12.07.2015 Aufrufe

deutsch - E-key

deutsch - E-key

deutsch - E-key


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B: ADMINISTRATION MODETo administer the system you have to switch to administration mode. Here you can:Delete a defined USER FINGERPRINT.Delete all USER FINGERPRINTS.Reset the systemWARNING! All recorded USER FINGERPRINTS AND ADMIN FINGERPRINTS are deleted!The devices do, however, remain connected.To administrate your system please proceed as follows:STARTDISPLAYSwips ANYADMIN FINGER1DISPLAYFlashinggreenWaitapprox. 5secondsDISPLAYFlashinggreen at adifferentspeed -slowerFINGERTOUCH(within 5seconds!)DISPLAY(alternatelyflashinggreen)DELETE ALL USERFINGERPRINTSSwipe the SAMEADMIN FINGER as1DISPLAYDISPLAYFINISHEDALLUSERFINGERPRINTSdeleted!SYSTEM RESETSwipe aDIFFERENTADMIN FINGER to1DISPLAYDISPLAYFINISHEDfSYSTEMRESET!DELETE AUSERFINGERPRINTSwipe the USERFINGER to bedeletedDISPLAYDISPLAYFINISHEDUSERFINGERPRINTdeleted!21

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