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Memories of the Naomi Foster

Library Media Center

By Elizabeth Frank

Elizabeth and

Ken Frank came

to ACI in 1982.

They worked at

ACI until 2004.

Their children,

Irene (’00) and Ian

(’04), were born in

İzmir and are both

graduates of ACI.


İzmir ACI has had a strong tradition of

library use and has every reason to be

proud of its library and its services. The

name of the library is the Naomi Foster

Library Media Center. Miss Foster

worked at ACI from 1948-1973. She was

a Math and Science teacher, a school

administrator, and she promoted not only

the library but also astronomy, geology

and guidance at ACI. During the 1950’s,

Naomi Foster administered and expanded

the school library. She made the library a

popular spot in the small former basement

trunk room in Bristol Hall. Then the Library

was moved to the center of the campus

near what is now the Hatay Gate.

When I first came to İzmir in 1982, Ferzan

İzmiri was in charge of the library. Meral

Örge was also on the staff. When ACI

became co-educational, it grew very big

and fast. The library near the Hatay Gate

was too small for a growing student body.

Hence a new library was built. We were

ready to move into it in 1992. At this time

the Lise 3s were writing their term papers

and could not wait for us to move the

library leisurely. The English Department

Head, Helen Özbay, gave us a weekend

to make the move. The Lise 3s would be

doing research on the following Monday.

Students helped. We placed books in their

exact shelf order in the back of a pickup

under Ahmet Avcı’s supervision. Then

students in the new library were given the

books in exact order and showed exactly

where to put them on the shelves. This

worked amazingly well, and the Lise 3s

were able to continue their library research

without interruption on Monday.

Computers were also introduced into the

library. Serpil Kılıç (Bahşişoğlu) and her

department helped us create a computer

network. We tried to integrate the use of

the library into the school curriculum by

signing up numerous class visits. This was

a wonderful but sometimes overwhelming

job. Many people helped, but those people

who stood out were Fahriye Kılınç, Ebru

Avcı, Mustafa Uzun and Meriç Durmaz


We had quite a collection of back issues of

magazines which students could research

with a hard print index called Reader’s

Guide to Periodical Literature. When we had

the computers networked in the library, we

were able to subscribe to online indexes

and magazine collections to get relevant

articles from periodicals, which was much

easier. Our photocopy machine was always

in use.

When we first moved into the new library,

we had lots of space, and we dedicated

one room to the children of the Göztepe

neighborhood. We had a collection of

Turkish children’s books for them to check

out every week. We called this the Mini


The central part of the new library is

architecturally beautiful. It has an elevated

round area with windows called a clerestory

to allow for more light. The central wrought

iron chandelier was custom made for

the space and sits over a marble circle in

the floor. To avoid cutting down trees the

building wrapped around them. The checkout

desk was rounded to match its space.

Our other American Board schools in

Üsküdar and Tarsus also developed their

libraries in the same direction as ACI. Those

were exciting times.

The Beacon

Naomi Foster Library Media Center

The Beacon 69

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