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Diseño sin Fronteraswith an encompassing view of Design and its possibleapplications to Education. The general objective is to empower professionalsto conceive, <strong>de</strong>velop and evaluate didactic materialsin situations of formal and non-formal education,involving different production supports. The specificobjectives are: Provi<strong>de</strong> strategies, in light of Design methodologies,for constructing concrete and visual didactic materials. Provi<strong>de</strong> theoretical knowledge that supports discussionson issues of Design and Education. Provi<strong>de</strong> theoretical and practical knowledge abouttechnicians, materials, supports, etc., for elaboratingconcrete and virtual objects. Provi<strong>de</strong> basic knowledge about resources offered bythe new information and communication technologiesapplied in didactic materials. Work on <strong>de</strong>veloping the creativity of participants. Contribute towards an expansion of visual literacy ofparticipants. Characterize Design as a field of interdisciplinaryknowledge. Present and discuss the ‘Design in Situations ofTeaching-Learning’ line of work.The theoretical and practical content of the subjects shall beworked throughout the course aimed at arousing reflectionson didactic material, addressing their functions, possibilitiesfor <strong>de</strong>velopment, content, applications, configuration process,applicability, among other aspects. Besi<strong>de</strong>s the on-site lectureclasses for establishing a foundation, with visual support, thelist of subjects below also encompasses workshop activitiesand <strong>de</strong>velopment of objects from a methodology in Designperspective.3. Course ModulesDespite the initial conviction of this Design potential, we seekto spotlight it throughout <strong>de</strong>velopment of this course. For such,we have outlined an ample panorama on issues that somehowinfluence the teaching-learning process as a project in the fieldof Design, as well as new technologies, visual culture, image andlanguage. Based on the i<strong>de</strong>as of authors who addressed theseissues, we have articulated thoughts that will serve as a theoreticalbasis for stu<strong>de</strong>nts.The subjects are divi<strong>de</strong>d into five modules, which are: Designin situations of teaching)- learning, Creativity, Visual Culture,New Technologies and Scientific Research Methodology. Theconcept map of the course ‘Design of Didactic Materials: a multidisciplinaryexperience’ shows the nodules and the disciplines.Figure 1: Conceptual map: the subjects are divi<strong>de</strong>d into five modulesModule 1 – Design in situations of teaching-learning: consists ofreflections of an analyticalcritical, reflexive-theoretical nature.Essentials of Design based on historical, philosophical, sociologicaland economic paradigms that constitute the field of Design.Design as a body of knowledge. History of Design: Design concepts,theories, institutions and activities from the 18th Century to ourday and age. Means of organizing the production and promotionof Design in the world and in Brazil, instances of legitimatization,possible implications of historical <strong>de</strong>velopment for social practices.Interdisciplinary relations between Design and Education.Interdisciplinary attitu<strong>de</strong> as conception inherent to the field ofDesign and its interface with the fields of knowledge.Module 2 – Creativity: consists of the conceptualization of creation,innovation and creativity.Creative processes and their exploration inDesign. Development and practical application of creative processes.Module 3 – Visual Culture: the <strong>de</strong>signer’s social responsibilityas a producer and creator of functional, communication an<strong>de</strong>sthetic systems will be discussed, based on an analysis ofinstructions, objects, practices, values and beliefs that arethe resources through which a social structure is produced,reproduced and contested for its visual look.Module 4 – New technologies: encompasses issues ofInformation Design. Digital Interface Design. Informationalergonomics. Potential of new technologies within the scopeof teachinglearning.Development of critical analyses on theuse of new technologies in Education. Possibilities and resourcesavailable in the field of new communication and information technologiesfor use in didactic material projects: site, blog, educationalobject, animations, collaborative resources, multimedia resources,virtual learning environment, games, presentation on digitalsupports, among others.Module 5 – Scientific Research Methodology: consists of the conceptualcharacterization of the knowledge process, scientific methods.Relations between science and technology. Scientific research,typology / classification, methods and techniques for collectingdata. Elaboration and execution of aca<strong>de</strong>mic and scientificdidactic work based on theoretical-methodological essentials andon Brazilian Association of Technical Norms standards.51

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