Ferskvandssymposiet 2010 - Ferskvandssymposiet 2012

Ferskvandssymposiet 2010 - Ferskvandssymposiet 2012

Ferskvandssymposiet 2010 - Ferskvandssymposiet 2012


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Posters tema 4 – Klimaeffekter på ferske vande<br />

Tema 4 – Klimaeffekter på ferske vande<br />

4.1 Salinity tolerance of genetically different clones of Phragmites australis.<br />

Luciana Achenbach og Hans Brix<br />

Department of Plant Biology, Biologisk Institut, Aarhus University, Ole Worms Alle 1, 8000, Århus C<br />

The understanding of salt tolerance mechanisms in non-halophytes is extremely important in<br />

relation to the current climate change scenarios, which assume reduced surface water<br />

supplies, low quality groundwater and sea level increase. All these aspects suggest that soil<br />

salinity will naturally increases at high rates.<br />

The aim of this study is to investigate the salt tolerance of 16 different Phragmites australis<br />

clones, with different ploidy levels (4n, 6n, 8n, 10n, 12n) and different origins (Romania,<br />

Russia, Japan, Czech Republic).<br />

The clones were exposed to increasing salinity, from 8 ppt to 72 ppt. The effects of treatment<br />

on growth, photosynthesis, transpiration, stomata conductance, as well as organ specific ion<br />

accumulation were measured.<br />

Salt stress strongly reduced plant-height, as well as chlorophyll and carotenoids content in all<br />

clones. The physiological parameters significantly differed, the sensitive clones lowering their<br />

photosynthesis, transpiration rate and stomata conductance already at concentrations of 16<br />

ppt, while tolerant clones showed significant stress signs over 40 ppt.<br />

Furthermore, the ion distribution in different plant organs was investigated on the surviving<br />

plants harvested at the end of the experiment. It was revealed that the vacuoles of the old<br />

leaves had been used by plants as deposits for salt specific ions (Na+, Cl-), while other parts<br />

of the plant, like the roots, were not capable of storage, being damaged by this ion deposition.<br />

All in all, Phragmites australis presents high tolerance towards salt stress, as well as significant<br />

variability among the clones. These responses can be attributed to the genotypic structure and<br />

the degree of phenotypic plasticity. Further investigation is required for a more complete<br />

understanding of these tolerance mechanisms.<br />

4.2 Klimaafledte faktorers betydning for reguleringen af ørredpopulationer -<br />

Case studie af ørredpopulationen i Kalvemose Å.<br />

Rune Olsen, Eva Bøgh og Martin Olsen<br />

Roskilde Universitet, Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring (ENSPAC), 4000 Roskilde,<br />

www.ecohydrology.ruc.dk, e-mail ruol@ruc.dk<br />

Ørredpopulationers regulering påvirkes af en lang række af forskellige faktorer, som<br />

overordnet kan inddeles i to undergrupper; densitetsafhængige faktorer og<br />

densitetsuafhængige faktorer. Processerne bag de densitetsafhængige faktorer kan i princippet<br />

være både positive og negative, hvilket vil sige at individets sandsynlighed for at overleve, kan<br />

både falde og stige med densiteten. De densitetsuafhængige faktorer er derimod ikke<br />

afhængige af bestandstætheden og kan påvirke mortaliteten i alle livsstadier og ved alle<br />

tætheder. Vandløbets vandføring og temperatur er vigtige eksempler på dette, hvorfor også<br />

klimaet er vigtigt, da variationer i disse faktorer et tæt knyttet til variationer i klimaet. På trods<br />

af dette er antallet af undersøgelser omhandlende klimaafledte faktorers betydning for<br />

reguleringen af ørredpopulationer begrænsede. Specielt studier over længere tidsperioder er<br />

sjældne og en af de primære årsager hertil, er manglende ørreddata.<br />

Formålet med dette projekt er at undersøge hvordan klimaafledte faktorer påvirker ørredernes<br />

populationsudvikling over en længere periode. Kalvemose Å på Sjælland er valgt som case<br />


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