Korytarze ekologiczne w województwie œl¹skim - Instytut Biologii ...

Korytarze ekologiczne w województwie œl¹skim - Instytut Biologii ...

Korytarze ekologiczne w województwie œl¹skim - Instytut Biologii ...


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Koncepcja korytarzy ekologicznych...<br />

Literatura<br />

Andrzejewski R. 1980. Fizjografia i <strong>ekologiczne</strong> kszta³towanie œrodowiska biotycznego na obszarach zurbanizowanych,<br />

Cz³owiek i Œrodowisko 4 (4): 5–20.<br />

Bonan G. B. 2002. Ecological climatology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.<br />

Dubiel E., Szwagrzyk J. (red.) 2008. Atlas roœlinnoœci rzeczywistej Krakowa. Urz¹d Miasta Krakowa, Kraków.<br />

Fabos J. G., Ryan R. L. 2006. An introduction to greenway planning around the world. Landscape and Urban Planning<br />

76: 1–6.<br />

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infrastructure. Built Environment 33 (1): 115–133.<br />

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PAN, Bia³owie¿a.<br />

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Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot, Bystra.<br />

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Pullin A. S. 2002. Conservation biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.<br />

Simberloff D., Farr J. A., Cox J., Mehlman D. W. 1992. Movement corridors: conservation bargains or poor investments<br />

Conservation Biology 6: 493–504.<br />

Turner T. 2006. Greenway planning in Britain: recent work and future plans. Landscape and Urban Planning 76:<br />

240–251.<br />

Viles R. L., Rosier D. J. 2001. How to use roads in the creation of greenways: case studies in three New Zealand<br />

landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 55: 15–27.<br />

Walasz K. 2003. Program dzia³añ na rzecz œrodowiska Krakowa. Biuletyn PKE 5: 24–28.<br />

Walasz K. 2008a. Kszta³towanie œrodowiska przyrodniczego Krakowa i ochrona ró¿norodnoœci biologicznej. Cracovia<br />

Urbs Europea, Konfederacja Na Rzecz Przysz³oœci Krakowa: 1–7.<br />

Walasz K. 2008b. Koncepcja ochrony ró¿norodnoœci biotycznej miasta – podstawowe za³o¿enia. [W: P. Indykiewicz, L.<br />

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Bydgoszcz: 39–43.<br />

Concept of ecological corridors on urban territories<br />

Kazimierz WALASZ<br />

Summary<br />

Towns as the most urbanized spatial units have highly scattered natural resources in the form of<br />

woodlots, parks and open areas such as meadows, fallow and arable land. With the growing awareness<br />

of the need for the conservation of these resources as centres of biodiversity, the expectation regarding<br />

effective protection of these natural resources has been increasing, too. One of the methods of<br />

preventing further impoverishment of these habitats is the conservation of ecological corridors and<br />

introducing them into the local land development plans. In this article, a system of ecological corridors<br />

in a large town is presented with its model implementation as exemplified with the city of Kraków.<br />

Various effects of the existence of ecological corridors in the urban agglomeration are discussed.<br />


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