Summaries / Resúmenes - Studia Moralia

Summaries / Resúmenes - Studia Moralia

Summaries / Resúmenes - Studia Moralia


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needs to be taken into account. But this is not discussed explicitly<br />

in the encyclical.<br />

In a commentary on the Encyclical, Yves Floucat pointed<br />

out that in the discussion of the morality of the human act, the<br />

encyclical was interested almost exclusively in the objective<br />

sources of morality. The document does not discuss at any<br />

length the problem of intention, that is the subjective element,<br />

and is content to affirm that the (ulterior) intention does not<br />

modify the moral status of an act which is objectively bad. 8 It<br />

would seem clear that the encyclical was not proposed as a complete<br />

treatise on moral theology but sought rather to address<br />

certain contemporary difficulties. In particular, it was concerned<br />

to defend an object-based morality against certain so-called personalist<br />

theories which were judged to give too much weight to<br />

the subjective aspect of morality. It is in this context that we can<br />

understand the emphasis on the objective element and the firm<br />

insistence that there are “intrinsically evil” acts in the objective<br />

sense. 9 This emphasis on the objective, with the lack of development<br />

of the other more interior elements of the human act,<br />

reflects the tension within the moral theological tradition<br />

between the object-based and subject-based views, which has<br />

been noted in earlier documents.<br />

In a recent publication, Jean-Gabriel Kern has remarked<br />

that the same tension is evident in the relevant section of the<br />

Catechism of the Catholic Church (n.1752). The text states: “In<br />

contrast to the object, the intention resides in the acting subject,”<br />

an expression which this author finds somewhat unfortunate.<br />

10 The point is, if I have understood it correctly, that the<br />

8<br />

Yves Floucat, “Les fondaments de la morale dans l’encyclique Veritatis<br />

Splendor,” Revue Thomiste 96 (1996) 288-289.<br />

9<br />

Vidal suggested that the repeated insistence on intrinsically evil acts,<br />

is linked to a defense of an objectivist morality against personalist tendencies,<br />

of which the encyclical is critical. M. Vidal La risposta morale di<br />

Giovanni Paolo II, Commento teologico-morale all’enciclica “Veritatis<br />

Splendor” “Trattati di etica teologica,” 5 (Bologna, EDB, 1994) 128.<br />

10<br />

”Une expression, nous semble-t-il, un peu malheureuse du<br />

Catéchisme de l’èglise catholique donne l’impression d’entériner une telle<br />

polarisation.” Jean-Gabriel Kern, “L’objet de l’acte moral : Réflexions autour

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