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from experience itself, lmowledge and action brought together so that they<br />

become indistinguishable, insurrection emptying into constitution. He used<br />

these thoughts to preface his Droit de cite. Another book for the Station.<br />

It is simple. We use utopia as a catalyst, a concept most useful as fuel. We<br />

leave the complete definition of utopia to others. We meet to pool our efforts,<br />

motivated by a need to change the landscape outside and inside, a need to think,<br />

a need to integrate the work of the artist, the intellectual and manual labourers<br />

that we are into a larger kind of community, another kind of economy, a bigger<br />

conversation, another state of being. You could call this need a hunger.<br />

Dare one rewrite a sentence by Brecht? Something we need is missing. The<br />

man who, seventy years ago, wrote 'Art follows reality' would surely not mind.<br />

Let us then take these words and press on. We need the words, old words and<br />

new words, we need the dance, we need the sausage, and still we need more. We<br />

have started, we meet in the Utopia Station, we start out again. The Station<br />

becomes a place to gather our starting points temporarily. It is primarily for this<br />

reason it resists capture and summary as a single image. Or is it the image of<br />

open possibility? The image of mixed use? Many things will happen there. And<br />

they will spark others.<br />

Think of the Station as a field of starting points, many starting points being<br />

brought and offered by many different people. Some will bring objects now,<br />

others later. Each present and future contributor to the Station is being asked to<br />

do a poster for use in the Station and beyond: wherever it can hang, it can go. A<br />

paper trail for once goes forward. New posters continue to be added. In this way<br />

the Utopia Station produces images, even as it does not start with one. And a<br />

loose community assembles. It develops its own internal points of coherence,<br />

which shift with the times, as conversations and debates do.<br />

Each person making a poster has been asked to make a statement of at least<br />

one and up to two hundred words. Independent of one another the statements<br />

collect. Stuart Hall and Zeigam Azizov elaborate upon a proposition: the world<br />

has to be made to mean. The bittersweet baked into hope, writes Nancy Spero.<br />

Pash Buzari sent a poem where darkness is dialled. The Raqs Media Collective<br />

calls utopia a hearing aid. This probably will not work. Jimmie Durham cites the<br />

Cherokee, and adds that the 'probably' keeps people active. There will be<br />

hundreds of statements like these in the end. They will branch out. As they do<br />

certain figures begin to repeat. Ships and songs and flags, two times potatoes,<br />

two times Sisyphus, figures familiar from the discussion of utopia forty years<br />

ago, but they have been assimilated rather than cited. Utopia becomes the secret<br />

garden whose doors can be opened again. Utopia becomes the catalyst that<br />

burns and returns. None of us can say we begin from scratch.<br />

These actitivities imply an activism. For many who come to the Station, its<br />


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