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EVENTS<br />

2/2012<br />

25<br />

ha visto una partecipazione sempre crescente coinvolgendo complessivamente,<br />

nelle otto edizioni sinora svolte, oltre 19.000 persone, per un totale di<br />

circa 6.500 proposte.<br />

Tra i 1.011 progetti presentati nell’edizione 2011, di cui solo 15 giunti in finale<br />

e valutati da una commissione esaminatrice internazionale, uno dei Premi Innovazione<br />

2011 è stato assegnato ad Ansaldo Energia.<br />

Il premio del “Brevetto dell’Anno Gruppo Finmeccanica” è infatti andato ad Ansaldo<br />

Energia per “Ventilated rotor of high power turbogenerator for production<br />

of electricity”. Si tratta di un sistema di raffreddamento a fluido gassoso, generalmente<br />

aria o idrogeno, del rotore di turbo generatore ad alta potenza per<br />

la produzione di elettricità. Brevettato in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, provato in<br />

numerose applicazioni, consente di portare l’efficienza del generatore a livelli<br />

di eccellenza aumentando significativamente la proposta di valore e dunque<br />

la competitività del prodotto di Ansaldo Energia.<br />

A consegnare il premio il Ministro dell’Innovazione, Università e Ricerca Francesco<br />

Profumo a Vincenzo Tartaglione, responsabile Piattaforma Alternatori<br />

OEM all’interno della Funzione Innovazione e Sviluppo Prodotti.<br />

The Finmeccanica Innovation Award, now in its eighth year, was held on Friday<br />

May 11, 2012. The Innovation Award offers visibility and recognition to all Group<br />

employees who propose solutions that translate into concrete industrial applications<br />

and improve company performance. Over the years the Award has produced<br />

tangible, measurable results. The proposals presented have been transformed<br />

into effective new applications, used in the development of successful<br />

products and processes. An ever increasing number of people take part in the<br />

initiative, totaling over 19,000 in the eight events organised to date, who have<br />

presented 6,500 proposals.<br />

Among the 1,011 projects presented in the 2011 edition, of which only 15 reached<br />

the final and were assessed by an international examining panel, one of the 2011<br />

Innovation Awards was assigned to Ansaldo Energia.<br />

The “Finmeccanica Group Patent of the Year” award went to Ansaldo Energia<br />

for “Ventilated rotor of high power turbogenerator for production of electricity”,<br />

a cooling system based on a gaseous fluid, usually air or hydrogen, for high<br />

power turbo generator rotors used in electricity generation. Patented in Europe<br />

and the US and tested in numerous applications, it increases the efficiency of<br />

the generator to excellent levels and so significantly increases the value and<br />

therefore the competitiveness of Ansaldo Energia products.<br />

The award was presented by the Italian Minister of Education, Universities and<br />

Research Francesco Profumo to Vincenzo Tartaglione, responsible for the Product<br />

Innovation and Development Function’s OEM alternator platform.

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