18.07.2014 Aufrufe

LISREL / SIMPLIS: Strategien zur Beurteilung der Modellanpassung ...

LISREL / SIMPLIS: Strategien zur Beurteilung der Modellanpassung ...

LISREL / SIMPLIS: Strategien zur Beurteilung der Modellanpassung ...


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Dr. Wolfgang Langer - Methoden VI: Aufbaukurs <strong>LISREL</strong> - WiSe 1999/2000 - 18<br />

Tab.2:<br />

Daumenregeln für die Interpretation des RMSEA - Maßes<br />

(Browne&Cudeck 1993)<br />

RMSEA-Maß:<br />

RMSEA 0,05<br />

<strong>Beurteilung</strong> des Modellfits:<br />

Guter Fit: Modell bestätigt.<br />

0,05 < RMSEA 0,08 Mäßiger Fit: Modell tendenziell bestätigt.<br />

RMSEA > 0,10<br />

Schlechter Fit: Modell wi<strong>der</strong>legt.<br />

Hayduk (1996) bezieht ausdrücklich Stellung gegen die sich abzeichnende Flut neuer Anpassungmaße:<br />

„Researchers interested in structural equation modeling as a tool, and not as a vocation, are<br />

advised to awoid detailed pursuit of the plethora of new fit indices for the next few years. For<br />

most purposes it is sufficient to report the $ 2 test (and its probability) as long as this is complemented<br />

by a discussion of model parsimony as evidenced in the $ 2 degrees of freedom, a<br />

discussion of the degree of test sensitivity provided by the sample size, a report of the adjusted<br />

goodness of fit index (AGFI) and a discussion of any noticeable patternings in the residuals.<br />

Having fully reported and discussed $ 2 and having mentioned the AGFI index, one should turn<br />

one‘s attention to more detailed indices of particular components of the model fit, or to alternative<br />

models, or to equivalent models, or to consi<strong>der</strong>ations of the styles of data that might<br />

substantively distinguish between models, or whatever it is that is of import in the relevant<br />

literature.“ (Ders. 1996, S. 201)

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