15.01.2014 Aufrufe

X-WiN Confidential - DFN-Verein

X-WiN Confidential - DFN-Verein

X-WiN Confidential - DFN-Verein


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24 | <strong>DFN</strong> Mitteilungen Ausgabe 84 | Mai 2013 | INTERNATIONAL<br />

3. Global Service Delivery – An initial group of seven of the CEO<br />

Forum’s NRENs are aligning their efforts on Global Service Delivery<br />

and are collaborating on creating business models and<br />

developing contracts to work with cloud providers on a global<br />

scale. This initiative is not without significant challenge, specifically<br />

with respect to achieving common global legal agreements.<br />

The progress of this project requires rapid global development<br />

and implementation in order for the sectors across the world<br />

to seize immediate cost and efficiency benefits in the effective<br />

delivery of market leading technology solutions.<br />

4. Global Federated Identity Management – To support the effective<br />

global use of cloud services and on-line learning environments<br />

such as MOOCs, the CEOs committed to interconnect<br />

each of their federations before the end of 2013. This effort will<br />

be aligned such that the Global Realtime Communications Exchange<br />

and the Global Service Delivery can build on the interfederation<br />

work. This interfederation platform is a fundamental<br />

building block ensuring seamless linkages of both people and<br />

projects across both national and regional boundaries. It was<br />

recognized that if the global NREN community did not pursue<br />

this approach as a matter of urgency there was a risk that less<br />

appropriate and fragmented solutions would be adopted which<br />

would be highly detrimental to the coherence of global research<br />

and educational collaboration.<br />

In addition to these four challenge areas, there also was significant<br />

discussion around the areas of both security and mobility,<br />

particularly with the exponential growth in BYOD (bring your<br />

own device) and the increased risk profile as big data hits extraordinary<br />

growth rates. The CEOs created two new groups. The<br />

first one to determine how we can keep our networks and services<br />

both open and secure. The second one on how to take away<br />

barriers in global mobile communications for our community,<br />

leading to clearly developed action plans in order to assess and<br />

address any R&E market failure.<br />

On the area of working with existing global or regional expert<br />

groups, the CEOs acknowledged their commitment to work with<br />

these groups to determine how their efforts can contribute to<br />

the initiatives of the Global R&E Network CEO Forum.<br />

The CEO Forum will continue to move forward with regular video<br />

conferences and will meet again face to face to ensure progress<br />

against the specific project milestones. The strategic importance<br />

of countries with emerging NRENs was clearly recognized<br />

by the group with the next face to face meeting scheduled<br />

to be held in South Africa at the end of 2013, a location which exemplifies<br />

with a view to exploring further the advanced needs<br />

of the global research community with the Square Kilometer<br />

Array and the specific needs of developing NREN communities.<br />

The Global R&E Network CEO Forum consists of the Chief Executive<br />

Officers of AARNet (Australia), CANARIE (Canada), CERNET<br />

(China), CUDI (Mexico), DANTE (Europe), <strong>DFN</strong> (Germany), Internet2<br />

(USA), Janet (UK), NORDUnet (European Nordics), REANNZ (New<br />

Zealand), RedCLARA (Latin America), RENATER (France), RNP (Brazil),<br />

and SURFnet (The Netherlands). (kh) M<br />

Foto: © R_by_PD bearb.GS_pixelio.de

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