Perde Dergisi Ocak - Şubat 2022 Online Dergi

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R+T 2022 has been postponed

R+T will not be held in 2022 / Next regular edition in 2024

Messe Stuttgart is postponing R+T, the world's leading trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun

shading systems, which was scheduled to take place in February 2022. "R+T is the most international event

in Stuttgart. Three quarters of the exhibitors at the last edition of the world's leading trade fair in 2018 came

from abroad. The proportion of international visitors was 60 per cent. They travelled to Stuttgart from more

than 140 countries. A risk evaluation in close cooperation with our exhibitors and partners revealed that a

broad participation by international guests at R+T in February 2022 is no longer realistic on account of the

travel restrictions that are now being increased again due to the pandemic. This is not compatible with the

claim by R+T to be the world's leading trade fair. We have therefore decided to consider other alternatives

in the interest of everyone involved" said Roland Bleinroth, President of Messe Stuttgart. Sebastian Schmid,

Department Director Technology at Messe Stuttgart, added: "In the last few weeks and months we have held

intensive and transparent discussions with our customers every day regarding the staging of R+T. Right up

to the end, we fought together with the exhibitors to stage R+T. Based on currently available information,

the valid Corona Regulations of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg and the Safe Expo concept we have

implemented would enable the event to be safely staged in February. However, the developments are very

dynamic at present. In view of this situation, we realised that R+T will not be possible in its customary form

and quality in February 2022. We therefore believe that it is our responsibility to give all participants planning

security and postpone R+T until 2024. We will produce a digital video format for the trend topics and innovations

in the industry. However, we will not stage a purely digital trade fair such as R+T digital." The next

R+T will take place in its regular cycle from 19 to 23 February 2024.

Heinrich Abletshauser, President of the Federal Association for Manufacturers of Roller Shutters and Sun

Protection: "The trade was longing to meet face-to-face again at R+T in Stuttgart. In the last few weeks, however,

it unfortunately transpired much to the regret of everyone that the trade fair would have to be postponed

due to the cancellation by leading manufacturers and the very probable lack of international character of the

event. However, we are looking forward to the new date with confidence and to a fantastic trade fair in 2024."

Dirk Meyer-Tonndorf, Chairman of the National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers: "We agree

with this decision and are convinced that R+T 2024 with all the related parameters will again be a total success."

Sandra Musculus, President of the Industrial Association for Technical Textiles, Roller Shutters and Sun

Protection: "We welcome this responsible decision by Messe Stuttgart to postpone R+T in the current pandemic

even though this comes with some personal regret. It's up to us all to make 2024 a fantastic event!"




January - February 2022


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