orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

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Ed<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ialGIAMPIERO DI PERSIAPRESIDENTTh<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong>sue touches upon a range of topicsconnected by a unifying theme thatstresses both innovation and that which<strong>is</strong> alternative, two defining character<strong>is</strong>ticsof our times that pave the path toprogress and success in every field.Although innovation generally implies afutur<strong>is</strong>tic v<strong>is</strong>ion and speaks to that which<strong>is</strong> new, <strong>it</strong> may also involve the red<strong>is</strong>coveryand reaffirmation of past -- and at timesevent ancient -- values and practices.Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> evident in the field of medicine,<strong>or</strong> alternative medicine to be m<strong>or</strong>eexact, a body which although not yetwidely accepted by trad<strong>it</strong>ional medicine<strong>is</strong> becoming increasingly diffused amongthe general public.In a continual eff<strong>or</strong>t to highlight theevolving relationship between Italy andthe Un<strong>it</strong>ed States, we have once againuncovered a rich partnership betweenthe two countries in the field of scientificresearch, as apparent in the flow ofinf<strong>or</strong>mation, technology, and particularlyhuman cap<strong>it</strong>al, namely researchers – although we “common m<strong>or</strong>tals” prefer to callthem scient<strong>is</strong>ts – who dedicate their lives to the d<strong>is</strong>covery of f<strong>or</strong>mulas, medicines,techniques, and devices that have the potential to improve our qual<strong>it</strong>y of life.In th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong>sue we resume our journey through the South East of the Un<strong>it</strong>ed States in searchof the region’s numerous opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ies. As a follow-up to the article on M<strong>is</strong>s<strong>is</strong>sippifeatured several <strong>is</strong>sues ago, we have th<strong>is</strong> time ventured not to far from our native Miam<strong>it</strong>o Orlando, a c<strong>it</strong>y known primarily as the cap<strong>it</strong>al of theme parks and entertainment. Yetbeyond the realms of D<strong>is</strong>ney and Universal, between one ride and the next, Orlandooffers a w<strong>or</strong>ld of opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>y, particularly in the f<strong>or</strong>m of a flour<strong>is</strong>hing hi-tech sect<strong>or</strong>which embodies m<strong>or</strong>e than 1000 companies and a highly-qualified lab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ce.Speaking of lab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ces, <strong>it</strong> seemed only f<strong>it</strong>ting to address a contemp<strong>or</strong>ary phenomenonrelated to the arrival of young people in the lab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ce: Generation Y, as they areknown (“Y” as in young), refers to the managerial class of our future which <strong>is</strong> alreadybeginning to redefine our present.Our heart-felt appreciation goes out to our column<strong>is</strong>ts, Prof. Nanni and Prof. Past<strong>or</strong>, f<strong>or</strong>their continued supp<strong>or</strong>t and engaging contributions to .<strong>it</strong> Italian Trade as v<strong>is</strong>ible in theR2B and <strong>it</strong>Culture columns.In closing, we would like to inv<strong>it</strong>e all our readers to send us comments and observationsregarding th<strong>is</strong> publication. Your contributions are always appreciated.Pleasant reading!!In questo numero affrontiamo diversi temi ma con unfilo condutt<strong>or</strong>e in comune, basato su due concetti :innovativo e alternativo.Due termini che contradd<strong>is</strong>tinguono il tempo in cuiviviamo e che sono <strong>or</strong>amai la chiave del progressoin tutti i sett<strong>or</strong>i. E nonostante entrambe siano unchiaro richiamo al nuovo, alla nov<strong>it</strong>á ed abbiano unav<strong>is</strong>ione futur<strong>is</strong>tica delle cose, in alcuni casi dobbiam<strong>or</strong>iconoscere che si tratta di una r<strong>is</strong>coperta e unarilettura di val<strong>or</strong>i e tecniche del passato, talvoltaaddir<strong>it</strong>tura antiche, come ad esempio sta accadendonella medicina, alternativa per l’appunto, f<strong>or</strong>se nonscientificamente provata, ma <strong>or</strong>mai largamentediffusa.Nel nostro continuo sf<strong>or</strong>zo di identificare i legami traItalia e Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i, abbiamo anc<strong>or</strong>a una volta scopertoquanto i due paesi siano legati nel campo dellaricerca scientifica; un legame che si attua attraversolo scambio di inf<strong>or</strong>mazioni e di tecnologie ma anchee soprattutto attraverso l’interscambio di cap<strong>it</strong>aleumano: ricercat<strong>or</strong>i – anche se noi “comuni m<strong>or</strong>tali”preferiamo chiamarli scienziati – che dedicano lal<strong>or</strong>o v<strong>it</strong>a alla scoperta di f<strong>or</strong>mule, medicine, tecniche,apparecchiature e quant’altro possa migli<strong>or</strong>are laqual<strong>it</strong>á della v<strong>it</strong>a di tutti noi.In questo numero abbiamo anche ripreso il nostroviaggio alla scoperta delle opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>á offerte dalSud-est degli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i. Dopo il M<strong>is</strong>s<strong>is</strong>sippi di qualchenumero fa, ci siamo questa volta spostati pocolontano dalla nostra Miami, per arrivare ad Orlando,una c<strong>it</strong>tá nota ai piú come la cap<strong>it</strong>ale del divertimentotematico, con i suoi numerosi parchi. Ma oltre aimondi D<strong>is</strong>ney e Universal, tra uno scivolo e l’altro,la c<strong>it</strong>tá offre molte altre interessanti opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ásoprattutto nei sett<strong>or</strong>i dell’hi-tech, che contano unapresenza di oltre 1000 aziende che impiegano unaf<strong>or</strong>za lav<strong>or</strong>o altamente qualificata.E a propos<strong>it</strong>o di personale, abbiamo voluto darespazio ad un fenomeno dei tempi moderni checontradd<strong>is</strong>tingue i giovani che da poco sono entrati afar parte del mondo del lav<strong>or</strong>o: la generazione Y – Ycome young (giovane) – che é la classe managerialedel nostro futuro ma che sta influenzando il nostropresente.Un doveroso ringraziamento per il continuo supp<strong>or</strong>tova agli aut<strong>or</strong>i delle rubriche R2B, Prof. Nanni, e<strong>it</strong>Culture, Prof. Past<strong>or</strong>, che hanno anche in questonumero contribu<strong>it</strong>o con i l<strong>or</strong>o interessanti articoli.Inv<strong>it</strong>iamo tutti i nostri lett<strong>or</strong>i ad inviarci le l<strong>or</strong>oosservazioni ed i l<strong>or</strong>o commenti sulla riv<strong>is</strong>ta eric<strong>or</strong>diamo che i vostri contributi sono semprebenvenuti.Buona lettura!.3

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