LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)

LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)

LNCS 2950 - Aspects of Molecular Computing (Frontmatter Pages)


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54 Francesco Bernardini, Marian Gheorghe, and Mike Holcombe<br />

Π =([1 ]1,X),<br />

where X =(V,Q,M1,Φ,F,q0), with Φ = {φ1,...,φp}. We construct an EP<br />

systems Π ′ ,withPs(Π ′ ) ∈ PsEOP1,2,p+2 such that:<br />

where<br />

Π ′ =([1 ]1,X ′ ),<br />

X ′ =((V ∪ Q ∪{#,ɛ}), {q, q ′ },M ′ 1 ,Φ′ ,F ′ ,q),<br />

with q, q ′ , #,ɛ /∈ (V ∪ Q) (i.e., q, q ′ , # are new symbols that do not appear<br />

neither in V nor in Q),<br />

M ′ 1 = M ′ 1 ∪{q0},Φ ′ = {φ ′ 1,...,φ ′ p,φp+1,φp+2}.<br />

For each 1 ≤ j ≤ p, wehave:<br />

φ ′ j =(φj ∪{p → q | F (φj,p)=q}∪{p → # | p ∈ Q}∪{# → #}),<br />

and F ′ (φ ′ p ,q)=q. Moreover, we have:<br />

φp+1 =({p→ ɛ | p ∈ Q }),<br />

φp+2 =({a→ # | a → v ∈ φj, 1 ≤ j ≤ p}∪{# → #}),<br />

and F ′ =(φp+1,q)=q ′ , F ′ =(φp+2,q ′ )=q ′ .<br />

We have placed inside the skin membrane the initial state <strong>of</strong> the system Π.<br />

In general, we may suppose to have inside membrane 1 an object p that<br />

represent the current state <strong>of</strong> the state machine associated with the system<br />

Π. Thus, we apply the rules as in the system Π, by using some φ ′ j ,andwe<br />

change the state by using rule p → q, ifF (φj,p)=q. At any moment, if we<br />

choose the wrong set <strong>of</strong> rules with respect to the current state (i.e., there<br />

does not exists any state q such that F (φj,p)=q), then we are forced to<br />

apply a rule p → #, and, due to the rule # → #, we generate an infinite<br />

computation. In order to finish a computation, we have to trigger on φp+1,<br />

which replaces the current state with ɛ and lead the system to the state q ′ .<br />

Here, if there are rules that can be still applied to the objects present inside,<br />

then an infinite computation is generated, as we can continue to use the rules<br />

inside membrane 1 φp+2 forever.<br />

It follows that Ps(Π ′ )=Ps(Π). ✷<br />

Now, we are able to show the main result concerning the power <strong>of</strong> EP systems,<br />

which provides a characterization <strong>of</strong> the family <strong>of</strong> Parikh sets <strong>of</strong> vectors<br />

associated with ET0L languages.<br />

Theorem 1. PsEOP1,2,∗ = PsEOP1,2,4 = PsET0L.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. (i) PsET0L ⊆ PsEOP1,2,4. According to Theorem 1.3 in [14], for each<br />

language L ∈ ET0L there is an ET0L system that generates L and contains

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