Vodnik po razstavah in strokovnih dogodkih - Festival idrijske čipke

Vodnik po razstavah in strokovnih dogodkih - Festival idrijske čipke

Vodnik po razstavah in strokovnih dogodkih - Festival idrijske čipke


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Avtor besedila / Text by / Autor des Textes / Autore del’ testo: Gerhard Leeb<br />


Galerija svete Barbare, Ulica sv. Barbare<br />

14. junij: od 19.00 do 21.00 ure<br />

15. junij: od 18.00 do 19.00 ure<br />

16. do 17. junij: od 9.00 do 19.00 ure<br />

Od 8. do 13. junija <strong>in</strong> od 18. do 21. junija od 16.00 do 19.00 ure<br />

Gerhard Leeb je bil rojen leta 1952 v Bodensdorfu ob Osojskem jezeru na Koroškem.<br />

Več kot 20 let dela samostojno kot fotograf, grafik, nov<strong>in</strong>ar <strong>in</strong> založnik. Je avtor številnih<br />

razstav fotografij, grafik ter land-<strong>in</strong> project art del. Njegova je zamisel evropskega<br />

projekta »Alpsko mesto leta«.<br />

Motive za svoje fotografije Gerhard Leeb vedno najde v naravi, jih pa, kot pri seriji<br />

»Pantha rei«, tudi eksperimentalno obdela. Njegova land-<strong>in</strong> project art dela so zelo<br />

družbeno kritična. Ne zadostuje mu ustvarjanje »lepih« reči. Vsako od njegovih del je<br />

obtožba proti vladajočim sistemom, proti <strong>po</strong>hlepnosti bank <strong>in</strong> proti gen-manipulaciji.<br />

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The st. Barbara Gallery, Ulica sv. Barbare<br />

June 14: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.<br />

June 15: 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.<br />

June 16 and June 17: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.<br />

June 8 – 13 and June 18 – 24: 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.<br />

Gerhard Leeb was born <strong>in</strong> 1952 <strong>in</strong> Bodensdorf at the Lake Ossiach <strong>in</strong> the Austrian state<br />

of Car<strong>in</strong>thia. For over 20 years he has been work<strong>in</strong>g as an <strong>in</strong>dependent photographer,<br />

graphic designer, journalist and publisher. He is an author of numerous photograph<br />

and graphic exhibitions, as well as land- and project-art work. His is the idea of the<br />

European project “The Alp<strong>in</strong>e town of the year.”<br />

Gerhard Leeb always f<strong>in</strong>ds the motives for his work <strong>in</strong> nature and then sometimes, like<br />

<strong>in</strong> his “Pantha Rei” series, experimentally treats them. His land- and project-art works<br />

offer extreme social critique. He does not f<strong>in</strong>d mak<strong>in</strong>g “pretty th<strong>in</strong>gs” sufficient. Each<br />

of his works is an accusation of the rul<strong>in</strong>g system, of bank greed and of the genetic<br />

manipulation.<br />


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