Altiero Spinelli fonds - European University Institute

Altiero Spinelli fonds - European University Institute

Altiero Spinelli fonds - European University Institute


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President.- As the report by Mrs Baduel Glorioso<br />

(Doc. 1-435/ 82) on the import system for certain<br />

products is not available the vote on urgent<br />

procedure is postpowed until 3 p.m.<br />

I call Sir Fred Catherwood.<br />

Sir Fred Catherwood. - Mr President, I would just<br />

like to give notice that I am against it. I do not<br />

know whether you would like me to explain my<br />

reasons now or later?<br />

President. - I presume you will be given the opportunity<br />

to speak when the matter comes up for<br />

discussion later at the 3 p.m. session.<br />

The difficulty is that the report has not been<br />

translated into all the languages so that we are not<br />

in a position to put the request to the vote at this<br />

stage. The vote will be taken at 3 p.m. and anyone<br />

anxious to oppose or support the request should be<br />

here at 3 p.m.<br />

At a meeting last night the Committee on Budgets<br />

adopted a report by Mr Adonnino on a joint<br />

statement by the institutions concerning the<br />

classification of budget expenditure. It has asked<br />

that this report be included on Wednesday's agenda<br />

for joint debate with the other budget reports.<br />

At the same meeting, the Committee on Budgets<br />

also adopted the report by Mrs Barbarella on the<br />

preliminary draft amending budget for 1982<br />

which has been scheduled as a possible item for<br />

Wednesday to be taken in joint debate with the<br />

Jackson report on the 1983 preliminary draft<br />

budget.<br />

I hope that these two documents will be available<br />

in the course of the day. I have been informed<br />

that the report by Mr Van Minnen on visas for<br />

Turkish workers which had been requested for<br />

joint debate with the von Hassel report scheduled<br />

for Wednesday, will be available later today.<br />

I shall consult thee House on these requests at 3<br />

p.m. today.<br />

65<br />

Reform al traktaterne og den europreiske union<br />

(fortsrettelse)<br />

Reform der Vertriige und Europiiische Union<br />

(Fortsetzung)<br />

ME-rappvOp.HTlJ no v I:vvOlJKWV Ka& njç<br />

·Evpcmra&Kijç 'EvwouJJç (ovvÉXE&a)<br />

Reform of the Treaties and <strong>European</strong> union<br />

( continuation)<br />

Réforme des traités et Union européenne (suite)<br />

Riforma dei trattati e Unione europea (seguito)<br />

Herziening van de Verdragen en de Europese<br />

Unie (voortzetting)<br />

President. - The next item is the continuation of<br />

the debate on the report (Doc. 1-305/ 82) by Mr<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong>.<br />

I call Mr Jonker.<br />

De heer Jonker. - Waar haal je de moed vandaan,<br />

mijnheer de Voorzitter, ben je niet een onverbeterlijke<br />

optimist, als je vandaag aan de dag nog wil<br />

spreken over de institutionele vooruitgang in onze<br />

Gemeenschap?! Je zou het bijna wel zeggen. De<br />

discussies in de Raad de laatste jaren en ook de<br />

laatste weken, 'zijn niet indrukwekkend en het<br />

ziet er naar uit dat de plannen van de heren<br />

Genscher en Colombo bijgezet worden, zoals de<br />

verslagen van de heer Tindemans en van de drie<br />

wijzen plechtig bijgezet worden in het mausoleum<br />

van de Raad. Met dit verschil dat, zoals het er nu<br />

uitziet, het Genscher-Colombo-plan zelfs geen<br />

eerste klas begrafenis krijgt. Het plan is ter ziele<br />

gebracht door de duidelijke onwil van enige<br />

Lid-Staten om ernst te maken met de verdieping<br />

van de Europese integratie. En zo zouden wij<br />

verder kunnen gaan met het opsommen van de<br />

moeilijkheden waarin wij zitten. Het stemmen<br />

met de gekwalificeerde meerderheid, de discussies<br />

over het mandaat en, zo men wil, de discussies<br />

over de uitbreiding van de Gemeenschap.<br />

Maar waarom beginnen wij dan eigenlijk aan dit<br />

debat? Voor ons is het antwoord eenvoudig. Het<br />

rechtstreeks gekozen Parlement kan en mag ten<br />

opzichte van zijn kiezers, ten opzichte van de<br />

Europese burgers, niet verzaken aan zijn eigen<br />

verantwoordelijkheid te werken aan de verdere<br />

ontwikkeling en de verdieping van de Gemeenschap.<br />

Voor ons als christen-democraten is het<br />

duidelijk dat het fundamenteel gebrek aan evenwicht<br />

tussen de instellingen een van de belangrijke<br />

oorzaken is van de stagnatie in het eenwordingsproces.<br />

En die onevenwichtigheid tussen de<br />

instellingen heeft ertoe geleid dat ongeveer 7 %<br />

van de totale uit Brussel afkomstige wetgeving die<br />

de Europese burger bindt tot stand komt zonder<br />

behoorlijke parlementaire controle, hetzij Europees,<br />

hetzij nationaal. Als wij dus willen spreken<br />

over de greep op de Raad, gaat het ons niet minder<br />

clan om de democratisering van de Gemeenschap.<br />

Wij hebben die greep op de besluitvorming van de<br />

Raad nodig, omdat, als het zo doorgaat, de ktezers<br />


41<br />


42<br />

Jonker<br />

zich in ons Parlement bedrogen zullen voelen.<br />

Vele kiezers hebben op ons gestemd in de hoop dat<br />

het Parlement zijn bevoegdheden zou veroveren<br />

en als ons dat op de lange duur niet lukt, dan<br />

hebben rechtstreekse verkiezingen weinig zin<br />

meer.<br />

De heer Barbi heeft gisteren al verklaard dat wij<br />

weinig moeite hebben met de ontwerp-resolutie<br />

zoals die op tafel ligt, onze fractie vindt zich<br />

daarin terug. Wij hebben dan ook geen amendementen<br />

ingediend, wij vinden deze resolutie een<br />

goed uitgangspunt voor de zes rapporteurs. Het<br />

werk gaat nu echter pas beginnen. Wij zijn met<br />

elkander akkoord over het einddoel dat ons voor<br />

ogen staat, maar er kunnen nog lange discussies<br />

plaatsvinden over de politieke strategie om dat<br />

einddoel te bereiken.<br />

Het zwakke punt van de resolutie, dus ook het<br />

moeilijkste punt, betreft de positie van de Raad en<br />

de Europese Raad. Voor ons staat vast, dat het<br />

Europese Parlement de bevoegdheid moet krijgen,<br />

de besluiteloosheid van de Raad te doorbreken.<br />

Daarover hebben wij voorstellen gedaan, die liggen<br />

op tafel bij het Parlement en de institutionele<br />

commissie. Dit is te meer nodig omdat steeds<br />

meer blijkt dat de Raad in plaats van een gemeenschapsorgaan<br />

een instituut wordt ter verdediging<br />

van nationale belangen. Wij moeten er van af, dat<br />

het ene Raadsvoorzitterschap leidt tot zes jubelmaanden,<br />

onmiddellijk gevolgd door zes rampmaanden<br />

bij het volgende. Er is geen enkele continui'teit<br />

in de besluitvorming van de Raad of de<br />

Europese Raad. De besluitvorming hangt van toevalligheden<br />

aan elkaar. Wij moeten gaan inzien<br />

dat de contrale op de Raad in wezen alleen maar<br />

mogelijk is via een verdragswijziging.<br />

En de Commissie, mijnheer de Voorzitter, welke<br />

rol speelt zij in dat geheel ? Ik constateer in ieder<br />

geval dat, ondanks de investituurmotie die het<br />

Parlement heeft aanvaard en de toezeggingen<br />

van de heer Thorn ter zake, nog steeds geen voor­<br />

stellen zijn gedaan voor het sluiten van institutio­<br />

nele akkoorden. De Commissie heeft voorstellen<br />

op tafel gelegd, goede voorstellen, waarvoor ik<br />

ook waardering heb, maar altijd voorstellen aan<br />

Raad en Parlement. Maar de Commissie, zo staat<br />

in de investituurmotie, is gehouden een institutioneel<br />

akkoord te sluiten met het Parlement. Zo<br />

staat het in die motie, zo stond het ook in de<br />

resolutie van de heer Rey. En ik zou de Commissie<br />

willen vragen wat haar rol nu eigenlijk precies is<br />

in dit hele debat. Haar optreden wordt altijd toegejuicht<br />

en zeker dat van de heer Andriessen.<br />

Maar beperkt de Commissie zich tot lijdelijk toezien<br />

bij wat wij doen ? Dat betekent, naar mijn<br />

67<br />

gevoel, dat zij het initiatiefrecht uit handen geeft<br />

en het initiatiefrecht van het Parlement op dit punt<br />

aanvaardt en dat betekent dan ook dat zij de<br />

conclusies die wij uiteinçlelijk gaan trekken zal<br />

kunnen overnemen. Of gaat de Commissie artikel<br />

236 v an h et EEG-V erdrag ter han d ne me n e n<br />

trachten verder te komen door zelf ook een ontwerp<br />

voor Verdragswijzigingen op tafel te leggen,<br />

zoals haar recht is krachtens het Verdrag.<br />

Mijnheer de Voorzitter, het is niet te veel gezegd,<br />

als wij stellen dat de Gemeenschap ziek is, dat zij<br />

doodziek is. De crisis die wij thans beleven is<br />

ernstiger dan die van de zestiger jaren. Toen waren<br />

we met z'n allen nog bezig te redekavelen<br />

over wat voor soort Europa wij wilden hebben,<br />

over de identiteit van Europa, terwijl we nu eigenlijk<br />

bezig zijn aan een langzaam desintegratieproces.<br />

Zo kan het niet langer, naar ons gevoelen<br />

zal er gehandeld moeten worden, zal er opgetreden<br />

moeten worden. De Europese burgers begrijpen<br />

niets meer van onze aarzelende regeringen.<br />

Nu hebben we tot ons genoegen vastgesteld dat de<br />

drie voorzitters van de instellingen allen verklaard<br />

hebben, bij verschillende gelegenheden ter<br />

ere van het 25-jarig bestaan van de Euratom- en<br />

de EEG-Verdragen, dat er een nieuwe Messina-conferentie<br />

moet komen om te bezien wat nog<br />

mogelijk is in en met deze Gemeenschap. Maar<br />

sindsdien hoort men daar niet zoveel meer over.<br />

Vandaar da t wij, christen -democraten, vandaag<br />

namens de fractie een resolutie zullen indienen,<br />

waarin zal worden gevraagd om v66r eind 1983<br />

een regeringsconferentie te beleggen, die uiteraard<br />

openstaat voor alle leden van de Gemeenschap,<br />

om na te gaan : ten eerste hoe de bestaande<br />

Verdragen beter kunnen worden toegepast en<br />

verdiept, ten tweede hoe wij tot de verwezenlijking<br />

van de Europese Unie kunnen komen en ten<br />

derde hoe de besluiten van het Parlement op het<br />

institutionele terrein, waar wij nu aan bezig zijn,<br />

in Verdragen kunnen worden vastgelegd. Daarbij<br />

moet gepoogd worden, de aarzelingen van sommige<br />

Lid-Staten te doorbreken. Zou di t helaas niet<br />

lukken, dan dient te worden nagegaan welke<br />

Lid-Staten bereid zijn om zo snel mogelijk aan de<br />

totstandkoming van de Europese Unie mee te<br />

werken, uiteraard zonder de banden met de andere<br />

Lid-Staten te verbreken.<br />


Dit is een ontwerp-resolutie van de fractie, die<br />

voortbouwt op een historische ontwikkeling. Als<br />

ik het eens eenvoudig mag zeggen : zoals de Kolen-<br />

en Staal-Gemeenschap uit de Raad van Europa<br />

is voortgekomen, zoals de West-Europese<br />

Unie in wezen uit de Raad van Europa is gekomen,<br />

zoals het Europees Monetair Stelsel uit het<br />

EEG-V erdrag is voortgekomen - e n zo zijn er<br />


Jonker<br />

meer voorbeelden te noemen - zo moet het ook<br />

mogelijk zijn dat wij een Europese Unie tot stand<br />

brengen in moeilijke tijden, want de historie in<br />

Europa heeft aangetoond dat er in moeilijke tijden<br />

toch nog wel eens beslissende stappen gezet kunnen<br />

worden. Mijnheer de Voorzitter, deze resolutie<br />

wordt vandaag krachtens artikel 47 van het<br />

Reglement ingediend. Wij achten het niet noodzakelijk<br />

dat de bevoegde commissies deze meteen in<br />

behandeling nemen, wij laten die graag wat rusten,<br />

om daarna eens tegen midden 1983 na te gaan<br />

welke vooruitgang is geboekt door de drie voorzitters<br />

met de voorbereiding van die nieuwe Messina-conferentie.<br />

Wat we vandaag doen, mijnheer de Voorzitter, is<br />

de drie voorzitters houden aan hun woord. Dit is<br />

het begin van een parlementaire contrale op deze<br />

zaak. Ik hoop dat het ook het einde zal zijn. Eén<br />

ding is duidelijk : wij vragen die voorzitters om nu<br />

eindelijk eens te doen wat zij gezegd hebben. Wij<br />

kunnen niet langer wachten en zij kunnen rekenen<br />

op de steun van dit Parlement.<br />

(Applaus)<br />

President. - I call Mr Jackson.<br />

Mr C. Jackson. - Mr President, may I add my<br />

thanks to our rapporteur for his absolutely exemplary<br />

work on our behalf.<br />

The treaties which have served us all well for 25<br />

years or more are in some respects now creaking<br />

at the seams, while in other respects politica! will<br />

in the Member States has by no means been sufficient<br />

to ensure adequate progress in the provisions<br />

they contain. It took after all over 20 years to<br />

get this Parliament elected, and virtually no<br />

progress has been made on certain policies, such as<br />

transport, which were clearly envisaged back in<br />

1957. What, indeed, has happened to the single<br />

seat of the institutions?<br />

That is why I was one of the first participants in<br />

the 'Crocodile Club', and why I wholeheartedly<br />

supported the efforts to get this House to show a<br />

clear way forward to <strong>European</strong> union.<br />

My first point is that we must aim to build a<br />

Community of strictly limited functions but of<br />

equally real powers. Many things about Europe,<br />

about this Parliament and about <strong>European</strong> union<br />

are profoundly misunderstood in my own country,<br />

and indeed throughout the Community. That is<br />

why I am particularly pleased that the 'principle<br />

of subsidiarity', the inclusion of which I indeed<br />

proposed to the rapporteur, appears so strongly in<br />

our report. Those in all our countries who distrust<br />

69<br />

progress towards <strong>European</strong> union should mark<br />

paragraph 6 well. It states clearly that ·'the union<br />

shall only undertake those tasks which are executed<br />

more effectively in common than by Member<br />

States separately'.<br />

The great importance of this principle is that it<br />

provides a logical basis for widespread discussion<br />

of the Community's functions. It is possible to<br />

define, to argue over, to assess which functions the<br />

Community can really carry out better than the<br />

Member States individually.<br />

Now I am, in one sense, a minimalist for the<br />

Community and for every other level of government,<br />

be it local or national. I want decisions and<br />

decision-making to be kept as close to the people<br />

as possible, only raising them to a more remote<br />

level - a county, or a state, or <strong>European</strong> level - if<br />

there is real advantage to the people in doing this.<br />

But it is no contradiction that I want to build a<br />

Community of real powers, more than at present,<br />

but of functions, of course, limited to those matters<br />

which the Community can perform better than<br />

the Member States.<br />

This 'principle of subsidiarity', however, has its<br />

problems. It is quite clear to me that we should not<br />

transfer powers from Member States to the<br />

Community until we have institutions that can<br />

operate those powers to the benefit of <strong>European</strong><br />

citizens. It is for this reason that institutional<br />

reform is of vital importance- otherwise we shall<br />

get caught in the Community's 'Catch 22'. The<br />

Community's Catch 22 is that governments may<br />

deny the Community functions it should perform<br />

on the grounds that the institutions do not work<br />

well enough, while at the same time denying<br />

institutional reform because we do not yet have<br />

the functions which make such reform imperative.<br />

My second point is that we should aim both to<br />

draft a new treaty and to propose small amendments<br />

to the existing treaty. I am convinced that<br />

the most prudent course will be to carry forward<br />

extremely limited amendments to the existing<br />

treaty. But equally, I am sure we must produce<br />

among our papers the structure of a new draft<br />

treaty for use in future years. W e must be realistic,<br />

but we must take the freedom we need to build on<br />

what our founding fathers did with such success<br />

and thus provide a framework that can last the<br />

Community for at least the next 50 years.<br />


My third point is that debate outside this Chamber<br />

is all-important. It is all very well for this Parliament<br />

to put up a draft treaty, to draft amendments,<br />

but we all know that any treaty amend-<br />

43<br />


44<br />

Jackson<br />

ments will have to run the gauntlet of the parliaments<br />

of ali the Member States and that failure<br />

in any one of them means no treaty amendments.<br />

It is because of this that I have set down an<br />

amendment to the resolution which emphasizes<br />

the need to encourage informed debate in the<br />

Member States and to take evidence. We shall not<br />

succeed in our ambitious aims unless there is<br />

informed debate which leads the politica! and<br />

intellectual forces in our Member States to support<br />

us and thus to carry a majority in national parliaments.<br />

Our contribution to this debate must be<br />

substantial but I hope - if I may say this en passant<br />

- we shall not feel any compunction in borrowing<br />

from the practice of the British House of<br />

Lords in taking oral and written evidence from<br />

the finest experts we can find, and then publishing<br />

this as a basis for further discussion.<br />

My fourth point is a more difficult one. It is that<br />

we should continue to use our unwritten constitution<br />

as a basis for progress. It struck me a t the time<br />

of the farm-price majority vote that no one should<br />

understand better what was going on constitutionally<br />

than the British themselves. I dare say no one<br />

is more familiar with un.written constitutions than<br />

we are. And so far as majority voting is concerned,<br />

we all know that the Treaty says one thing, that<br />

our informai practice in the Community, our<br />

unwritten constitution, half stated in the Luxembourg<br />

disagreement, says another. And we ali<br />

know, too, that it is a feature of unwritten constitutions<br />

that, put under enough strain, they shift<br />

like a river going round an obstacle. I hope that in<br />

this case our unwritten constitution has shifted to<br />

a much greater and more constructive use of the<br />

majority vote.<br />

The fact is, that we already have a large number<br />

of non-treaty working practices, from foreign<br />

policy cooperation downwards and I put it to this<br />

House, pragmatically, that this may be no bad<br />

thing. It gives suspicious and reluctant Member<br />

States a chance to try things out without entering<br />

into a commitment which could be politically<br />

impossible at first but which, given time and the<br />

evidence of success, may prove perfectly acceptable<br />

later on. So I believe we should encourage<br />

experiments, inter-institutional agreements, such<br />

as those proposed in the Hansch report ;<br />

agreements between Member States, and then<br />

later, include them in treaty amendments after<br />

they have been tried, perhaps amended, and<br />

found successful.<br />

Mr President, at the same time I confirm that<br />

certain treaty changes are vital right now. Surely<br />

we have learnt what the Americans learnt 200<br />

years ago, that the advantages of a confederai<br />

7 1<br />

approach, are outweighed by the disadvantages?<br />

The fact is that we do need, as Winston Churchill<br />

said just after the war, a 'kind of United States of<br />

Europe' - our own kind, but a union nonetheless.<br />

My fifth, and final point, is this: our <strong>European</strong><br />

Community, with its 270 million peoples, its annua!<br />

income greater than that of the USA, its<br />

enormous intellectual and human riches, is a giant<br />

in the world. Yet we all know it is a giant so<br />

restricted, so shackled by nationalism that it cannot<br />

give its people or the world the benefits it<br />

should bring.<br />

Beyond everything else, then, this report is about<br />

creating a constitutional framework that can<br />

carry Europe forward for the next 50 years, that<br />

can, in effect, cut loose the shackles binding our<br />

Community. We vote on our resolution today and<br />

I hope it will be carried overwhelmingly : but, at<br />

the same time we are asking people throughout<br />

the <strong>European</strong> Community to help us with the task<br />

of building <strong>European</strong> union. For without their<br />

help all our efforts will come to nothing.<br />

(Applause)<br />

President. - I call Mr de Pasquale.<br />

De Pasquale. - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi,<br />

i comunisti italiani danno il loro pieno<br />

appoggio alla proposta di risoluzione presentata<br />

dalla commissione istituzionale e illustrata dall'onorevole<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong>, che anche noi vivamente<br />

ringraziamo.<br />

Dopo aver approvato tale risoluzione, il Parlamento<br />

europeo dovrà affrontare il lavoro più<br />

delicato, più difficile e più impegnativo di questa<br />

prima legislatura a suffragio diretto. Siamo perfettamente<br />

consapevoli delle difficoltà e dei pericoli<br />

insiti in questa seconda fase del nostro lavoro,<br />

nella quale dovranno essere precisati con la massima<br />

ponderazione i compiti dell'Unione, le competenze<br />

e le strutture delle sue istituzioni, le procedure<br />

adatte a garantire coerenza e armonia nuove<br />

nel complesso rapporto tra la Comunità e gli Stati<br />

sovrani che la compongono.<br />


Non è quindi il caso di avventurarsi oggi nell'esame<br />

delle scelte di merito che dovranno essere<br />

compiute a cominciare da domani, nelle fasi successive<br />

fino all'atto conclusivo. È bene, anzi,<br />

rispettare le tappe previste, anche perché esse<br />

servono - come si è visto - attraverso una discussione<br />

ordinata e non convulsa, a dissipare equivoci,<br />

ad avvicinare posizioni e a far maturare<br />

intese non formali. Oggi come oggi, l'Assemblea è<br />

invece chiamata ad approvare - o a disapprovare,<br />


De Pasquale<br />

o a modificare - soltanto l'orientamento generale,<br />

gli indirizzi di fondo esposti nella risoluzione e a<br />

cui dovranno conformarsi le scelte future. Noi,<br />

come ho già detto, li approviamo, avendo contribuito<br />

ad elaborarli.<br />

A questo punto, signor Presidente, potrei concludere<br />

il mio intervento, ma, dato che ne ho il<br />

tempo, vorrei aggiungere qualche altra sommaria<br />

considerazione.<br />

Il nostro primo e fondamentale apprezzamento<br />

riguarda la concezione del passaggio dall'attuale<br />

Comunità alla futura Unione, quale emerge dai<br />

lavori della commissione istituzionale. Nella<br />

risoluzione viene affermata con chiarezza la<br />

necessità che il processo di integrazione progredisca<br />

congiuntamente su tutti i campi, da quello<br />

politico a quello economico e sociale, a quello<br />

culturale. L'idea-forza della risoluzione si distacca,<br />

dunque, nettamente e positivamente da tante altre<br />

proposte, tutte parziali e unilaterali, venute in<br />

questi ultimi tempi da varie parti, si tratti dell'Atto<br />

europeo Genscher-Colombo, o del Memorandum<br />

del governo francese. In una crisi così profonda e<br />

generale com'è quella attuale, è assurdo pensare<br />

che si possa sviluppare l'integrazione economica e<br />

monetaria senza una forte cooperazione politica, e<br />

viceversa. Ed è altresì evidente l'estrema difficoltà<br />

di aprire nuovi spazi sociali per i lavoratori, per i<br />

disoccupati, per i giovani, per le donne, senza<br />

politiche e strumenti che spingano verso la convergenza<br />

dei sistemi economici europei. Si è anche<br />

visto quanto siano ardui e di esito incerto tentativi,<br />

pur generosi, di rilancio economico-sociale su scala<br />

nazionale, ma non concertati nell'ambito europeo.<br />

Queste diverse proposte, sia pur deboli e<br />

insufficienti, dimostrano tuttavia che l'esigenza di<br />

fare qualcosa per uscire dalla paralisi viene avvertita<br />

anche nelle sedi più restie al cambiamento. Si<br />

tratta, quindi, di un'esigenza oggettiva, storicamente<br />

matura. Siamo arrivati - come hanno detto<br />

il relatore e molti altri colleghi - a un punto<br />

limite» L 'esperienza comunitaria del passato,<br />

giunta da tempo a maturazione, rischia ormai di<br />

marcire e ha bisogno d'essere rinnovata, non a<br />

pezzi e bocconi, ma nel suo complesso. Aggiustamenti<br />

e rimedi parziali o settoriali non solo servono<br />

a poco, ma si rivelano addirittura inattuabili,<br />

come dimostra anche- per citare solo l'ultimo caso<br />

- il fallimento del mandato.<br />

È utopia, dunque, proporre una riforma dei trattati<br />

che rimetta in moto il processo di integrazione<br />

che si è inceppato e che, anzi, è entrato in una fase<br />

regressiva? Noi non lo crediamo. Certo, sarebbe<br />

velleità se la risoluzione ci proponesse - come è<br />

stato detto - un « superstato >>. Ma non è così. E qui<br />

73-<br />

interviene un secondo apprezzamento positivo che<br />

ci sentiamo di fare. La risoluzione non ci chiede di<br />

sconfinare nella sovrannazionalità, non ci chiede<br />

di stravolgere l'attuale impianto della Comunità,<br />

ma, al contrario, ci chiede di rafforzarlo, migliorando<br />

l'equilibrio delle istituzioni e il loro<br />

reciproco ruolo, per assolvere ai compiti previsti<br />

dai trattati e a quelli che, con il passare del tempo,<br />

sono venuti alla ribalta. Viene affermata senza<br />

equivoci una continuità con il passato- una continuità<br />

critica, beninteso- non per restare fermi al<br />

passato, ma per andare avanti. Questo è realismo,<br />

se realismo non significa, come io credo, rassegnazione<br />

e rinuncia, ma dinamismo consapevole e<br />

responsabile.<br />

Si avanzano, tuttavia, anche obiezioni di segno<br />

opposto. Qualcuno, a sinistra, lamenta una certa<br />

indeterminatezza nell'indicazione di quelle che<br />

dovrebbero essere le basi sociali dell'Unione, di<br />

quella che dovrebbe essere la società europea del<br />

2000. Ma a che varrebbe, onorevoli colleghi,<br />

ammesso che fosse possibile, mettere sulla carta i<br />

connocati di una società nuova ? Il rinnovamento<br />

della società non potrà che essere il frutto di<br />

grandi movimenti di lotta e di opinione, di un<br />

sostanziale cambiamento dei rapporti di forza, di<br />

un successo delle lotte politiche e sociali su scala<br />

europea. Il nostro obiettivo immediato, che può<br />

essere condiviso da un vastissimo schieramento di<br />

forze sociali e politiche, deve essere quello di<br />

raggiungere, nella democrazia e nella pace, una<br />

autentica « dimensione Europa >>, per poter<br />

costruire all'interno di essa l'unità di tutte le. forze<br />

progressiste e democratiche capaci di rinnovare la<br />

società.<br />

L'azione che il Parlamento sta portando avanti per<br />

la riforma dei trattati va in questa direzione, va<br />

nella direzione di un allargamento e di un consolidamento<br />

della democrazia in Europa. Questo è<br />

l'essenziale, che non dobbiamo perdere di vista in<br />

un momento in cui l'uso della forza prevale su<br />

quello della ragione e mentre avanzano fenomeni<br />

gravi di imbarbarimento, spinte repressive<br />

incontrollabili, pericoli di guerra.<br />


C'è ancora chi non comprende questo legame<br />

nuovo tra la costruzione europea e la crisi mondiale,<br />

ed è portato, in conseguenza, a sottovalutare<br />

quel che stiamo tentando di fare, considerandolo<br />

non molto di più di un mero eserctzw<br />

intellettualistico. A tutti costoro noi voremmo dire<br />

che quel che si sta facendo qui è qualcosa di qualitativamente<br />

diverso rispetto al passato. Sì, è vero,<br />

ci sono stati tanti rapporti sull'Unione europea -<br />

tutti pregevoli ed utili. Stavolta, però, non si tratta<br />

dell'ennesimo rapporto, non si tratta di tranquille<br />

elaborazioni destinate agli archivi e alle bibliote-<br />

45<br />


46<br />

De Pasquale<br />

che : si tratta di un'azione politica vera e propria,<br />

di un'iniziativa del Parlamento eletto verso i<br />

popoli, i parlamenti, i governi degli Stati membri,<br />

iniziativa urgente, assunta nel contesto di una<br />

situazione che è già insostenibile e che può portare<br />

a esiti catastrofici. Qui è la differenza ! Questo è lo<br />

spartiacque tra il passato e il presente !<br />

È un'assunzione di responsabilità a cui il Parlamento<br />

non può, in nessun caso, sottrarsi e che ha<br />

un grande valore politico, quale che sia l'esito<br />

nell'immediato. E l'esito non potrà essere che<br />

positivo se sapremo raccogliere tutte le forze e fare<br />

appello a tutte le volontà. A tale proposito, è da<br />

sottolineare positivamente la dichiarazione di<br />

disponibilità per un lavoro comune, fatta qui ieri<br />

sera dal Presidente Thorn. Certo, meglio sarebbe<br />

stato se tale dichiarazione fosse venuta un anno<br />

fa : oggi saremmo più avanti. Occorrerà comunque<br />

discutere con tutti, anche con i governi più ostili ;<br />

occorrerà coinvolgere e cointeressare l'opinione<br />

pubblica nei singoli paesi. Se riusciremo a rendere<br />

con chiarezza, durante l'elaborazione e prima delle<br />

elezioni, l'esatta portata della proposta del Parlamento,<br />

credo che avremo fatto un buon tratto di<br />

strada verso l'D nione europea.<br />

(App[ausi )<br />

President. - I call Mrs V e il.<br />

Mme Veil. - D'autres, mieux que je ne saurais le<br />

faire, ont analysé ou analyseront le rapport de M.<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong> ; d'ailleurs, personne mieux que son auteur<br />

n'était qualifié à cet effet lorsqu'on se réfère à<br />

sa compétence et sa conviction dans ce domaine,<br />

auxquelles je tiens tout de suite à rendre hommage.<br />

Je ne reviendrai donc pas sur le contenu de la<br />

proposition dont nous avons à débattre, mais essentiellement<br />

sur le contexte politique dans lequel<br />

elle se si tue, et ce à trois points de vue. En considérant<br />

tout d'abord la situation actuelle de la Communauté,<br />

ensuite la situation du Parlement et,<br />

enfin, les perspectives ouvertes par le vote de cette<br />

proposition de résolution.<br />

Pour ce qui est de la situation actuelle de la Communauté,<br />

si l'on fait exception des crises ouvertes<br />

par la guerre de Corée, le blocus de Berlin ou<br />

Cuba, jamais la situation n 'a été aussi désastreuse<br />

dans le monde qu'elle l'est aujourd'hui. Les situations<br />

conflictuelles s'ajoùtent les unes aux autres<br />

sans qu'aucune ne soit résolue. Le déséquilibre<br />

s'accrolt entre pays industrialisés et pays en développement<br />

tandis que les deux superpuissances,<br />

qui consacrent leur capacité d'inventer et leur<br />

patrimoine à l'armement, semblent préoccupées<br />

75<br />

essentiellement à mettre l'autre à genoux, l'une<br />

n 'hésitant pas à utiliser le terrorisme ou la manipulation<br />

et l'autre à envisager l'arme alimentaire.<br />

Que fait l'Europe ? Elle regarde ou, plutòt, elle<br />

essaie de jouer les intermédiaires et elle subit, en<br />

première ligne, les conséquences des coups portés.<br />

On peut meme dire que ces coups sont souvent<br />

portés à travers elle.<br />

Au lendemain du Sommet de Versailles, notre<br />

désarroi, notre faiblesse sont si manifestes que<br />

chacun savait, avant meme qu'il se tienne, que le<br />

dernier Conseil européen ne pourrait que déplorer<br />

des dégats et peut-etre manifester, pour une fois,<br />

un esprit de solidarité en faisant cette constatation.<br />

Si j'ai brossé ce très rapide et sinistre tableau, il<br />

faut bien le dire, de la situation, on peut se demander<br />

quel est le lien avec le rapport de M. <strong>Spinelli</strong>.<br />

Eh bien, c'est pour montrer que, dans l'état auquel<br />

est parvenue l'Europe, si nous proposons un projet<br />

d'union, ce n'est pas seulement pour rever mais<br />

parce que cette Europe- qui a plus d'habitants, un<br />

produit national brut supérieur à celui des États­<br />

Unis- devrait pouvoir jouer le ròle qu'elle ne joue<br />

pas. Que faisons-nous de ce potentiel, de notre<br />

intelligence, de notre capacité à dialoguer dans le<br />

monde? Rien ou presque rien ; là où "il faudrait<br />

s'unir, nous continuons à mener, chacun de son<br />

còté, notre petite politique isolée.<br />

C'est là le premier point que je veux souligner :<br />

l'idée de l'union n 'est pas une idée abstraite, une<br />

chimère inutile, elle est une nécessité. Ce n 'est pas<br />

l 'objectif de maniaques obsédés par un mythe<br />

absurde.<br />

Au surplus, nous sommes menacés par des dangers<br />

plus graves que jamais. Ces dangers, nous les<br />

connaissons, mais il prennent un accent plus dramatique<br />

que jamais lorsqu'on constate les dérives,<br />

les différences s'accentuant entre nos politiques<br />

économiques, sociales et monétaires. Ces dangers,<br />

résident- davantage que lors des crises précédentes<br />

- dans les questions de principe qui sont évoquées,<br />

le « juste retour )) et le protectionnisme. J e le<br />

dis clairement: je crains que l'on passe parfois de<br />

la reconquete du marché intérieur à un protectionnisme,<br />

au début mal déguisé, mais qui serait un<br />

danger mortel pour notre Communauté.<br />


Il est vrai que ce n 'est pas dans un contexte aussi<br />

désastreux que s'est inserite la démarche qui a<br />

conduit à la mise en place de notre commission<br />

institutionnelle et à l'intiative de M. <strong>Spinelli</strong>. Il<br />

faut rappeler qu'elle remonte à deux ans déjà, et<br />

sans doute l'idée meme de cette initiative est-elle<br />


48<br />

Veil<br />

projet réalisable et efficace - devrait se traduire<br />

lors de nos élections par une dynamique dans<br />

toute l'Europe. C'est un pari qui a été fait, c'est un<br />

pari auquel j'adhère totalement et, parodiant Pascal,<br />

je dirai qu'en tout état de cause, ou nous avons<br />

raison et nous avons gagné ou nous avons perdu.<br />

Je préfère ne pas l'envisager, car je veux faire<br />

confiance à l'Europe et aux Européens, pensant<br />

qu'ils veulent se battre pour survivre.<br />

(Applaudissements)<br />

Velkomstord<br />

BegriiJJung<br />

KocÀroç flUJoc-re<br />

W e/come<br />

Souhaits de bienvenue<br />

Benvenuto<br />

Welkomstgroet<br />


Vizeprasiden t<br />

Der Prasident. - Ich darf dem Haus mitteilen, dai'><br />

wir mit sehr grof>er Freude auf der Ehrentribi.ine<br />

den Prasidenten des islandischen Parlaments,<br />

Herrn Jon Helgason, begri.if>en, der unserer Institution<br />

fi.ir einige Tage die Ehre seines Besuches<br />

gibt.<br />

(Beifall)<br />

Das Europihsche Parlament unterstreicht die ganz<br />

besondere Bedeutung dieses Besuches, da es sich<br />

um den ersten Kontakt mit dem islandischen<br />

Parlament in der Person seines Prasidenten handelt.<br />

Wir hoffen, dai'> die verschiedenen Gesprache, die<br />

Herr Helgason in Straf>burg fi.ihren wird, moglichst<br />

fruchtbar und nutzbringend sein werden<br />

und dai'> sein Besuch die Aufnahme engerer Beziehungen<br />

zwischen unseren beiden Institutionen<br />

ermoglicht.<br />

79<br />

Reform af traktaterne og den europreiske union<br />

(fortsrettelse)<br />

Reform der Vertrage und Europaische Union<br />

(Fortsetzung)<br />

Me-rocppv0p.HT1J -rrov !:vv01JKrov Kat:l -rijç<br />

'EvpctJ1roclKijç 'Evwuemç (uvvtxeloc)<br />

Reform of the Treaties and <strong>European</strong> union<br />

(continuation)<br />

Réforme des traités et Union européenne (suite)<br />

Riforma dei trattati e Unione europea (seguito)<br />

Herziening van de Verdragen en de Europese<br />

Unie (voortzetting)<br />

Der Prasident.- Das Wort hat Herr Horgan.<br />

Mr Horgan. - Mr President, I feel very privileged<br />

to be speaking in this debate on behalf of the<br />

Socialist Group, and indeed on behalf of my own<br />

party, the Irish Labour Party, as a comparative<br />

newcomer to this Parliament, having been here<br />

only since October.<br />

The first thing I would like to do is to congratulate<br />

the authors, and particularly Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong>, on the<br />

idealism and the vision which have informed not<br />

just this initiative, but all the work, and indeed the<br />

passion, that have been devoted to the cause of<br />

<strong>European</strong> unity for many years now. I welcome<br />

the report in its board outlines, even though I<br />

might demur on many of the details.<br />

I think it is important that we should realize that<br />

it is a bad time, unfortunately, for idealism now in<br />

Europe. When we look at the moves towards<br />

greater <strong>European</strong> unity, we have to ask ourselves,<br />

whether the politica! will for greater unity is there<br />

at the moment throughout the Community, and if<br />

it is not there, why it is not there. I suspect that<br />

the politica! will for greater unity is not yet there,<br />

and that one of the main reasons for this is not<br />

that anybody distrusts or dislikes Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong> or<br />

this report or his beliefs in this matter, but that the<br />

Community is not seen to have delivered on its<br />

promises. That perception impels different people<br />

in different directions. It impels people like Mr<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong> towards greater cooperation, greater unity,<br />

greater institutional change. It impels the suspicious,<br />

the sceptical and the downright hostile in<br />

other directions. I fear myself that the political<br />

will for greater unity will not come about until the<br />

Community is seen to have delivered more in the<br />

economie sphere than it has until now.<br />


One of the ideas behind the creation of the<br />

Community is that of convergence, the idea that<br />

the Member States economies and the standard of<br />

living of their citizens would converge over a<br />

period of time. Instead of convergence, we have<br />

had divergence. The situation has got even worse.<br />

The gaps in living standards between the rich and<br />

the poor - whether they are farmers or industriai<br />

workers is irrelevant - have actually widened in<br />

many parts in the Community.<br />

If we are to be honest, we shall have to accept the<br />

fact that the problems of the Community relate<br />


Horgan<br />

not only to problems between the Institutions, but<br />

also to problems within the Institutions. Everybody<br />

knows about the problem within the Council<br />

and the question of the Luxembourg compromise ;<br />

everybody, too, knows about the problems of the<br />

C.ommission and the hand of national interest that<br />

makes its presence felt even there ; but there are<br />

also problems here with the Parliament. I think it<br />

is extraordinary that we still waste so much time<br />

in this Parliament trying to deal with amendments<br />

which go through all the committees and<br />

right onto the floor of this House and act as a<br />

log-jam for the work of this Parliament. I think<br />

we sometimes take decisions about what we discuss<br />

which encourage people not to take us too<br />

seriously. I am thinking of reports on the need to<br />

standardize the height of motorcar bumpers in<br />

Europe or on trying to decide the length in centimetres<br />

of a feeding trough for a battery hen in<br />

Europe. These are all no doubt important matters,<br />

but they are hardly matters for this Parliament.<br />

We also have problems with the policies. While it<br />

is true that the agricultural policy, for example,<br />

has resulted in a substantial transfer of resources<br />

to my country, this has not been without cost,<br />

because it has happened in a way that has distorted<br />

agricultural production and in many cases<br />

given rise to unnecessary hostility between town<br />

and country. We should beware when we talk<br />

about policies saying that because the present<br />

policies have not worked, we should just pump<br />

more money into them. We might be throwing<br />

good money after bad. We have to look at all the<br />

policies and ask if they are not doing what they<br />

are supposed to be doing. Is it because they are not<br />

being supported financially enough, or is it<br />

because there is something structurally wrong<br />

with these policies? W e should then have a look at<br />

the structures of these policies and if possible take<br />

steps along the lines recently suggested by the<br />

Commission for adopting an integrated regional<br />

approach to the problem.<br />

Finally, Mr President, I would like to say a word<br />

about <strong>European</strong> political cooperation. My country<br />

is a neutral country - that is, it will not take part<br />

in any military alliance- and in the early stages of<br />

discussion on this report I put down some amendments<br />

designed to underline that fact.<br />

We shall be withdrawing these a men dments,<br />

because we do not want to divide the House unnecessarily<br />

; but they have been put down as<br />

markers, because I think it is important to realize<br />

that neutrality in the Europe of the future is not<br />

the disease that some right-wing people would<br />

have us believe but is, certainly in the case of my<br />

country, a positive and creative response to the<br />

81<br />

problems of world peace, both in Europe and in<br />

the world as a whole. Insofar as questions of<br />

security are concerned, I should like to see <strong>European</strong><br />

politica! cooperation developing, not least in<br />

conjonction with the other <strong>European</strong> countries<br />

outside the Ten who also have a strong and long<br />

tradition of neutrality, into a new force for world<br />

peace based on respect for the United Nations<br />

Charter and for the ideals that it embodies.<br />

Der Prasident.- Das Wort hat Herr Lalor.<br />

Mr Lalor.- Mr President, I am afraid I have to say<br />

that the <strong>Spinelli</strong> report, while admirable in very<br />

many ways, runs the risk of adding to the growing<br />

disillusionment with the Community amongst our<br />

peoples.<br />

I agree that we must move forward, improve the<br />

institutional balance and decision-making in our<br />

Community. I .am also anxious that we fix our<br />

sights on <strong>European</strong> union as the ultimate goal of<br />

all our efforts. However, it seems to me that Mr<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong> is putting the cart before the horse, to use<br />

an old expression. The result of all this will be to<br />

strengtQ.en the hand of those who are opposed to<br />

the Community.<br />

Let us look at the political facts in the Member<br />

States at present. In the UK there is a near majority<br />

opposed to Community membership. In addition,<br />

even the present government there is totally<br />

opposed to the terms of their membership which<br />

have been renegotiated on at least two occasions.<br />

Mr Jackson says political will is lacking. Yes, I<br />

agree, political will will continue to be lacking<br />

unless they get their way. In Denmark there is<br />

also strong opposition to the Community. Even in<br />

my own country an 85 % enthusiasm and endorsement<br />

of Community membership is now more<br />

realistically in the region of 50 %. To add to this, a<br />

tendentious and unnecessarily coloured report is<br />

in my opinion certainly not called for at this time.<br />


<strong>European</strong> integration must not be founded on the<br />

basis of contesting the legitimacy of the Member<br />

States but rather on the integration of their economies<br />

and the harmonization of their policies.<br />

Further politica! integration can only follow economie<br />

and social development. The primary motivation<br />

for integration is the further development<br />

of the Community through the Treaty framework.<br />

This means, firstly, the resolution of the complex<br />

of internai problems facing the Community in the<br />

immediate future. Secondly, the development of<br />

an ever closer Community of interest through the<br />

adoption of concrete and visible measures designed<br />

to face up to the economie and social prob-<br />

49<br />


50<br />

Lalor<br />

lems of the Community and to further the aim of<br />

convergence of the economies of the Member<br />

States. In this connection we recall that since<br />

accession we have actually seen more divergence<br />

in Member States' economies. Thirdly, this means<br />

the provision of the necessary resources for the<br />

Community to maintain existing policies and to<br />

develop new ones designed to achieve the aims<br />

already mentioned.<br />

It will be evident that the Community is an evolutionary<br />

concept whose further development is<br />

conditional on the necessary politica! consensus<br />

being created at each successive stage.<br />

The paralysis from which the Community suffers<br />

at present stems from politica! factors and cannot<br />

be resolved by dramatic initiatives or tinkering<br />

with the existing institutional structures. In fact,<br />

given the known divergence of views in the<br />

Member States at present, any attempts of 'the<br />

great leap forward' variety envìsaged here in<br />

this report could well be divisive and ultimately<br />

counterproductive. In particular, amendment of<br />

the Treaties is nota realistic proposition.<br />

The development of the Community as an entity,<br />

as already pointed out, depends on the development<br />

of an ever closer preconceived Community<br />

of interests ba·sed on the economie and social<br />

objectives already referred to, and until this has<br />

evolved and is seen to be evolved significant shifts<br />

in the inter-institutional balance cannot be contemplated.<br />

Mr President, the Genscher-Columbo debate has<br />

shown the difficulties for several Member States<br />

of accepting proposals far weaker and less extensive<br />

than those envisaged in the <strong>Spinelli</strong> resolution.<br />

Der Prasident.- Das Wort hat Herr Pfennig.<br />

Pfennig. - Herr Prasident, meine Kolleginnen und<br />

Kollegen ! Als 1979 die ersten Direktwahlen zum<br />

Europaischen Parlament begannen, auBerten<br />

viele die Befurchtung, das neugewahlte Parla­<br />

ment werde sich zu einer Verfassunggebenden<br />

Versammlung Europas entwickeln. Andere dagegen<br />

hofften und forderten, daB das neue Parlament<br />

eine europaische Verfassung erarbeiten solle.<br />

Zu letzteren zahlen auch die europaischen<br />

Christdemokraten, die von Anfang an die Gemeinschaft<br />

als den foderalistischen Weg zu einer<br />

Europaischen Union verstanden haben. Wer nun<br />

diesen Weg weiter gehen will, benotigt auch eine<br />

europaische V erfassung. J eder ande re kann si c h<br />

mit normalen Staatsvertragen zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten<br />

zufriedengeben.<br />

83<br />

Der Institutionelle AusschuB hat jetzt dem Europaischen<br />

Parlament einen Arbeitsplan vorgelegt,<br />

der vom Parlament ein Ja fordert auf die Frage,<br />

ob der Institutionelle AusschuB eine europaische<br />

Verfassung ausarbeiten soll. Die Leitlinien dieses<br />

Arbeitsplans zeigen auf, wie in der Gemeinschaft<br />

als ktinftiger U nion verfahren werden soll, zum<br />

einen zwischen der Union und den Mitgliedstaaten<br />

und - zweitens - zwischen der Unionsorganen<br />

untereinander. Die Leitlinien machen<br />

deutlich, daB das Parlament nach seinen verschiedenen<br />

Vorschlagen ftir institutionelle Verbesserungen<br />

im Rahmen der derzeit geltenden Vertrage<br />

jetzt auch einen konstitutionellen Impuls zur<br />

Fortentwicklung der Gemeinschaft geben soll.<br />

Wenn das Parlament diesem Verfahrensvorschlag<br />

des Institutionellen Ausschusses zustimmt, muB es<br />

sich tiber vier Dinge im klaren sein, damit der<br />

eingeschlagene Weg auch zum Ziel ftihrt.<br />

Erstens : Di e Burger der in der· Gemeinschaft<br />

vereinigten Mitgliedstaaten- so lautet die Formulierung<br />

in der W ahlakte fi.ir di e Direktwahlen<br />

durch die von uns vertretenen 270 Millionen Menschen<br />

- mtissen verstehen, warum die Gemeinschaft<br />

konstitutionelle Fortschritte braucht.<br />

Zweitens : Das Ergebnis der Arbeit des Institutionellen<br />

Ausschusses darf somit nicht nur eine Beschreibung<br />

sein, wie die Europaische Gemeinschaft<br />

funktionieren und sich fortentwickeln soll,<br />

sondern muB vor allem beinhalten, was die Gemeinschaft<br />

in Zukunft konkret tun soll.<br />

Drittens: Den nationalen Parlamenten kann ein<br />

erneuter Teilverzicht auf ihre Souveranitat zugunsten<br />

der Gemeinschaft nur dann zugemutet<br />

werden, wenn sie - erstens - den Umfang des<br />

Verzichts genau erkennen konnen und wenn -<br />

zweitens - die Aufgabe von nationalen zugunsten<br />

gemeinschaftlicher Befugnisse nicht mit einem<br />

weiteren Verlust demokratischer Legitimation<br />

und mit der Starkung btirokratischer, anonymer<br />

Ministerratstatigkeit verbunden ist. Anders ausgedrtickt:<br />

Weiterer nationaler Teilverzicht auf Souveranitat<br />

ist nur zumutbar, wenn die Interessen<br />

der Burger in Zukunft gemeinsam wahrgenommen<br />

werden, durch das Europaische Parlament,<br />

das allen Bi.irgern in allen Staaten der Gemeinschaft<br />

gleichzeitig verantwortlich ist, und<br />

durch den Ministerrat, dessen Regierungen den<br />

nationalen Parlamenten verantwortlich sind, die<br />

wiederum nur den Bi.irgern ihres jeweiligen Landes<br />

gegentiber verantwortlich bleiben.<br />


SchlieJ3lich der vierte Punkt, der mir durchaus<br />

auch am Herzen liegt : Ohne die so oft genannte<br />

vierte Gewalt in unseren Demokratien - d.h.<br />


52<br />

Johnson<br />

actually to draft articles in the Treaty which will<br />

cover those policies, which will give us a much<br />

firmer legal basis for things we know we want to<br />

do, because we are doing them at Community<br />

level, but which will put beyond doubt the<br />

Community's competence in these fields. That, I<br />

think, is a major role for Parliament and for the<br />

committee now.<br />

The next item is to look at two aspects of our work<br />

which are not covered at all in the Treaties, i.e.,<br />

for which there is no legai basis or where there<br />

are lacunae to be filled. Here, too, I think, we need<br />

to draft careful articles which will enable us to<br />

move beyond the present situation.<br />

My own view is that, if we can get the substance<br />

right, if we can now ; as it were, reframe and<br />

reformulate the Treaties, some of the problems<br />

which seem today most pressing and some of the<br />

issues which are the source of greatest contention<br />

between States, will fall away. If, for example,<br />

there were proper emphasis on regional, structural<br />

and environmental policies in the Treaties, I<br />

am absolutely sure that the budgetary problem<br />

which is now so acute would not be what it is.<br />

Countries like Britain, Greece and Portugal would<br />

not have the same difficulties, because the whole<br />

balance of the Community's spending would be<br />

different. Again, had we managed to write into<br />

the Treaties right from the start the kind of formula<br />

which Mr Lange suggested two or three<br />

years ago to this Parliament for an automatic<br />

corrective mechanism as far as budgetary contributions<br />

are concerned - a kind of mechanism<br />

based on gross per capita domestic product or<br />

perhaps just gross domestic product - the issues<br />

which divide us so much now would be much less<br />

important.<br />

So the substance is cruciaL I think that when we<br />

look at the five points in paragraph 4 of the<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong> resolution which refer to the tasks of the<br />

union - growing politica!, economie and social<br />

solidarity within a framework of respect for<br />

human rights, effective commitment to balanced<br />

and just economie and social development for all<br />

the countries of the world, a strong and responsible<br />

contribution to peace and security and, finally,<br />

responsible conservation. and rehabilitation of<br />

natural environment - we recognize the<br />

guidelines which really ought to make it possible<br />

for us to look again at the substance of the Treaty<br />

and to come forward with intelligent ideas.<br />

I do hope that the Commission, whic_h isso much a<br />

repository of brains and imagination, will not<br />

neglect this opportunity to think very carefully<br />

and to give us the benefit of its thought as far as<br />

87<br />

the suggestion of new ideas, new areas of work, or<br />

even new formulations for the Treaty are concerned.<br />

This does not have to be done formally by<br />

the Commission. I merely say, since Mr Andreissen<br />

is there, that I do very much look forward, - I<br />

think we all do, - to getting thoughts from them as<br />

welL<br />

On the institutions - because that, if you like, is<br />

the second aspect of our work, the actual institutional<br />

relationships - of course there are a number<br />

of issues which are very much in our minds. It<br />

was, perhaps, extemely unfortunate that the farmprices<br />

vote- the famous decision to fix farm prices<br />

by a majority vote in accordance with the Treatyhappened<br />

at exactly the time when the Council<br />

was also considering the Genscher-Columbo<br />

proposals; but I think we ha ve a chance in our<br />

work on this institutional business to abstract<br />

from the immediate and give now some rather<br />

careful thought to those Treaty revisions which<br />

may improve the situation.<br />

I am not going to go into detail of the possibilities.<br />

I believe we need some kind of matrix which will<br />

indicate what sorts of decision can be taken by<br />

what kind of vote and indeed by what institutions.<br />

There may very well be some decisions which can<br />

only be taken unanimously, but there will be<br />

many which can be taken by a majority vote in<br />

the CounciL There will be many decisions which<br />

the Commission itself should have the power to<br />

take. I think it is important that we look at those<br />

things in some detaiL There is a chance now to<br />

move away from the present crisis in decisionmaking<br />

and to produce some long-term proposals<br />

which of course safeguard all the interests which<br />

need to be safeguarded.<br />

As far as the Parliament is concerned, we need, I<br />

think, to make it quite clear that this institutional<br />

work, this 'crocodile' initiative, is not in any sense<br />

a grab for power by Parliament. It would be very<br />

wrong at this juncture to present i t as that ; probably<br />

we should not have public support for our<br />

work if it were to be presented as a grab for power<br />

by Parliament. The powers of Parliament are only<br />

one aspect of this issue, and they are probably not<br />

even the most important aspect by any means.<br />

Nevertheless, I do think there is one thing which<br />

we need to make fairly clear and that is this :<br />

when the <strong>European</strong> Parliament, by a clear decision,<br />

has asked the Commision to do something - I<br />

am not now talking about decisions taken late at<br />

night by twelve votes to ten, I am talking about a<br />

decision clearly expressed - then there is an obligation<br />

on the Commission to respond. If the<br />

Commission doesn't feel that now, then it is important<br />

that we manage somehow to write it in to<br />



54<br />

Chambeiron<br />

la construction européenne par le biais d'une<br />

transformation institutionnelle, correspond bien<br />

aux exigences actuelles et si elles sont bien à<br />

l'ordre du jour de l'actualité.<br />

En d'autres termes, existe-t-il, dans nos pays respectifs,<br />

aussi bien au niveau des gouvernements<br />

qu'au sein des opinions publiques, une volonté<br />

suffisante pour justifier le dépassement de la construction<br />

européenne actuelle, et pour quoi faire ?<br />

N'y a-t-il pas, au sein de notre Assemblée, une<br />

surestimation de la sensibilité des opinions publiques<br />

à l'égard de ce qu'on nomme communément<br />

l'esprit européen? Admettons-le franchement,<br />

meme si cela peut etre désagréable à entendre : la<br />

Communauté, en tant qu'institution, est loin de<br />

susciter partout un enthousiasme égal.<br />

Les promesses que l'Europe des Six d'abord, des<br />

Neuf ensuite, des Dix enfin seraient une chance<br />

irremplaçable pour les travailleurs, pour les paysans<br />

ont fait rapidement piace à une inquiétude, à<br />

un mécontentement nés de la montée du chomage,<br />

de la persistance de l'inflation, de la fermeture<br />

d'usin"es, de la disparition de milliers et de milliers<br />

d'exploitations agricoles familiales, de l'incapacité<br />

de la Communauté de faire face aux défis dans le<br />

domaine de l'énergie ou de matières premières.<br />

L'absence de fermeté à l'égard des désordres monétaires,<br />

engendrés par la politique dominatrice<br />

des États-Unis, a fait germer le doute quant à la<br />

volonté commune de s'opposer à la perspective<br />

d'une Europe vassalisée et réduite progressivement<br />

à un sta tut de (( super - sous-traitant ». Et je<br />

n 'évoque pas la question des droits de l'Homme,<br />

trop souvent envisagée, notamment au sein de<br />

notre Assemblée, avec un esprit de sélectivité<br />

évident.<br />

Peut-on affirmer que, dans la recherche de solutions<br />

communautaires aux grands problèmes auxquels<br />

sont confrontés nos pays, toutes les virtualités<br />

que recèlent les traités ont été explorées? Un<br />

nouvel habillage juridique ne fera-t-il pas apparaìtre<br />

la Communauté camme plus attachée à la<br />

forme qu'au contenu d 'une politique efficace,<br />

cherchant, dans une sorte de fuite en avant, un<br />

moyen d'esquiver ses responsabilités? On invoque<br />

généralement le fait national pour expliquer les<br />

grippages des institutions, camme s'il y avait des<br />

États entièrement acquis à l'idée européenne et<br />

d'autres qui le seraient moins ou pas du tout. C'est<br />

peut-etre oublier un peu vite que le conflit des<br />

forces sociales qui caractérisent nos pays respectifs<br />

a sa projection naturelle au niveau de l'Europe.<br />

Qu'on le veuille ou non, le fait national existe. Il<br />

n'est pas, camme on le prétend un peu vite, l'expression<br />

d'un égoi"sme, voire d'un chauvinisme<br />

détestable. Il est une réalité vivante, solidement<br />

91<br />

ancrée dans le terreau historique de nos pays, et<br />

on ne gommera pas cette réalité, meme avec la<br />

plus belle construction juridique.<br />

Dans nos sociétés, le droit n'a jamais été autre<br />

chose que le reflet des mreurs, la traduction, au<br />

plan juridique, d'un lent murissement des idées. Il<br />

est trop simple d'incriminer la loi, au motif que le<br />

juge l'applique mal. Nous devons savoir faire la<br />

part du reve et de la réalité. Ce qu'attendent de la<br />

Communauté les peuples de nos pays, c'est qu'elle<br />

apporte des réponses positives et tangibles aux<br />

grands problèmes de l'heure. Ce n'est pas le cadre<br />

juridique qui constitue le frein, mais l'absence de<br />

volonté politique. Il existe incontestablement,<br />

parmi les peuples de la Communauté, une volonté<br />

profonde de voir se développer la coopération<br />

entre les pays de la Communauté. Si la célébration,<br />

un peu triste, du 25• anniversaire de la signature<br />

du Traité de Rome a fait apparaìtre l'échec<br />

d'une certaine politique dans le cadre d'une crise<br />

profonde, elle ne doit pas cependant conduire au<br />

renoncement. Il faut inventer les moyens d 'une<br />

coopération européenne nouvelle et efficace et<br />

aider à créer un véritable esprit européen. Mais<br />

gardons-nous de construire des cathédrales aussi<br />

longtemps que la foi sera absente.<br />

Der Prasident.- Das Wort hat Frau Spaak.<br />

Mme Spaak.- Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et<br />

Messieurs, camme le rappelle l'exposé des motifs<br />

de M. <strong>Spinelli</strong>, toutes les propositions déposées au<br />

cours des années pour pallier les insuffisances des<br />

structures des Communautés et passer à une meilleure<br />

intégration se sont enlisées dans ce qu'il<br />

appelle joliment (( les méandres diplomatiques ».<br />

Cinq éléments fondamentaux nous obligent cependant<br />

aujourd'hui à aller de l'avant et à renforcer<br />

l'Union politique européenne. Je les cite dans le<br />

désordre. La crise économique qui frappe les dix<br />

États de la Communauté européenne, chacun<br />

d'eux incapable d'en sortir isolément sans la solidarité<br />

des neuf autres. L 'élargissement prévu à<br />

l'Espagne et au Portugal. Le role pacificateur que<br />

doit jouer l'Europe dans un monde où se multiplient<br />

les conflits. Dans le dialogue Nord-Sud,<br />

poursuivre et intensifier une politique qui a déjà<br />

porté ses fruits. Enfin, dans nos relations avec les<br />

États-Unis, nous comporter en partenaires égaux,<br />

responsables des intérets de nos peuples.<br />


Je félicite M. <strong>Spinelli</strong> pour son rapport et suis<br />

d'accord avec son analyse. M. <strong>Spinelli</strong> a une large<br />

expérience du fonctionnement de la Communauté,<br />

et, mieux qu'un autre, il peut en dénoncer les<br />

faiblesses, tout en définissant les améliorations<br />

indispensables. Il le fait en termes clairs et vigou-<br />


Spaak<br />

reux, notamment en ce qui concerne les limites du<br />

Conseil européen.<br />

Je voudrais insister sur la non-contradiction qui<br />

existe entre tirer tout le parti possible du traité<br />

existant pendant les années restantes de cette<br />

législation, et réfléchir en tant que Parlement sur<br />

un projet d'amélioration de ce traité, et cela, bien<br />

entendu, avant les prochaines élections. Et je voudrais<br />

insister ici sur toute l'importance du principe<br />

de la subsidiarité. Au cours de la campagne qui<br />

précédera les élections européennes, nous devrons<br />

présenter aux électeurs un projet cohérent et porteur<br />

d'avenir.<br />

Une dernière réflexion, Monsieur le Président. On<br />

entend de plus en plus évoquer, dans le monde<br />

politique et dans la presse, ce qu'on appelle «l'Eurape<br />

à plusieurs vitesses ». J e pense que cette<br />

notion est une perversion absolue de l'idée européenne<br />

et qu'elle pourrait provoquer, si elle était<br />

entendue, des dommages irréversibles à l'idéal<br />

commun que nous défendons dans une grande<br />

majorité de ce Parlement. Qui peut imaginer qu'on<br />

puisse mener une politique industrielle à 6 plus 4,<br />

une politique monétaire à 5 plus 5, une politique<br />

agricole à 9 plus l, et que toutes ces actions soient<br />

coordonnées au sein d'une coopération politique<br />

cohérente? Il faut choisir, parmi tous les problèmes<br />

qui se posent, ceux dont la solution est prioritaire-<br />

celui du ch6mage me parait etre de ceux-là<br />

- dégager les solutions et les moyens applicables<br />

pour l'ensemble de la Communauté. Cela, bien<br />

entendu, au sein d'une organisation institutionnelle<br />

plus efficace et plus démocratique, comme le<br />

demande le rapport de M. <strong>Spinelli</strong>.<br />

Der Prasident.- Das Wort hat Herr Visentini.<br />

Visentini. - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi,<br />

l'elezione diretta a suffragio universale di questo<br />

Parlamento, nel giugno del 1979, fu la grande<br />

speranza di molti cittadini della Comunità che<br />

ponevano e pongono l'integrazione europea come<br />

un loro ideale e come una meta politica e che<br />

vedono in essa la condizione per la sopravvivenza<br />

della cultura e della civiltà dell'Europa e della<br />

difesa dei suoi livelli economici e sociali.<br />

Tuttavia, già in sede di elezioni del 1979, eravamo<br />

consapevoli dei limiti angusti che i Trattati<br />

pongono all'azione di questo Parlamento e lo<br />

dicemmo chiaramente ai nostri elettori ; ma,<br />

proprio dagli elettori, ci venne un fermo richiamo.<br />

La loro volontà, infatti, non era di eleggere un<br />

Parlamento, disposto a subire la crisi della<br />

Comunità europea e la rinuncia all'integrazione.<br />

Essi, nel compiere il loro dovere di recarsi alle<br />

urne per eleggere un Parlamento europeo, hanno<br />

93<br />

inteso operare in modo che lo spirito e la volontà e<br />

gli ideali, da cui erano mossi, si traducessero in<br />

azione politica.<br />

Fin dall'indomani della costituzione di questa<br />

Assemblea eletta apparvero chiare l'impotenza e<br />

l'inutilità, se essa avesse dovuto limitarsi ad<br />

operare nell'ambito concesso dai Trattati. Ciò<br />

costituì motivo di soddisfazione per gli<br />

antieuropeisti, uno dei quali, proprio in quest'Aula,<br />

qualificò questo Parlamento come inutile<br />

e stupido. Ciò costituì invece ragione di profonda<br />

insoddisfazione per noi europeisti.<br />

Io stesso ho avuto ripetutamente occasione di<br />

sottolineare nei termini più vivaci la contraddizione<br />

di aver chiamato alle urne 250 milioni di<br />

europei per eleggere un'Assemblea, che si limita<br />

ad esprimere pareri consultivi sulle deviazioni al<br />

libero scambio, che vota ordini del giorno che non<br />

hanno alcuna rilevanza - né pratica, né politica -<br />

sul Cile e sulla Cambogia e sul Salvador e che non<br />

ha nessun reale potere neppure in merito al<br />

bilancio comunitario. Più volte ho invitato l'Assemblea<br />

a strutturarsi, in modo che essa non<br />

ripetesse nei suoi gruppi gli interessi dei partiti,<br />

delle relative correnti e i nominalismi interni di<br />

ogni singolo paese, ma operasse secondo gli<br />

impegni europeistici conformi al mandato<br />

ricevuto da ciascuno di noi, rilevando la necessità<br />

di iniziative intese a modificare la situazione di<br />

crisi della Comunità che deriva dall'insufficienza<br />

delle istituzioni comunitarie e fra queste del Parlamento.<br />

Il sistema istituzionale previsto dagli attuali Trattati,<br />

è un sistema di reciproche limitazioni e di<br />

possibili veti ; e il più debole fra gli organismi<br />

della Comunità, quello a cui non spettano neppure<br />

poteri reali di limitazione e di veto nei confronti<br />

degli altri, è proprio il Parlamento.<br />

Questo sistema istituzionale poteva avere senso<br />

nella fase iniziale della Comunità, quando vi<br />

potevano essere ancora motivi di sospetto, o<br />

comunque di cautela, nei rapporti fra i singoli<br />

Stati e quando si trattava di attuare la politica<br />

agricola e il libero scambio previsti l'uno e l'altra<br />

dai Trattati con norme precise e vincolanti.<br />


Le istituzioni, così come previste dai Trattati,<br />

come pure i meccanismi di decisione, si sono<br />

invece dimostrati incapaci di nuove creazioni e di<br />

rispondere alle esigenze di sviluppo che si<br />

ponevano, mentre problemi di grande portata<br />

politici ed economici sono posti anche all'Europa,<br />

senza che i singoli Stati abbiano possibilità di<br />

risol verli.<br />

55<br />


56<br />

Visentini<br />

Sono appunto le istituzioni e i meccanismi di<br />

decisione che occorre modificare. Non abbiamo<br />

mai avuto l'illusione che il libero scambio e i più<br />

stretti legami economici, portassero di per sé, in<br />

modo evolutivo, e quasi inerziale, alla integrazione<br />

politica; e certo non ripeteremo l'ingenuità- e mi<br />

sia consentito dire -la banalità, di affermare che i<br />

cittadini europei hanno esigenze di occupazione, di<br />

livello di vita, di tranquillità sociale e non di<br />

istituzioni, perché la soluzione di ogni problema<br />

economico e sociale presuppone istituzioni e processi<br />

decisionali, capaci di affrontarli e di<br />

risolverli. E ciò vale anche per la Comunità<br />

europea, dove la mancanza di istituzioni ha<br />

portato alle attuali crisi e alla sua impotenza anche<br />

nei problemi economici e sociali.<br />

Di ciò si è resa perfettamente conto questa<br />

Assemblea, la quale infatti, con la risoluzione del 9<br />

luglio 1981, ha stimato dovere elaborare proposte<br />

di riforma delle istituzioni comunitarie, dando<br />

incarico alla Commissione istituzionale di elaborarle.<br />

Si è presa in questo modo una iniziativa<br />

innovativa, nell'indirizzo dell'integrazione degli<br />

Stati, che è il solo mezzo per salvare l'Europa e si è<br />

respinta l'opposta soluzione, che va sotto i diversi<br />

nomi e diverse concezioni : di «Europa a due<br />

velocità >> o « di Europa alla carta>>, la quale<br />

prende anch'essa le mosse dal riconoscimento<br />

della crisi della Comunità, ma ne trae come conseguenza<br />

la rinuncia ad ogni processo di<br />

integrazione e la concezione della Comunità quasi<br />

come un club che offre servizi, dei quali ciascun<br />

associato può avvalersi o meno.<br />

Occorrono una unione e una integrazione di tutti<br />

per risolvere i problemi che, in una forma o nell'altra,<br />

sono di tutti i paesi e che chiedono l'apporto<br />

di tutti. Spetterà all'equilibrio politico di ciascuno,<br />

alla prudenza delle decisioni di evitare poi che si<br />

determinano situazioni insostenibili per singoli<br />

Stati o per le loro popolazioni.<br />

La proposta, che è stata elaborata dalla Commissione<br />

istituzionale, indica gli indirizzi fondamentali<br />

di principio e di metodo. Essa ripete giustamente<br />

che la meta è di modificare le istituzioni. Il<br />

punto centrale della risoluzione è, quindi, a mio<br />

avviso, il numero 8, in cui si afferma l'indirizzo<br />

fondamentale, per cui le diverse istituzioni<br />

comunitarie devono essere regolati in modo che<br />

ciascuno collabori nell'ambito delle sue competenze<br />

alla formazione del processo decisionale.<br />

Questa affermazione vuole quindi superare la<br />

situazione attuale in cui le istituzioni comunitarie<br />

sono disciplinate in modo da potere elidersi<br />

reciprocamente nel processo decisionale.<br />

Nel medesino punto 8 si delineano le future istituzioni.<br />

Questi sono, a mio avviso, - ripeto _- i pro-<br />

95<br />

blemi più importanti. Seguono al numero 9 le<br />

indicazioni dei problemi di carattere finanziario,<br />

altrettanto importanti, dove si dispone che, nella<br />

ripartizione nei limiti delle risorse fiscali<br />

periodicamente stabilite, l'Unione e gli Stati membri,<br />

determineranno in modo autonomo le proprie<br />

risorse e i propri bilanci. Rimane tuttavia da stabilire<br />

il punto difficile ed essenziale relativo alle<br />

procedure di ripartizione delle risorse fiscali fra<br />

gli Stati membri e l'Unione.<br />

Nel concludere, mi richiamo a quanto dicevo<br />

all'inizio sulle attese che molti elettori europei<br />

hanno riposto in questo Parlamento e nella<br />

pochezza invece dei suoi compiti istituzionali e<br />

della sua attività limitata a modesti aspetti<br />

burocratici o a inutili manifestazioni declamatorie.<br />

Bisogna impedire che la delusione diventi acquiescenza,<br />

rassegnazione e pigrizia.<br />

Questo Parlamento ha voluto assumere - anche se<br />

non è scritto nei _Trattati - l'iniziativa della<br />

riforma istituzionale della Comunità, assumendo<br />

così un'opera di ordine costituzionale ed esso presenterà<br />

le sue proposte direttamente ai parlamenti<br />

dei singoli Stati. In questa iniziativa il Parlamento<br />

europeo ritrova la sua ragione di essere come<br />

Assemblea eletta, la cui sovranità, il cui dovere<br />

iniziativa e la legittimazione dell'azione derivano,<br />

anche all'infuori dei Trattati, dal mandato<br />

direttamente ricevuto dagli elettori che hanno<br />

voluto eleggere un'Assemblea politica e non un<br />

organo burocratico di consulazione amministrativa.<br />

Der Priisident.- Das Wort hat Herr B0gh.<br />

Bogh. - Hr. formand, hele verden trues af inflation<br />

i penge, men EF trues yderligere af inflation i ord,<br />

og h0jdepunktet er formentlig naet med denne<br />

betrenknings orgier af ord og mytologi og visioner<br />

uden jordforbindelse. Ordene l0ber af med menneskene<br />

og river dem med i en religi0s, mystisk<br />

ekstase, hvor hverdagen og dens realiteter forsvinder<br />

i tage.<br />


Jeg bliver n0dt til at vrere lyseslukker midt i det<br />

ordorgie, der ber er fremme, og sp0rge om, hvad<br />

meningen egentlig er med disse krigshyl. Lad mig<br />

komme bare med to jordbundne sp0rgsmal i forbindelse<br />

med prremisserne for hele bygvrerket.<br />

Det ene er dette: Hvorfra ved disse geskreftige<br />

folk, hvad de europreiske folks forhabninger er?<br />

Mig bekendt bar vi kun to instrumenter til at<br />

grade befolkningernes 0nsker og begejstring i<br />

forhold til EF. Det ene er resultaterne af de direkte<br />

valg til EF-Parlamentet for 3 ar siden, og<br />

ber bar man abenbart lykkeligt glemt, at disse<br />

resultater i de lande, hvor der ikke var valgtvang,<br />


Jaquet<br />

taires, dans le domaine de la coopération politique,<br />

mais cette coopération, si utile qu'elle soit, ne se<br />

traduit pas encore par une action pleinement efficace<br />

qui seule devrait nous permettre tout à la fois<br />

d'assurer l'indépendance de notre Communauté et<br />

de faire face victorieusement aux grands· défis de<br />

notre temps.<br />

Si le problème de la contribution britannique a<br />

pris à certaines heures un caractère si inquiétant,<br />

c'est précisément parce que les préoccupations<br />

égorstes l'emportent toujours sur les préoccupations<br />

et l'intéret communautaires, c'est-à-dire, en<br />

fait, sur l'intéret bien compris de chacun de nos<br />

États.<br />

Devant une telle situation de fait qu'on ne saurait<br />

guère contester, la question qui se pose à nous peut<br />

etre formulée clairement. Allons-nous poursuivre<br />

dans la voie où nous sommes engagés? Dans l'affirmative,<br />

de compromis en compromis, de politique<br />

à la petite semaine en pratique à la petite<br />

semaine, ce qui n'est aujourd'hui qu'une union<br />

douanière deviendra, au bout du compte, une<br />

simple zone de libre-échange.<br />

Cette perspective répond peut etre au désir plus ou<br />

moins secret de certains. Elle n'est pas celle du<br />

groupe socialiste. Il nous faut donc réagir, alors<br />

qu'il est temps encore.<br />

Il faut réagir, mais comment? Bien évidemment,<br />

par une relance de la Communauté européenne.<br />

Plusieurs gouvernements se sont récemment penchés<br />

sur ce problème.<br />

Le gouvernement français a élaboré un mémorandum<br />

fondé sur 1

60<br />

Jaquet<br />

le vide, ce serait pour nos populations une illusion<br />

dangereuse suivie d'une sérieuse déception. Nous<br />

risquerions d'ètre engagés dans une sorte de fuite<br />

en avant qui nous donnerait peut-ètre bonne conscience,<br />

mais qui ne ferait guère progresser la<br />

construction de l'Europe.<br />

C'est pourquoi toute relance communautaire doit,<br />

je le crois profondément, comporter à la fois les<br />

politiques communes et les institutions pour les<br />

appliquer efficacement. Ce sont là deux éléments<br />

essentiels et inséparables, et c'est avec cette constante<br />

préoccupation que nous devons concevoir et<br />

poursuivre notre tache.<br />

C'est dans cet esprit que nous entendons examiner<br />

le rapport qui nous est présenté aujourd'hui par M.<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong>.<br />

Pour bien préciser notre pensée, nous avons déposé<br />

un certain nombre d'amendements au nom<br />

du groupe socialiste, qui seront exposés au cours de<br />

ce débat, notamment par M. Jacques Moreau. C'est<br />

en fonction des réponses qui seront apportées à nos<br />

préoccupations que nous arrèterons finalement<br />

notre attitude.<br />

Presidente. - Ha facoltà di parlare l'onorevole<br />

Zecchino.<br />

Zecchino. - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi,<br />

l'approvazione scontata della risoluzione che è al<br />

nostro esame mi induce a soffermarmi, più che sul<br />

contenuto, sulle ragioni che sorreggono o devrebbero<br />

sorreggere l'approvazione stessa.<br />

Infatti, al di là della quasi unanimità, che si<br />

registra intorno ad essa, io credo che non dobbiamo<br />

nasconderei l'esistenza di una serie di perplessità<br />

all'interno di questo nostro stesso Parlamento,<br />

perplessità anche soltanto sussurrate, ma<br />

che rischiano di minare, in qualche modo, la forza<br />

di questa iniziativa che deve essere vista, invece,<br />

come un iniziativa centrale della prima<br />

legislatura di questo Parlamento eletto a suffragio<br />

diretto.<br />

Infatti non dobbiamo dimenticare che la nostra<br />

iniziativa non si rivolge ad altri poteri comunitari,<br />

ma si rivolge soprattutto ai parlamenti nazionali e<br />

la possibilità di successo è legata alla capacità con<br />

cui noi sapremo trasfondere agli altri, all'esterno,<br />

ai parlamenti nazionali il nostro fermo convincimento,<br />

basandolo su motivazioni rigorose.<br />

A livello di enunciazione, credo che vi sia una<br />

generale concordanza sull'urgente necessità di far<br />

progredire l'Europa sulla strada dell'integrazione.<br />

Di fronte a questa enunciazione noi non possiamo<br />

103<br />

però che constatare come la situazione attuale sia<br />

caratterizzata da un modo stanco e lento, assai<br />

prossimo alla paralisi. Dobbiamo, come primo<br />

nostro dovere, farci carico di spiegare a noi stessi<br />

le ragioni di questo stato prossimo alla paralisi.<br />

Non possiamo non dire con fermezza, con chiarezza,<br />

che la situazione attuale è tale perché l'assetto<br />

istituzionale è oggettivamente impari e<br />

oggettivamente inadeguato rispetto alla realtà che<br />

abbiamo davanti. L 'assetto istituzionale nacque<br />

« sperequato >> fin dal momento dei trattati. É un<br />

assetto che vede la concentrazione della gran parte<br />

se non della totalità dei poteri, in un unico organo,<br />

in cui vige una sorte di regime " monopolista >>, il<br />

Consiglio, il quale, oltre ad esse re l 'unico<br />

depositario dei poteri reali, è l'organismo più<br />

avulso dalla logica comunitaria.<br />

A questa distorsione, a questo squilibrio, nato con i<br />

trattati, si è aggiunta una ulteriore spinta squilibratrice.<br />

Il problema dell'allargamento della<br />

Comunità è, politicamente, certo, un fatto positivo,<br />

ma ha finito per nuocere dal punto di vista dell'efficienza<br />

al funzionamento istituzionale. Inoltre vi<br />

è una prassi ulteriormente distorcente rispetto ai<br />

meccanismi iniziali.<br />

Di fronte a questo stato di cose noi, credo che<br />

dobbiamo con chiarezza porci il problema della<br />

modifica delle istituzioni, che deve rappresentare<br />

-io credo- il motivo e il movente centrale dell'attività<br />

di questo Parlamento.<br />

Ci dobbiamo rendere conto che il problema istituzionale,<br />

nel momento in cui noi lo affrontiamo, in<br />

termini di critica del passato, non deve significare<br />

critica rispetto a tutto ciò che la Comunità ha<br />

significato. Credo che se noi possiamo oggi porci il<br />

problema di nuove acquisizioni, lo dobbiamo al<br />

fatto stesso che esiste questa nostra Comunità.<br />

Esporre queste critiche significa soltanto dire con<br />

realismo che la possibilità dell'evoluzione<br />

comunitaria non può essere affidata ad una sorta<br />

di capacità autopropulsiva del sistema. Dobbiamo,<br />

cioè, renderei conto che occorre modificare le<br />

regole del gioco ; occorre, cioè, in poche parole,<br />

dotarci di nuovi strumenti di politica comunitaria.<br />


Di fronte a queste semplici verità, chi continua a<br />

prospettare come solutiva la politica cosiddetta<br />

«dei piccoli paesi >>, ritenedo quasi che a livello<br />

politico istituzionale viga una sorta di legge di<br />

Darwin che consente un'autoevoluzione degli<br />

organismi o nasconde una volontà di lasciare le<br />

cose come stanno o finisce per ripetere luoghi<br />

comuni privi di fondamento. Dopo 25 anni dall'entrata<br />

in vigore dei trattati non si può continuare a<br />

ripetere che i trattati debbono essere prima appli-<br />

T<br />


Zecchino<br />

cati nelle parti in cui non sono stati ancora applicati,<br />

senza farsi carico del perché esistono ancora<br />

spazi d'inapplicazione del trattato.<br />

Di fronte alla lezione dei fatti non si può bollare<br />

l'iniziativa di una rifondazione istituzionale della<br />

Comunità, come una inizativa astratta e astorica di<br />

marca illuminista. É piuttosto vero che chi oggi<br />

antepone ai problemi istituzionali i cosiddetti problemi<br />

di contenuto: la crisi economica e la<br />

disoccupazione, mi sia consentito dire che fa<br />

demagogia o non vuol comprendere che proprio la<br />

soluzione di questi problemi richiede la dotazione,<br />

da parte nostra, di strumenti validi il che significa<br />

di dotarci di istituzioni efficienti. L'efficienza<br />

istituzionale in un sistema democratico non può<br />

che nascere da due principi fondamentali: il principio<br />

della separazione dei poteri e il principio del<br />

bilanciamento dei poteri che significano anche<br />

responsabilità e reciproco controllo.<br />

Signor Presidente, concludo augurandomi che noi<br />

sapremo ridisegnare il modello istituzionale fondato<br />

su questi principi. Mi auguro soprattutto che<br />

sapremo sorreggere la nostra iniziativa con una<br />

doppia consapevolezza : che essa non ha<br />

alternative che, cioè, la strada che abbiamo intrapreso<br />

non ha alternative e che questo Parlamento<br />

ha la possibilità di legittimare la sua esistenza,<br />

soltanto se saprà concentrare il suo impegno e la<br />

sua forza su questa causa.<br />

Presidente. - Ha facoltà di parlare l'onorevole<br />

Patterson.<br />

Mr Patterson. - Mr President, I want to address<br />

myself very briefly to what appears to be, on the<br />

face of it, a purely linguistic point but one which<br />

conceals important politica! arguments, namely,<br />

the principle of subsidiarity. Now this is a word<br />

the meaning of which is not readily apparent in<br />

English, and I notice that even Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong> says<br />

that i t is a term the translation of which is difficult<br />

in some languages.<br />

I was momentarily appalled when my colleague,<br />

Mr Jackson, who comes from a neighbouring constituency<br />

of mine, briefly seemed to claim paternity<br />

for this word. But I understand it is not the<br />

word but the concept which is in question - for<br />

which I am grateful - , because I have to say it is<br />

an extremely unfortunate word, M"r <strong>Spinelli</strong>, and<br />

gives rise to the question : 'In this union who is<br />

going to be subsidiary to whom ?' That is what it<br />

implies in English. And it does mean that we have<br />

to be extremely careful how we present what we<br />

are trying to achieve.<br />

For example, let us consider another question.<br />

'What is <strong>European</strong> union to be a union of ?' If we<br />

105<br />

take the model of the United States, which we all<br />

appear to be doing, and after all it is an institution's<br />

committee which has produced the report,<br />

we are talking about a union of states. But the<br />

EEC Treaty begins, not by talking about a union<br />

of states, but by talking about the ever-closer<br />

union of the peoples of Europe. And even if it is<br />

not legally true that we are talking about the<br />

peoples, it is certainly politically true. There will<br />

be no <strong>European</strong> union of any kind without the<br />

consent - and one could go even further and say<br />

without the enthusiasm of the people. I have to<br />

say, as far as my country, and I suspect most other<br />

Members' countries are concerned, at the moment<br />

they do not have that enthusiasm. Now what<br />

people do not want, in the first piace, is to repeat<br />

the errors of the traditional nation state at a<br />

continental level. In particular what they do not<br />

want is to superimpose on top of large-growing<br />

and remote national state apparatuses, another<br />

even more remote <strong>European</strong> bureaucracy.<br />

Now I know that is not really what we intend, but<br />

I am afraid i t is what most people think we intend.<br />

They think that what we are trying to do is to<br />

impose another layer of bureaucracy on them. In<br />

my country, opinion polls show wild overestimates<br />

of the current size of the <strong>European</strong><br />

Community's staff in Brussels. That is because<br />

they fear precisely what we claim is an ideai.<br />

Hence the importance of the word 'subsidiarity'. I<br />

would suggest that three components of this word<br />

are essential.<br />

O ne, as Mr J ackson pointed out, the reservation of<br />

powers in our union at the most local level, compatible<br />

with efficient government. That is something<br />

which must be written in right from the<br />

beginning. Secondly, the history of the United<br />

States tells us that unless we are careful we shall<br />

get ourselves into a problem of states' rights and in<br />

constitutional terms what we must do is to entrench<br />

the rights 1<br />

of states in any union which we<br />

create.<br />


But finally, and here I return to the matter of<br />

people, we must recognize that the strength of<br />

<strong>European</strong> civilization lies in its variety. We are<br />

not talking just about a union of states, but a union<br />

of the components of the states and we must say<br />

something to the regions, to local cultures and,<br />

above all, to the desires of individuals and groups<br />

in our society. If we do not, if what we are attempting<br />

to do appears to be, or even worse is,<br />

merely putting more government on top of the<br />

superabundant governement we have already got,<br />

then we shall not have a <strong>European</strong> union in our<br />

time, and justifiably so and we, Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong>, will<br />

have been wasting our time in this Parliament. I<br />

61<br />


62<br />

Patterson<br />

look to your committee to produce proposals<br />

which will actually, when we get back to our<br />

countries, be appealing to the peoples w ho elect us.<br />

Presidente. - Ha facoltà di parlare l'onorevole<br />

Boserup.<br />

Boserup. - Hr. formand, rerede kolleger, virkeligheden<br />

har det med at snyde os i denne sal. For<br />

fjorten dage siden blev det klart, at selv et sa<br />

moderat forslag SOffi den sakaldte Genscher-Colombo-akt<br />

ikke kunne vedtages, og sa<br />

bruger vi vores tid i dag pa dette her ! Det kalder<br />

vi at sta med f0dderne solidt plantet i den bla luft.<br />

Jeg kan i 0vrigt sige, at jeg er glad for endelig<br />

tydeligt at se en krokodille. Hvad er det for noget?<br />

Tja, det er jo et fredeligt dyr, der ligger stille<br />

og venter, indtil det pludselig hugger til. Dette er<br />

en krokodille. Den er ufarlig og skikkelig, nar den<br />

hengiver sig til 0nsketrenkning og selvf0lgeligheder,<br />

og det er der meget af. 0nsketrenkning, nar<br />

den fastslar, at vi kan lave en union, der sikrer<br />

individuelle og kollektive rettigheder, respekterer<br />

kulturelle og etniske forskelle, den skal oven i<br />

k0bet skaffe fuld beskreftigelse og sandelig ogsa<br />

hindre regionale forskelle. Og oven i alt dette,<br />

skal den ogsa s0rge for 0konomisk og social retfrerdighed<br />

i alle lande. Den slags har en minister i<br />

den nuvrerende danske regering med rette kaldt<br />

flommeeuropreisk.<br />

Selvf0lgeligheder er der nok af. Domstolen skal<br />

ud0ve sit virke i et samfund, der bygger pa retsorden.<br />

Ved I hvad, det plejer vi at regne med, at<br />

domstole g0r ! Men hvad er det sa for en retsorden<br />

? I dag synes Domstolen at fortolke til fremme<br />

af integration, og det vil den samrend nok blive<br />

ved med. Der er en godbid af selvf0lgelighed i<br />

punkt 10. Der star, at de retsakter, der i 0jeblikket<br />

grelder, skal grelde, indtil man laver dem om. Det<br />

kalder jeg kloge mrends dybe tanker ! Men hvor<br />

hugger sa krokodillen til? Ja, den snupper naturligvis<br />

kulturpolitik og beskatning og sikkerhed og<br />

social politik, og sa har den opfundet noget nyt.<br />

Den har lagt et reg. Det hedder subsidirerprin­<br />

cippet, og det lyder da prent. Det siger, at unionen<br />

kun skal beskreftige sig med sager, der bedst behandles<br />

i Frellesskabet. Men der star intet om af<br />

hvem, og hvordan man finder ud af, hvad det er<br />

for nogle sager. Hvordan skal det afg0res? V ed<br />

flertal, i vrerste fald v ed vregtet flertal i Rade t. J eg<br />

ma bede om mine himmelbla.<br />

Og sa trues der i 0Vrigt slemt ved at skrive om den<br />

uundgaelige udvikling af unionen. Sig mig, er<br />

dette skrebnetro, er det religion, eller er det bare<br />

gammeldags marxisme ? Det, der skal laves, er<br />

menneskevrerk og kan naturligvis laves om af<br />

107<br />

mennesker og fri os da fra trusler om det uundgaelige.<br />

I punkt 11 viser krokodillen altsa virkelig sine<br />

trender. Den vil til at skelne imellem sma og store<br />

rendringer af traktaten. Der skal abenbart laves et<br />

system, hvor man kan lempe mindre rendringer<br />

igennem sadan nrermest i stilhed. Den gar ikke !<br />

Den slags kaldes salamiteknik og er uanstrendigt.<br />

Jeg kan i 0vrigt godt sige lidt positivt. Der star i<br />

punkt 5 b, at unionen kun handler pa klart fastsatte<br />

omrader. Det synes jeg er fint, og det synes<br />

jeg, at vi skulle begynde med i morgen. Det vil<br />

fjerne megen harme i Danmark, hvis man holdt<br />

op med at bruge artikel 235 til at kaste sig ud i alle<br />

mulige sager, man ingen forstand har pa, og som<br />

der ikke star noget om i traktaten.<br />

Ordf0reren er i 0vrigt af den opfattelse, at man<br />

ved solid og formodentlig kostbar og af skatteyderne<br />

betalt propaganda vil forma folk til at engagere<br />

sig i dette. Jeg vil meget gerne hjrelpe ordf0reren<br />

m ed et godt rad. J eg v il anbefale ham a t<br />

skrive en ny traktat, der begynder saledes : Lande,<br />

der tillader fremstilling af og handel med<br />

kernevaben, kan ikke vrere medlemmer. Lande,<br />

der tillader opstilling af andres kernevaben pa<br />

deres jord, skal udelukkes. Se, dette giver engagement,<br />

ikke mindst blandt ungdommen. Det vil<br />

give et reelt indhold i al den snak om fred og<br />

sikkerhed. J a, jeg tror sagar, a t mine vrelgere vil<br />

give sig til at overveje sagen endnu en gang.<br />

Presidente.- Ha facoltà di parlare l'onorevole De<br />

Gucht.<br />

De beer De Gucbt. - Mijnheer de Voorzitter, ik<br />

wens een paar dingen te zeggen over het enige<br />

probleem dat ons als volksvertegenwoordigers<br />

thans moet bezighouden, met name de toekomst<br />

van Europa en de toekomst van dit Parlement. In<br />

de eerste plaats doe ik dit als tweede jongste lid<br />

van deze Vergadering en als vertegenwoordigers<br />

van degenen voor wie wij het Europa van de<br />

tweede generatie moeten bouwen. Ook als vertegenwoordiger<br />

van de generatie die zich ernstige<br />

vragen stelt over het nut van Europa, die Europa<br />

in vraag stelt en die voor de Europese éénwording<br />

een nieuw perspectief verwacht. Deze verwachting<br />

is tot op heden niet ingelost.<br />


Onze generatie verwacht van Europa een antwoord<br />

op de werkloosheid die vooral de jongeren<br />

treft. Onze generatie heeft niets aan diepgaande<br />

bespiegelingen maar wacht op concrete actie ; zij is<br />

weinig gevoelig voor een discussie over de instellingen<br />

van de Gemeenschap, een discussie die<br />

voor een stuk gedoemd is theoretisch en acade-<br />


De Gucbt<br />

misch te zijn. De vraag wat eerst moet komen,<br />

concrete politieke actie of een herstructurering<br />

van de instellingen, krijgt in dit licht een bijzondere<br />

betekenis. Het antwoord is dat de hervorming<br />

van die instellingen er vlug moet komen. Er<br />

is inderdaad geen ander antwoord.<br />

Zij die menen dat in de eerste plaats de aandacht<br />

moet gaan naar industriebeleid, monetair beleid<br />

en wetenschappelijk onderzoek vergeten dat de<br />

Gemeenschap niet beschikt of niet wil beschikken<br />

over de instrumenten om deze beleidsvormen ten<br />

uitvoer te leggen. Zolang er geen efficiente instellingén<br />

zijn kan men deze beleidsvormen vergeten<br />

en blijft elke discussie daarover woordenkramerij.<br />

Hoe wil men Europa opbouwen als men niet weet<br />

hoe de beslissingen moeten worden genomen die<br />

daartoe nodig zijn. Men spant de kar voor het<br />

paard. De instellingen die het meest gelijken op<br />

deze van het absolutisme, er is immers vereniging<br />

van wetgevende en uitvoerende macht in één<br />

band, zouden moeten kunnen antwoorden op de<br />

grootste uitdaging waarmede ooit een politieke<br />

entiteit werd geconfronteerd. Het creeren van één<br />

Gemeenschap uit de diversiteit van tien nationale<br />

staten die zelf nog maar hooguit 150 jaar bestaan is<br />

een onderneming zonder voorgaande en zal nooit<br />

kunnen slagen zonder efficiente instellingen.<br />

Sta mij toe even in te gaan op de kenmerken die<br />

zulke instellingen moeten hebben. Zij moeten in<br />

de eerste plaats democratisch zijn. Men kan er niet<br />

aan denken een Europa op te bouwen dat op<br />

termijn belangrijke taken van de nationale staten<br />

moet overnemen en dat niet democratisch is. De<br />

democratie in de nationale staten, hoe wankel<br />

ook, mag niet worden opgegeven voor een<br />

niet-democratisch Europa, ook al is het eengemaakt.<br />

Alleen een democratisch Europa heeft<br />

toekomst. Alles wat niet democratisch is ontspoort<br />

vroeg of laat.<br />

De instellingen moeten ten tweede slagvaardig<br />

zijn. De huidige instellingen kunnen op elk niveau<br />

en door iedereen geblokkeerd worden. Het is<br />

onontbeerlijk dat in de toekomst het uitblijven<br />

van actie binnen een bepaalde termijn tot gevolg<br />

moet hebben dat de bevoegdheden door een andere<br />

instelling worden overgenomen.<br />

Ten derde moeten de instellingen eenvouding zijn.<br />

Los van de samenstelling der componenten is de<br />

klassieke driedeling de meest aangewezen omdat<br />

zij eenvoudig is en wij ermee vertrouwd zijn in de<br />

nationale staten die voor de meesten onder ons de<br />

normale politieke ruimte betekenen. Zij spelen<br />

aldus in op de nationale realiteiten en gevoeligheden<br />

en dit is onontbeerlijk. Het communautaire en<br />

het nationale element moet weerspiegeld zijn en<br />

109<br />

zij moeten elkaar in evenwicht houden. Het meest<br />

duidelijk is dit in de wetgevende macht met een<br />

tweekamerstelsel. Men kan grote woorden hebben<br />

over een Europees gevoel, over het gevoel van<br />

Europese eenheid. In werkelijkheid hebben wij<br />

allen een verschillende en: meestal tegenstrijdige<br />

nationale achtergrond en geschiedenis. Wij mogen<br />

ons niet blind staren op het feit dat enkele zeldzame<br />

Europees denkenden met dit nationale<br />

aspect geen problemen hebben. De overgrote<br />

meerderheid denkt daar op zijn minst genuanceerder<br />

over. Ik zou willen besluiten met mijn<br />

dank en gelukwensen aan mijn collega, de heer<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong>.<br />

Presidente. - Ha facoltà di parlare l'onorevole<br />

Romualdi.<br />

Romualdi. - Signor Presidente, prendo la parola,<br />

per i pochi minuti che mi sono concessi, non per<br />

esprimere un giudizio di merito sul documento<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong> - cosa praticamente impossibile in così<br />

breve tempo - il quale comunque riflette bene,<br />

anche se necessariamente in termini ancora<br />

troppo vaghi, il primo sforzo compiuto dalla commissione<br />

istituzionale - dalla quale lamento nella<br />

circostanza l'esclusione di un rappresentante<br />

dei non-iscritti -la cui costituzione rappresenta di<br />

per sé un atto di volontà e di indipendenza che<br />

onora il nostro Parlamento. Prendo la parola -<br />

dicevo- semplicemente per affermare che anche i<br />

non-iscritti della destra politica italiana sono d'accordo<br />

circa questi primi orientamenti, se pur<br />

troppo vaghi, delineati dalla commissione istituzionale,<br />

che mi auguro possa continuare in questo<br />

senso i suoi lavori per attingere a fasi successive,<br />

ovviamente tanto più difficili quanto più precise e<br />

incisive.<br />

Siamo d'accordo a che la Commissione assuma, nei<br />

nuovi trattati cui tendiamo, i compiti di un vero e<br />

proprio esecutivo con maggiore capacità di iniziativa<br />

e più vaste visioni d'assieme ; d'accordo a che i<br />

compiti del Consiglio, e del Consiglio europeo in<br />

particolare, siano meglio definiti, e con essi le<br />

modalità di assumere decisioni ed impegni ; e<br />

soprattutto d 'accordo a che il Parlamento abbia<br />

più vaste attribuzioni e poteri - in particolare di<br />

controllo e legislativi -in ogni campo.<br />


Vorrei a questo punto precisare che, pur se le<br />

direttive espresse da questo Parlamento non<br />

hanno carattere vincolante, tal che gli Stati non<br />

sono obbligati se non in pochi casi a renderle<br />

esecutive al loro interno, non si può nemmeno<br />

affermare, come ha fatto ieri un capo di Stato - e<br />

ne sono personalmente addolorato e mortificato<br />

come cittadino e uomo politico proprio di quello<br />

Stato - che il Parlamento europeo sia una camera<br />

63<br />

! IO

64<br />

Romualdi<br />

vuota i cui dibattiti non hanno alcuna eco in<br />

Europa e nel mondo. Questa affermazione è irresponsabile,<br />

soprattutto se si pensa che non è affatto<br />

colpa del Parlamento se la risonanza dei suoi<br />

lavori è poca o nulla, bensì proprio delle autorità<br />

dei vari Stati che forse per sacro egoismo<br />

nazionalistico - certamente male inteso - non<br />

riescono mai, o quasi mai, a superare i limiti dei<br />

loro interessi particolaristici. E non si rendono<br />

conto, nella loro miopia, che se l'Europa non sarà<br />

da tutti aiutata a procedere sulla via che porta alla<br />

fusione delle sue politiche, i suoi Stati, nonostante<br />

le loro grandi tradizioni e il loro peso economico,<br />

n·on potranno mai essere né grandi né ascoltate<br />

potenze nell'ambito del grande, pericoloso e drammatico<br />

gioco dei malfermi equilibri internazionali.<br />

Né potrebbero risolvere i loro gravi problemi<br />

economici, sociali, politici e istituzionali.<br />

È stato qui ricordato che questo Parlamento non è<br />

una costituente : d'accordo. Ma guai se dovessimo<br />

dimenticarci, onorevoli colleghi, del fatto che i<br />

nostri elettori, all'atto di mandarci qui, lo hanno -<br />

sia pur in modo vago e impreciso- creduto ! E guai<br />

se non ne avvertissimo la responsabilità e con essa<br />

quindi il dovere di agire per fare dell'attuale<br />

Europa comunitaria qualcosa di politicamente<br />

vivo e di più organicamente operante.<br />

Presidente. - Ha facoltà di parlare l'onorevole<br />

Focke.<br />

Focke. - Herr Prasident, liebe Kolleginnen und<br />

Kollegen ! Es durfte den Burgern Europas nicht<br />

leichtfallen, das zu verstehen, was wir hier heute<br />

machen. Ich mochte es mit den folgenden Worten<br />

zu erklaren versuchen.<br />

Nachdem wir uns vor einem Jahr selbst den Auftrag<br />

erteilt haben, Vorschlage fiir Reformen der<br />

EG im Zusammenhang mit den Aufgaben und<br />

folglich auch den Institutionen vorzulegen, sind<br />

wir nun dabei, diesen vagen Auftrag genauer zu<br />

beschreiben. Uber dieses Stadium sind wir nicht<br />

hinausgekommen. Die eigentliche Arbeit kommt<br />

erst. Um welche Aufgaben es sich handelt, die<br />

dann besser als bisher, anders als bisher, jenseits<br />

dessen, was in pen schon bestehenden Vertragen<br />

steht, fur die Zukunft der Menschen in Europa<br />

angepackt werden mi.issen, ist nur stichwortartig<br />

angedeutet.<br />

Uber die Institutionen steht schon einiges mehr in<br />

dem <strong>Spinelli</strong>-Leitlinien-Antrag. Das ist so, weil<br />

fiir die Absatze i.iber Institutionen alte Schubladen<br />

geoffnet und Vorstellungen wieder hervorgeholt<br />

wurden, die vor 25 Jahren die Diskussion beherrschten,<br />

also zu einer Zeit, an die sich viele<br />

altere Streiter fi.ir Europa, die nun im Institutio-<br />

!Il<br />

nellen Ausschu.B des Europaischen Parlaments<br />

beisammensitzen, gern erinnern.<br />

Sie analysieren aber nicht nur die europaische<br />

Krise falsch, sondern ich fiirchte, sie uberschatzen<br />

auch, welchen Gefallen die neue Generation an<br />

diesen alten Vorstellungen finden kann. Sie fragt<br />

danach, was wir dazu beitragen wollen, da.B alle<br />

Arbeit haben, eine Aufgabe, ein Thema, das sich<br />

vor 25 Jahren so noch nicht stellte. Wir wissen<br />

inzwischen welchen Schaden die ungehemmte<br />

Wirtschaftsmaxime und -praxis des Gemeinsamen<br />

Marktes unserer Natur antut und wie sie die Kluft<br />

zwischen reichen und armen Regionen in der<br />

Gemeinschaft vergro.Bert statt verringert. Um das<br />

aber zu formulieren, braucht es nicht alte Schubladen,<br />

sondern neue Einsichten darin, wie die<br />

Europaische Gemeinschaft sich wandeln mu.B, um<br />

diese Probleme zu lOsen.<br />

Ich mochte deshalb den Bi.irgern Europas sagen :<br />

Nehmen Sie diese Leitlinien nur als ein vorlaufiges<br />

Signal dafi.ir, da.B wir den uns selbst gestellten<br />

Auftrag erfi.illen wollen, da.B wir aber dari.iber<br />

noch sehr unterschiedliche Vorstellungen haben.<br />

Deshalb erging es uns wie den vielen Kochen mit<br />

dem Brei. Dieser hier ist zwar nicht verdorben,<br />

aber vage, unklar und voller Widerspri.iche - vor<br />

allen Dingen zwischen Zielen und Mitteln, wie das<br />

halt so ist, wenn um der Einigkeit Europas willen<br />

von jedem Vorschlag etwas genommen und das<br />

ganze dann zusammengeri.ihrt wird. Die weitere<br />

Arbeit wird dies erweisen und hoffentlich korrigieren,<br />

soweit das nicht jetzt schon durch die<br />

À.nderungsantrage der Sozialistischen Fraktion<br />

gelingt.<br />

In unseren À.nderungsantragen wird die Ti.ir aufgesto.Ben<br />

zu einer bi.irgernahen, vielfaltigen Gemeinschaft<br />

anstelle jener bi.irgerfernen, zentralen<br />

bi.irokratischen Schaltstelle, die i.ibrigens, seit es<br />

uns wirtschaftlich schlechter geht, nicht mehr<br />

schaltet, weil sie keinen gemeinsamen politischen<br />

Willen mehr splirt. In unseren Anderungsantragen<br />

wird das Fenster aufgemacht fi.ir einen<br />

Blick auf eine zuki.inftige europaische Gesellschaft,<br />

die ihre eigene europaische Lebensweise,<br />

einen european way of live, wenn sie so wollen,<br />

oder eine identité européene bestimmt und politisch<br />

gestaltet, un d zwar in einer V erbundenhei t,<br />

die sich aus gemeinsamen in diesen 25 Jahren<br />

gewandelten Bedi.irfnissen herleitet und die auf<br />

gemeinsame Werte ausgerichtet ist, auf qualitatives<br />

Wirtschaftswachstum, auf menschen- und<br />

umweltfreundliche Produktionsweisen, Technik,<br />

Energie, auf einen behutsamen Umgang mit der<br />

Natur und ihren Reichti.imern, auf eine Beteiligung<br />

der Betroffenen an den Entscheidungen.<br />


l 12

Focke<br />

l<br />

Das hei./)t Mitbestimmung, aber auch Dezentralisierung<br />

und eine konsequente Anwendung des<br />

Subsidaritatsprinzips. Dies wiederum hei./)t in<br />

ganz einfachen W orte n : Es versto./)t gegen di e<br />

Gerechtigkeit, das, was die kleineren und untergeordneten<br />

Gemeinwesen leisten und zum guten<br />

Ende fohren konnen, fUr die gro./)ere und Ubergeordnete<br />

Gemeinschaft in Anspruch zu nehmen.<br />

Ebenso versto./)t es gegen dieses Prinzip, dann<br />

nicht durch gemeinsame Entscheidungen Regeln<br />

und Normen zu setzen, wenn es ohne diese gemeinsame<br />

Orientierung nicht zur Bedurfnisbefriedigung<br />

im notwendigen Zusammenspiel von<br />

der lokalen bis zur europaischen Ebene kommen<br />

kann.<br />

Der Richtlinienentwurf der Europaischen Kommission<br />

ftir e i ne U m w el tvertraglich kei tsprUfung<br />

ist ein interessantes Modell fUr eine solche neue<br />

Form der Willensbildung in der Gemeinschaft.<br />

Unser Parlament sollte sich eher damit beschaftigen<br />

als mit alten VerfassungsentwUrfen.<br />

Das Europaische Parlament hat sich einen Auftrag<br />

gegeben, von dessen guter ErfUllung neben<br />

der laufenden ordentlichen Arbeit viel abhangt,<br />

wie glaubwurdig es in den Wahlkampf zur zweiten<br />

Direktwahl gehen kann. Es geht auch um<br />

seine Kometenzen, aber vor allem um seine Rolle<br />

bei dem Versuch, die BUrgernahe der Europaischen<br />

Gemeinschaft herzustellen und die Bedurfnisse<br />

der Menschen in der heutigen Zeit ins Zentrum<br />

auch einer institutionellen Reform zu stellen.<br />

Das Europaische Parlament nimmt seine urparlamentarische<br />

Pflicht und schon vorhandene<br />

Kompetenz wahr, wenn es in einer Krisen- und<br />

Umbruchzeit neue Perspektiven, eine konkrete<br />

reale Utopie for die gemeinsam zu bewaltigende<br />

Zukunft aufzeigt - eine Zukunft, in der es vor<br />

allem darum geht, durch neue Triebkrafte und<br />

neu erkannte gemeinsame Interessen soweit zusammenzuwachsen,<br />

da./) die europaische Verantwortung<br />

flir den Frieden in der Welt handelnd<br />

wahrgenommen werden kann. Die Leitlinien, die<br />

wir heute beschliefien sollen, haben damit noch<br />

sehr wenig zu tun. Bringen wir sie rasch hinter<br />

uns, damit wir an die eigentliche Arbeit gehen<br />

konnen!<br />

Presidente. - Ha facoltà di parlare l'onorevole<br />

Seitlinger.<br />

M. Seitlinger. - Monsieur le Président, mes chers<br />

collègues, au cours de ce débat, nous n'ignorons<br />

pas l'interpellation de l'homme de la rue qui nous<br />

dit: « Vos réflexions sur l'avenir de la Communauté<br />

sont académiques ; elles ne nous concernent<br />

pas. Nous nous soucions du chòmage, de la hausse<br />

des prix, des conditions concrètes de vie.»<br />

11 3<br />

Certes, nous nous rendons compte que les débats<br />

politiques et institutionnels se présentent de façon<br />

aride pour l'opinion. Pourtant, ils sont nécessaires,<br />

ils sont indispensables. Face à la crise, face aux<br />

défis, nous devons nous interroger. La réponse,<br />

certes insuffisante, que nous apportons, est-elle<br />

due au fait qu'il y a trop d'Europe ou pas assez<br />

d'Europe? Ceux qui, comme moi, pensent qu'il n'y<br />

a pas assez d'Europe, doivent également etre conscients<br />

du fait que si nous voulons davantage d'Eurape,<br />

il nous faut des institutions davantage structurées.<br />

Sans institutions - qu'elles soient issues de<br />

constitutions de droit écrit, de la coutume, comme<br />

en Grande-Bretagne, ou de traités internationaux<br />

- la vie politique est soumise aux aléas de la volonté<br />

arbitraire des hommes ou des groupes de<br />

pression. Nous savons que le droit est la meilleure<br />

sauvegarde pour l'individu, qu'il protège les minorités.<br />

Lacordaire nous a enseigné qu'entre le puissant<br />

et le faible, c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi<br />

qui libère. A v an t lui, Montesquieu et Tocqueville<br />

avaient déjà magistralement démontré qu'à l'instar<br />

du droit les institutions étaient la meilleure<br />

protection pour la liberté.<br />

Dès la naissance de l'idée européenne, au lendemain<br />

de la deuxième guerre mondiale, les pères<br />

fondateurs ont compris que la bonne volonté des<br />

militants européens, le désir de paix et de construction<br />

d'une Europe forte et prospère ne pourraient<br />

s'accomplir sans etre soutenus par des institutions.<br />

La démocratie et les institutions sont indissociables.<br />

Les institutions communautaires sont<br />

démocratiques; elles prévoient le vote à la majorité,<br />

le contrale du Parlement, l'arbitrage de la<br />

Cour. « Oui, nous voulons effectivement la loi<br />

démocratique et, par conséquent, le vote à la majorité.<br />

La loi démocratique de la majorité, librement<br />

acceptée dans des conditions et des modalités préalablement<br />

fixées, certes, limitée aux problèmes<br />

essentiels de l'intéret commun, sera en définitive<br />

moins humiliante à subir que les décisions imposées<br />

par le plus fort >>. Ainsi s'exprimait Robert<br />

Schuman il y a trois décennies. Nous souhaitons<br />

aujourd'hui renforcer et compléter l'édifice institutionnel<br />

issu des traités parce que nous savons<br />

qu'il n'y a pas d'alternative à la construction communautaire.<br />

Nous savons aussi que toute tentative<br />

de batir l'Europe en dehors d'un cadre institutionnel<br />

fort et équilibré est vaine. Les expériences<br />

de la Société des Nations entre les deux guerres,<br />

celles de l'Organisation des Nations unies aujourd'hui<br />

montrent cruellement l'inefficacité de regroupements<br />

internationaux entrepris en dehors<br />

d'un cadre institutionnel structuré. « L'expérience<br />

de chaque homme se recommence », disait Jean<br />

Monnet, « seules les institutions deviennent plus<br />

sages; elles accumulent l'expérience collective, et<br />

de cette expérience et de cette sagesse, les hommes<br />


65<br />


unitary Europe. That is a dream which I do not<br />

share and which those who elected me to this<br />

House do not, and never will, share.<br />

We have a different dream and aspiration, a<br />

dream whereby a nation such as my own, the<br />

United Kingdom, would take back to itself the<br />

sovereignty and essential independence which it<br />

lost when it joined the EEC. We aspire to being<br />

once again able as a nation to be masters of our<br />

own destiny, to determine and pass our own laws,<br />

free from the indignity of abject subjection to the<br />

whim of external powers, able to decide and follow<br />

our own policy without having to scrape or<br />

bow to faceless bureaucrats in Brussels. That is the<br />

dream and aspiration which I and my people hold.<br />

Therefore this resolution and report ·is one to<br />

which we can give no encouragement or support.<br />

Our experience as a nation and Northern Ireland's<br />

experience as a region in the EEC has, I believe,<br />

strengthened the desire of my people to be no part<br />

of the organic <strong>European</strong> unity which this report<br />

would lead us to. A much-lauded <strong>European</strong> dream<br />

has even, though still in its early stages, proved to<br />

us more of a nightmare, and an expensive nightmare<br />

at that.<br />

However, forthright opposition to <strong>European</strong> unity<br />

in the form of a United States of Europe does not<br />

make one an isolationist. There is all the difference<br />

in the world between sensible and considered<br />

cooperation between neighbouring states for their<br />

mutual benefit and blind, contrived cooperation<br />

for the sole purpose of enforced fusion between<br />

the states concerned. My objection is only to the<br />

latter, and that is why I am happy to encourage<br />

the essential cooperation which exists within the<br />

Council of Europe and NATO and also that which<br />

we previously enjoyed through EFT A. This type<br />

of mutually beneficia! cooperation between equal<br />

and soverei.giJ. nations is possible and desirable<br />

and can be obtained without prejudice to what to<br />

me is all important, the sovereign independence of<br />

those cooperating.<br />

The collective economie and security needs of the<br />

nations of Europe can be more than adequately<br />

catered for through associations which do not<br />

prejudice our sovereignty. For example, it does<br />

not take a Unjted States of Europe to give security<br />

and protection to Europe. The security of Europe<br />

is catered for through NATO, not the EEC, and<br />

therefore this argument that the security of Europe<br />

demands politica! unity is utterly spurious. It<br />

is cooperation ,without surrender of national<br />

sovereignty that is, I believe, the right way forward<br />

for us all today.<br />

121<br />

De Voorzitter.- Het woord is aan de heer Rogers.<br />

Mr Rogers. - Mr President, I am very glad I am<br />

speaking at this point in the debate in order to<br />

follow the remarks of the British nationalist that<br />

we have just heard. If ever there was an argument<br />

for <strong>European</strong> union, it would be clear from listening<br />

to the blind dogma that Mr Paisley preaches in<br />

this Chamber and outside. That blind nationalism<br />

which unfortunately comes into many people's<br />

minds ançl into their arguments is the mentality of<br />

the cavemen, a ghetto mentality which prevents<br />

evolution. It prevents development. Whereas I<br />

may well land up on the sarne side of the fence in<br />

voting with Mr Paisley, I certainly would not<br />

want it to be assumed that I am there for the same<br />

motives. I have not fought the nationalists in<br />

Wales, which, perhaps more than Northern<br />

Ireland, has claim to be a separate country with its<br />

own customs, traditions and language, to come to<br />

Europe and preach British nationalism.<br />

Having said that, Mr President, I would now like<br />

to address myself to Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong>'s report and to<br />

state my reservations about it. The <strong>Spinelli</strong> report<br />

is an important document, and I congratulate him<br />

on the work he has clone in committee with his<br />

many revisions of the original draft that he was<br />

forced to make. It was indeed a complete and total<br />

revision of his new testament, and unfortunately<br />

the last version is just as pious as the first.<br />

The chairman, Mr Ferri, referred to me in committee<br />

as the Devil's advocate, and quite rightly<br />

so, because I think I was often the only one to<br />

question the basic assumptions made by other<br />

members of the committee. But may I suggest<br />

very humbly that there is a slight possibility that I<br />

may be right and everybody else on the committee<br />

was wrong?<br />

I found the composition of the committee very<br />

interesting in that I often felt that members were<br />

talking to their mirror images, talking to the<br />

converted. As Mrs Boserup said quite rightly a<br />

little earlier, there was this underlying presumption<br />

of inevitability that wènt through all discussions,<br />

that <strong>European</strong> union was inevitable anq,<br />

indeed, the only step forward. Underlying most<br />

contributions was an assumption - may I say<br />

kindly, an arrogant assumption - that the people<br />

of Europe were crying out for <strong>European</strong> union.<br />

Indeed, the report in one of its paragraphs states<br />

that public opinion is crying out f9r progress<br />

towards politica! union. My feeling, from the contracts<br />

which I have with people, is that the people<br />

of Europe are probably thinking the opposite, that<br />

they want government to come closer to them, to<br />

become more relevant jo them, that they want to<br />


69<br />


70<br />

Paisley<br />

be more involved in these processes that are<br />

gradually becoming more .and more remote. We<br />

can see it in our own countries. We see it particularly<br />

in the United Kingdom, with the gradua!<br />

erosion, the transfer of powers from local authorities<br />

to the centra! government.<br />

People are becoming increasingly disenchanted<br />

with the processes of government. They want it to<br />

come closer, and I am not quite sure whether the<br />

institutional emphasis which is part of this report<br />

would bring government closer to the people and<br />

allow them to become more involved. The<br />

demand for greater power for the <strong>European</strong> institutions<br />

condemns the report in my eyes. I believe,<br />

as Mrs Focke quite rightly pointed out, that the<br />

Socialist amendments are an improvement on Mr<br />

<strong>Spinelli</strong>'s original report in that they attempt to<br />

recognize the needs of the peoples of Europe.<br />

If I may refer to my country again, we had, as<br />

they say, a nationalist moveinent that painted<br />

signs on bridges and beside roads saying 'Free<br />

Wales', and then someone a little more intelligent<br />

carne along and painted underneath, 'From what,<br />

for whom ?' I would suggest to Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong> that<br />

what we may need to do, if not now then at the<br />

next stage, is to add a few more graffiti to this<br />

debate: when people paint up '<strong>European</strong> Union',<br />

then someone underneath has to write, 'For what,<br />

for whom ?'<br />

(Applause)<br />

Mr Patterson asked in his speech what it was to be<br />

a union of. I would ask, what is it to be a union<br />

for? That is the big difference between some<br />

Members of this House and those of us on the<br />

Socialist benches. Will the so-called reforms lead<br />

to a perpetuation of the present chaotic, unjust<br />

system that does not work- maybe, as Mr Spencer<br />

said, because there is no politica! will for it to<br />

work ? The general framework of the Treaty does<br />

not create a Europe that is for ordinary people. W e<br />

see examples when Member States such as Italy -<br />

and I say this only as an example - can make<br />

arrangements in the last day or so with coal-mine<br />

groupings in South Africa who are producing coal<br />

on the basis of cheap labour to use energy frorh<br />

South Africa while there are <strong>European</strong> miners<br />

unemployed. What is the union to be for ? Is it to<br />

stay a capitalist club? Is i t to be a Europe of the<br />

rich ? Or is that side of the House saying that they<br />

want genuine reform, not just of institutions but<br />

also of ideals? If i t is to be a Europe for the people,<br />

if it is to be a Europe for the deprived, if i t is to be<br />

a Europe that is clean and fit for people to live in,<br />

then we can support it. If it is to be a Europe with<br />

freedom from fear of poverty, sickness and old<br />

age, then that too is a Europe we could support.<br />

123<br />

But I fear that what is being proposed in this<br />

debate is simply an extension of what presently<br />

exists - a Europe based on profit, a Europe based<br />

on pollution and greed, a Europe based on the<br />

principle of extending capitalist economies.<br />

There is a Welsh saying, Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong>: he who<br />

would be a leader, let him first be a bridge. If your<br />

bridge, if your path, if your ultimate report is to be<br />

for the people of Europe and not for profit and<br />

greed, then possibly I will give you help to lay the<br />

stones. But I am afraid that the report as it presently<br />

stands does not do this. I believe the<br />

Socialist amendments do help, but unfortunately<br />

even they are trapped in the conventional system<br />

that we are all bound in.<br />

Mr President, I would like to conclude by thanking<br />

Mr <strong>Spinelli</strong>. I think his basic motives are very<br />

much more in line with mine than those of many<br />

other Members of this House. And I would like to<br />

còngratulate him on his report, although I disagree<br />

with the contents.<br />

Le Président. - La parole est à M. Croux.<br />

De heer Croux.- Mijnheer de Voorzitter, geachte<br />

collega's, ik heb gedurende het debat dat gisteren<br />

op gang is gekomen soms gedacht aan een andere<br />

embryonaire parlementaire vergadering 200 jaar<br />

geleden bijna, in 1789, de derde stand van les états<br />

généraux in Frankrijk, die zich eerst uitriep tot<br />

nationale vergadering en zich toen de pretentie<br />

toemat een constituante te worden, een grondwetgevende<br />

vergadering voor Frankrijk. Het is de<br />

beroemde passage van le serment du Jeu de Paume,<br />

de eed in de Kaatsbaan. En natuurlijk hebben<br />

wij niet in deze vergadering het institutioneel<br />

heroi:sme van deze verre voorvaderen in Europa.<br />

Maar toch is dit een zeer belangrijk debat en ik<br />

zou het even willen belichten vanuit het standpunt<br />

van de burgers van Europa, de mensen van<br />

Europa waarover het tenslotte gaat.<br />

Ik zou vier opmerkingen willen maken de eerste<br />

van juridische aard : het is ontegensprekelijk zo<br />

dat de Europese Gemeenschap een politieke<br />

gemeenschap is en een rechts gemeenschap met<br />

directe werking van de besluiten van de<br />

Gemeenschap voor de burgers, bron van rechten<br />

en plichten rechtstreeks voor de burgers, m.a.w.<br />

iedere burger van een Lid-Staat is burger van<br />

Europa. Wij kunnen dit niet genoeg onderstrepen.<br />

Een nieuwe politieke dimensie is aan zijn gemeen<br />

schapsleven gegeven. Ten tweerde : politiek gezien<br />

moeten wij het volgende vaststellen : de jongste<br />

uitslagen van de Euro-barometer, de opiniepeiling<br />

die in het voorjaar werd gehouden, tonen aan dat<br />

meer dan 70 % van de burgers van Europa zeggèn<br />


r<br />


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