orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

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The Italian biotechnology sect<strong>or</strong> has experienced significant growth over the last years, atrend which seems destined to continue. The number of Italian companies operating inthe biotech sect<strong>or</strong> has in fact grown m<strong>or</strong>e than 50% since 2001. Given the emergenceof new entrepreneurial developments and the consolidation of those companies alreadypresent, experts in the field can now speak of a sect<strong>or</strong> that has reached matur<strong>it</strong>y.Several Italian biotech companies have also recently been l<strong>is</strong>ted on leading internationalstock markets, evidence of their potential to expand and desire to internationalize.Some have opted to be l<strong>is</strong>ted on NASDAQ <strong>or</strong> the Zurich stock market, while others (i.e.Biosearch, Novuspharma, Cell Therapeutics, DiaS<strong>or</strong>in, MolMed) chose to remain in theItalian financial market.The success of the “Italian case” <strong>is</strong> strongly linked to the ex<strong>is</strong>tence of a series offact<strong>or</strong>s unique to the Italian pan<strong>or</strong>ama. The presence of numerous research centersof excellence -- particularly active in the biomedical research field and often highlyspecialized (in oncology, among others) -- plays a key role in Italy’s success. In im<strong>it</strong>ationof the American model, such centers collab<strong>or</strong>ate closely w<strong>it</strong>h local Univers<strong>it</strong>ies and theirdynamic Technology Transfer Offices responsible f<strong>or</strong> interacting w<strong>it</strong>h the entrepreneurialw<strong>or</strong>ld. The ex<strong>is</strong>tence of imp<strong>or</strong>tant science and technology research parks active in thebiotech sect<strong>or</strong> also represents a “contagious” example of how entrepreneurial andtechnological netw<strong>or</strong>ks can facil<strong>it</strong>ate collab<strong>or</strong>ation between the public and privaterealms.The Region of Lombardy boasts a notew<strong>or</strong>thy concentration of the above mentionedfact<strong>or</strong>s which have facil<strong>it</strong>ated the expansion of a robust life sciences sect<strong>or</strong>. In fact, anestimated 35% of the biotech companies in Italy and almost half of the national incomegenerated from th<strong>is</strong> sect<strong>or</strong> can be attributed to the Region of Lombardy. Milan and<strong>it</strong>s surrounding areas in particular (including the provinces of Como, Varese, Lodi, andPavia -- all s<strong>it</strong>uated w<strong>it</strong>hin 50 km of Milan) enjoy a high concentration of research anddevelopment activ<strong>it</strong>ies and a significant presence of small, medium, and large-sizedcompanies.Some of the most prestigious Italian Univers<strong>it</strong>ies (Univers<strong>it</strong>à degli Studi di Milano,Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnico di Milano, Univers<strong>it</strong>à di Milano Bicocca, Univers<strong>it</strong>à Cattolica, and Univers<strong>it</strong>àCommerciale Luigi Bocconi) are based in Milan and have a strong trad<strong>it</strong>ion in the fieldsof science and technology. An estimated 175,000 undergraduate and graduate studentsattend Milan’s univers<strong>it</strong>ies.Milan’s Univers<strong>it</strong>ies have developed policies f<strong>or</strong> patenting inventions, obtained patentsf<strong>or</strong> hundreds of scientific d<strong>is</strong>coveries, and contributed to the establ<strong>is</strong>hment of numerousspin – off companies. In add<strong>it</strong>ion, the Univers<strong>it</strong>ies have undertaken numerous in<strong>it</strong>iativesdesigned to improve the qual<strong>it</strong>y of univers<strong>it</strong>y - based research and encourage thecreation of new companies. Examples of such programs include UN.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.A.S.(<strong>it</strong>as/index.php) and Netval (www.netval.<strong>it</strong>), not to mentionthe Univers<strong>it</strong>à Statale’s “company accelerat<strong>or</strong>” and Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnico’s “<strong>business</strong> incubat<strong>or</strong>,”all examples of useful instruments which facil<strong>it</strong>ate the transfer of research and scientificknowledge from the Univers<strong>it</strong>y to the c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate realm.Milan and <strong>it</strong>s surrounding areas are also home to several imp<strong>or</strong>tant science parks,namely the Parco Tecnologico Padano and the Raf Science Park, which <strong>is</strong> affiliated w<strong>it</strong>hthe Ist<strong>it</strong>uto Scientifico Univers<strong>it</strong>ario San Raffaele, the f<strong>or</strong>emost Italian private hosp<strong>it</strong>al.Last but not least, Milan boasts a vibrant and enterpr<strong>is</strong>ing financial commun<strong>it</strong>y thatrevolves around the Italian stock exchange, which in recent years has invested w<strong>it</strong>hIl mercato <strong>it</strong>aliano delle biotecnologie ha conosciutoun f<strong>or</strong>t<strong>is</strong>simo sviluppo negli ultimi anni e sembradestinato a proseguire nella sua cresc<strong>it</strong>a. R<strong>is</strong>pettoal 2001, il numero di imprese <strong>it</strong>aliane attive nelbiotech è cresciuto di oltre il 50%. Gli esperti delcampo parlano di un sett<strong>or</strong>e <strong>or</strong>mai “maturo”, in cuicontinuano a s<strong>or</strong>gere nuove realtà imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iali equelle già stabil<strong>it</strong>e si consolidano.Diverse aziende biotecnologiche <strong>it</strong>aliane hannoinoltre recentemente tagliato il traguardo dellaquotazione sui principali mercati internazionali, ariprova della l<strong>or</strong>o f<strong>or</strong>te capac<strong>it</strong>à di espansione e dellavolontà di internazionalizzazione. Mentre alcune diqueste hanno scelto di quotarsi al NASDAQ o allab<strong>or</strong>sa di Zurigo, altre (Biosearch, Novuspharma, CellTherapeutics, DiaS<strong>or</strong>in, MolMed) hanno optato dirimanere sul mercato finanziario <strong>it</strong>aliano.Il successo del “caso Italia” è strettamente legatoalla compresenza di una serie di fatt<strong>or</strong>i di diversanatura che rende del tutto peculiare il pan<strong>or</strong>ama<strong>it</strong>aliano. Ruolo chiave è giocato dai molti centri diricerca di eccellenza, attivi, in particolare, nel sett<strong>or</strong>edella ricerca biomedica e spesso caratterizzati da altaspecializzazione (inter alia, nel campo dell’oncologia).Tali centri si affiancano alle Univers<strong>it</strong>à ed ai l<strong>or</strong>odinamici Technology Transfer Offices, che – seguendoil modello statun<strong>it</strong>ense – sono impegnati a interagirecon il mondo imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iale. La presenza diimp<strong>or</strong>tanti parchi scientifici e tecnologici attivi nellebiotecnologie rappresenta, inoltre, un “contagioso”esempio di reti imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iali e tecnologiche incui <strong>is</strong>t<strong>it</strong>uzioni pubbliche e imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ia privatacollab<strong>or</strong>ano per il raggiungimento di obiettivi comunidi sviluppo.La Regione Lombardia offre una particolareconcentrazione dei sopra descr<strong>it</strong>ti fatt<strong>or</strong>i d<strong>is</strong>viluppo del sett<strong>or</strong>e life sciences. Circa il 35% delleimprese attive nel biotech in Italia e quasi metàdell’ammontare del relativo fatturato nazionalesono localizzati, infatti, nella Regione Lombardia.Specialmente Milano e l’area circostante (incluse leprovince di Como, Varese, Lodi e Pavia, tutte s<strong>it</strong>uateentro un raggio massimo di 50 km da Milano) vedonoun’alt<strong>is</strong>sima concentrazione di attiv<strong>it</strong>à in ricerca esviluppo, con una presenza di aziende grandi, mediee piccole.Alcune tra le più prestigiose univers<strong>it</strong>à <strong>it</strong>aliane(l’Univers<strong>it</strong>à degli Studi di Milano, il Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnico diMilano, l’Univers<strong>it</strong>à di Milano Bicocca, l’Univers<strong>it</strong>àCattolica, e l’Univers<strong>it</strong>à Commerciale Luigi Bocconi)hanno sede a Milano ed hanno una f<strong>or</strong>te tradizionein amb<strong>it</strong>o scientifico e tecnologico. Si calcola cheint<strong>or</strong>no a Milano ruotino ben 175.000 studentiunivers<strong>it</strong>ari e post univers<strong>it</strong>ari.Le Univers<strong>it</strong>à milanesi hanno elab<strong>or</strong>ato pol<strong>it</strong>iche dibrevettazione delle invenzioni, brevettato centinaia d<strong>it</strong>rovati e contribu<strong>it</strong>o alla fondazione di decine e decinedi spin – off. Hanno, inoltre, intrapreso parecchieiniziative volte a val<strong>or</strong>izzare la ricerca univers<strong>it</strong>ariaed incentivare la creazione di nuove imprese, quali ilprogetto UN.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.A.S. (<strong>it</strong>as/index.php) e il progetto Netval (www.netval.<strong>it</strong>). Il recente accelerat<strong>or</strong>e d’impresadell’Univers<strong>it</strong>à Statale e l’incubat<strong>or</strong>e del Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnicodi Milano sono altri esempi di utili strumenti d<strong>it</strong>rasferimento di r<strong>is</strong>ultati delle ricerche dai dipartimentidell’Ateneo alle imprese.Nelle immediate vicinanze di Milano hanno sedeimp<strong>or</strong>tanti parchi scientifici, quali il Parco TecnologicoPadano e lo Science Park Raf, collegato all’Ist<strong>it</strong>utoScientifico Univers<strong>it</strong>ario San Raffaele, il maggi<strong>or</strong>eospedale privato <strong>it</strong>aliano.Non da ultimo, Milano è la sede della vivace eintraprendente comun<strong>it</strong>à finanziaria, che ruotaint<strong>or</strong>no alla B<strong>or</strong>sa Italiana, che negli ultimi anni ha.5

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