2008 I 2009 Sustainability Report - Econsense

2008 I 2009 Sustainability Report - Econsense

2008 I 2009 Sustainability Report - Econsense


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Glossary<br />

Biomass<br />

Biomass is the term used to describe all<br />

plant and animal matter as well as the products,<br />

residual substances and waste resulting<br />

from their use. This includes wood, cereals<br />

and vegetable oils as well as organic<br />

waste and residual matter from forestry<br />

(bark), agricultural (manure), industrial<br />

(grape pulp) and commercial (organic<br />

waste) operations.<br />

Carbon capture and storage (CCS)<br />

CCS is the abbreviation used to describe the<br />

technology for carbon dioxide capture and<br />

storage. Various different techniques are already<br />

undergoing small-scale trials. They<br />

should be available for technical application<br />

on a large scale by 2020 and allow low-CO 2<br />

utilisation of fossil fuels for the generation<br />

of electricity. No final decision has yet been<br />

made on transport systems or storage locations.<br />

According to the EU, however, all coalfired<br />

power plants must be CCS-ready by<br />

2020 – in other words, they must permit<br />

retrofitting of this technology.<br />

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)<br />

CDM, the mechanism for environmentally<br />

compatible development, is one of the flexible<br />

instruments defined by the Kyoto Protocol.<br />

CDM projects are climate protection<br />

projects implemented in developing countries<br />

by industrialised states. These projects<br />

must be sustainable and must be implemented<br />

in addition to existing projects. The<br />

emissions avoided by the projects are reviewed<br />

and certified by independent institutions.<br />

Industrialised countries and companies<br />

can then claim credits for the CDM<br />

emission certificates to help them to meet<br />

their own emission targets.<br />

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Clean Diesel<br />

EnBW's clean diesel particulate filter system<br />

is an innovative, environmentally efficient,<br />

self-contained particulate reduction system.<br />

It is defined for retrofitting to utility vehicles,<br />

ships, rail vehicles and stationary diesel<br />

engines. Utility vehicles fitted with the<br />

clean diesel system qualify for Euro 4 classification<br />

and the German green environmental<br />

sticker.<br />

Compliance<br />

Comprises all organisational measures<br />

designed to ensure compliance with laws,<br />

regulations and internal guidelines as well<br />

as contractual obligations and voluntary<br />

commitments in the key areas and processes<br />

of corporate activity.<br />

CO 2 footprint<br />

The computed amount of carbon dioxide<br />

(CO 2 equivalents) emitted into the atmosphere<br />

as a result of the activities of a company<br />

or even an individual person.<br />

Cogeneration<br />

The waste heat from a power plant can be<br />

used to heat buildings in the vicinity or as<br />

process heat. This means more energy is<br />

obtained from the same fuel input. A power<br />

plant that generates both electricity and<br />

heat in this way is called a combined heatand-power<br />

plant.<br />

Corporate governance<br />

The totality of basic principles and rules<br />

geared towards the interests of shareholders<br />

and relating to organisation, conduct and<br />

transparency that are designed to ensure a<br />

balanced relationship between executive<br />

management and monitoring activities at<br />

the highest governance level of the company<br />

while ensuring decision-making<br />

capability and efficient leadership.<br />

"E-Energy" promotion programme<br />

A new core initiative launched by the German<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology.<br />

Within the framework of this programme,<br />

EnBW was presented with an<br />

award in recognition of its "MeRegio –<br />

Minimum Emission Region" project. The<br />

aim of the project is to reduce greenhouse<br />

gas emissions in a model region.<br />

Emissions<br />

Emissions are the gaseous, liquid or solid<br />

substances released into the atmosphere or<br />

other parts of the environment from an installation<br />

or other technical process; they<br />

also take the form of noise, vibrations, radiation<br />

and heat. The source of the emissions<br />

is known as the "emitter". Emissions are not<br />

only caused by human activity. There are also<br />

natural emitters: cattle and swampland<br />

emit methane (swamp gas, CH 4), for example,<br />

while plants emit pollen as well as<br />

volatile organic compounds (VOC) and volcanoes<br />

emit sulphur dioxide (SO 2).<br />

Emissions trading<br />

Trading of emission rights is an environmental<br />

policy instrument designed to promote<br />

climate protection. In the Kyoto Protocol,<br />

the industrialised nations reached<br />

agreement on the worldwide reduction of<br />

greenhouse gas emissions. In order to ensure<br />

maximum efficiency of distribution of<br />

the stipulated volume by which the emission<br />

of these gases is to be reduced, the permitted<br />

emission volume for a specific country<br />

is divided into emission certificates<br />

allowing the emission of specific amounts<br />

of gases that impact the global climate.<br />

States can trade these emission rights with<br />

one another. In order to meet its emission<br />

reduction obligations, the EU has introduced<br />

an emissions trading system at company<br />

level. Certificates are allocated to the

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