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enotnost naših narodov, da bom zvesto izpolnjevalnaloge za okrepitev in razvoj teh pridobitevin da bom do zadnjega diha zvest naroduin svoji domovini Federativni ljudski republikiJugoslaviji. Če prekršim to svojo slovesno prisego,naj me zadene neusmiljena kazen vojaškegazakona, splošno sovraštvo in prezir našihnarodov in prekletstvo domovine.«Neobvezen sklepOb koncu tega zgodovinskega opisa, kdaj,komu in kaj so slovenski uporniki, prostovoljciin vojaki prisegali ali (za)obljubljali, ne bomdelal nobene znanstvene analize niti primerjave,kaj je katera vojaška prisega pomenila vživljenju vojaka oz. vojske. Zlasti ne želim razpravljatio posledicah neizpolnjevanja prisegeali hujših kršitev. Ker naj bi vsaka prekršitevvojaške prisege pomenila tudi smrtno obsodbo– v prisegi AOV je bilo to tudi neposredno poudarjeno–, sem se odločil, da ta opis končam zizkušnjo najstarejše vojske na svetu, dva tisočlet stare cerkvene »vojske«.Priznani slovenski teolog, dr. Jožef Korošak– pater Bruno, mi je odgovoril takole:»Načelno naj bi veljalo, da se redovne induhovniške zaobljube ne morejo primerjati sprisegami ali zaobljubami vojakov.Bog je edini, ki lahko zahteva, da mu žrtvujemotudi naše življenje. V vseh stoletjihčloveštva pa so se vedno našli številni vladarji,od faraonov do različnih partijskih šefov, kiso si domišljali, da jim je Bog podelil oblastrazpolagati z življenjem drugih, ki z različnimivrstami priseg izjavijo, da so pripravljeni zanjeali za njihove ideologije žrtvovati tudi svoje življenje,sprejemati sankcije in podobno.Kristus je jasno prepovedal vsake vrste prisege.V evangeliju po Mateju 5, 34.37 je rečeno:»Jaz pa vam pravim: sploh ne prisegajte!«in po Jakobu 5, 12: » Predvsem pa, moji bratje,ne prisegajte, ne pri nebu ne pri zemlji, ne skako drugo prisego.«Bodoči vojaški ordinariat SV bo verjetnomoral zahtevati ukinitev »slovesne prisege« vSlovenski vojski. V poklicni vojski je prisega lelepotni dodatek in spomin na nekdanje pravevojaške prisege.“I, (name and surname), swear by my honourand life to loyally, self-sacrificially and impartiallyperform my service in line with the laws and ordersof my superiors; to unconditionally and in a disciplinedmanner execute my superiors’ orders; to protectofficial secrets and the reputation of the nationalmilitia at any time and place. I swear to be alertin protecting the gains of the national liberationstruggle, the constitutional order, national authorityand the brotherhood and unity of our nations; toloyally execute tasks for the reinforcement and developmentof these gains and to remain loyal to mynation and homeland, the Federal People’s Republicof Yugoslavia, to the last breath. Should I break thissolemn oath, I may be ruthlessly punished by militarylaw, endure general hatred and contempt of ournations and be cursed by my homeland.”Optional ConclusionIn the conclusion of this historical description ofwhen, to whom and with what words the Slovenianinsurgents, volunteers and soldiers swore or promised,I will not conduct any scientific analysis ormutual comparison of the significance a certainmilitary oath had in the life of a soldier or army. Iparticularly do not wish to discuss the consequencesof non-compliance with an oath or its serious violation.As every violation of a military oath resulted ina death sentence – the oath of the Austro-HungarianArmy is very explicit in this regard – I have decidedto conclude this description with the experience ofthe oldest army in the world, the two thousand yearold church “army”.The renowned Slovenian theologian, Dr. JožefKorošak – Father Bruno, gave the followingstatement:“As a principle, monastic and ecclesiastical vowsmay not be compared to oaths and promises ofsoldiers.God is the only one who can demand that wesacrifice our lives to him. In the course of centuries,there were numerous rulers, from pharaohs to variousparty leaders, who believed God had given themthe authority to dispose with the lives of others whohad to take various oaths to state they are willing tosacrifice their own lives for these leaders and theirideologies, to accept punishments and so on.Christ has clearly forbidden all kinds of oaths. InMatthew 5:34-37 it is written: ‘But I say unto you,swear not at all!’ and in James 5:12: ‘But above allthings, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven,neither by the earth, neither by any other oath’.158 • V O J A Š K A Z G O D O V I N A

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