12.07.2015 Aufrufe

deutsch - E-key

deutsch - E-key

deutsch - E-key


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ENGLISHA: RECORD THE ADMIN FINGERPRINTSThe further operation of the system is only possible via the fingerprint scanner. First of all 4 ADMIN FINGERPRINTShave to be recorded. The ADMIN FINGERPRINTS are exclusively used to program the system. You cannot trigger anyaccess with the recorded ADMIN FINGERPRINTS.Select fingers for the ADMIN FINGERPRINTS which you will normally NOT use for access! We recommendrecording 2 fingerprints from 2 different people.STARTDISPLAYSWIPE ADMINFINGER 1DISPLAY DISPLAY Repeat DISPLAYFINISHEDRepeat the sequencefromforADMIN FINGERPRINTS2,3 and 44ADMINFINGERPRINTS have beenrecorded. Now savethe USERFINGERPRINTS!DISPLAYADMIN FINGERPRINT NOT SAVED(BAD FINGER IMAGE). Try again fromand observe the notes onCORRECT FINGER SWIPING !!B: RECORD USER FINGERPRINTSOnce the ADMIN FINGERPRINTS have been recorded the USER FINGERPRINTS can be recorded. Proceed as follows:STARTDISPLAYSwipe ANYADMINFINGERPRINTDISPLAYFINGER TOUCH(within 5seconds!)DISPLAYSwipe USERFINGERDISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAYFINISHEDTHE USER FINGERPRINT hasbeen properly recorded. ACCESSis possible straight away withthis FINGER!DISPLAYDISPLAYUSER FINGER NOT SAVED(BAD FINGER IMAGE). Try againand observe the notes onCORRECT FINGER SWIPING !!20

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