09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...


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Jotannes Scliinf,<br />

Johannes Gerber,<br />

Friederich Gätzinger,<br />

George Shwartz,*<br />

Joh. A. Winckler,<br />

Nickel Heist,<br />

Matheas Schouk,*<br />

Vallentin Edelman,*<br />

Hans Redman,*<br />

George Truke,*<br />

Wendel Scherr,<br />

Joh. Nicolaus Porrath,<br />

Joh. Philip Beyer,*<br />

Joh. Henrich Moths,<br />

Joh. Balthas Hetzler,<br />

Joh. Georg Kr<strong>of</strong>t,<br />

Joh. Michel Kabel,<br />

Joh. Michael Kabel sen.,<br />

Hans Peter Gembler,*<br />

Hans Mich. Gembler,*<br />

Joh. Hen. Blumenschein,<br />

Johan Peter Heist,<br />

Michel Beed,<br />

Joseph Scholl,<br />

Johannes Grauer,<br />

Christoph Nutts,*<br />

Johannes Buchter,<br />

Johannes Nibling,<br />

Adam Edelman,<br />

Gotlieb Volck,*<br />

Andreas Welker,*<br />

Johan Adam Joh,<br />

Johan Jacob Joh,<br />

Johannes Jotter,<br />

Augustinus Ginter,<br />

Peter SchäflFer,*<br />

Casper Walser,<br />

Frederick Lewy,*<br />

Johannes Müller,<br />

Adam Luick,<br />

Philip Lautenschleger,<br />

Phil. Jacob Kreysh,*<br />

Johannes Graber,*<br />

Christ<strong>of</strong>fel Nagel,*<br />

Peter Brunner,*<br />

Joh. Adam Getz,<br />

Adam GeiTuan,*<br />

Adam Geisinger,<br />

Joh. Philip Gerg,<br />

Johannes Klinger,*<br />

Martin <strong>Rau</strong>sch,<br />

J. Balthas Jegel,*<br />

J. George Folk,*<br />

Valentin Schuck,<br />

Martin Schäffer,<br />

Peter KUl,*<br />

Alexander Klinger,<br />

Nickolaus Beissel,<br />

Conrad Menges,<br />

Peter Brunner,<br />

J. Adam Beiffweg,*<br />

Joh. Philip Heist,<br />

Geo. Adam Ewald,*<br />

Joh. Philip laxthemer,<br />

Hans Jacob Wagner,<br />

Joh. Christ<strong>of</strong> Kintzinger,<br />

Hans Georg Fischer,<br />

Joh. Martin Schuck,<br />

George Michael Herold,*<br />

Hans Martin Strein,*<br />

Hans Georg Dreher,<br />

Hans Georg Edelman,<br />

Joh. WUhehn Volck,<br />

Johan Peter Horg,<br />

Johan Michel loh,<br />

Hans Peter Jotter,<br />

Hans Conrad Rärich,<br />

Johan Georg Menges,<br />

Mattheus Nunnenmacher,<br />

Joh. Adam Heckman,<br />

Hans George Nagel,*<br />

Johannes Hiickman,

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