17.03.2015 Aufrufe

Programm - MEDICE.CH - Salmon Pharma

Programm - MEDICE.CH - Salmon Pharma

Programm - MEDICE.CH - Salmon Pharma


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27<br />

Congress Opening<br />

Thinking about feelings<br />

Chair: Wolfgang Maier (Bonn)<br />

Speaker: António Damásio (Los Angeles, USA)<br />

Plenary Lecture<br />

Parental regulation of the structure and function of the<br />

genome in the offspring: Implications for familial transmission<br />

and treatment programs<br />

Chairs: Peter Falkai (Munich)<br />

Andreas Heinz (Berlin)<br />

Speaker: Michael Meaney (Quebec, Canada)<br />

Lectures<br />

What can Psychiatry contribute to the understanding of<br />

extreme violence?<br />

Chair: Thomas E. Schläpfer (Bonn)<br />

Speaker: Ulrik Malt (Oslo, Norway)<br />

Mental Health of European youth and scientific evidence for<br />

the suicide treatment and prevention<br />

Chairs: Peter Falkai (Munich)<br />

Wolfgang Maier (Bonn)<br />

Speaker: Danuta Wasserman (Stockholm, Sweden)<br />

Future of psychiatric services in the 21st century<br />

Chairs: Iris Hauth (Berlin)<br />

Meryam Schouler-Ocak (Berlin)<br />

Speaker: Dinesh Bhugra (London, United Kingdom)<br />

Mental disorders and their care through history in Egypt<br />

Chairs: Wolfgang Maier (Bonn)<br />

Peter Falkai (Munich)<br />

Speaker: Tarek A. Okasha (Kairo, Egypt)<br />

Special Sessions<br />

Breakthroughs in Psychiatry: Depression<br />

Overcoming roadblocks in the development of truly novel<br />

Antidepressant strategies by research<br />

Chair:<br />

Thomas E. Schläpfer (Bonn)<br />

Speakers: Alan F. Schatzberg (Stanford, USA)<br />

Florian Holsboer (Munich)<br />

Conflicts of interest – European approaches<br />

Chairs:<br />

Wolfgang Maier (Bonn)<br />

Peter Falkai (Munich)<br />

Psychiatry in Australia and nearby lands<br />

Chairs:<br />

Norman Sartorius (Geneva, Switzerland)<br />

Peter Falkai (Munich)<br />

Presidents symposia<br />

Jaspers' General Psychopathology – international perspectives<br />

Chairs:<br />

Wolfgang Maier (Bonn)<br />

Martin Heinze (Rüdersdorf)<br />

Positive Meanings of Psychiatry<br />

Chairs:<br />

Norman Sartorius (Geneva, Switzerland)<br />

Wolfgang Maier (Bonn)<br />

Presidential Debates<br />

New psychiatric classification – who is served, who is disserved<br />

Chairs:<br />

Wolfgang Maier (Bonn)<br />

Andreas Heinz (Berlin)<br />

Speakers: Allen J. Frances (Coronado, USA)<br />

Alan F. Schatzberg (Stanford, USA)<br />

Arising questions on antidepressant therapy<br />

Chairs: Thomas E. Schläpfer (Bonn)<br />

Eckart Rüther (Feldafing)<br />

Speakers: Irving Kirsch (Boston, USA)<br />

Elias Eriksson (Gothenburg, Sweden)<br />

David Healy (Cardiff, United Kingdom)<br />

Hans-Jürgen Möller (München)<br />


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