Letnik XII/1 - Ministrstvo za obrambo

Letnik XII/1 - Ministrstvo za obrambo

Letnik XII/1 - Ministrstvo za obrambo


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Kronika<br />

Ljubljana, 17. december<br />

Parlamentarni državni sekretar na nemškem<br />

zveznem ministrstvu <strong>za</strong> <strong>obrambo</strong> Walter<br />

Kolbow se je po programu obiskov v sedmih<br />

državah pristopnicah k Natu srečal z gostiteljem,<br />

državnim sekretarjem na MO dr. Milanom<br />

Jazbecem. Z njim je podpisal Smernice <strong>za</strong><br />

dolgoročno politično-vojaško sodelovanje<br />

med nemškim in slovenskim obrambnim ministrstvom.<br />

Walterja Kolbowa je sprejel tudi<br />

minister <strong>za</strong> <strong>obrambo</strong> dr. Anton Grizold.<br />

Trnovo, 20. december<br />

V spominskem parku v Trnovem je načelnik<br />

GŠSV generalmajor Ladislav Lipič odkril doprsni<br />

kip komandantu IX. korpusa Stanetu<br />

Potočarju La<strong>za</strong>rju. Zbrane je nagovoril ob 60.<br />

obletnici ustanovitve IX. korpusa NOV in POJ.<br />

Celje, 23. december<br />

V 20. motoriziranem bataljonu so prevzeli prvo<br />

oklepno vozilo valuk. Do konca tega leta bodo<br />

v enoti dobili najmanj 24 vozil, do junija 2005<br />

pa vseh 36 valukov. S simboličnim prevzemom<br />

prvega valuka sta se <strong>za</strong>čela opremljanje 20. motoriziranega<br />

bataljona z oklepnimi vozili valuk in<br />

<strong>za</strong>gotavljanje načrtovanih bojnih zmogljivosti <strong>za</strong><br />

opravljanje nalog.<br />

Vipava, 5. januar<br />

V Centru <strong>za</strong> usposabljanje v Vipavi se je <strong>za</strong>čelo<br />

usposabljati 41 kandidatov <strong>za</strong> poklicne vojake<br />

SV. 24. decembra 2003 so pripravili slovesnost<br />

ob dnevu samostojnosti. Na njej je 20 poklicnih<br />

vojakinj, ki so uspešno končale trinajsttedenski<br />

program, dobilo potrdila o opravljenem vojaškostrokovnem<br />

usposabljanju.<br />

Maribor, 7. januar<br />

Na povabilo poveljnika 72. brigade podpolkovnika<br />

Vladimirja Maherja je brigado in Vojašnico<br />

generala Maistra obiskal župan mestne občine<br />

Maribor Boris Sovič. Spoznal je 72. brigado in<br />

njene dejavnosti, ogledal pa si je tudi, kako poteka<br />

obnova kadetnice.<br />

Brnik, 9. januar<br />

Dan slovenskega vojaškega letalstva, 12. januar,<br />

so pripadniki 15. brigade VL <strong>za</strong>znamovali s<br />

slavnostnim postrojem pripadnikov vojaškega<br />

letalstva v letalski bazi na Brniku. Naj<strong>za</strong>služnejšim<br />

pripadnikom so podelili priznanja <strong>za</strong><br />

udeležbo na mednarodni vojaški vaji letalskih<br />

sil Cooperative Key 2003, ki je septembra lani<br />

potekala v Bolgariji. Glavni govornik na prireditvi<br />

je bil polkovnik Gabrijel Možina.<br />

Kranj, 9. januar<br />

V Vojašnici Kranj je potekala krajša slovesnost<br />

ob predaji dolžnosti poveljnika poveljstva enot<br />

<strong>za</strong> podporo. Dosedanji poveljnik polkovnik<br />

Franc Ošljak, ki odhaja na novo dolžnost, je<br />

poveljevanje nad enotami <strong>za</strong> podporo predal<br />

dosedanjemu načelniku osebnega štaba<br />

načelnika GŠSV polkovniku Antonu Tunji. Polkovnik<br />

Ošljak se je <strong>za</strong>hvalil vsem sodelavcem<br />

<strong>za</strong> dobro sodelovanje pri opravljanju nalog in<br />

novemu poveljniku <strong>za</strong>želel čim več uspehov pri<br />

vodenju enote.<br />

Spremljamo<br />

m Chronicle<br />

Poček,<br />

23rd November - 13th December<br />

A three-week training of the servicemembers<br />

of the 74th Armoured-Mechanised Battalion<br />

from Maribor took place at the central military<br />

training grounds of the Slovenian Armed<br />

Forces. The servicemembers focused mainly<br />

on theoretical procedures of the crews of<br />

the armoured-mechanised units and combat<br />

vehicles command as well as on firing with<br />

the weapons on M-55S tank and armoured<br />

transport vehicles.<br />

Poljče, 9th - 17th December<br />

A Danish - Slovenian seminar concerning the<br />

host country support plan took place at the<br />

Defence Training Centre in Poljče. 79 participants<br />

from RS ministries, government administrations,<br />

business companies, institutions<br />

and organisations, which, according to the RS<br />

Government decree, are of special importance<br />

for Slovenian defence, took part in the seminar.<br />

The main aims of the seminar were the education<br />

and training for the implementation of the<br />

host country support plan in Sovenia, which<br />

the RS Government passed on 16th October<br />

last year, as well as NATO procedures for the<br />

preparation of the agreements and plans for<br />

host country support.<br />

Ljubljana, 17th December<br />

After having carried out the scheduled visits of<br />

the seven NATO invitee countries, Parliamentary<br />

State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry<br />

of Defence, Walter Kolbow met with RS State<br />

Secretary Milan Jazbec, PhD, in order to sign<br />

the Guidelines for the long-term political-military<br />

coperation between the Federal Ministry of<br />

Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany and<br />

Slovenian Ministry of Defence. Parliamentary<br />

State Secretary Kolbow was alco received by RS<br />

Minister of Defence, Anton Grizold, PhD.<br />

Ljubljana, 17th December<br />

At the Franc Rozman - Stane barracks in Ljubljana<br />

a military ceremony took place to mark the occasion<br />

of the Day of the 1st SAF Brigade. The ceremony<br />

was attended by high representatives of the RS<br />

Ministry of Defence, resident military and defence<br />

attachés as well as by high commissioned officers<br />

of the Slovenian Armed Forces. 1st SAF brigade is<br />

Slovenia’s biggest professional military unit, today<br />

it comprises 1680 professional SAF servicemembers.<br />

The key-note speaker at the ceremony was<br />

Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed<br />

Forces, Major General Ladislav Lipič<br />

Ljubljana, 18th December<br />

A presentation of the new SAF servicemember<br />

uniforms took place at the RS Ministry of<br />

Defence. The new uniforms will be tested in<br />

the next six months by 60 commissioned and<br />

non-commissioned officers if the SAF. Instead<br />

of the present khaki brown uniforms in the future<br />

professional SAF servicemembers will be<br />

wearing dark blue-grey-green uniforms.<br />

Pokljuka, 7th - 11th January<br />

SAF sportsmen and sportswomen, among them<br />

the best biathlon competitors Janez Marič, Marko<br />

Dolenc, Andreja Mali and Tadeja Brankovič, took<br />

part in the biathlon world cup competition. Marko<br />

Dolenc, who was placed ninth in sprint, was the<br />

best Slovenian competitor. The competition was<br />

organised and carried out by RS Ministry of Defence<br />

and the Slovenian Armed Forces. President<br />

of the Organisation Committee was Chief of the<br />

SAF General Staff, Major General Ladislav Lipič.<br />

Brnik, 9th January<br />

On the occasion of the Slovenian Military<br />

Aviation day, 12th January, a ceremonious<br />

line-up of the Slovenian Military Aviation servicemembers<br />

took place at the Brnik aviation<br />

base. The most deserving servicemembers<br />

were presented with award certificates for<br />

their participation in the international military<br />

aviation exercise Coperative Key 2003.<br />


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