17.03.2015 Aufrufe

Programm - MEDICE.CH - Salmon Pharma

Programm - MEDICE.CH - Salmon Pharma

Programm - MEDICE.CH - Salmon Pharma


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29<br />

Psychiatry in post-Soviet states: common past – different<br />

future?<br />

Chairs: Dzmitry Krupchanka (Minsk, Belarus)<br />

Nikita Bezbordovs (Riga, Latvia)<br />

Psychosocial and genetic determinants of brain structure<br />

and activation<br />

Chairs: Hans Grabe (Greifswald)<br />

Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Mannheim)<br />

Schizophrenia as immunological disorder<br />

Chairs: Peter Falkai (Munich)<br />

Norbert Müller (Munich)<br />

Self-regulation of brain activity using neurofeedback: experimental<br />

approaches and clinical applications<br />

Chairs: Gabriele Ende (Mannheim)<br />

Rosemarie Klütsch (Mannheim)<br />

Single symptom approaches in schizophrenia: neuronal correlates<br />

of auditory hallucinations and language related symptoms<br />

Chairs: Jürgen Gallinat (Berlin)<br />

Werner-Konrad Strik (Bern, Switzerland)<br />

The future of Personality Disorders<br />

Chair: Sabine C. Herpertz (Heidelberg)<br />

The influence of sociocultural contextual factors on Lesbian,<br />

Gay, Bisexual and Transgender’s (LGBT) mental health<br />

Chairs: Götz Mundle (Berlin)<br />

Gabriele Dennert (Berlin)<br />

Trauma-related psychopathology – new aspects<br />

Chairs: Petra Ludäscher (Mannheim)<br />

Katja Wingenfeld (Berlin)<br />

www.medicawiki.eu: a psychopharmacological decision support<br />

system<br />

Chairs: Mariska de Roo (Amersfoort, The Netherlands)<br />

Walter Broekema (Amersfoort, The Netherlands)<br />

State-of-the-Art-Symposia<br />

Addictive disorders<br />

Chairs:<br />

Gabriele Fischer (Vienna, Austria)<br />

Falk Kiefer (Mannheim)<br />

Anxiety disorders and OCD<br />

Chairs:<br />

Bipolar Disorder<br />

Chairs:<br />

Borwin Bandelow (Göttingen)<br />

Fritz Hohagen (Lübeck)<br />

Thomas E. Schläpfer (Bonn)<br />

Michael Bauer (Dresden)<br />

Borderline Personality Disorder<br />

Chairs:<br />

Dementia<br />

Chairs:<br />

Sabine C. Herpertz (Heidelberg)<br />

Christian Schmahl (Mannheim)<br />

Frank Jessen (Bonn)<br />

Johannes Kornhuber (Erlangen)<br />

Psychotic disorders<br />

Chairs:<br />

Peter Falkai (Munich)<br />

Christoph U. Correll (New York, USA)<br />

Treatment of Major Depression<br />

Chairs: Erich Seifritz (Zürich, Switzerland)<br />

Mathias Berger (Freiburg)<br />


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