiakw2Y,RL.<br />

We apply the following rules which are all from group 1.1.1.x:<br />

(Xw1|Sqiakw2Y,R|L) ⊢ (Xw1L, RSqiakw2Y ).<br />

(RSqiak|w2Y,RR 1 alS ′ qj|Z R 1 ) ⊢ (RR 1 alS ′ qjw2Y,RSqiakZ R 1 ).<br />

(Xw1|L, RR 1 |alS ′ qjw2Y ) ⊢ (Xw1alS ′ qjw2Y,RR 1 L).<br />

Tube 2:<br />

We have: R ′ L ′ . As it was said above we can also have a lot <strong>of</strong> other molecules<br />

here which do not alter the computation. We omit them and we do not mention<br />

this in the future.<br />

No application <strong>of</strong> rules.<br />

Communication:<br />

The current filter is F (1)<br />

2 = Q ∪ T ∪{X, Y, S, R, L, R′ ,L ′ ,RL 1 ,RR 1 ,R′ 1 }.<br />

Molecules going from tube 1 to tube 2:<br />

RL, Xw1Sqiakw2Y,Xw1L, RSqiakw2Y,RR 1 L.<br />

Molecules remaining in tube 1:<br />

RR 1 alS ′ qjw2Y,RSqiakZ R 1 ,Xw1alS ′ qjw2Y.<br />

Molecules going from tube 2 to tube 1:<br />

R ′ L ′ .<br />

Molecules remaining in tube 2:<br />

none.<br />

Molecule RSqiakZ R 1 cannot evolve any further so we shall omit it from the<br />

checking. Also molecule RR 1 alS ′ qjw2Y will go from the first test tube to the<br />

second tube during the next iteration.<br />

Step 2.<br />

Splicing:<br />

Tube 1:<br />

We have: RR 1 alS ′ qjw2Y,Xw1alS ′ qjw2Y,R ′ L ′ .<br />

We apply the following rules which are all from group 1.2.x:<br />

(Xw1al|S ′ qjw2Y,R ′ |L ′ ) ⊢1.2.1 (Xw1alL ′ ,R ′ S ′ qjw2Y ).<br />

(R ′ S ′ |qjw2Y,R ′ 1S|Z ′ 1) ⊢1.2.2 (R ′ 1Sqjw2Y,R ′ S ′ Z ′ 1).<br />

(Xw1al|L ′ ,R ′ 1|Sqjw2Y ) ⊢1.2.3 (Xw1alSqjw2Y,R ′ 1L ′ ).<br />

Tube 2:<br />

We have: Xw1Sqiakw2Y,RL,Xw1L, RSqiakw2Y,R ′ 1L′ .<br />

No application <strong>of</strong> rules.<br />

Communication:<br />

The current filter is F (2)<br />

2 = Q ∪ T ∪{X, Y, S′ ,R,L,R ′ ,L ′ ,RL 1 ,RR 1 ,R ′ 1}.<br />

Molecules going from tube 1 to tube 2:<br />

R ′ L ′ ,RR 1 alS ′ qjw2Y,Xw1alS ′ qjw2Y,Xw1alL ′ ,R ′ S ′ qjw2Y,R ′ 1L′ .

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