a E i - Commodore Is Awesome

a E i - Commodore Is Awesome

a E i - Commodore Is Awesome


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more of a nuisance than a challenge.<br />

Altogether this game is an interesting<br />

attempt at trying to create something<br />

a little out of the ordinary. The<br />

basic story line is good, with reasonable<br />

graphics - which may be switched<br />

off to speed the game up - and the<br />

game could well be recommended to<br />

beginners but might prove too slow<br />

and predictable for the more<br />

experienced adventurer.<br />

Red What?<br />

Melbourne House's latest adventure,<br />

Redhawk, is a game with a difference.<br />

The graphics are in the form of a scrolling<br />

comic strip, which makes sense, as<br />

the game is about Redhawk, a comic<br />

type super-hero.<br />

At the start of the game, Kevin<br />

Oliver, the normal human side of<br />

Redhawk, fi nds himself in hospital<br />

suffering from amnesia, Whether or<br />

not he had some previous existence we<br />

are not to know but now he is search-<br />

ing for a job as a crime photographer.<br />

Having got him settled in his new job<br />

you may aim him into whatever adventures<br />

come along.<br />

Having lost any previous<br />

memories, you bye the choice of<br />

making him act as either super-hero or<br />

super-villain. Redhawk's popularity<br />

rating, shown graphically beneath<br />

the comic strip, will affect the interaction<br />

of the other characters. To find<br />

out what the heck is going on, it seems<br />

best to choose here rather than villain.<br />

SAY (or SHOUT)"KWAH" (with<br />

quotes), and our Key will change into<br />

the fearless Redhawk. He is able to fly<br />

and has most of the powers claimed for<br />

super-heroes. The main snag is that as<br />

Redhawk, his energy output is high<br />

and his reservoirs of power fairly low!<br />

So a return to being plain Kevin is very<br />

necessary after only a few minutes.<br />

Location descriptions are almost<br />

non-existent as they are all included<br />

within the 'comic strip' shown at the<br />

top of the screen. This strip has three<br />

frames that scroll across the screen<br />

from right to left at each command.<br />

You would think that this would show<br />

the present and two previous scenes<br />

but this is not so.<br />

Each command, if understood, is<br />

repeated by the Kevin in the strip and<br />

only then actioned - two frames for<br />

one command. This would not be so<br />

bad if the frames were drawn quickily<br />

but they are not. this is quite painful if<br />

all you want to do is go from location<br />

A to location B, it is even worse having<br />


to wait for the frame to be drawn to be<br />

told: "Kevin looks for a way north but<br />

can't find one!"<br />

The game is played in real time<br />

with a digital clock ticking away the<br />

seconds as you wonder what to do<br />

next. Fortunately the clock is stopped<br />

if Kevin does not understand what you<br />

are trying to get him to do. Unfortunately<br />

this seems to happen all too<br />

often, his knowledge of normal<br />

'adventure talk' is sadly lacking.<br />

His inability to understand the<br />

command OPEN DOOR brought up<br />

the response: "open" confuses Kevin.<br />

He does seem to be a very confused<br />

young man. Another change from<br />

normal practice is the use of<br />

EXAMINE. Here it literally means a<br />

body search, perhaps it was not surprising<br />

that a young lady I met early in<br />

the game, objected quite strongly<br />

when I told Kevin to examine her!<br />

For all its differences to normal<br />

'adventure speak', Kevin will understand<br />

fairly complex sentences with<br />

multiple commands separated by<br />

commas also accepted. A number of<br />

common commands are shown at the<br />

bottom of the screen and are accessed<br />

by CTRL and one of the number keys.<br />

The game has a STORE facility (a<br />

version of RAMSAVF,) with a normal<br />

tape save/load to cassette for saving<br />

your position between games.<br />

Overall 'Redhawk' was rather<br />

disappointing and boringly slow when<br />

you consider the lack of text and rather<br />

repetitive graphics. The game puzzles<br />

are good with the feeling that something<br />

startling is just around the corner<br />

but the lack of any real atmosphere<br />

destroys what could have been a really<br />

novel adventure.<br />

YOUR COMMODORE january 1987<br />

23<br />

The French connection<br />

Infrogames is a new name in this<br />

country, and it looks as though it may<br />

be heard of a great deal more in the<br />

future. The first offering is an adventure,<br />

Mandragore. This is best compared<br />

with Exodus Uhima III, with a<br />

band of intrepid adventurers exploring<br />

a strange land and the castles and villages<br />

they find in their travels.<br />

This French variant comes with a<br />

fairly long background story to set the<br />

scene for the adventure. The good and<br />

just King Jorian has been killed in<br />

suspicious circumstances and his lands<br />

taken over by the evil Yarod-Nor. It is<br />

the task of would-be adventurers to<br />

search out and fi nd the means by<br />

which to overthrow this reign of evil.<br />

Mandragore is on two cassettes or<br />

one disk and is pretty large, with only<br />

37 blocks unused on the disk. A<br />

further formatted disk or blank tape is<br />

required if you wish to save your<br />

party's progress for use on your next<br />

visit.<br />

On loading the game you are given<br />

the choice of starting from scratch and<br />

forming a party of your own choice,<br />

continuing with a previous adventure<br />

Or using a ready formed party under<br />

the leadership of a female Paladin,<br />

Syrella.<br />

If you are new to the game it is<br />

probably wise to use the ready formed<br />

party. This will enable you to get some<br />

idea of what the game is about, how it<br />

works and also which characters are<br />

best at what! Initially death comes<br />

quickly and your first explorations will<br />

be over quite rapidly, but hopefully<br />

you will have learnt something useful<br />

before all four characters have keeled<br />

over.<br />

If you choose to start with your<br />

own party, you must first create the<br />

four characters who will make up the<br />

group. For each member you have to<br />

apportion 80 points (minimum five,<br />

maximum 20) to six attributes - Constitution,Strength,<br />

Knowledge,<br />

Wisdom, Dexterity and Appearance.<br />

For Knowledge read Intelligence, for<br />

Appearance, Charm or Charisma.<br />

You must give the characters a<br />

name (up to six letters) and define their<br />

sex. Five different races are possible -<br />

Human, Dwarf, Hobbit, Elf or Mi-Ore<br />

(Mighty Ore?) but there is no information<br />

as to the effect of this choice.<br />

There are six different character types<br />

- Warrior, Ranger, Wizard, Cleric,<br />

Thief and Minstrel. This choice is not<br />

entirely open as each of the last five

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